I Temperanceville United will hold anniversary services on September 29 with Rev. Mr. Fockler of Maple and Rev. Mr. Atkinson of Stouffville in charge. The play cast of St. Mary’s Mag- dalene church, Schomberg, will hold a picnic at Innisfil Park, Lake Sim- coe this week. The first official service with the pipe organ in All Saints is of inter- est to the community because it is the only pipe organ in the vicinity and rbecause it is a memorial gift to the memory of highly respected and long residents of the district, the late Mr. and Mrs. George Wat- ’son. The gesture on the part of their family is a noble one and one that can be shared and enjoyed by all of us who appreciate good music. The general public will no doubt be given the opportunity at certain times to renew interest and inspira- tion- in pipe organ music. ‘On September ls“. St. John’s Oak Ridges will hold service at 9.30 a.m. DST. and St. Stephen’s Maple will be closed, thus both congregations will be able to join All Saints, King in the day’s special occasion. Eversley Presbyterian Church will hold anniversary services on Sept. 15th. The organ is lodged in the new Organ Memorial Room, built on the 'south side of the chunch chancel. The dedication of the room cannot take place for some time. It will be in memory of “Old Friends of All 'Saintsâ€. The names of the donors will be inscribed upon a brass tablet which will be cemented into the wall. It is the hope of the congregation that numerous names of “Old Friends†will appear on the tablet. An organ recital will be given at Evensong which commences at 7.30 p.m. D.S.T. Dr. Jaquesi will offici- ate once again. Among his selecâ€" tions will be the following: Trumpet Tone, Purcell; The Swan, Saint Saens'; Largo, Handel; Gavotte, Wes- ley; Evensong, Martin; Prelude and Fugue in E Minor, Bach; Berceuse, Viene; Pomp and Circumstance, E1- gar. A solo will lbe sung by Mr. R. ‘Edmunds of Richmond Hill at this ‘service. The Jaques Organ Company of St. Hyacinth, Quebec are the organ builders. Heintzman & Co. of Toâ€" ronto are the agents. The beautiful tone of the organ is its main asset. The organ consists of 32 pedal keys, 5 octave. It has the following stops, Forte Mezzo Forte, Great Sub, Great Unison Off, Great Octave, Great Super Swell Sub, Swell Unison Off, Swell Octave, Swell Super, Great Pedlal, Great Octave Pedal, Great Super Pedal, Trembulant. ‘ The hymns for the morning ser- vice are selected to encourage conâ€" gregational singing and at the same time to demonstrate the various orâ€" gan tones. The organ is the gift of the fam- ily of the late George and Sarah Watson and is being dedicated to their memory. Dedication of the new Pipe Organ in All Saints’ Church, King will take place Sunday, September 151: at 11 a.m., D.S.T. The Rt. Rev. A. R. Beverley, MA., D.D., will officiate. The Rector, Rev. E. W. G. Worrall, will the celebrant at the Holy Comâ€" munion. The organist will be Robâ€" ert Jaques, Mus. Doctor of Toronto. Full forms of service are being printed to be placed in the hands of those present. THURSDAY, AUGUST 29th, 1940. King City District News RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Foilett. B.D. Pastor Sunday, Sept. lst 9.45 a.m.â€"Sunday School. All De< partments. 11 a.m.â€"Divine worship. Guest preacher, Rev. Denziel G. Ridout, Rev. J. D. Cunningham, B.D., Minister floral offerings received from kind Sunday, Sept. 151; friends and neighbors during their 10 minâ€"Sunday SChOOl. recent bereavement in the loss of 11 a.m.â€"“’I‘he Season of Mellow their dear sister. Thoughtfulness.†_ SucceSS may ruin a once hardy and Buy Canadian. Buy British, and forceful nation. Help Win the War. Sunday, Sept. lst Trinity 15 10 a.m.â€"â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"Ho]y Communion. