Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Dec 1940, p. 1

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The annual Christmas candlelight and communion service will be held in St. Stephen’s Anglican Church Christmas Eve at 10 pm. S.T. The choirs of the United and Presbyter- ian churches will assist St. Stephen’s choir at this service and all are cor- dially invited. The annual business meeting of Hope W.A. was held in the S. S. room. Dec. 10th with the president Mrs. Wilbert Crook presiding. The Christmas scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Wm. Hoiles and Rev. Fock- .ler presided for election of officers is follows: Pres, Mrs. Wm. Hoiles; lst Vice-Pres, Mrs. E. Phillips; 2nd Vice-Pres, Mrs. Gordon Watson; Sec., Mrs. Jennings; Asst. Sec., Mrs. Keith Thomas; Treas, Mrs. W. Thomas; Asst. Treas, Mrs. George Thomas; Pianist, Mrs. Jennings; Asst. Pianist, Mrs. W. Hoiles; Flow: er Com, Mrs. T. O. Nixon and Mrs. John Hutchison. The business meet- ing was closed with the Mizpah Benediction. The W.A. entertained fihe ladies of Maple and Teston to a cafeteria supper followed by the |[following program: Readings by Mrs. Taggart of Teston and Miss etty Jackson, Maple; piano duets y Audrey and Ruth Oliver, Miss ,ryl LeGrice and Mrs. E. Wade, rs. W. Hoiles and Mrs. Jennings. Bible quiz was conducted by Rev. ockler followed by carol singing. otal collection amounted to $20.57. The monthly meeting of the W0â€" en’s Institute was held at the home, f Mrs. Parnell White Wednesday, ecember 11th. A piano solo was iven by Mrs. Noble and a recita- ion by Betty Jackson. An inspiring ddress by Mrs. C. H. Bowman was njoyed and the ladies joined in inging “0 Little Town of Bethle- em". A delightful lunch was served y the hostess and committee and a ocial time was spent by all. The Christmas meeting of the Y. . U. was held in the S. S. room onday evening. The address en- Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Keffer on the birth of their son, Carl Ellsâ€" worth at Peel Memorial Hospital, Brampton. Thursday. December 12. The Teston and Hope Red Cross unit No. 6 will meet at the home of Mrs. Meal Wilson on Friday, Dec. 27th. Members are requested to bring- their old car license plates. itled “The Real Christmas" was 'ven by Mr. I. B. Musselman fol- owed,by a duet by Marion Watson nd Marjorie Bailey. A Christmas edley instwmental was played by argaret Ramsey and a solo was ung by M1's.l Robt. Marritt. The .8. room was decorated with candles nd a Christmas tree and the preâ€" ents were distributed by Santa laus. A light lunch consisting of ome made candy and peanuts was njoyed. Next Monday evening the .P.U. will attend the Christmas arty being held by the United hurch Young- People at Richmond ill. The death occurred on Wednesday. ecember 11 of Susan Bliss Holl- ‘gshead, wife of the late Alfred‘ ollingshead in her 83rd year. The MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL OUR READERS PHONE MO. 2172 VOL. LXII A GREAT SERIAL COMES TO THE CAPITOL THE DEAD END KIDS and LITTLE TOUGH GUYS in “ JUNIOR G-MEN ” CANDY FOR THE CHILDREN WED, THURS, FRI.. SAT.. DEC. 25 â€" 26 - 27 - 23 WILLIAM POWELL - MYRNA LOY in “ I LOVE YOU AGAIN ” â€"â€" ALSO RICHARD DIX in “ MEN AGAINST THE SKY ” MATINEE DAILY THE COMMUNITY’S CLEARING HOUSEâ€"- THE LIBERAL WANT ADS MONDAY 8d TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23 - 24 FRIDAY & SATURDAY. DECEMBER 20 - 21 RANDOLPH SCOTT - KAY FRANCIS in “ WHEN THE DALTONS RODE ” ALSO â€"â€" GEORGE MURPHY - BRENDA JOYCE in “ PUBLIC DEB N0. 1 ” GINGER ROGERS - JOEL McCREA in “ PRIMROSE PATH ” .â€" ALSO â€" “ LUCKY CISCOE KID " MAPLE NEWSY NOTES CAPITOL THEATRE E 300 Seats All Evening 25c. SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY |Cousins; Pres., Mrs. Geo. Merrick; Vice-Pres, Mrs. R. A. Bigford; 2nd Vice-Pres, Mrs. M. Palmer; Secreâ€" tary, Mrs. Geo. Bailey; Treas., Miss Doris Cook; Pianist, Mrs. F. W. Routley; Asst. Pianist, Mrs. M. J. Kinnee; Devotional Secretaries, Mrs. |C. E. Fockler, Mrs. F. P. Rumble. PRIMARY SUNDAY SCHOOL CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT The Primary Department of.the Richmond Hill United Church Sun- day School will hold their Christ- mas Entertainment in the Sunday School Room on Saturday, Dec. 21 at 3 p.m. A cordial welcome to all mothers and friends of the Primary and Cradle Roll Departments. looked for, after the accident. One cartridge was found in