é§%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 33' . g; Canadian Tire Corporatlongig §3 Associate Store 2‘5 91:01 REVIEW] W%§a§a§a§a§a%§z§s g A Merry Christmas ’E m§a§a§§a§z§ï¬a§a§z§a§3§3§a§a§a§a§a§am§a§g anemone PAGE FOUR Richmond Hill F. Y. W. BRATHWAITE We extend our compliments of the festive season with the wish that it hold a wealth of good cheer for all. Ofl°=30=0 HARDWARE 01:30 HEATERS Standard Heater $5.95 Heatmaster . . . . . . $7.75 Super Heater, built-in“ 11 plate, 1 year guarantee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.98 13 plate, 1 year guarantee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.95 15 plate Super Service, 24 month guarantee . $7.45 17 plate Super Service, 24 month guarantee . $8.25 Seat Covers They beautify and protect. Tailored models to fit all cars. Perfect fit. Front Seat only $3.69 For all seats . . . . . . $5.98 defroster . . . . . . . SE Senior DeLuxe .built-in defroster unit, com- plete . . . . . . . . . . $12 Sealed beam driving lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.98 and SEALED BEAM LAMPS SILVER GRILL COVERS ’«r length style, all makes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89c. ‘rom HORNS. MIRRORS CLOCKS MOTOR RUGS and _ BLANKETS m $2.69 to $5.69 other BATTERIES Pleasing Gifts. 0:0 Ontario . . $9.45 $13.95 We are pleased to report‘that Mrs. L. Hood is rapidly improving from her recent serious illnesS and we hope will soon be around once more. The December meeting of the But- tonville Women‘s Institute was a de- cided success. 1“ was held at the home of Miss Della Stephenson on Thursday. Dec. 12th. The ladies an- swered the roll call by stating their favourite nroverb and hostesses were Miss Stephenson and Mrs. Cordine- Iv. The m‘ogram was much enjoyâ€" ed. MiSs Douglas of Toronto accomâ€" nnnipd hv Mr. Leich. also of Toronâ€" BROWN’S CORNERS UNITED CHURCH - The postponed December meeting of the WiM.S. was held n Tuesday, December 10th at the church. This meeting was under the leadership of Miss Mary Rodick and Mrs. W. J. Rodick. \MI‘S. Mc'Causland, contralto, from Danforth United Church, sang‘ two delightful 50105, “Just a Little Bit of Love†and “Night of Nights". Mrs. Craig Sr. gave the offertory prayer. A vote of thanks was ex- pressed to all by Mrs. Walter Graig. Rev. Rumley pronounced the benedic- tion. A social hour was then enâ€" joyed by all. Many regular attend- ers were very much mlssed owing to illness. Many of th 21 visit to t} S‘ommerville dresses, coat etc., made by branches the ship. The d‘is etc., made by the various Red Cross branches throughout Markham town- ship. The display Was indeed a very fine one and the ladies of the town- ship may well be proud of their work. In connection with this work our local branch sent in 10 pair refugee mitts, 3 scarfs made by the Junior Red Cross, 5 sweaters age 12 years, 5 kimonas, 5 coats size 40, 2 suits age 16 years, 2 dresses size 8, 2 dresses size 10. Last Sunday Brown’s Corners Church and Sunday School had their white gift service. A visiting dea- coness from the Fred Victor Mis- sion gave a talk on the people and conditions which the Mission tries to help. Her talk was very interâ€" esting and we received a first hand account of the joy our gifts give to others. She had a carload of gifts to take back with her. Mrs. R. L. Stiver presided and wel- comed the visitors from Unionville and Agincourt. Mrs. Russell took her Christmas message of devotion from Luke. After reading the lesson she explained the very beautiful thoughts connected with Christmas and that our language at this time should be one of kindness. Mrs. Reid read the minutes and in the business that} followed it was de- cided to bring our special W¢M.S. gifts for the Victor Home to :the Christmas concert to be held Decem- ber 30th at the church. A W.M.S. quilting was held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Brown on Thurs- day, November 28, when two quilts were done for the White Gift Sun- day which was held