Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Aug 1940, p. 1

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-mâ€" ‘THE COMMUNITY’S CLEARING HOUSEâ€" THE LIBERAL 300 Seats All DENNIS MORGAN - FRIDAY & SATURDAY. AUGUST 30 - 31 EDDIE CANTOR - JUDITH ANDERSON in “ FORTY LITTLE MOTHERS ” â€"â€" ALSO â€" .“ TEAR GAS SQUAD ” ADDED ATTRACTIONS FOR SATURDAY MATINEE lilo liberal Evening 25c. GLORIA DICKSON in DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS JR. ELLEN DRE‘V - L: H. _ w. a.” _ :the home of ‘Miss Mabel Hagerman. ‘.Things of Every Day”. ainly brought a few facts showing .how each and everyone could be a little nicer to each other with a little practice of the little things. Another pleasing item of the even- .ing was the fact that Mrs. Dennis .was able to be With us once again. I’m sure everyone was pleased to see her. . On Thursday evening a large numâ€" ber gathered at the church to hold a social evening. After an hour’s program given by the members of .our Sunday School, the chairman called Miss Vera Nichols and Mr. Frank Brumrwell to the front and they in turn invited Mrs. Haig (a former member of our “Sunday School) to also come to the front and after Vera read the address Frank presented Mrs. Haig with a gold wrist watch as a small token of «our esteem for her, one who has worked hard in our school, as min- ister’s wife, class teacher, W.M.S. president and friend of all who knew her. She was a very quiet person but one who has been greatly miss- ed in the few weeks she has been laway. Mrs. Haig now lives with lher sister Mrs. Bennett at Snow- ball, On.t. ] On Saturday evening the Y.P.U. iheld the first corn roast of the sea- son at the Devil’s Elbow. The corn was not as plentiful as might have been, but the pie made up for it. a good time. ' On Saturday evening Miss Grace IBoynton celebrated her sixteenth birthday by throwing a party. Those present were Misses Anna Heise, iEileen Read, Vera Boynton, Carroll and Shirley Sanderson. A very pleasant time was had by all. Master Bruce Graham who lives lwith Mr. and Mrs. W. Hill has gone iwith his mother to spend a week {in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Sanderson and family had tea with Mr. ahd Mrs. Stanley Boynton on Sunday. I Several from around here have 'been down to the General Hospital‘ )to see Mr. Harold Hendricks who is doing as well as can be expectedi ’ Around 20 from here took a boat trip across Lake Ontario to Queen-L ston on Sunday. Some journeyed on as far as Niagara Falls and did not return home till later in the, evening. Some had seen the FallSl 'before, and owing to wet Weather fin that district that day did not ‘see the beauty of the Falls as well as had it been a fine day. On Tuesday evening, September 3 the J.F.A. and J.W.I. are holding. their joint meeting in the Commun-I ity Hall. This month we are t0 'have the pleasure of entertaining 'the Vellore clubs. They will be proâ€" lvidiing the program, so come one and all and enjoy the evening. The August meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. P. Willows on Tuesday afternoon with the President, Mrs. McCague. presid- ing. The meeting opened with hymn 351, after which scripture lesson was read in unison followed by short prayers by Mrs. Beatty, Mrs. Klinck. HOLIDAY PRE-VIEW AFTER SUNDAY MIDNIGHT 12.05 A.M. ALICE FAYE - EDWARD ARNOLD AND AN ALL STAR CAST in “ LILLIAN RUSSELL ” - MONDAY & TUESDAY, “ SAFARI ” -â€"~â€" ALSO â€" JOHN HALL - NANCY KELLY in “ SAILOR’S LADY ” _ WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, GEORGE BRENT - PAT O'BRIEN in “ TILL WE MEET AGAIN ” â€" ALSO â€" “ WOMEN WITHOUT NAMES ” VICTORIA SQUARE NEWSY NOTES Last Wednesday the WA. met at the minutes of the previous meeting , ing Warrior's Day ceremonies at the All those who were present report ‘tion to this family in their great ll‘OSS. Mrs. H. Smith, Mrs. S. Boynton. A request hymn “There’s a story to, tell to the Nations” was sung and, SEPTEMBER 2 - 3 - MADELINE CARROLL in I SEPTEMBER 4 - 5 ROBT. PAGE in ..,...