the pocket of the clothing on the body, show- ing that Harold himself had taken them and loaded the gun. Constable Ben Gayman of Union- ville and Dr. Ball, the coroner from Stouffville investigated and stated that the evidence .pointed to acciâ€" dental death. naments: Ice-maker Booth fine sheets of ice and four epthusiasts enjoyed a very afternoon’s curling. Presi 2 o’clock Standard Time, at which time the Sunday School will render 'an appropriate program. All are inâ€" vited. The curling season was officially opened here laset Saturday afternoon with one of the popular jitney tour- Local curlers extend congratula- tions to Walker Hall, a former mem- her here, now a member of High Park Club who as a member of Skip Spl‘oule’s rink qu the Senior Bon- spiel at Hamilton recently. The annual Christmas Festival Service will be held in Zion Luth- eran Church on Sunday afternoon at Laver; lst Viceâ€"Pres, Mrs. Norman; 2nd Vice-Pres, Mrs. George Bailey; Rec. Sec., Mrs. C. Ball; Cor. Sec., Miss Margaret Ramsay; Treas., Mrs. R. A. Big-ford; Pianist, Mrs. M. J. Kinnee; Asst. Pianist, Mrs. F. W. Routley; Associate Helpers, Mrs. N. Lund, Mrs. R. Ramsay, Mrs. Nor- man; Secretaries, Literature, Miss Margaret Ramsay; Strangers, Mrs. Merrick; Temperance, Mrs. A. For- rest; Press, Mrs. Ball; Supply, Mrs. H. Jennings; Mission Band, Miss Margaret Fockler; Christian Stew- ardship and Finance, Mrs. F. S. Rumble. The W.M.S. officers are: Honor- ary Pres.7 Mrs. J. T. Saigeon; Past Pres., Mrs. A. Forest; Pres., Mrs. L. The annual election of officers of the Women’s Missionary Society and Women’s Association of the United Church was held on Wednesday, De- cember 18th, at the home of Mrs. L. Laver. Officers for the W. A. are as follows: Hon. Pres, Mrs. H. C. Bailey; Hon. Vice-Pres, Mrs. T. CURLING NOTES Yenge at astiefield had two rinks of pleasant Harold Cotterell and Murray Wal- ton were playing in the barn of Mr. A. D. Newson when Murray picked up an old 25 calibre rifle which was standing against the wall and point- ed it at his chum. The gun dis- charged and Harold slumped to the floor. He said “Take me to the house.” Murray put him on a wheel- barrow and wheeled him to the house, a distance of 100 feet. Mrs. Newson and Murray were unable to lift him into the house. Murray ran to the neighbors to telephone the doctor. Mrs. Newson ran to the road and signalled Mr. Jas. Calvert to come. He assisted in lifting the boy into the kitchen and stated that he thought the boy was beyond help. Harold Cotterell was a boy 15 years of age and employed by Mr- Newson to tend his chickens and rabbits. His mother and family re- side in Toronto and his father is in the C.A.S.F. Murray Walton is a local boy 17 years old. He frequent- ly visited Harold in the afternoon. Murray says that they often played with the gun and that it was never loaded. . Mrs. Newson said that Har- old was a lover of guns. He would read all gun advertisements and was always wishing- he owned a gun. always Wishing he owned a gun. Mr. Newson stated that, this old 25 calibre rifle was left in the barn and not loaded. He had 6 or 8 cartridges to fit the gun in a box upstairs. These were missing when looked for, after the accident. One cartridge was found in the pocket of the clothing on the body, show- ing that Harold: himself had taken them and loaded the gun. Dr. MacDonald of Markham exam- ined the body and stated that the bullet had entered the right shoulder then glanced or splintered on the bone and severed a main artery causing death by internal hemorr- hage. “In Essentials, Unity; Ipfian-essenifials. Liberty; In All 'I‘mngs, Charity" Harold Cotterell was accidentally shot and mortally wounded by his chum Murray Walton at 1.40 Tues- day afternoon. Death occurred withâ€" in five minutes of the accident. In Markham Township where the council members were so sure of an acclamation that they made no pro- vision for the people to express their wish on the question of the two year term even if there should be voting on January 6th, there is talk of an election contest. It is now several years smce there was a contest and it will not be surpris- ing if one develops this year. is generally expected that Reeve T. H. Trench and all members of coup- cil will seek re-election. In Vaughan Township there is a likelihood of an acciamation. Reeve R. W. Scott has intimated that he will accept an ac‘clamation but if there is any desire on the