on Sunday, De- cember 15th. ,Mrs. Wm. Smith, secretary of Christian Stewardship, Toronto East Presbyterial, then addressed the meeting, her subject “Christian Stewardshipâ€. She read quite a lengthy definition of this phase of our church work and then went through it explaining it so thorough- ly and in such ways as each and every one could apply it to their own lives. \Ve could all be such an asset in this great work by “Our Willâ€, “Our Influenceâ€, “Our Personality", “Our Talents†and also keeping in mind that the task ahead is never greater than the power behind. The annual Christmas Concert, Patterson Public School, will be held Thursday evening, December 19 at 8.30 p.m. D.S.T. Plays, Songs, Dia- log-ues. “The Lamp Went Out†will be presented by Patterson young people. Adnilssion adults 25c., chil- dren 15c. Everyone invited. Success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get. WITH KINDEST THOUGHTS AND ALL GOOD WISHES FOR CHRISTMAS AND THE NEW YEAR PATTERSON XMAS CONCERT EXPERT SHOE REPAIR BUTTONVILLE J. BOBYK was served. .. the Buttonville ladies'paid the home of Miss Mina e to View the array of ats. suits, hats, gloves, THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Hold Short Courses In Thirteen Counties Short courses in agriculture forl rural boys will be held from Janu- ary 7 to 31 in thirteen counties, R.’ S. Duncan, Director of Agricultural Representatives, Ont. Dept. of Agriâ€" culture announces. Short courses for rural girls in Home Economics will be held at the same time. An attendance of 325 {boys and 250 girls is expected. Lectures and practical work for the boys will be under the super- vision of Mr. Duncan and the Agri- cultural Representatives in the coun- ties, while the Home EconOmics course will be under the direction of‘ Miss F. P. Eadie, Women’s InstituteI Branch, Ont. Dept. of Agriculture, and Home Economic coaches. . Courses have been" arranged forl the following counties: DurhanLl Expect 325 rural boys and 250 girls to attend course: sponsored by Ont. Dept. of Agriculture, Jan; 7 to 3lst. Christmas services will be held in the United Church next Sunday con- ducted by the pastor. Special music by the choir. Come and bring‘your family and any visiting friends. the following counties: Durham, Hampton; York County, Unionville; South Simcoe, Bradford; Peel, Eben- ezer; Haldimand, Hagersville; Brant, Bl'antford; Middlesex, Lucan; Lamb- ton, Forest; Perth, Atwood; Welling- ton, _Mt.,Forest; Grey, Kilsyth; Watâ€" erloo, Welles‘ley; Dundas, Chester- ville. There will be no course for girls in South Simcoe. Mr. Duncan said there would be a series of five special meetings dur- ing the month in the counties of Dufferin and Halton. Boys and girls in the above coun- ties who would like to take these courses should write or telephone their agricultural representative or Home Economics coach. To the Liberal staff and all its readers we extend best wishes for a Xery Merry Qhristmgst Miss E. Northgraxvle was the guest of Miss Edna Street last week-end. er. and Mrs. Paul Street enter- tained a number of friends on Dec. 15th in honor of the 26th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Street. A happy social evening was enjoyed. Those who helped to serve were Miss Edna Street, Miss Eva Valliere and Mrs. Paul Street. - The Newtonbrook United Church Sunday School is holding their annual ‘Christmas Tree Concert this even- ing and the children are looking for- ward to the visit of Santa Claus who will distribute the gifts off the tree. The Auxiliary of the W.M..S. held their annual meeting and election of officers on ~Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. M. Campbell with the president Mrs. A. W. Galbraith in the chair. The devotional worship service and hymns were in keeping with the Christmas season. The an- nual reports given by the secretaries of the various departments were very encouraging. Rev. A. H. Halbert conducted the election of officers which resulted as follows: Honorary