Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Dec 1940, p. 5

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DATED at Toronto this 6th day of December, 1940. ALBERT L. BRADY, All persons having claims against the estate of John Franklin Snider, who died on or about the 20th day of July, 1938, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned solicitor before the 30th day of De- cember, 1940, after which date the estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have not- ice. In the Estate of John Franklin Snid- er, deceased, late of the Village of Edgeley, in the County of York, Contractor. 30 Yonge St ‘§¥%9§3§9§£§9§9§9%9$§9%W have found Something that has caught your eye, You can’t resist itâ€"and so you buy. But, if you go in and browse around, First thing you’ll knowâ€"that you There are exquisite gifts of fine silverware, Beautiful glass and chinnware; Gifts too innumerable. to. mention here, The rest I’ll leave it to you my dear Pretty cups in which tea will taste fine To your special guests when they come to dine. My friend you need not puzzled be With such fine and pretty gifts as these. MRS. JERRY SMITH Where do you do your shopping? I asked, Why! At the Gift Shoppe my dear friend. There’s tea-pots blue and tea-pots brown, Eiiher plain or with handpainting on. \ N-obletoh Red Cross unit in the W.I. sponsored a successful dance last week, realizing $40 towards buy- ing.svwe_aters for Arefiugee supplies. The funeral of they IateHKustaa Jaskari, the Canadian name being Jackson, of the 4th of King was Rev. Mr. Galloway spoke to the Schomberg Institute last week on the subject of Books. Mr. C‘laridge and pupils from the public school gave Christmas chorus numbers. A dis- play of sewing etc. from the Red Cross rooms will be given early in January. Rev. E. W. G. Worrall. His: Hr-hn Whitten and Miss Dorothy A“m- strong attended the organ recifal at Eaton’s Auditorium on Saturday :If- tel-noon. The French organist. Mr. Joseph Bennett, was the tearher of Dr. R. Jacques, whom we heard in King a short‘tilne ago. A very interesting program in the Women’s Institute Was held at Mrs. Stone’s, Sn, last week. Mrs. F. Arm- strong“ gave a pauer on “The Home as a Community Centre". Then was an interesting: display of hemp-made Christmas gifts. Articles for refu- gee sewing were given to the mem- bers. ing. It was a “real pretend" all through'and how thcy did enjoy do- ing it. The choruses were well chosen and sung with taste and abil- ity. Both schools and Sunday schools and church junior choirs throughout the township profit from good music being taught in the schools. Eversley Young People c‘nlributâ€" ed a novel act and Santa Claus was all that a benevolent “Saniy” Could be. He radiated the spirit of Christ- mas and good will to all. Eversley school and church con- cert held in the church on Dec. 12 was well attended, and was a decided success. Eachmumber was enacted with' upusual spirit and natural act- The school buses were not able to make the trips on Monday due to dangeroust slippery roads. Many have remained away from Toronto due to bad city streets. Rural areas are better situated than the city as far as safe and passable roads are concerned. But it all goes to make for a longer winter. _ Miss Alice Ferguson had the mis- fortune to fall on ice on Thursday last, crashing down in a split second on her right elbow. No bones were broken but she sustained bruises in the ligaments and is un2ble to carry on with her usual vigor. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19th, 1940. Notice to Creditors 8 Albany Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administratrix A PUZZLED FRIEND King City News Items Richmond Hill 1n The Troop received a most welcome visit from Ffi'eld Secretary Jones of Provincial Headquarters at the last meeting. He presented two Patrol Leaders’ badges and spoke most, enâ€" couraging words to the Troop. ' Scout Bill Bowdery has been ap- pointed Acting- Second of the Wolf Patrol. It has been decided that under present conditions of meeting, that is the limited space available in the hall, the strength of the Troop must be cut down. The Court of Honour discussed this situation and it was ruled that until larger quarters can be obtained the strength of the Troop shall be 21, four patrols of five