Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Aug 1940, p. 4

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Sat’y,Aug.- 31$ Mrs. Mary Hartin ‘ 20 RICHMOND ST. RICHMOND HILL head, good 1 Kitchen Table 2 Kitchen Chairs Washer and Wringer Cook Stove, Findlay, nearly new Heater, Good Cheer Set Dishes 1 Clothes Basket Window Blinds, new Flour Tin 1 Sugar Tin Roaster 6 Pillows Wardrobes 1 Washstand Clothes Horse 3 Pair Curtains Ship Radio Lamp Woolcot Blankets Pairs Blankets. Lounge 1 Electric Iron Mirror, 14x18 Rocker Ice Refrigerator, good as new Floor Polisher Curtain Rods Hand Worked Bed Spreads, never been used, exceptionally good Pictures 1 Tea Kettle 2 Frying Pans 1 Drip Pan 1 Kitchen Grocery Set 1 Water Set 1 Grass Shears NHHHHHNNHHNHHU‘HHHH Commevnci'ng at 1 «mock D.S.T. 3-Piece Chesterfield 9-Piece Dining Suite, nearly new 1 Radio, Philco, highboy, good 1 Small Table 1 Mirror 26x32 1 Bookcase, good as new 1 Magazine Rack 1 Congoleum Rug, 9x15, nearly new 1 Table Lamp 1 Radio Lamp 1 Dresser 1 Wash Stand 2 Beds, Springs and Mattresses 1 Kitchen Cabinet, good 6-Piece Kitchen Suite, nearly new 1 sewing Machine, Singer, drop- 1 Water Set 1 Grass Shears 1 Lawn Mower, new this year, Tay- lor Forbes Other Dishes 1 Lawn Seat 5 Window Screens Number of Good Books, some Dickâ€" Colonel Lindbergh thinks that the United States will be able to co- operate with Hitler should the Nazis Win the war. Well, there is no ques- tion abOut Hitler’s willingness to co- operate. Marshal Petain is an illus- tration of it.â€"Globe & Mail. Auction Sale ens’ works. ‘ Other Artlcles too numerous to mentxon Furniture, Etc. Dance MARKHAM Aug. 30th UNIONVILLE JR. FARMERS Its Money in Your Pocket he Floor will be in perfect shape for good Dancing PAGE FOUR Phone 10, The Elevator Admission 35c. Why not enjoy that satisfied feeling of having your Winter’s supply in your bin. Place your order with us. To put in your winter’s supply of coal now. You can get better prices, better service, more careful preparation. MAX BOAG’S ORCHESTRA N0. 1 Anthracite REFRESHMENTS AT BOOTH I. D. Ramer & Son TERMS:â€"CASH J. CARL SAIGEON, Auct The Property of ARENA FRIDAY, _0F_ 1 Clothes Basket new 1 Sugar Tin 6 Pillows 1 Washstand 3 Pair Curtains Blower Coal SATURDAY, AUG. 3151; â€" Auction 'sale of furniture, etc. the property of Mrs. Mary Hartin, 20 Richmond Street, Richmond Hill. Terms cash. Sale atlp.m.D.S.T. J. Carl Saigeon, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, SEPT. 7â€"Public Auc- tion Sale of farm stock, implements, antique and other furniture, etc. the property of Emery Mathewson, lot 21, coh. 4 Vaughan, half mile west of Maple. Sale at 12 noon standard time. No‘reserve as farm is sold. Terms cash. J. C. Saigeon, Auc- tioneer. Capacity to produce is affected by our ability to import. Modern in- dustry represents the importation of raw materials which can be produced 2 more cheaply abroad than at home. It would be folly at a time like this to ‘waste effort by producing in Canada a product which we could obtain more cheaply â€"â€" that is with less “cost; in human effort â€"â€" by pro- ducing something else and exchang- ing it for the things we need. “Raw material" in the sense in which it is here used, means pro- ducts used in Canadian factories in the production of other products. Steel is a finished product, but it is the raw material of shipyards and a raw material for tanks. The lack of ability to import â€"; due to the stranglehold of the Brit- ish navy, forces Germany and Italy to expend far more labour power in production than either country would ’be compelled to devote to this pur- pose under normal conditions. In war we seek to produce more with less effort. Our blockade of the axis powers compels them to re, verse this process â€"- to produce