Presidents, Mrs. R. Pinder Sr., Mrs. C. Dempsey, Mrs. S. Browne; Presi- dent, Mrs. A. W. Galbraith; Vice- President, Mrs. James Murray; 2nd Viceâ€"President, Mrs. Murdie Camp- bell; Recording Sec., Mrs. W. T. New; Corresponding Seen, Mrs. Fred MacDonald; Treasurer, Mrs. W. T. Wells; Temperance Sec., Mrs. M. Campbell; Associate Helpers and Community Friendship, Mrs. A. W. Stephenson; Christian Stewardship 860., Mrs. New, Mrs. Wells; Mission LTircle Sec., Mrs. A. H. Halbert; Mis- sion Band secretaries. Mrs. Halbert, Mrs. E. Pearson; Baby Band Sec., Mrs. W. E. Hick; Missionary Month- 1v Sec.. Mrs. Stephenson; Supply Com., Mrs. A. Brown, Mrs. F. Mac- Donald, Miss E. Hope; Pianist, Mrs. W. E. Hick. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess at the close of the meeting. The Girls’ Mission Circle met at the Parsonage for their December meeting with the preside-t Miss Lorayne Brown presiding. The wor- ship period was conducted by the president. Mrs. Halibert gave a message on the “Stewardship of Timeâ€. A Christmas program was given including “Christmas Celebra- tions in other lands" with Ruby Brown, Mary Campbell, Doris Van 'Luven and Bertha Smith taking part. Annual reports were received. The treasurér reported that the alloca- tion had been raised. Rev. A. H. Halbert conducted the election of officers which resulted as follows: 'Hon. Pres., Mrs. A. H. Halbert; Past Pres., Miss Lorayne Brown; Pres, Miss Doris VanLuven; Vice- 'Pres., Miss Irene Smith; 2nd Viceâ€" ‘Pres., Miss Ruby Brown; Recording ‘Sec.. Miss Mary Campbell; Corres- ponding See, Miss Reta Hurd; Christian Stewardship, Mrs. W. Mur- chison; Temperance See, Miss Mar- garet Grisdale; Supply Secretaries. Miss Edna Street, Miss B. Smith; Membership Com., Misses Doris Newson, Hazel Campbell. Jean Doug- las and Frances Schmidt; Pianist, Miss B. Smith. At the close of the meeting refreshments were served by the hostess. Very successful Sunday School an- niversary services were held last Sunday with Rev. R. W. Rumley, B.D., of Agincourt as special speak- er. The Sunday School choir of over 30 voices led in the worship of praise. The usual White Gift service was held in conjunction with the anniversary, with a very grati- fying response. Newtonbrook of BOY’S OR GIRL’S{I TUBE SKATES Au] ‘hAAL_ .:,~. 1 Ann1" Y:Ln..n1 :LA‘DIES" TUBE SKATES and boots, ysize 51/2, good as new, $2.50. Apply USED FURNITURE. Apply 11 Rich- mond Street, Richmond Hill. GOOD VEALING CALF. Apply De La Salle Farm, phone Aurora 90. 2 ($1933. and ,1 gander. J. ’ H. iott, phone“R‘1chmond Hill 4611 39 Church St, Richmdnd Hill, pï¬Ã©né 191V. 4 A BARGAINâ€"5‘0 Leghorn Pullets, 75c. each, ’or would exchange for old fat hens. C. Bowerbank, Step 17A Yonge Street. 2-5 NEWHAMP‘SHIRE PULLETS Mrs. O’Keefe, phone Maple 78r11. GARAGE 10 x 16 ft., $10.00. Apply and‘ Boots, size Office. “Are you in favour, as a Wartime Measure, under the Local Govern- ment Extension Act 1940, of the _Municipal Council elected for 1941 holding office for two years?†Slze ‘51/2, good Li'beral Orffiée C.C.M nearly new. Apply Oscar Edwardls, Stop 14 Yonge St., lst farm south of Thornhill. BARGAIN, 35 Leghorn Pullets, $20, or would exchange for young Cock- erels, old hens or ducks. C. Bower- bank, Stop 17A Yonge St, Thorn- hill. 2 REGISTERED BULLS, serviceable age; 1 registered cow due January; 1 registered, heifer nearly _2 years; boys mond 7‘0 CHICKEN‘S, or change for pigs. Some pullets, old ones and roosters. 75c. leach. Mrs. J. Donald, Elgin Mills, phone Maple 1049. BOY’S BICYCLE, in good shape, 10 OHUNKS. A. Hansen, Bathurst and Fairlawn, half mile south oi Wilson Avenue. 2 grzde heifers, year and half. AD- ply to James Stephenson. Maple RR. 2, phone 49le Maple. 9 a.m.