WWï¬Ã©ï¬amm‘ï¬a g: A MERRY CHRISTMAS g Austin’s Drug Store W9§3§3§W~€9§9€%%9€Qéggߤ9€£§9£3§¥§3§9§£§9§9g 3.7% 3% 9%; #3 § GREETINGS TO ALL {é PAGE EIGHT %!$§!€’%1€9€3§'4%%9%E%9%9%9%9€;9%3€9%9%9%2%9%9%9€9% W§a§2§ï¬aï¬Â§a Es CHRISTMAS DANCE AT VELLORE A: Modern .and Olde Tyme Dance will be held in Memorial Hall, Velâ€" Iore on Christmas night, Wednesâ€" day, Decembe} '25th. Gillam’s 0r- chestra, Ernie Evans, floor manager. Proceeds in aid of Memorial Hall Building Funi'. Admission 35c» Yerex Electric Christmas Specials W2ï¬t§i§i§a§a§a W%i§i§2%3%r§a§a§a§a§3§a§a§a§a§r§z§a§3§a§a§a§ g A Merry Christmas .mmmm Sheppard & Gill Lumber Co. Trilite Floor‘ Lamps $9.95 Also Table Lamps at various prices 1 Gurney'Electric Range less 25% tax N orge Refrigerators There’ll Always be an England Phone 77 Phone 23 The good will of the Christmas Season reminds us of your good will throughout the year for which we give heartfelt thanks, with the sincere wish that all the people of this district may enjoy a very Merry Christmas. There are no fancy words that express the honest thought more clearly than just â€" A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. We take this opportunity to express our appreciation of the cordial relations we have enjoyed in the past, with an- ticipation that they may long continue with our friends. Dominion Stores KERR BROTHERS This enables us to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas on this occasion. More than ever wili men be inspired to establish good will Without Doubt or Hesitation MORLEY B. HALL, Manager BAKERS AND GROCERS m9§9%9§1% In future, according to Order-in- Council, the Military Forces of Canâ€" ada will be designated and described as “The Canadian Army.†To dis- tinguish between the former C.A.S.F. and N.P.A.M., whiich now disappear from use, the terms “Activeâ€, and “Reserveâ€, will 'be applied to forma- tions units and: personnel. POULTRY EUCHRE A poultry euchre will be held in Masonic Hall, Thornhill, Mon., Dec. 23rd under the auspices of L.O.L. 91 at 8.30 p.m. D.S.T. Turkeys, Geese, Ducks and Chickens as prizes. Ad- mission 25 cents. BETHESDA LUTHERAN CHURCH I Unionville Sunday, Dec. 22nd 8 pm. D.S.T.â€"â€"Service. NEW DESIGNATION FOR CANADIAN ARMY Richmond Hill Richmond Hill THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO There was a large attendance of the Thornhill Women's Institute and friends at the home of Mrs. R. H. lNeil on Thursday, December 12. The ,president, Mrs. R. Holmes, presided land the roll call was answered by donations for the Xmas baskets. The speaker, Miss Marjorie Davis. dieti- tian from the Games and Fisheries Dept, gave valuable information re- garding the advisability of adding more fish to the household menu. She cooked and served filleted white fish with dressing. smoked fillet of fin and haddie, fish chowder and a de- lectable lobster salad. All those Who attended the meeting are to receive a book of lobster recipes and a sec- ond book containing 100 fish recipes. n r ' This week is indeed a busy one for the many young folks partici- pating in the various Xmas enter- tainments. On Wednesday evening a good crowd attended the United Church to hear the splendid pro- gram given by the members of the Sunday School. The program con- sisted of recitations, songs and gay little skits and the young ones cer- tainly deserve credit for the excell- ent evening’s fun provided by them. They were however well rewarded when the big moment came for which W WWWWOQW Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Jackson, Thornhill, were week-end guests at the Georgian Bay Country Club, Penetang. We are pleased to report that Miss Evelyn Dean is well again after sev- Ieral days sickness. It will be interesting to many in Thornhill to know that Dick Borth- wick, well known through“ his asso- ciation with the Thornhill golf club, leaves this week to take over the position of professional at the Santo Domingo Golf and Country Club at Cindad, Trujillo, Dominican Repub- lic, Haiti. It is a nine hole course and Dick will be the ï¬rst profes- sional ever employed at the club. He has been operating a golf school in Toronto for the past nine winters but heads for the warm climate this winter. m; u) glVE donations are requested to send same