less with more effort. The measure of change in this connection is shown by a total increase in our imports WED, SEPT. 18â€"Pub1ic auction sale of farm implements and stock, the property of Theodorous A. Trijssen- aar, west half lot 23, con. 4 Vaughan Township. Terms cash. Sale at 12.45 o’clock standard time. Further particulars later. J. C. Saigeon, auctioneer. WED, SEPT. 18â€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc., including brand new Fordson tractor and equipment, just used a few days, the propenty of W. C. Cherry, Lot 11, Con. 7 Markham, No. 7 Highway. Sale at 1 p.m. ’sharp. No reserve as farm is rent- ed. J. H. Prentice, Auctioneer. in the first six months of this year, of $175,000,000 the increase in ex- ports was $145,000,000. The figures for June, the last month available, show an increase of $34,500,000 in merchandise exports and $27,000,000 in imports. There was also a sub- stantial increase in exports of non- monetary gold. Canadian trade, despite war, moves upward and: helps to carry the bur- den of the war. The increased de- mand for labour has led to the Na}: tional Registration â€"â€" the hope is to “speed up production by drawing more men into the army of workers. Many more will be needed. The war is not yet over. TUESDAY, AUG. 27â€"Auction Sale Household Furniture, the property of Mrs. Mabel Hoover, Gormley. Terms cash. Sale at 1.30 pm. A. S. Farmâ€" er, Auctioneer. See small bills. LIBERAL FREE TO SOLDIERS The Liberal will be sent free to any boys from this district serving in His Majesty’s Forces anywhere. Just send us the name and address and the paper will be sent weekly. Trade and War Sale Register Solvay Coke Richmond Hill Registrar Expresses Thanks We Wish to pay tribute to the splendid co-operation received from the numerous patriotic citizens whose efforts have contributed to make the dnd’ertaking of National Registration in York North 21 suc- ' The task given to us was one which no one person or pl‘oup of persons alone could accomplish, therefore it is with pride and grati- tude that we acknowledge the help rendered us by every organization and individual concerned, of what- ever character or relationship, with- out which we should' have failed in the job committed to us. The Liberal, Richmond Hill, Ont To the Editorâ€"- Dear Sir, CESS Whatever mistakes or oversights may have occurred. we trust shall be attributed to our meal, rather than to any other cause or interest. You have rendered Canada and the ’Empire 3. great service and we 'humbly say to all - THANK YOU. Capt. Frank Mesley, J. Bruce MacKinnon, Registrars for York North. The August meeting of the Eben- ezer Junior Farmers and Junior In- stitute was held at the home of Mr. John and Miss Jean Hostrawser last week. The president of the Junior Farmers presided for the opening of the meeting and for the roll call which was answered by “A Canadâ€" ian Made Product”. Mr. Wreford Nix acted as chairman for the pro- gramme and introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Don Fairburn who gave an explanation of CBL. He also spoke on the market situation. Mr. Alex Johnson readavery interesting pap- er entitled “Wheat”. This bringing the programme to a close the boys adjourned. Miss Jean HOStrawser opened the Junior Institute meeting by singing of the Institute Ode followed by the Lord’s Prayer repeated in unison. Miss Gertrude 'Codlin called the members on the roll who responded 'by giving their Pet Economy or by paying the fine. During the busi- ness plans for a picnic were made. It is to be held at Miles Park and Canada’s War Effort 7. The Canadian Government is to spend close to $1,000,000 to streng- then Newfoundland’s land and sea airplane bases at Gander Lake and Botwood, announced- Hon. C. G. Power, Minister of National Defence for Air. These bases have been guarded by Canadian troops since the beginning of the war. 8. Contracts awarded by the De- partment of Munitions and Supply during the past week number 1753 and total $8,067,620. 