-â€"Holy Communion The above question will be sub-I mitted to the electors of this mun- icipality on Monday, the sixth day of January, 1941, and the voting on the same will take place in the Mun- icipal Hall, Richmond Hill, at the same hours as obtain for Municipal Elections. On Saturday, January 4, 1941 the Reeve of the said Munici- pality will attend at the Village Clerk’s office at ten o’clock in the forenoon for the purpose of appoint- ing in writing, signed by himself, one person to attend at each polling place, and at the final summing up of the votes cast, on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of voting in the affirmative on the said question, and, in like manner, one person to attend on behalf of the per- sons interwted in and desirous of |voting in the negative. ST. JOHN’S, Oak Ridges Rector, Rev. E. W. G. Worrall Daylight Saving Time Sunday, Dec. 22nd 10.45 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. 11.15 a.m.â€"Sunday School. CHRISTMAS SERVDCE 10 p.m., Christmas Eve â€" Annual Candleâ€"Light \ Community Com- munion Service. CHRLS’DMAS DAY 11 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. 6.30 ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH, Maple Rector, Rev. E. W. G. Worrall Standard Time Sunday, Dec. 22nd 2.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"Evensong, Carols and Ser- mon. On Tuesday, January 7th, 1941, the Village Clerk will attend at his Office at ten o’clock in the forenoon to sum up the votes given in the affirmative and in the negative on the said ques- tion. A. J. HUME, Clerk. Richmond Hill, December 5, 1940. ALL SAINTS, King City Rector, Rev. E. W. G. Won-all Standard Time Sunday, Dec. 22nd a.m.â€"Sunday School. a.m.â€"Morning Prayer. 30 p.1n.â€"4Christmas Carols. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATES~ 191w imes or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents [or each subsequent Insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extn each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classiï¬ed Advs. SKATES anck Boots, size 4, good condition. Phone Rich- Hill 28. Public Notice FOR SALE OHRI’S'DM‘AS DAY Apply Liberal THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19th, 1940. H. E11- SMALL OFFICE wanted in Maple by January 151:, 1941. Apply to Dr. S. W. Armitage, King. WOMAN desires work by day, any- thing. Also would teach Hawaiian Guitay. Mrs. LePoidevin, Bayview Ave., RR, 1 Richmond Hill. ished ished leges, mend WANTED BY JAN. 1 small HOUSE to rent on Centre Street Apply Rustic Inn. APARTMENT with modern conven- iences, electric range, hardwood floors. Apply Liberal Office. '5 ROOME‘D HOUSE with 2 acres of land, hydro, at Edlgeley, south of No. 7 Highway. H. L. Whitmore, RR. 1 Maple. COMFORTABLE SIX ROOMED HOUSE, water, electric, good gar- age. Apply I. D. Ramer, Richmond Hill. HOUSES Raised and Moved. Phone Thornhill 73. t1 upholstering. cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. DAIRY CATTLE, Grain, Hay, Straw, Alfalfa and‘ Clover Seed“ ac- cepted in trade on De Laval Millkers, Frigidaire MiLk Coolers, Electric Re- frigerators, Ranges, Washers and RadiOS. Write or phone B. R. Leech, Wa. 4601, Toronto Radio and Sports Ltd., 241 Yon-ge St., Toronto. ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, swers to name “Mikeâ€, white on front and tail, brown ears. Missing since Sunday, December 15th. Phone E. Needham, Maple 79r11. BLACK AND Wï¬ITE COLL-IE, an- Used Cars The Public Librar’y will be closed Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve and Thursday afternoons, Dec. 26th and Jan. 2nd. Day 139 (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) 1939 MERCURY TO‘VN SEDAN â€" White Wall Tires and Heater. Small Mileage. 1935 PLYMOUTH SEDAN with Trunk â€" Good condition Little Brothers FORD AND MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE RICHMOND HILB PHONE 174 We have in stock 1 Car Oil Cake 1 Car Oil Cake Meal 1 Car Molasses 1 Car Soya Bean Meal These were bought early and we are offering them at attractive prices nd Hill MISCELLANEOUS RICHMOND HILL, ONT. 1929 FORD PICKUP TRUCK THE MILL apartment or 2 or more rooms with housekeeping all convenienc-csr. Phone NOTICE WANTED $925.00 $425.00 TO RENT $95.00 LOST Phones: Evening 82W privi- Rich- furn- furn-