with Troop Leader. It was the hope that the Troop should be built to a full complement of 37, but it is impossâ€" ible to carry on the work in a pro- gressive manner with too large a group in the limited room. ‘kay on December 15th was very well attended. Rev. L. E. Atkinson of ‘Stouffville delivered a splendid ser- Imon on “God and the Church". It has been pointed out by some that the church has failed. The church twill not fail: it will always have a measure of success, the speaker stated. The church puts forth the iphilosophy of life by way of truth land faith. It gives power for a- .chievement, ard is the medium beâ€" ‘tween God and the world. Eversley WAGS. annual meeting land election of officers was held at was raised for missionary purposes. Officers are: Pres.. Miss Alice Fer- : quscn; 1st Vice-Pres, Mrs. D. M. Ross; 2nd Viceâ€"Pres, Mrs. A. B0- vair: Sec, Annie Ferguson; Treas., Mrs. R. Gellatly; Press See, Mrs. W. Rolling: Glad Tidings. Mrs. A. B0â€" vair; Supply. Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Wade; Sick and Shut-in See., Mrs. Gellatly; Lunch convener. Mrs. C. Cohen; Vis- iting: Com.. Mrs. J. Walsh. Mrs. C. Egan, Marie Ball; Programme Com., Hilda Cairns, Laura E. Rolling. Mrs. C. Egan, Marie Ball' Pianist. L. E. Rolling, Frances Ross: Expense Treas., Mrs. S. W. Armitage. King United W.M.S. heard annual reports and elected officers. $160 ‘allocation will be more than covâ€" ered. Hon. Pres.. Mrs. Winter, Mrs. Davis: Pres.. Mrs. J. Patton; Vice-Pres.. Mrs. W. Carson: Secre- tarv, Mrs. Campbell; Treasurer, Mrs. J. Dew Six; Corresponding See. Mrs. Norris; Stewardship. Mrs. F. Willis; Temperance, Mrs. Hamblv: Missionâ€" ary Monthly. Mrs. McC‘allum; Supâ€" ply, Mrs. Winter; Community Friend»- ship and Associate Sec.. Annie Mcâ€" Bride; Quilt Convener, Mrs. McCal- lum. Mrs. Winter. .Mrs. S. W. Armitage‘s last week. $93- luL‘hUu‘V. UCCUIlluk'I LiLll IIUHI A'- LU ‘2 and from 7 to 10 p.111. on the occa- sion of their fiftieth wedding anniâ€" versary. Music which was presented at the Candle-Light S-crvce on Tuesday last will be repeated by the United Church choir at next Sunday even- ing’s service. which will be largely musical. Special Christmas music will also be sung by the choir next Sunday morning. NE‘V YEAR'S DANCE AT MAPLE A dance will be held in the Con- cert Hall, Maple, on New Year’s Night, Wed, January 1. Olde Tyme and Modern Dancing to Gillam‘s Or- chestra. Ernie Evans, floor man- ager. Under auspices of the Con- cert Hall Committee. Admission 25 cents. CHILDREN GUESTS OF LIONS 100 happy children left the L.T.B. & Orange Home Saturday morning last en route for the Strand Theatre Newmarket, guests of the Lions Club where a special show was put on for them, pictures not only kidd- ies could enjoy but. a real treat for all. The children were so grateful to the Lions for this wonderful treat also to the management of the Strand Theatre. RAIL FARES FOR XMAS AND WITH THE BOY SCOUTS The Troop wishes to thank the many friends who supported the Apple Day held recently. Total rc- ceipts were $28.09 with expenses of $3.75 of which $2.25 was specially contributed by two friends. 'Ihis active financial support is greatly appreciated and gives heart to tl‘z officers who are endeavouring 1c carry on under some difficulty. The last council meeting of 194:0 was held at Schomberg on Decem- ber 16th. The budget set aside for expenses has been covered. with r" deficit, between $7000 and 88000 the balance recorded. Already $300 ’n“: been spent on snow and sand. This is a good start for winter. All Saints W. A. elected officers last week. Hon. Pres, Mrs. E. W. G. Worrall; Pres, Mrs. H. Finch; Vice-Pres. Mrs. Harold Hollinshead; 2nd Vice-Pres, Mrs. C. J. Beauclerc; Sec., Lin Anderson; Dorcas Sec., Mrs. Harry Edwards; Living Mess- age Sec., Mrs. Clifton Pitt. The pledge has been met and a balance on hand. Congratulations are due’to King Township pupils winning distinction at Aurora High School for the past year’s work. ' Pottageville Baptist Church will hold a special Christmas service at 2.30 pm. Dec. 22nd when SS. and congregation will join. Scholars will give choruses and Rev. Mr. Gallo- wa_,v‘ will give a Christmas story. ed to.the bereaved family. Mr. Albert Hollingshead is slight- ly improved from sciatica. The death of Mrs. Alfred