6. J. S. Duncan, deputy minister of National Defence for Air an- nounced that by the end of the pre- sent year, the British Commonwealth Air Training plan, so far as conâ€" struction of buildings and airdromes is concerned, vull have reachew the objective originally set for the end of 1941. DON FAIRBURN OF CBL, GUEST SPEAKER AT EBENEZER JUNIOR FARMERS a corn roast,will be held at Wm. Kersey’s, the date of which will be announced later. Mrs. C. D. Graham who had consented to be the guest speaker for the evening was unable to be present and her place was taken by Miss Reta Ezard who gave a very complete and interesting pap- er on Current Events. This was fol- lowed by an instructive demonstra- tion on the making of an attractive luncheon cloth by Miss Elsie Elliott. The girls then adjourned for the joint meeting: 3. A total of 300,000 men will be trained during the ensuing year as part of the non-permanent active militia units. 4. Construction cost of the camps will be about $9,000,000. 5. Orders in Council passed ampli- fying the powers of David C. Dick, wool administrator. ~ Due to the inclement weather out- door games were unable to be con- ducted, thus ice cream and cake were served by the committee. Later Mr. Frank Julian extended the apprecia- tion of the Juniors to the Hostraw- ser family for their hOspitality. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Pet- ers at the beginning of October. Messrs. Rankin Kellam and Wreford Gardhouse are the scheduled speak- ers for the boys’ programms and Misses Hazel Codlin, Irene Williams and Dorothea Nix for the girls. SUMMARY 1. Col. J. L. Ralston announced that 30,000 single men of around 21 will be called early in October for thirty days military training. 2. Thirtyâ€"nine military training centres are being prepared across the Dominion. Buy British, Buy Canadian, and help win the war. King City, Ontario, August 22nd, 1940 THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO ‘ It was explained to His Excellency that the antiâ€"aircraft unit was ward- ‘lng off an “enemy air attack” di- 'rectecl at the batteries concealed in 'the foliage at the base of the hill. ’ Dummy tanks were towed acress 'the fields and became the targets ‘for 18â€"pounder guns, fired with open ‘sights. One tank, bearing the Swastika, exploded with a roar as a 'heavy shell made a direct hit. Lord Athlone Pleased With Military Display Over Petawawa Hills Obviously impressed by the smart- ness and efficiency of the troops as ‘they carried out their displays un- der conditions simulating actual com- rbat, the Governor General spent the 'entire afternoon at the training camp before returning to Ottawa. HON. DR. L. J. SIMPSON, Ontario Minister of Education since 1934 who died‘suddenly in Picton last Sunday. He was a former resi- dent of Barrie and represented East Simcoe. Dr. McArthur, deputy min- ister is prominently mentioned as his likely successor. ’ The most spectacular exhibition was a sham battle in one of Peta- twawa’s wide valleys. The Vice Reg- ‘al party, together with high mili- stary officers, watched the show from 'a special stand constructed on the fside of a hill. i More than a mile from the ob- !servation stand was a dummy village 1with the flag of the “enemy” flapp- ing from a steeple. When the “at- ltack” began, field guns opened fire ‘at the base of the hill and the air lwas filled by the shriek of shells ‘as they sped toward their target. v His Excellency, an old soldier 'himself, watched intensely through lfield glasses as the heavy shells smacked the earth near the steeple. ‘When they finally scored