Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Aug 1940, p. 6

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Prize 87; Bositively'no exhibits will be received alter 11.60 a.m. The Hall will {be open to exhibitors at 9 a.m. and all exhibits must be in position not later than 11.30 am. No exhibit may be removed before 9.30 pm. Doors open to the public at 7.30 pm. L Asters, singleâ€"â€"6 blooms, alike or different, long stems Asters, doubleâ€"6 blooms, alike or different, 2. long stems 3. Sweet Peas, collectionâ€"12 sprays, long stems 4. Dahliasâ€"6 'blooms, alike or different, long stems . 5 Petunias, singleâ€"12 blooms with foliage 6 Petunias, doubleâ€"12 blooms with foliage 7 Stocksâ€"6 sqi‘kes, alike or different, long stem Mignonetteâ€"S spikes, long stems 9. Vellbenasâ€"IZ trusses with foliage on stems 10. Snapdragonsâ€"B spikes, 3 colours 1]. Nasturtiumsâ€"15 blooms with foliage 12. Helleniumâ€"3 stalks 13. Phlox, annualâ€"6 trusses with foliage, long stems Ill. Gladioliâ€"6 spikes, alike or different 16. Iarkspur, annualâ€"«6 spikes, alike or different 16. Salpiglossisâ€"3 sprays, long stems 17. Marigolds, Frenchâ€"6 stalks 18. Marigolds, Scotch (Calendula)â€"6 blooms, long stems 19. IMarigolds, Africanâ€"6 blooms, long stems 20. Gail'ardiaâ€"IZ blooms, alike or different, long stems V 22!. Zinnias, largeâ€"6 blooms with foliage, long stems 22. Zinnias, pompomâ€"IZ bloom: with foliage 23. Zinn‘a, Sc'albiosa or Fantasy or lbothâ€"12 31. 29. 30. SPECIALS Glasses below are all judged _on arrangement, quality and ‘variety.' ‘ I . ‘,__1_AL 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Ontario residents, although they have in their home province an unsurpassed holiday play- ground, are this year “discover- ing” other parts of Canada. Forced by war to stay within the broad bounds of the Dominion, they have found that Canada has, among other attractions, 3 “Rivie- ra” at St. Andrews-by-theâ€"Sea, N.B.; 0111 France in Quebec Pro- \‘ince; a real Swiss village near Lake Louise in the Canadian Rockies and the fiords of Norway on the Pacific Coast. It has been no hardship for these travel loving residents of Ontario to stay in Canada. In addition to the atmosphere and attractions of older lands, they PAGE SIX “let-15v; uuu ennui Collection of perennials, named, in a basket, prizes donated by Endean Nurseries. First valued at $2.50; 2nd $1.50. Gladioli, basket of 12 named (at least 3 vari- eties). lst prize $1.25; 2nd 75c. Asters, vase of 12 blooms. lst prize $1.25; 2nd 75c. â€"Zinnias, basket of Small Flowered (mixed colors). lst prize $1.25; 2nd 756. Zinnias, 10 giants, any colour in ‘bowl or bas- ket.. lst prize $1.25; 2nd 750. Bouquet of White Flowers in a white con- tainer (may use foliage). lst prize $1.25; 2nd 75c. Bouquet of flowers of 2 colours only, with foliage, arranged in a container that will be judged as part of the exhibit, the whole to be not more than 18” high. lst prize, 2nd and 3rd, flower vases, donated by R. D. Little. Table decoration. 6 to 10 roses with green for informal dinner or supper table. lst prize silver plated rose bowl donated by RObt. Simp- son 00.; 2nd $1.25; 3rd 75c.; 4th 50c. Table decoration, other than roses for infor- mal dinner or supper table (not more than 12 in. high). lst prize silver flower 'bowl don- ated Iby T. Eaton C0,; 2nd $1.25; 3rd 75c.; 4th 50c. Basket of flowers for living roam talble. lst prize $1.50;"2nd $1.25; 3rd 75c.; 4th 50c, uvu: Zinngas, pompomâ€"IZ bloom: with foliage Zinn‘a, Sc'albiosa or Fantasy or ’bothâ€"12 blooms with foliage Scabiosaâ€"IZ fblooms with foliage CeIOsia or Coxcombâ€"S spikes Liatrisâ€"3 stalks, long stems Caliopsisâ€"4 sprays Blackeyed Susanâ€"4 stalks HeliOpsisâ€"4 stalks Helichrysum (straw f10we1‘)â€"10 assorted" va- rieties, long stems 'Clarkiaâ€"(i sprays, long stems StaticH sprays, alike or different Heuchera or Coral Bellsâ€"3 sprays Maritime Provinces Have Holiday Appeal FALL FLOWER SHO‘V Staged in the Richmond Hill Arena 'ely no exhibits will be received after 11.30 : List Richmond Hill Horticultural Society Fall Show Wednesday, August 28th. have the freshness of Canadian towns and cities. The charming Maritime Provin- ces have been particularly popular this year. New Brunswick, reach- ed from Eastern Ontario in slightâ€" ly more than half a day by the Canadian Pacific Railway, has all the attributes of a perfect holiday land. The outstanding resort in New Brunswick is St. Andrews- by-theSea on blue Passamaquod- dy Bay. Two splendid golf cour- ses, tennis courts. fishing and hunting in season, boating, hiking and riding are among the more popular sports but all of them take second place to a. sheltered sandy beachâ€"Katy’s Cove, main- spring of summer activities at this world-famous resort. I value $1.00; 2nd 7-5c.; 3rd 506. 