¢.. _., -|,. A... and business followed. The guest '.The topic was taken by Mrs. Wil- speaker of the afternoon was Mrs. lows her subject being “The Little R. L. Stiver of Unionville who gavel She cert- a very splendid and instructive pap-I _ l Marigolds, er on “Twelve Rules of Life" which, was greatly enjoyed by all. Miss,‘ Ruth Hope of Uxbridge played two very lovely selections on the piano accordion alsio accompanying the, closing hymn. After singing God Save the King Mrs. Stiver closed the meeting with prayer. A social hour ,Was spent and a lovely lunch served by the hostess. There were twenty present and the committee in charge are to be congratulated for arranging such a fine program. Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. Haig of Snowball have very kindly invited the Society to hold the September meeting at their home on Septem- ber 11th. War Vet’s Home BurnedonSaturday Has Family of Fiveâ€"Donations of Furniture and Household Goods Welcomed While Mr. J. Leroux, Yongehurst Road, local war veteran was attend- C.N.E. with his wife last Saturday,‘ his home along with most of their furniture, household goods and cloth- ' ing were destroyed by fire. Fire is‘ believed to have been caused by children playing with matches on the back porch. Richmond Hill Fire Brigade answered the alarm but; were hampered in their efforts by lack of water. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Leroux have a famâ€" ily of five children and with the modest income of a pensioner face the problem of re-establishing a home. Friends are anxious to se- cure donations of furniture, house- hold utensils and clothing for them, and any offers of such donations ' Mrs. . Richmond Hill Horticultural So- ciety annual fall Flower Show was held Wednesday even'ng in the Arena and while the number of entries was .lower than in previous years due to .recent dry weather. there were many fine blooms on display and the show .in every department was very at- tractive. Mr. John Hall if Toronto .and Richmond Hill very efficiently filled the position of judge and com- .mented favorably on the ]uality of many of the exlhibits-. The prize winners were as follows: Asters, single, Mrs. A. Christo- pher, Miss M. Smith; Asters. dou- ble, Mrs. Christopher, Miss K. L. Ball; Dahlias, Mrs. A. Bales, Mrs. A. Christopher; Petunias. single, Miss L. Anderson, Mr. F. E. Sims; Petunias, dou‘ble. Mr. F. E. Sims; Snapdragons, Miss K. Ball, Mrs. C. Graham; Nasturtiums, Mrs. C. Graâ€" ham; Hellenium, Mrs. C. Graham. Phlox, Mr. F. E. Sims; Gladioli, F. E. Sims, Mrs. A. annuaL Mr. Herib Smith; .Marigolds. French, Mrs. I. D. Ramer, Mrs. C. Graham; Scotch (Calendula), Martin; Marigolds, African, J. Mar- tin, Miss K. L. Ball; Gaillardia, Miss L. Anderson. Mrs. A. Christo- FY- pher; Zinniasv, pom Mrs. C. Graham. Scabiosa, J. Martin, Mrs. C. Gra- ham; Liatri‘s, Mrs. C. Graham; Cali- opsis, Mrs. C. Graham; Blackeyed‘ Susan, Mrs. A. J. Hume; Gladioli, pom, F. Sims, basket of 12 named, Mrs. H. Smith;’ Zinnias, basket of small flowered, J. Martin; Zinnias, 1-0 giants in bowl or basket, Miss I. Anderson, J. Mar- tin. Bouquet of White Flowers in a white container, Mrs. A. Bales, Mrs. C. Graham; Bouquet of flowers of 2 colours only, Mrs. A. Bales, Mrs. H. Smith, Mrs. C. Graham; Table De- coration, 6 to 1'0 roses, Mrs. A. Christopher, Mrs. J. E. Smith; Table decoration, other than