direct hits and the “village” had 'been reduced 'to a flaming shambles, His Excell- ency applauded enthusiastically. S0 accurate was the firing that shells were hammering into the centre of ‘che target after the third round had been fired. The crash of heavy artillery and the rumble of mechanical transports echoed through the wooded hills of Petawawa when Lord Athlone, Can- ada‘s new Governor-General, accom~ panied by Princess Alice, visited the big training centre. ' Meanwhile, as field guns bom- barded the “village”, anti-aircraft ’machine guns peprpered floating bal- loons, with tracer bullets. It was His Excellency‘s first inâ€" spection of a Canadian military camp and the series of special displays arâ€" ranged for his benefit testified to the vast strides made by the Domin- ion’s fighting forces since the out- break of war eleven months ago. Bronzed fighting men, trim in Bronzed fighting men, trim in their summer uniforms and sun hel- mets, staged realistic mack 'battles for the Vice-Regal party. At other points along the route taken by their 'Excellencies displays demonstrating practically every activity of an arm- ,ed force, from bridge building to bayonet charges, were given. The ability to do things well is not the monopoly of any one people. Canada is to-day proving that there are virtually few limits to what can be produced in this country, a place which a few years ago was looked upon as the Granary of the Empire. That experience will not be lost on this country. It should prove to us that we can do things in the future which have been looked upon as too formidable in the past. “Do it Yourâ€" self" will be a good enough sign to nail up at the crossroads in Can- ada for all time to comeâ€"(From the Peterboro Examiner.) A cannibal, walking through the jungle with a pretty black girl, was met by a missionary; who Wished him the time of day and then asked: “Aren’t you going to introduce-me to the lady?” “That’s no lady,” replied the can- nibal. “That’s my lunch.” SELF-RELIANCE ONE WAY DISC, nearly new, M.-H J. W. Stephenson, RR. 2 Gormley phone Richmond Hill 4502. GOLF CLUBS, set of 3 matched woods, nearly new, cost $24.00, sell reasonable. G. Huestis, Yonge St., Richvale. 1927 CHEV. COACH in good order. Apply 5 Richmond St., Richmond 4 FRESH COWS. Apply Wesley Clark, R.R. 2 Gormley, p-hone Rich- mond Hill 4704. FARMâ€"74 acres of first class farm land, 9 roomed brick house, bank barn, drilled well with motor, 1 mile to Yonge St., lot 46, 2nd concession Markham. Call after 7 pm. Cora Allen, Richmond Hill. Roseview district. Finder please notify The Liberal Office. Hill 1 BAY HORSE, good to work; 1 Sow due in 7 weeks. Naughton Farm, Elgin Mills, phone RichmOnd Hill 127. MAN’S C.C.M. BICYCLE in good condition, $12. L. Burton, Carrville Rd., Stop 23, Yonge Street, 'phone Maple 764. running oréer; also a good work horse 11 years old‘. F. Burry, 4th con. Markham, just south of No. 7 Highway. 119128 OHEV. COUPE; 1929 Ford' Coupe; 1932 Ford Vâ€"8 DeLuxe Coach; all in good condition, reason- able. Murray Baker, Gormley, phone Stouffville 7315. CHILD’S' ROLLER SKATE, Church- LOSTâ€"In Richmond Hill last Satur- day night a sum of money. Reward. Finder kindly advise The Liberal Office. FULL SIZE SIMMONS BED and matching dresser in ivory, $12; 3- piece verandah set, wicker, $6; cook stove $"; 3 burner coal oil stove with large oven, $7.50. Apply 22 Baker Ave. H‘OUSE on Richmond St., 6 rooms, all conveniences, furnace, garage, good garden. Possession around Sep- tember lst. Apply 87 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. 