to the above address not later than the above date. TWO beautiful and inspiring ser- vice-s were held at the United Church last Sunday. In the morn- ing the annual White Gift service was held when the members of the Sunday School entered the church each bearing a g1“; and were re- ceived by Misses Betty Bone and Marjory Jamieson who placed the gifts about the altar and the two illuminated Christmas trees. The gifts were later transpcrted to the Fred Victor Mission in Toronto to be distributed among the needy. In the evening the choir present- ed their annual Candlelight carol service. Tall flickering tapers in white standards which were placed in the aisles, and a profusion of candles on the Communinn +aHo wmve standards which were placed in the aisles, and a profusion of candles on the communion table, pulpit and organ console, cast a soft glow over the congregation as the choir entered, each member carrying a lighted candle and singing Christ- mas carols as they made their way about the church. They sang two Christmas numbers, “We have seen His Star" and “The Birthday of a Kingâ€. Rev. E. A. Currey delivâ€" ered very fitting messages on both occasions. a book of lobster recipes and a sec- ond book containing 100 fish recipes. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed Miss Davis’ lecture and delicious cooking and resolve to eat more fish and in fact the local butcher was completeâ€" ly sold out of a large stock of fish over the week-end. The Xmas baskets will be packed at the home of Mrs. R. H. Neil on Monday, Dec. 23 and anyone wish- ing to give donations are requested to send same to the above address not later than the above date At the Presbyterian W.A. meeting held last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Chas. Harper. the following officers were elected for the coming year: Hon. Pres., Mrs. C. Harper; l’res., Mrs. S. Findlay; Vice-Pres†Mrs. Mizen; Sec., Mrs. Wm. Fran- cis; Treas., Mrs. J. Cooper; Flower Ccm., Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Calhoun. Miss Vera Hood from Toronto spent the week-end with her family. Mrs. Wesley and daughter Gerald- Mrs. Wesley and daughter Gerald« ine expect to leave by train on Mon- day night for Welland where they will spend Xmas with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wesley and daughter Lucy. During the holiday season the Jr. Red Cross will not meet but will resume duty at the beginning of the New Year. Thornhiil District News vvmte UIIt service he members of the entered the church gi“; and were re- lmeetin'r with election and installa- ition of officers Decemlber 1‘6th, 1940. iWor. Bro. G. R. Hallowell, County [Master of East York, assisted by .Past County Master Wor. Bro. Bert- ram, Wor. Bro. Hamm, Wor. Bro. chkett and Wor. Bro. R. H. Kane, :elected 5nd installed the following officers: Wor. Master, W. Bro. A. Hrmphreys; Dept. Master. Bro. H. :Mizen; Chaplain, W. Bro. E. Nicholâ€" jscn; Rec. Sec., W. Bro. T. W. Jones; :Fin. Sec., Bro. E. Richards; 'h'eas" W. Bro. S. Little; Marshal, W. Bro. lJ. Hunt; 1st Lect., W. Bro. J. Simp- son; 2nd Ifect., W. Bro. J. Reid; lst Comm., Bro. G. Coatnup; Tyler ap- pointed nig‘htly; Sick Lfomm., W. Bro. ‘A. Humphreys, Bro. H. Mizen, W. Bro. S. Little; Auditors, W. Bro. Reid, W. Bro. Simpson. I‘ County officers spoke and compli- >mented the lodge for its work in the past year. RICHMOND HILL PHONE 188 A MODERATE PRICE FUEL THAT SOLVES MANY HEATING PROBLEMS iMus'solini, in bridge parlance, seems to have confidently led' his ace, only to find that the British and Greeks trumped it. Tuesday, Dec. 24th 8 Innâ€"Service of Intercession in the United Church. “All places are the temple of God, for it is the mind that prays for H'im.â€â€"Menander. “In this was manifested the love of God towards us, because that God sent His only-begotten son into the world that we might live through Him.â€â€"I John 4:9. A Friendly Church Christmas Services, Sun., Det Rev. Eldridge A. Currey, B.A Minister “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, goodwill toward ‘ men.â€â€"Luke 2:14. 10 a.m.â€"Sundiay School. Lesson topic, Sharing the Shepherd’s joy. Golden Text, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, good- will among men.†11 a.m.-â€"Morning Worship. Subject Another Way. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Worship. Congre- gational carol singing, extra music, and an illustrated lecture, “The Christmas Story in Sacred Art.†I they had all been so eagerly waiting. Yes, it was that extra special item on everyone‘s Xmas program, a per- sonal visit from that dear old man with the long, white whiskers. And dear, oh dear. if he didn’t find him- self in for a busy time unloading the trees which were heavily laden with cheery looking parcels. Having completed his pleasant task for anâ€" other year he bid the little ones farewell until he would see them all in 1941, and quickly sped away to make his many other visits. Then Friday, Dec. 20th is the big evening for the members of the Presbyterian Sunday School when they, along with their parents, will gather in their Sunday School room where they will be seated at gain decorated tables and after they have had their fill of all the nice things that go to make up a Xmas supper, they will say their little recitations and sing their little songs, and then sit back and quietly listen till they hear the bells ringing on the sleigh that brings the one so loved by them all. They will then receive their gifts from the beautifully de- corated trees and their ï¬ttle bags filled with candies, and with these firmly tucked underneath their arm will wend their way homeward â€" tired but oh so happy. The Ladies’ Curling Club held their bridge last week at the home of Mrs. J. Davidson. A very pleasant evening is reported by all the ladies and the prize winnm- mac NH... 111...- Johns THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH panâ€"Fellowship Period in the Parsonage. ' JONES COAL C0. THORNHILL L.0.L. ELE‘ OFFICERS 1.0 L. 91 Thornhill held its ALBERTA COAL I orncers Uecemlber 1‘6th, 1940. Bro. G. R. Hallowell, County 1‘ of East York, assisted by :ounty Master Wor. Bro. Bert- Wor. Bro. Hamm, Wor. Bro. e winner was Miss Nora ;ta11‘ed the following Master, W. Bro. A. ‘pt. Master. Bro. H. , Sun., Dec. 22nd ONES, and then listen till they ' on the sleigh so loved by then receive beautifully de- . ELECTS annual E}: for young and old Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Witty of Maple who on Monday of this week, De- cermber 1-6th, celebrated their fifty- fifth wedding anniversary. Four children with their families were present for supper and a pleasant evening. They were Norman Witty of Woodibridge, Mrs. J. Russell of Toronto, Bert Witty and Miss Ida Witty of Maple; also 8 grandchild- ren and 2 great grandchildren. A daughter Mrs. A. Grainger and Mr. Grair-ger of Toronto were unable to be present. HOLIDAY GREETINGS BY TELEGRAPH AND CABLE Exceptionally low telegraph greet- ing rates as between» offices in East- ern Canada, Western Canada and the United States are available from fixed texts furnished by the Tele- graph Company. Low cable greeting rates on mess- ages to soldiers, nurses and others serving in Great Britain as well as cable greeting rates for general pur- poses are in effect. For particulars phone Canadian National Telegraphs. It pays to use Liberal Classified {‘Ads’i. 35¢ Ph 18 W Dl' er 9§%!%Â¥%9%9%9§9%9§%9%3§9%9%%9§W3§9§W ii§2§i§z§aga§ï¬3§a§a§a§a§a§3§a§a§a§§i§3§i§i§im Listen to “The Shadow"â€"GFRB, Tues., 8.30 p.m., OKCO, Tues., 9.00 p.m., OFRG, Thurs., 8.00 9.111. Fl FTYâ€"FI F‘TH W EDDING ANNIVERSA RY RICHMOND HILL BEAUTY PARLOR Phone 119 It only takes one ton of ‘blue coal’ to prove to you that it’s the greatest heating value money can buy. For cleaner, better heating at less cost, order ‘blue coal’ today. F. Y. W. Brathwaite See our Christmas Display of CHINA AND SILVERWARE ELECTRICAL HOME APPLIANCES SKIS AND EQUIPMENT C.C.M. SKATES _ SLEIGHS ETC. STURDY TOYS OF ALL KINDS ROGERS RADIOS $17.95 and up To my clientelle and" all the people of the dis- trict I extend my sincere Christmas Greetings with best wishes for much joy and happiness at this festive season. PHONE 10 THE ELEVATOR RICHMOND HILL I. D. RAMER & SON GIFTS GREETINGS MISS E. ANDERSON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19th, 1940 Good gas and oil can add a lot to your Winter driv- ing. Treat your motor right, drive into our ser- vice station. OPPOSITE ORANGE HOME “Be Ready With Reddy Power†Richmond Hill