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer and Ser- mon. Preacher, the Rector. Bright services and helpful mess- ages. All cordially invited. Master Bob Britten of Toi‘onto is visiting at Mr. Chas. Cohen’s. William Nattress of Elders Mills has purchased Mrs. John Wilkie’s farm on the tenth. The Nattress farm which was the McLure home- stead and the Wilkie farm are ‘both landmarks in two townships. We are glad to report the favour- alble recovery from acute illness of Mrs. Ed Kyle, townline. No report has yet come in that King Township schools will not open on September 3rd. School Boards advise pupils old enough to help on the farms to contact their teachers, parents and teachers to cooperate in the plan. A very small percentâ€" age of public school pupils are old enough to be of any real assistance on the farm. According to Tor-Onto newspapers Mrs. A. K. McLaren-andl Jean of 15 Barton Ave. were injured at Lansing while motoring on Sunday. Mrs. Mc- Laren’s arm and knee were hurt and Jean received concussion. This is very regrettable and we hope things are not serious. National Registration went over well in township centres and the numerous volunteers and Deputies are enjoying a well earned rest. The head office at King was a very busy spot and for several days volunteer helpers worked faithfully and well under Captain Mesley. He voiced his appreciation for such effort in all parts of the Riding. Mr. Harry Jarvis and sisters en- tertained the staff of Polling Booth No. 5 King on Wednesday evening at the close of the final registra- tion day. The party enjoyed the hospitality of “Jarvacresâ€. {Miss Helen Campbell has returned from Cleveland where she visited her sister, Ruth Tankard. Flying Officer Charles Gates of Malton visited his grandparents on Sunday. ‘MI‘S. Jas. Gillies was stricken with a stroke last week and is under the doctor’s care. , Mr. and Mrs. Earle Scott memfbers of the Hunter family a trip to Guelph and Fergus on day. Mrs. McGill of Manitoulin and her brother Mr. Harland and wife called on Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Archibald on Sunday. Mrs. McGill renewed school day acquaintance with Mrs. Arthur Wellesley. Miss Lily Dyke of King- ston is also visiting her sister Mrs. Archibald. RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. 4 Markham Road Eversley Presbyterian held its regular meeting at the church last Wednesday. Miss Ferguson took the Goforth Study Book and Ethel Ferguson a reading. Plans were made for a towel and small article shower for September bale packing meeting at Miss‘ Alice Fer- guson’s September 18. The annual Falll rally was planned in part with the hope that a prominent speaker and visiting auxiliaries would] be present at the October Thanksgiving meeting. Laskay Church baseball team held an ice cream social last Thursday at the church, one hundred present including several from King, Teston and Nobleton Young People's. Miss Doris Hollinshead gave recitations; Mr. Jack Smith, mouth vorgan and songs; Robert Watson, violin num- bers. The proceeds will *be used to pay for equipment for the team. , a.m.â€"Divine worship. Guest preacher, Rev. Denziel G. Ridout, B.A., associate secretary Mission- ary and Maintenance Fund, Unit- ed Church of Canada. You and your friends cordially invited. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ST. MARY’S CHURCH (Anglican) and took Sun- Mr. and Mrs. L. Dehbrocco of Vaughan Township wish to thank their neighbours and friends and the Maple Fire Brigade for their valuâ€"‘ able assistance in extinguishing the fire at their home last Monday. CARD 0F THANKS . The brothers and sisters of the late Miss Mary Stong wish to ex- tend their heartfelt thanks and ap- preciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings received from kind friends and neighbors during their recent bereavement in the loss of their dear sister. Mrs. John Sanderson, Yonge St., Richmond Hill, observed her ninety- third birthday on Monday of this week, August 26th, when she receiv- ed callers from Hamilton, London, Detroit, Toronto, and a large num- ber of local friends. She was the recipient of many beautiful gifts, flowers and congratulatory messâ€" ages. Mrs. Sanderson is enjoying fairly good heath and takes a keen interest in all worthwhile happen- ings of the day. The Liberal joins with friends in the