part of present members of council to seek promotion he will retire. So far we have heard of no new candidates seeking council seats. The curtain was rung down on the year’s business by district mun- icipal councils last Monday when statutory meetings were held. At Richmond Hill clerk and treasurer A. J. Hume presented a detailed fin- ancial statement showing village fin- ances to be in a very satisfactory condition. It showed all depart- ments had lived within their esti- mates in the matter of expenditures. Reviewing the year’s work Reeve Trench said two items of major im- portance were the improvements brought about in the waterworks and electric light departments. Dur- ing- the year H. B. Stirling replaced V. H. McBride as waterworks engin- eer and the operation of the electric light system was placed in the hands of the Hydro Electric Commission. Both it was said have resulted in increased efficiency and economy. It BL'TTONVILLE BOY ACCIDENT- ALLY SHOOTS AND KILLS CHUM LOCAL MUNICIPAL COUNCILS HOLD FINAL MEETING RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, The funeral of the late Alex Kerr, who passed away Thursday, Decem- ber 19th after an illneSS of several weeks, was held from Wright and Taylor’s Funeral Parlors, Yonge St., Richmond Hill last Sunday afternoon. A large attendance of friends and relatives and many floral tributes bespoke the sorrow of a wide circle of friends occasioned by his pass- ing. A native of Argylshire, Scot~ land, the late Alex Kerr who was in his 3'9th year, had been in the meat Ibusiness here for the past nine years and during that time he established a reputation of ‘nonesty and integrity. Of a quiet, unassuming dis-position he had many friends and his passing at such an early age is a loss felt by the whole community. The fun- eral service Sunday afternoon was conducted by Rev. John McLaughlin of the Presbyterian Church, Newton- ville, assisted by Rev. W. F. Wrixon of St. Mary’s Anglican Church. In- terment followed at Richmond Hill cemetery, the pallbearers being five brothers, Duncan, Charles, Archie, John and Dugald, and a brother-in- law, Harry Hopper. He is survived by his father Alexander Kerr, in Scotland, his mother and five broth- ers, and two sisters, Mrs. Harry Hop- per and Miss Flora Kerr. A member of Richmond Lodge A.F. & A.M., the Masonic service at the cemetery was conducted by Al- .bert R. Hill, the Worshipful Master, and other officers, and attended by thirty-five of the brethren. The Liberal joins with the people of the community in extending sinâ€" cere sympathy to members of the bereaved family. LIONS CLUB TONIGHT Dr. J. H. Carson, president of Vit- amin Oil Producers, will be the speaker at the regular meeting of the Richmond Hill Lions Club to- night. ' man, J. E. Empringham, W. J. Spears, J. P. Carr, F. Gingell, Bort Weatherill, Jack Maclean, R. Coul- son, Geo. Myland, Alvin Wideman H. Coakwell, H. Thomas, W. Hall- man, Wm. Tran, Valter Reesor, W. L. Clark. Mr. Clark was given an acclama- tion as representative on the Tor-' onto Board. The new Dishict Board elected was as follows: Hon. Past» President, R., E. Perkins; Presiéen-t. A. E. Buchanan; lst Vice’Presq Chas. Hooper; 2nd Vinaâ€"Pres” Chauncey Connor; Sec., Fraser Gee; Treas., Frank Dimma; press reportâ€" er, Fraser Gee; Auditors, Robt, Holâ€" den and C. Connor. Other execuâ€" tive members, L. L. Peterson, Henry Burnett, Ross Chapman, Ross Winâ€" terstein, Lorne Clubine, D. MCAIIâ€" ister, N. Porter, P. Delf, Wm. Wellâ€"A man, J. E. Empringham, W. J., After the minutes of the last an- nuai meeting, President R. E. Perk- ins gave a brief address reviewing the year’s work and the position of the farmer in the present World pic- ture. The secretary’s report was given by Fraser Gee. 'A'ne treas- urer‘s report given by Frank Dimma showed receipts $316.35. expenses $117.63. Councilior W. L. Clark, repiesem- ative of District 6 Toronto Muk Pro- ducers Association, at the annual meeting held at Unionville recently hinted that farmers might soon exâ€" pect an increase in' the pi‘iLe of miik. Mr. Clark in his address gave a comprehensive review of existing conditions in the milk business and told of the efforts of the Board to comprehensive review of existing conditions in the milk business and told of the efforts of the Board to obtain an increase in the price of the farmers’ product. He stressed the need for greater co-opei-ation and ccmm-ented on the attendance of i.j.ty-five members at the annual meeting out of a membersth 0”. 