1928 OLDSMOB‘I'LE COA'CH in good' LADY'S SWEATER, blue, on Sat- urday evening between Kerr’s Bak- ery and north end of village. Re- ward. Finder kindly notify Liberal Office. ' END OF SEASON CLEARANCE of a few Norge Refrigerators. New and reâ€"conditioned radios and washers at special low prices. Also new and re-conditioned auto radios. Yerex’s Electrical Store. MODERN APARTMENT conVenien-t- 1y located, electric range. Apply Lib- eral Office. COTTAGE, hard-wood floors through- out, furnace, village water, central. Apply 0. L. Wright, 1 Wright St., Richmond Hill. FURNISHED ROOM in comfortable home with all conveniences. Apply Box 41, Liberal Office. HOL‘STEIN COWS, dry or fresh, grades and purebreds; also 5-year- old Percheron mare in foal; 1 Gen- eral Purpose Horse. Leechwood Farm, RR. 2 Gormley, 2% miles east of Thornhill, 1 mile south of No. 7 Highway. 6 ROOMEID H‘OUESE in Richmond Hill. Apply Liberal Office. Ontario has exzperienced the lowâ€" est incidence rate in years in infan- tile paralysis, according to Dr. B. T. McGhie, Deputy ‘Minister of Health, who said that from Jan. 1 to Aug. 2, there have been 15 cases with four deaths. APNRTMENT. Apply T. H. Trench Richmond Hill. 1940 POLIO INCIDENCE LOWEST RATE IN YEARS During the epidemic'year of 1937, there were 2,544 cases and in that year there were 747 up to Aug. 2. During the same period in 1938 and 1939 there were 94 and 84 cases re- spectively. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF [T RATESâ€"F1” lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cent; for each subSequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line em each mscrtion. 1F CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. FOR SALE TO RENT LOST THURSDAY, AUGUST LAD 17 helper or Richmond for 2 boys, 5 am Village of Shaw one child. A' Sharon, Ontario STEADY POSITION. atdh‘fimlsewozjk by well qualified girlll‘mpply 'qu 53 The Liberal Office. COOK GENERAL, 3 in family, sleep in, $25.00 monthly. Apply Box 44, Liberal Office. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN to care For free pick-up in your locality call Thos. Allison, Richmond Hill 7 Roy Hollinshead, King 24-r-4 Bert Ireland, Maple 2937 We pay phone charges Straw in exchange for Electric Re- frigerators, Milk Coolers, Ranges, Washers, Radios, 150 models. Write or phone Wa. 4501, B. R. Leech, owner of Leechrwood Farm, Presi- dent of Toronto Radio and Sports, Ltd, 241 Yonge St, Toronto. HORSES, CATTLE, Hay, Grain, (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) GORDON YOUNG Ltd. Toronto Used Cars ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs. upholstering. cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. .N. G. VanDyke, 3 Hunt Avenue. 1936 CHEVROLET MASTER SEDAN HOUSES Raised and Moved. Phone Thornhill 73. t1 WELL DIGGING, also cleaned and repaired. Suitable locations secur- ed by devining. Frank York, Maple J. A. ROSE, Maple, Ont., agent for Melotte and DeLaval cream separat- ors, Lesrter washing machines, Fleury-Bissell plows. Furnace work, eavetroughing and general tinsmith work promptly attended. Your con- tinued patronage solicibed. BRICK BUNGALOW, all conveni- ences, hot water heating, hardw00d, garage. Possession September 131:. Apply A. Mills, 93 Yonge St., Rich- mond Hill, phone 125. WARNING Anyone putting out false statements concerning W. L. Gall of Richvale will be seriously dealt with accord- ingly to the subject to the full ex- tent of the law. ' BRICK HOUSE, No. 14 Roseview Avenue, 6 rooms, all conveniences, garage. Apply W. Tyndall, 1 Rose view Avenue, Richmond Hill. FOR SALE OR RENT USED FORDSON TRACTOR AND PLOW. Little Brothers FORD AND MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174 DEAD HORSES & CATTLE MISCELLANEOUS 1928 FORD TUDOR WANTED $125.00 WANTED $450.00 desires yvork as garage delivery ‘bpy. Telephone Hm '1oer14}" 1 5 and 8 years, and house. Sharon. No objection to $75.00 Apply A. Peregood, Adelaide 3636 22nd, 1940.

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