district in ex- tending congratulations and‘ best wishes to Mrs. Sanderson. Mr. C. Wright, Mr. Allan Wright, Mrs. Gordon Eaton and 2 children, Marion and Buddy, of Windsor are visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. Reardon this week. We are pleased to report that Mr. J. A. Mabley who underwent a seri- ous operation at the Toronto Gen- eral Hospital Wednesday night is reported to-day to be progressing fa'vorably. - (Mr. and’ Mrs. D. L. Devins, Pa- tricia and Ray motored to Inkerman and] were guests of the latter’s moth- er for the past week. Rev. A. E. and Mrs. Lunau of To- ronto Yibited this week with Mr. and Mrs; Arthur Leech and family on Richmond St. on their way home after spending the summer at Wasaga Beach. Rev. Dr. Crossland attended the Catholic meetings held in St. Mich- ael’s College and‘ St. Augustine Sem- inary on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, On Tuesday Dr. Cross~ land‘ gave a paper on “Textual Study of Psalm 72, verse 24â€. Mr. Lionel Card'well, for the past number of years a member of the staff of H. J. Mills Ltd. leaves on Sunday for Chatham where he will take over duties on Monday as one of the Chief Engineers at Libby’s Products Limited. His many friends here wish him every success in his new position. Richmond Hill Choral Society un- der the leadership of Mr. R. E. Ed- mund‘s are taking part in the Music Day program at the ONE. to-day. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cotton of Bridgeport, Conn., are spending the week with Mr. Cotton’s brother Bill at the home of Mrs. M. Lynett, Arn- old Street. fMiss Nora Barlow is returning to .her home 'at Langstaff for a two .weeks vacation before going to her new post in Quebec City. Miss Mae Giles is spending- her vacation at the ‘home of her sister .Mrs. A. 'C. White later going to Galt and points west. 'Merlyn Graham and Shirley Burt represented Richmond Hill school children at the C.N.E. luncheon last Monday. The W. A. of the Presbyterian Church plan a Corn and‘ Weiner Roast for Thursday evening, Sep- tember 5th. Mrs. Linwood Puller of Richmond, Virginia, niece of the late John Brown, visited the Misses Brown on Tuesday. ‘Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Skilleter are enjoying two weeks holidays at their cottage at Bala. Mr. and: Mrs. A. C. White and son Howard, Miss M. Giles spent sev- eral days last week visiting friends in G-alt. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Teetzel and boys are holidaying at Midland this week. Mr. and Mrs. James Ley, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brillinger and Marie spent last week at Midland. Social and Personal CARD OF THANKS THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Doner, Mrs. H. Summerfeld‘t, Nellie Bond, Joe Bond, George Bond, Mar- ion Baker, Mrs. Lizzie Boynton. Mrs. Bond, mother of the bride. received in a dress of navy sheer and Mrs. Doner, mother of the groom wore a frock of wine colored sheer. The wedding breakfast was served at the bride’s home, after which the bride donned a travelling costume of navy sheer, when the happy couple left for a. trip to Mus- koka. They will reside at Gormley. Hillcrest Beauty Parlor SCHOOL SPECIAL Children’s Permanents under 16 years Reg. $2.50 for $1.50 Reg. 83.00 for $2.00 Open every evening except Wednesday and Saturday MISSES H. and C. DONALLY Richmond Hill The church was d‘aintily decorated with lovely flowers and was filled‘ with friends and well wishers. AmOng the invited guests were Rev. H. and Mrs. Shantz and Evelyn, Rev. 1. and Mrs. Brubacher, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. A. King, Mrs. E. Hoover, Mr. and' Mrs. Wallace Bond, ‘Mrs. Harvey Bond, Mr. and Mrs. S. Doner, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Gooding, Mr. and Mrs. C. Doner, Helen Doner, Donald Doner, Ella Hoover, Grace Doner, Mr. and Mrs. R. Millen, Edna Millen, Floyd Winger, Ruth Steckley. .Myr- tle Srteckley, Eva Wideman, Whitney Johnston, MiSs Mary Baker, Mrs. Lou Doner, Mrs. George Thomson. Ruth Thomson, Mrs. Robt. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. F. Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Doner, Mrs. H. Summerfeld‘t, Nellie Bond, Joe Bond, George Bond, Mar- ion Baker, Mrs. Lizzie Boynton. Attired in white Sheer dress and wearing a white net veil and wreath of orange blossoms, the bride enter- ed the church at 2 pm. on the arm of her father. Her bridesmaid was her sister Miss Pearl Bondt‘who wore royal blue sheer, pale blue hat and‘ matching shoes. She carried gladiolus. Mr. Lloyd Doner sup- ported the groom. The ushers were Messrs. Allan Doner and Alex. Bond. Miss Gladys Doner played the wedding music. late residence, Yonge Streei; Thorn- hiIl, Ontario, on Wedmesday, August 28, 194-0, Dr. John R. Campbell, be- loved husband of Jennie Murray, and dear father of Stewart, Gordon, Robert and May (Mrs. W. Francis). DONER-BOND An interesting wedding was sol- emnized at the M.B.C.‘church in Gormley on August 14, when Miss Jean Bond, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bond of Gormley was, united in -holy wedlock with Harold Doner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Doner. Rev. H. Shantz of Stouffville offici- ated. THIO‘M‘S'O‘N, Thomas~â€"-Arh the resi- dence of Mrs. M. Dunlevy, Headford, Ontario, on Saturday, August 24th, 1940, Thomas Thomson, in his 77th year. CAMPBELL, Dr. John R._â€"At his Funeral from the anove address on Friday, the 30th instant, at 3 p.m. (D.S.T.). Interment in Thorn- hill Cemetery. Funeral was held. from the above address on Monday the 26th instant, at 3 pm. (D.S.T.). Interment fol- lowed in Richmond Hill Cemetery. The national drive for Red Cross funds will be held across the Domin- ion during the week of September 23rd to September 30th. Be gener- ous to the canvasser when you are called on for a contributiOn to the cause. IN MEMORIAM WIDVE‘MAANâ€"In loving memory of Harold Wideman who passed peace- fully away August 25th, 1937. Peaceful be your rest dear Harold, In that home of endless bliss, Soon we shall join you there, In that heavenly land‘ so fair. â€"â€"Ever remembered by parents, sisters and brother. Richvale School will open on Tuesday, September 3rd. Any pupils who are doing farm work will be given a pass on application to their teacher. Red Cross Notes Richvale School Wedding DIED Phone 256 Its. Money in Your Pocket WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 - 5 EDW. G. ROBINSON - ANN SOTHERN - RALPH BELLAMY in “ BROTHER ORCHID †No penalties will be imposed on such late entrants and every effort Will be made to assist them with any school work they may have missed. Richmond Hill High School will re-open Students already actually engaged in farm or other essential employment may re-enter school and register at such lat- er_date as their work permits. for the registration of students at 9 a.m. D.S.’I‘. on ' Phone P0, The Elevator To put in your Winter’s supply of coal now. You can get better prices, better service, more careful preparation. Why not enjoy that satisfied feeling of having your winter’s supply in your bin. Place your order with us. No. 1 Anthracite MONDAY & TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 - 3 JAMES CAGNEY - PAT O’BRIEN - ANN SHERIDAN in “ TORRID ZONE †SCHOOL OPENING Students actually engaged in farm work or essen- tial employment may secure the necessary per- mission after registration, from their teachers. JOHN WAYNE - ROY ROGERS - WALTER PIDGEON CLAIRE TREVOR in I am directed by the Trustees of the Richmond Hill Public School to announce that the School will open for the Fall Term I. D. Ramer & Son RICHMOND HILL HIGH SCHOOL SHOWS START AT 8 P.M. and 10 P.M. D.S.T. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd FRIDAY & SATURDAY, AUGUST 30 - 31 Secretary, Richmond Hill High School Board CESAR ROMERO - JEAN ROGERS in “ VIVA CISCO KID †TODAY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29 HARRY THOMSON, RUSSELL LYNETT, Sec. Richmond Hill Board of Public School Trustees “ DARK COMMAND †JONES FAMILY in “ ON THEIR OWN †Blower Coal at 9 a.m. D.S.’l‘. â€"-ANDâ€" Solvay Coke Richmond Hi1! PAGE FIVE