325. He urged shippers to work through the association as individual agree- ments often hampexed the work of the organization. A. E. Buchanan New President of District 6 Milk Producers FARMERS MAY @ET INCREASE IN MILK PRICE Obituary LATE ALEX KERR THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19th, 1940. The many friends of Mr. C. Mar- tin of Newmarket, formerly of the 5th line, will be sorry to hear he is in Newmarket hospital. While covering his auto one day last week another car came along, the handle of the door catching Mr. Martin in the elbow, going upward and tore the muscles out of his arm and also broke it twice between the elbow and the shoulder. We wish him a speedy recovery. The following list of new officers Were elected for the local Y.P.U. for 1941: Hon. Pres, Rev. H. McKay; Pres, Miss Marion Smith; Vice- Pres., Miss Viola Avison; Leaderâ€" ship Training, Miss Viola Avison; Sec., Miss Shirley Sanderson; Treas, Mr. Leslie Hart; Citizenship Conven- er, Mr. Harold Klinck; Fellowship, Miss B. Robertson; Missionary Trea- surer, Miss V. Boynton; Culture, Miss Irene Beatty; Missionary Convener, MiSs M. Boynton; Recreation Con- vener, Mr. A. Forson; Pianist, Miss M. McKay; Asst. Pianists, Misses Marion Boston, Marjorie Hart, Vera Taun; Song Leader, Miss Marion Boston; Asst. Song Leaders, Misses Dorothy Oliver, Verna Taun, Viola Avison; Ushers, Messrs. Bruce Kers- will, LeslieVHart, Charlie Stansbury, Philip Rumney; Publications Con- vener, Miss Marjorie Hart; Auditors, Miss Eloise Perkins, Mr. Gordon Mortson; Social Com., Misses Mabel Caseley, Doris Knapp, Mrs. J. Paul. Mrs. W. Trussell, Messrs. Fraser Gee, Alvin Caseley, James Valliere. All those who are planning on atâ€" tending Y.P.U. next Sunday are askâ€" ed to note that for that meeting only, Dec. 22, the service will not start until 8 o’clock, as Rev. McKay is coming from Carrville for the in- stallation service and will be unable to be there any sooner. There will also be a special Christmas program prepared by Miss M. Caseley and her group. . Friends are pleased to see Mrs Walter Rid'ley home again after he) operation. WOOme 3 SPECIAL CHRISTMAS MATINEE “'EDNESDAY AT 2 RM. : OWNQOMOOOMOOOOQ“WW 9090 00099966” OOWOOWOWONOO W0 “mm Yonge St. at Glenl‘oresl Rd. Richmond Hill Arena Old Timers’ Skating Every Monday Evening Special rates to parties. For full information apply to WES, MIDDLETON. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWSY NOTES Enjoy this Healthful Recreation at General Skating Every Wednesday and Saturday Evening SKATING Chairman Arena Commission SINGLE COPIES be. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE“ ! The annual meeting of the Even- .ing Auxiliary of the Women's Mis- sionary Society of the United Church was held on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Gee, Miss Edith ’Jones presiding. The worship per- iod was in charge of Miss Evelyn G. Follett and a brief Christmas mess- age was brought to the ladies by Rev. H. E. Wellwood. Very encour- aging reports were presented and the following officers were nomin- ated, and afterwards_installed ’by the pastor, Rev. C. W. Follett. Off- At the close of the meeting a most delightful social hour was enâ€" joyed and Miss Jean Smith was pre- sented with a beautiful tray in honor of her approaching marriage. HOCKEY PRACTICE There will be hockey practice at Richmond Hill arena Friday evening: from 8 to 9 p.111. An effort is being made to enter an intermediate team in the Markham Township league. icers for 1941: President, Miss Irene Anderson; 1st Vice-Pres, Mrs. Teal; 2nd Vice-Pres, Mrs. H. Cook; 3rd Vice-Pres, Miss Hunt; Past Presi- dent, Miss Edith Jones; Treas., Mrs. Kidd; Rec. Sec., Mrs. Austin; Press Sec., Mrs. Agar; Social Convener, Mrs. Sayers; Pianist, Miss E. G. Follett; Asst. Pianist, Mrs. Will- iams. Don’t forget the annual Sunday School Christmas Tree to be held in the Community Hall on Tuesday ev- ening, Dec. 24th. A mixed program will be given and finally Santa will arrive to amuse the children and de- liver them their gifts. The W.A. supper last week was well attended considering the roads and weather. This was the last supper for this year and I’m sure the organization is well pleased with the success of the year. UNITED CHURCH EVENING AUXILIARY No. 25.

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