49. An original unique or novel display of flow- ers in a small container arranged and exhib- ited by a man, lst prize 50c.; 2nd 25c. 50. Display of cut flowers from amateur garden covering at least 6 ft. in length of twble. lst prize $5.00; 2nd $3.00; 3rd $2.00. 51. Gladioli Seedling, 2 blooms from seedlings obtained from Mr. McCaffl-ey. lst and 2nd prizes, Gladioli corms donated ‘by Mr. Mc- 'Caffrey. Other contributors in cash to the prize list: Bedtford Park Floral 00., $10.00; Mr. J. E. Smith, $2.00; Mr. W. A. Wright, $1.00; Mr. J. A. Greene, $2.00; Mr. W. W. A. Trench, $2.00; Mr. T. H. Trench, $2.00; Dr. J. P. Wilson, $2.00. JUVENILE GENERAL LIST 'All work must be done by exhibitor except plough- ing and spading in gardens. Exhibits in general list must be grown from seeds given at school. Prizes: 1st 356., 2nd 30c., 3rd 20c., 4th 15c. Two Tomatoes Three Carrots Three Beets Twelve Wax Beans A Three Ears of Corn (Golden Bantam) Six Marigold (Crown of Gold) Six Zinnias, large Six Spikes Larkspur Six Straw Flowers. PeeeeewMH 11 and 12 must be 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. (Open to any pupil of Public School) from seeds obtained at school Gardenâ€"Not smaller than 75 square feet. In form round, oval or oblong. planted with flow- ers and vegetables. is: pri‘e $1.010; 2nd 75c.; 3rd 60c.; 4th 50c.; 5th 4%.; 6th 25c. Donated by Drs. R. L. and L. C. L"ngstaff. Collection of 4 Annuals (g1 own ‘by exhibitor) in separate containers each named. 1st prize 75c.; 2nd 6‘0e.,\ 3rd 4%.; 4th 253. Collection of Vegetables (grown by exhibitor) (3 of each). lst prize 753.; 2nd 600.; 3rd 40c.; 4th 250. Donated by C. R. James. Bouquet made from flowers grown by exhib- itor artistically arranged in vase or gar. The arrangement to be made on the morning of the show before the ccmmittee. 1st prize 75s.; 2nd COC.; 3rd 40c; 4th 259. Donated‘ by Mrs. T. H. Anderson and Mrs. Wm. Cook. Bird House or Garden Ornaments (made by “gamma 1=+ nrize 755.: 2nd 508.; 3rd 40.2.; 15 750.; 2nd LUC; aru qua, '-. Mrs. T. H. Anderson and Bird House or Garden C exhibitor). lst prize 75:. 4th 25c. Donated by J. Any type of_ garden in mately 15” by 18” in 5 oval, round, square or p0 prize ated by Jas. E1115. Flower naming contest. .:v'2171(§~ 80c.; Sid 4 1 50c; 3rd 25c. Bird Bath (made by exh height, by 5" across. and lst for girl, donate Moyle. » Nova ‘Scotia is most enjoyably reached from New Brunswick by steamer, the Princess Helene. Na.- turally air-conditioned by cool ocean breezes, the province pos- sesses all the charm of the sea- side. It has scores of coastal re- sorts, two of the better known being The Pines at Digby and Lakeside Inn at Yarmouth. In- land, the Annapolis Valley has many claims to fame. It is the largest “apple orchard" in the British Empire and is historically interesting as the homeland of “Evangeline.” The Cornwallis Inn at Kentville serves this district. Good roads through the interest- ing countryside make driving an unusually attractive pleasure. SPECIALS? lpil of Public School) m see‘ls obtained at school lex than 75 square feet. In 1- oblong. planted with flow- is: pri‘e $1.010; 2nd 75c; THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO ed by Mr. a LA 3531845. miniature aPPTOXi‘ a. 2321/ he oblong: gem in shape. IS‘t - 4th 25c. Don- rown by exhibitor) 53.; 2nd 6043.; 3rd by C. R. James. 3 grown by exhib- 1 vase or gar. The 3n the morning of Lmittee. lst prize 2nd 70 H] 229 2! 