H011- inshead of Sherwood occurred on De- cember 11th. Mr. Hollinshead pass- ed nway about four months ago. S.S. anniversary services at Las- kay on December 15th was very well attended. Rev. L. E. Atkinson of Stouffville delivered a splendid serâ€" held or. Saturday from Thompson’s Parlours, Aurora, interment in King City Cemetery. Rev. M. E. Burch officiated. Mr. Jackson was 62 years of age and has been in poor health for some time. He was born in Finland and has lived in Canada for 25 years or more. The family have been successful and are excell- ent citizens. It is just over a year since his son passed away. Surviving are his wife and three sons. Harvey of Vaughan, William of Toronto and Ernest of Toronto; one daughter Mrs. Russell Graham of Whitchurch. Sympathy is extend- ed to.the bereaved family. Mr. Albert Hollineshead is slight- have been success ent citizens. It i‘ since his son pas Surviving are } sons. Harvey of men, The world's sole hope is born again; When breaks the light of Christmas Rev. C. W. Foilett. B.D. Pastor Dec. 22, Christmas Sunday 11 a.m.â€"â€"White Gift Service. Sun- day School meets at 10.30 and at 11'will join the congregation in a White Gift Service. Parents and scholars will bring their gifts into the church where they will be re- ceived by the officers of the school and placed inside the altar rail; the scholars proceeding to the gallery and during the service will render two musical numbers. The choir will sing the Hallelujah Chorus. 7 p.m.â€"Special musical program by the choir, Christmas carols and Christmas anthems. This Will be an interesting and inspiring ser- vice. Christmas cheer will be dis- tributa during the afternoon. This church extends a warm wel- come to families and friends of the congregation, and the heartiest sea- son’s greetings to all. “To all earth’s weary, struggling Christmas Carols and Christmas Messages at both services. All cordially invited. Wednesday, Christmas Day Holy Communion at 8 and 10.30 am. A Merry Christmas To You All Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. 4 Markham Road Sunday, Dec.. 22nd Advent 4 Services at 11 and 7. Sunday School For Christmas fare and a quarter for the round trip on sale Dec. 23rd to Dec. 25th. Return limit Dec. 26. For New Years same rates, on sale Dec. 30 to Jan. lst. Return limit Jan. 2nd. Lori‘g limit for Christmas and New Years fare and a third for the round trip on sale Dec. 20 to Jan. lst. Good to return until Jan. 7th. Mrs. Kerr and family desire to ex- press the’r thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy in their re- :ent bereavement. CHILDREN GUESTS 0F LIONS 100 happy children left the L.T.B. & Orange Home Saturday morning last en route for the Strand Theatre Newmarket, guests of the Lions Club where a special show was put on for them, pictures not only kidd- ies could enjoy but a real treat for all. The children were so grateful to the Lions for this wonderful treat also to the management of the Strand Theatre. A dance will be held in the Con- cert Hall, Maple, on New Year’s Night, Wed., January 1. Olde Tyme and Modern Dancing to Gillam’s Or- chestra. Ernie Evans, floor man- ager. Under auspices of the Con- cert Hall Committee. Admission 25 cents. At the Literary Society meeting at. the High School Wednesday af ternoon Miss Jean Smith was pre sented with a coffee table by stu dents of the school. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, 20 Finch’Ave., East, Northmount, Ont., will be at home to their friends on Tuesday, December 24th from 2 to 4 and from 7 to 10 pm. on the occa- sion of their fiftieth wedding; anni- Gerald Cuttance of Richmond Hill reported for duty at Manning Pool Toronto this week as a member of the R.C.A.F. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore left on Tuesday of this week to spend the winter months with their daugh- ter Mrs. R. F. Mitchell in Miami, Florida. RAIL FARES FOR XMAS AND NEW YEAR'S at 2.30 morn, unto us Sociai and Personal i RED CROSS NOTES ST. N A RY'S CHURCH CARD CF THANKS RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO a child is born.” (Anglican) [0 4| A Mo occaf Greek F anm' Schombe her 27th ' piece 01' t the for Olde ' Fag? I Dancing her 27th. Rus Cre piece orchestra w for Olde Tyme ant Dancing from 8.1 Entertainment and tractions. Admis: provided. Church has made an Richmond Hill Red These quilts are gr ledged‘ by the Soci packed and sh] along with th( Cross room. E6 Yonge & Richmond Sts. Richmond Hi1! ES? Men’s and Boys’ Wear â€" Boots and Shoes Yonge & Richmond Sts. Ric] 9%!4‘S’34 It’s easy to solve the Gift Problem here, and you can do it in such a way that insures your pleasing the men and boys on your list. When you give a Craigie’s Gift; you are giving something to g? wear and use, the kind of a gift that men appreciate. / Qgfléflé’gé .