roses, Mrs. A. E. Plewman, Mrs. R. Paris, Mrs. H. Smith, Mrs. I. D. Ramer. Basket of flowers for living room table, Mrs. R. Paris, Mrs. H. Smith, Mrs. R. D. Little, Mrs. I. D. Rainer; Bowl or vase of flowers for living room table, Mr. R. D. Little, Mr. J. Martin, Mrs. A. J. Hume, Mrs. I. D. Ramer; Vase of flowers for sick room table, Mrs. C. Graham, Miss L. Anderson, Mrs. A. Bales, Miss M. Smith; Collection of annuals from seed arranged in container, J. Mar- tin; Arrangement of fruit or vegeâ€"l tables, Mrs. H. Smith, Miss L. An- derson. Original unique or novel display of flowers, Mr. A. Bales; Display of cut flowers from amateur garden, A. Christopher; Individual Blooms, (a) r0se, Mrs. A. Christo- pher; (b) aster, J. Martin; (c) giant Zinnia, Miss I. Anderson; ((1) Glad- ’iolus, Mrs. H. Smith; (f) Dahlia, decorative, Mr. A. Bales, Mrs. A. Christopher. JUVENILE may be left at The Liberal Office. Just telephone 9 and arrangements' will be made to pick up your dona- J. CARL SAIGEON TO LOAN BONDS Announcement was made this week by R. A. Daly & Co. of Toronto of the. appointment of J. Carl Saigeon of Maple as representative in this district for the sale of the Governâ€" lnent War Loan Bonds. SELL UNITED CHI'RCH W.M.S. The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. will be held in the Sunâ€" day School room of the United Church on Thursday, September 5th at 3 p.m. The ladies of the congre- gation are cordially invited. l I Q U D I I I I o l REGISTER GL‘NS Government regulations re- quire that all rifles and shot- guns be registered by September 15th. Registration officials in townships and villages are mun- * icipal clerks. ‘i¥‘!...........-C ADDED SALE ITEMS Implements in addition to those advertised elsewhere in this issue at the Emery Mathewson sale include a Hay Loader. good as new, also one hay rake. i nun-.0. i: a! s.- * >E< 'Flowers. Hazel Rccsor, N. Tyndall. Three Carrots, N. Tyndall, Hazel Reesor; 3 Beets, Reta Mallory, K. Rowlandson, H. Rowlandson. N. Tyn- dall; 12 Wax Beans, K. Rowlandson,i Violet Mihorean; 6 Marigolds, Hazel= Reesor, Janet Atkinson, Foss Mall- ory, N. Tyndall; 6 Zinnias. Janet Atkinson. N. Tyndall, K. Rowland- son, Hazel Reesor; 6 Spikes Lark-l spur. Joyce Barraclough; 6 Straw SPECIAL-S Collection of 4 Annuals (grown by'l exhibitor) in separate containers, Joyce Barraclough, N. Tyndall; bou- quet made from flowers grown by exhibitor artistically arranged in vase or jar. Shirley Paris. K. Row- landson, H. Rowlandson. Hazel Ree- sOI'; any type of garden in minia- ture approximately 15" by 18'”, C. Srigley, Joyce Barraclough; Flower naming contest. Joyce Barraclough. Reta Mallory, Violet Mihorean. BIRTH SIMMONSâ€"In Richmond Hill on Wednesday, August 28th. to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Simmons the gift of a daughter. DEANâ€"At Maple on Sunday, Aug. 25th. 1940. to Mr. and Mrs. Roy K. AT FLOWER SHOW The Dept. of Education announces the results of the Upper School exams held this midsummer at Rich- mcnd Hill. The following candidates have passed in all the subjects writ- ten:â€" Beatiice Ainslie, Robert Alexand- er, Lillian Barker, Ellen Boynton, George Carr, Madeleine Clarke, Delva Conner. Gordon Cunningham, Mur- ray Cunningham, Muriel Durie, Peggy Endean. Dorine Gooding, Jean Hastings. William Hodge, Harris Hord, Alexander Macdonald, Helen McGibbon. Velma Monkman, Mary Moore. Joseph Morris, Bernice Pax- ton. Stewart Paxton. Margaret Wal- win. Eric Wilson. The following were partially suc- Cessful, passing in the subjects indi- cated:â€" Wm. Bailey, Eng. C. c. Muriel Barrow, Eng. L. II. Molly Campbell, Hist. II. l Dean (nee Frances Bushey) a son. John Roy. Doris Clarke, Alg. II. Gerald