61! for boy nd Miss After Harvest Cul- tivation Helps to Control Weeds Is practical and effective, states John D. MacLeod of Ont. Dept. of Agriculture. After-harvest cultivation is one of the most practical and most effect- ive methods of controlling weeds, states John D. MacLeod, Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branch, Ont. Dept. of Agriculture. Plants draw heavily on the food stored in the roots in order to produce flower and seed and they are at their weakest stage immedi- ately after the crop has been re- moved. For the control of annual and win- ter annual weeds, shallow, thorough cultivation is recommended by using the plow, one-way disc, cultivator or disc harrow. Seeds are brought near the srurface by this plan where they germinate and may be killed by subsequent cultivation. An abun- dance of moisture plus the methods outlined above, will destroy milliOns of seedling plants of such weeds as Wild Mustard, Stinkweed, Ragweed, Foxtail, False Flax, Pigweed, Lambs Quarters, Shepherds Purse, etc; For the control of perennial weeds having deep tap roots, such as Blad- der Campion and Chicory, deep plow- ing is recommended as soon as the crop has been removed, followed by cultivation. using wide, sharp shares which overlap . Thorough, frequent cultivation both ways is essential in order to cut roots and bring them to the surface where the sun will assist in destroying them. The “dry-cleaning” method hasl proven the mest effective in con-l trolling weeds with creeping rootâ€"' stocks. Included in this group are four Well known perennials: Field Bindweed. Perennial Sow Thistle, Twitch Grass and Canada Thistle. The disc plow has proven an. effectâ€" 1 ive implement in the control of these ‘ weeds. Deep plowing is needed for‘ Sow Thistle, Canada Thistle and Bindweed, and shallow plowing for Twitch Grass. The field should be left in this rough state as long- as dry weather prevails followed by frequent thorough cultivation. It should be plowed late in the fall and left in the rough state or ridged up for the winter. The use of the disc harrow is not recommended for the control of per- ennial weeds. An abundance of moisture will prove favourable for the control of annual weeds but will upset all plans for the control of perennials, partiâ€" cularly those with underground r001:- stocks. Two objectives should be kept in mind when planning after- harvest cultivation. 1. Practise a green summer fal- low when controlling annualsâ€"per- mit seeds to germinate and destroy them later by cultivation. 2. Practise a black summer fal- low when fighting: winter annuals, bienniais and perennials. Keep the ground absolutely black until frosts will ma possible. After-harvest trol weeds and succeeding .crolp several visitors out with us IN THE SAME BOAT Low, British cartoonist, made a picture a while back which ought to be distributed among American iso- lationists. It showed a boat that was sinking because of a large hole in its stem. Men in that end of the boat were bailing, valiantly but futilely. In the'bow, which thrust ,L -‘IA-I Luullcl'v. an n... -_.., H , crazily upward, three men sat aloof. One of them saying: “Phew! That’s a nasty leak. Thank goodness, it's not at our end of the boat!"â€"â€"(From the Burlington, Iowa, Hawkeye.) yn ake further cultivation im- cultivation will con- will mean a_1arger and greater returns. Rural Boys, Girls Prepare for Fairs Junior competitions to be held at eleven exhibitions this fall. 0M Dept. of Agricultural oflficials stateâ€"over 2500 entries expected. Over 2,500 rural boys and girls will take part in Junior competi- tions at fall fairs this year. This is an increase over last year, Ont. Dept. of Agriculture officials state. While several of the larger exhi-l bitions including the Western Fair" at London and the Central Canada exhibition at Ottawa, are not func- tioning this year owing to the fact ,that their grOunds and buildings have been loaned to the Dept. of Militia, the Dept. of Agriculture has decided to carry on with their Junâ€" ior Farmer Work where possible so that these farm boys of toâ€"day may become the trained agriculturists 0f to-morrow. The Junior competitions that ordinarily are held at the Cen- tral Canada Exhibition will take place at the Richmond Fair Aug. 23 and 24. The boys will have their usual camp and calf club competi- tions and demonstrations. The Lon- don competitions will be held early in October. The girls of the Homemaking Clubs will conduct their judging and demonstration