‘ ‘1 969%?!” $9 Here are just a few suggestions from our store: Men’s Fine Arrow Shirts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from $1.65 to $2.00 Men’s Ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from 50c. to $1.00 Men’s and Boys’ Fancy Scarves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c. to $3.00 Men’s and Boys’ Handkerchiefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from 25c. Men’s Pyjamas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.69 to $2.50 Men’s and Boys’ Windbreakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.98 up Braces and Brace and Garter Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c. and up a ’ A fine assortment of Mitts, Gloves, Socks, Cuff Links, and Wide variety of other items suitable for Christmas Gifts All Attractiver Packed in Christmas Boxes h§a§a§z§a§a§a§afia§a§a§z§a§a§e mgfifi @fi‘ig weasew 9€9$€ 31y », u y x V y & V \ - A I ‘ . I - _ s ’ VI .1, I” ‘1' fl . V, A-_- a 3, i J kg‘é‘fi §a%%%%§a§a§a§z§a§a%% g3 . gt: 1F YOU WANT TO PLEASE HIMâ€" §§IF HE’S A MAN 0F TASTEâ€" ND Jary na IF YOU’RE A THRIFTY BUYER- Craigig’s Store ade qm Herring at the 17th. W.A. and shipped are am Cross room will remajn Wednesd t on display in Mr. on’s window. These if GIVE HIM A GIFT FROM SINCERE' CHRISTMAS GREETINGS TO ALL made the ety available for atefully acknow- ity, and will be to headquarters ade in the Red 3y Presbyterian donated to the Dress 4 quilts‘ C ket t Yonge S at will' 11 meeting 0 R. J. CRAIGIE anuary the for euchre were won by, ladies, Mrs. F. Harrison, Tliornhill; Mrs. Morri- son, Elgin Mills; Mr. Johnston, Rich- vale, playing as la'dy. Gentlemen, Mr. R. Kain, Garden Avc.; Arthur Woolacott, Joe Taylor. In the Lucky Draw, winners were: lst, Mr. Broom, Spruce Ave., ticket 188; 2nd. Frank Harrison, Thornhill. No. 288; 3rd, Mr. Woolacott, No. 564. ' VETERANS DRAW The Vaughan and Richmond Hill Veterans Draw will take place on December 23rd. Members are asked to have all stutvbs handed in by that date. Over 200 attended chre and Dance he vale Social Club in Wednesday evening. RICHVALE SOCIAL CLl'B HOLD SUCCESSFUL El'CHRE £11}? £5 aémwwmeag 2g2gWW WE§3§§3§§3§3§3 §a§a§a§§a§zm§i§i§z§j WALLACE BEERY, MARJORIE MAIN. ANN RUTHERFORD in “ WYOMING ” long time FRIDAY & SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20 - 21 “ KIT CARSON ” with JON HALL - LYNN BARI A Western action melodrama. The best picture of this type in a \VEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25 - 26 GREETINGS LITTLE BROTHERS Richmond Hill In grateful acknowledgment of this opporâ€" tunity made possible by the most pleasant business relations of the past, we extend hearty wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. A grand action picture, Wallace Beery at his best ROSALIND RUSSELL - JAMES STEWART in “ NO TIME FOR COMEDY ” A SPLENDID COMEDY DRAMA MONDAY & TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23 - 24 TODAY. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 19 RICHARD GREENE - ZORINA in “ I WAS AN ADVENTURESS ” A laugh riot from start to finish the Poultry Eu- 3 by the Rich- Richvale School Poultry prizes FORD SALES & SERVICE A MERRY XMAS TO ALL store: 5%? .. from $1.65 to $2.00 g . . . from 50c. to $1.00 . . . . . . . . . 50c. to $3.00 g . . . . . . . . . . . from 250. @W@%gfi%%%%§%% SEASUN’S GREETINGS. %a%a§a%a§a§z%a§3%a§i§a§z§k Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Special Holiday ?rices on Permanent. Waves HILLCREST BEAUTY PARLOR Hairdressing and Beauty Culture 93 Yonge St., Richmond Hill (Graduate of the Owen Smile} Studio) Elecutiun. Public Speaking and Dramatic Art Stluuxos: a “Homewood Hall", Thomhill ‘ Bank of Commerce Bldg, 2896 Dundas St. w., Toronto l MARGUERITE BOYLE PAGE FIVE Ontario

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