Cuttance, Eng. C. II, Eng. E. Plewman; Larkspur. annual, Mrs. L' 11' Virginia DelBrocco, Eng. L. 0. Dorothy Eden, Alg. II, Geom. I, Jim-lg. I, Phys. C, Fr. 0. II. Laura Frisby, Eng. L. II. Norma Galianger, Alg. c. Trig. c, A. c, Fr. C. c, Germ. A. II. Stanley Haworth, Phys. II, Fr. A. c. Winnie Haworth, Alg. I, Fr. C. II. Germ. A. II, Germ. C. II. David Merrick, Phys. c, Chem. 0, Fr. A. c, Fr. C. 0. Dorothy Noble. Germ. c, Trig. I. Fr. A. II, Fr. C. III. Isobel Rumble, Eng. C. II, Eng. L. H, Fr. A. c. Douglas Sanders. Eng. L. II, Hist. I, Geom. II. Audrey Stephens, Geom. II, Trig. II. Fr. C. II. Mark Stewart, Eng. C. II. Sally Topper, Eng. L. II. Jane Vanderburgh, Eng. L. Hist. II'. Jack Watkins. Alg. II, Geom. c. Trig. I, Phys. I, Germ. A. II. Wilbert Walkier, Bot. c, Zool. c. Fifty-three candidates wrote 209! papers, passing in 171, an average, suctess of 82%. BOWLING II, NOTES The usual mixed tournament Willi be held at the local green tonight. The special tournament and corn roast will be held at a later date. An Open mixed rinks tournament will be held in Richmond Hill Satâ€" urday afternoon, September 7th at‘ 2 p.m. 3 games, good prizes, $3.00 per rink. All members wishing to compete should hand in their names at once to W. W. Trench, chairman of the tournament committee. Richmond Hill rinks won first and second prizes in the mixed tourna- EXAM. RESULTS Yonge St. at Gleniorest Rd. -â€"*__- SINGLE COPIES 5:. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE WANT ADS ' "In Essentials. Unity; In Non-essentials. Liberty: In All Things, Charity” VOL. LXII, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, ‘TJGUST 29th, 1940. No. 9. at PRIZE WINNERS UPPE SCHOOL M0. CAPITOL THEATR HUdson 5437 FRIDAY & SATURDAY, AUGUST 30 - 31 “ TOO MANY HUSBANDS ” With JEAN ARTHURI - FRED MacMURRAY _. A .30 _ “ GERONIMO ” With PRESTON FOSTER - ELLEN DREW NOVELTY â€" THE GOLF CHUMP MONDAY & TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 2 - 3 i“ DR. KILDARE’S STRANGE CASE ” \Vith LEW AYRES -LLsIgNEL BARRYMORE _ _ A _ ._ “ THOSE WERE THE DAYS ” With WILLIAM HOLDEN - J. BARRETT NOVELTY SPECIAL HOLDIAY MATINEE MONDAY AT P.M. ,Richmond Hill é tories in the final play-off series Simcoe Softball League. Richmond Hill was counted out in a protest fiasco which has left softball fans of North York bewildered. Newma1‘- ket Redmen, losers of three consecu- tive playâ€"off games have apparently been awarded the Cup following an executive meeting held Monday ev- enin-g. Richmond Hill has been dis- qualified for refusing to replay the second» game of the series. protestâ€" ed by Newmarket on the grounds that the game started five minutes late. This protest was upheld by the executive despite the fact that according to local officials any writâ€" ten regulation of the league calls f0r games to start at 7.30. ten minutes later than this game actually com- menced, and too despite the fact that the required number of innings were played and competent officials in charge saw no reason for calling off the play. The loca-l team manâ€" agement have the support of local fans in refusing to accept such a ruling. and the wonder in softball circles is just how long any game no matter how attractive or well played can survive such administra- tion. V The Richmond Hill team came through a hard series with Barrie and in the finals made it three straight against the Newmarket 3-2. have the admiraâ€" They won ment at Aurora Monday evening. Skip George S. Walwin won first prize and skip \V. \V. Trench the second. The rinks were: Mrs. G. S. Walwin, L. H. Clement, Mrs. L. H. Clement, G. S. Walwin skip; Mrs. J. A. Greene, J. A. Greene, Mrs. A. J. McLatchy, \V. IV. Trench' skip. Rev. Colclough and Car Ycrex competed in the Bradford doubles Monday night. They won their first two games and lost their third on‘ an extra end. Monday night Skip Boi) Moodie‘ piloted his rink to the top honors‘ and added to his collection Of war} savings stamps. The rink: Miss S.