programs and exhibit their work under the direction of Miss Florence Eadie, Women’s In- stitute Branch, Ont. Dept. of Agri- culture, and the HOmemaking Club coaches, while the Boys’ Clulb work will ‘be under the supervision of R. S. Duncan, Director of Agricultural Representatives, hi Assistant A. H. Martin, Toronto, and the various Agricultural Representatives. vc; ‘ The bride, given in marriage by her father, was attended by Mrs. W. 1J. Cauthers, as matron of honour, and by Miss Marie Love and Mrs. Charles Proctor as bridesmaids. Bruce Miller was best man and the ushers were John Mewhort and Cle- ment Proctor. _ Following is a list of fairs Where Junior Activities will be conducted: Canadian National Exhibition, Tor- onto; Peterborough, Richmond, Lon- don, Bramnton, Belleville‘. Renfrew, Barrie, Stratford, Galt and Simcoe. Thistletown United Church wasl the scene of a pretty wedding Sat-I urday evening, August 3rd, whenl Helen Bernice Love, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Love of Thistletown, became the bride of Robert J. Lang of Willowdale, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Lang. The ceremony was performed by the minister, Rev. R. G. Davison; wedding music was played by W. Dunning, and a solo was rendered by Miss Louise Stew- art during the signing of the regis- ter. 1 Following the ceremony at recep-] tion was held at the home of the bride’s parents, Mrs. Love receiving assisted by the gfoom‘s sister. Mrs. W. Tomlinson. Later the counle left for a wedding trip to Muskoka and Northern Ontario. They will reside at Willowdale. i MORE DESTROYERS NOW Oshawa Daily Times â€" How well British shipyards are keeping pacel with the naval losses of the war is proved by the announcement that there are now more British destroy- m exs in service than there were at m the start of the war. 5 Men’s and Boys: Furnishings E Boots and Shoes We invite you to make this store headquarters for your clothing requirements. We’ carry an up-to-date stock of standard lines and our prices are right. Yonge and Richmond Sts. Phone 86 Wedding LANG-LOVE Complete Stock of New and Used Parts, Accessories and Tires For All Makes of Cars and Trucks CARS WANTED FOR WRECKING M. 52;: Richmond Hill, Ont. You can . J. CRAIGIE THURSDAY, AUGUST 22nd, 1940. buy here with confidence Several advantageous factors in recent developments have made it possible to adhere to the accelerated schedule in the British Cemmon- wealth Air Training Plan, according to a statement issued .by Hon. C. G. Power, Minister of National Defence ‘for Air, after a meeting of the Sup- ervisory Board of the Plan at which representatives of the participating countries were present. Chief factor in speeding the out- put of pilots, air gunners and wire- less operators is the reduction in the length of training courses at the request of the United Kingdom. The itraining period for pilots has been ‘reduced' from eight to seven weeks in the elementary, intermediate and jadvanced training stages. Air Force Training Period Shortened To Speed Empire Plan The courses for air gunners and wireless operators will be reduced first by two weeks, subSequently ‘by four weeks and will eventually only take 18 weeks. These courses have been reduced from 24 to 18 weeks in. the United Kingdom. ,The resumpticn of deliveries to Canada from the United Kingdom of certain types of advanced training aircraft, together with present at- rangements for acquiring aircraft in the United States has made it possâ€" ible to follow the accelerated sche- dule which calls for the opening of eight service flying training schools this year. The original plan called for five. The new schedule calls for 14 elementary flying training schools instead of the original six this year. The Joint Training Plan largely Canadian in its beginnings is now assuming greater imperial aspect. Recently the first group of R.A.F'. recruits arrived from England, 22 in number, to be trained in-Canada. More will arrive at regular inter- vals and in a short While student airmen from Australia and New Zealand will report regularly for training. SHEPPARD & GILL ILUMBER ‘x COMPANY RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill

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