‘ Mackie, Mr. Colbert. R. Moodie skip.‘ Unioniiiie Ladies Win , Knitting Honors l IIonO.‘ has come to Markham iown- , ship Red Cross through some of the‘ knittcrs who have faithfully given of their services throughout the branch ‘ activities, the soldier‘s outfit, con- sisting of socks, sweater. cap and mitts. knit by Mrs. R. B. Rae, Un-i ionville. winning first prize in the Red Cross Exhibit at the C.N.E. and given special display. Also theE winning team in the scarf knitting, marathon at the C.N.E. included two ‘ of Markham Twp. Red CI‘OSS mem- bers, Mrs. R. B. Rae and Mrs. How- ard Atkinson of Unionville. “'e off- er congratulations to both young ladies and express appreciation of’ the organization. tion of fans everywhere in the dis- ‘trict. and although denied the offi- cial league championship, they have demonstrated their superiority be- yond any shadow of doubt. A league championship trophy awarded under present circumstances must seem a ‘ orists. shallow kind of honor for the Newâ€"1* Under the registration law ‘market team. but if they relish it; * citizens are required to carry they are welcome to it as far as the‘ their certificates at all times._. Richmond Hill management is coir, Heavy penalties are provided cerned. for neglect to do this. The final game played last Friday-‘ WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY. “ TWO GIRLS 0N BROADWAY ” With JOAN BLONDELL - LANA TURNER â€"â€" ALSO â€"- “ NICK CARTER DETECTIVE ” ALL STAR CAST PARAMOUNT NEWS for the championship of the York-i Redmen with scores of 8-4, 7-6 find?“ SEPTEMBER 4 - 5 ofthail Team Wins Championship Series But NewmarketjaiLmon Win Argument After winning three straight vie-vevening attracted the largest crowd of the season and the fans were treated to a fine exhibition of soft- ball. There was kéen interest in the game as Richmond Hill had already taken two straight from last year’s champions. The stellar pitching of Teddy Bennett featured the game which the Hill boys won by a score of 3â€"2. Richmond Hill opened the scoring in the second inning when Young scored. They further added to this score when Bennett crossed the plate to put the Hill two runs up in the fourth frame. Newmarket came to life in the sixth inning and before the side was retired they managed to tie the score at two-all. These proved to be their only counters in a game where there were few hits. In Richmond Hill's half of the inning Cochrane was the only runner to score putting the locals in the lead. Newmarket were unable to do any- thing with Benny‘s pitching in the seventh frame the game ending with a 3-2 score in favor of the Hill. ***>:<*>i<** Isa-oo-o *' CARRY YOUR REGISTRATION CARD Citizens had better check over their pockets to be sure they have their national registration cards with them to-day. Police officers will begin a wide check-up to see who is and who isn‘t registered. Orders - have gone out to constables to * stop pedestrians on the street and demand their registry cer- tificates. it is reported. Motorcycle and mounted po- I t K * t t t 8 t a- a: * It a. licemen likewise will stop mot- * o a: 1: it * Â¥ wan-33.0... , E Dominion of Canada Bonds The Dominion Government needs money to carry on the war and will ask the people to subscribe to another loan early in September. We shall be glad to look after your sub- scription. J. R. HERRINGTON INVESTMENT SECURITIES Richmond Hill Telephone 87

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