snor=o=|o Maple Ontario g o=o=ouo==o=o=o=o=o=c flBTT/Eï¬ï¬ï¬bï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬‚ 0:0] guo===o=o==o=o=o=o==o=o PAGEI’FbUR DAVIES’ DRY GOODS TELEPHONE RICHMOND HILL 119 The draw for the valuable prizes now on display in our windows will be made Saturday evening, De- cember 28th at 7.30 o’clock. The end of the year is an opportune time to thank all our friends for their loyal support, and extend to all The Compliments of the Fest- ive Season, and hope for happiness and success during the ensuing year, 1941. To all customers and friends I extend thanks for the happy relationships of the past year and extend my best wishes to all for Happi- ness and Prosperity in 1941. Happy New Year NEIL WOODS .OEO DROVER o=o===o=omo=g 0:10 OEDflOEE ON TREASURE TRAIL Two Richmond Hill citizens, Mrs. Frank Gr‘ainger and Sam Macdonald were lucky prize winners on Treas- ure Trail program last Tuesday. Mrs. Grainger received $2.00 for corâ€" rectly answering that “stockings†were the most popular items of clothing at Christmastime. Sam re- ceived a 'box of gum as consolation award in the weekly stunt. Richmond Hill Fire Brigade anâ€" swered an alarm Wednesday about midnight to Edgar Avenue, Richvale, where a vacant house was burned. The fire was far progressed before the alarm was given, but the bri- gade did valuable work in saving other buildings. NOMINATION MEETINGS The annual municipal nomination meetings for district municipalities will 'Ibe held‘ next Monday. Richmond Hill meeting will be Monday night at 7.30 p.m., Vaughan meeting Will be' at Vellore at 1 p.m., Markham Township at Unionville at 1 p.m. and- Whitchurch meeting at Vandorf at 1 o’clock. HARRY MARSHALL, PROMINENT BOWLER, DIES SUDDENLY Harry B. Marshall, Newmarket business man, widely known through- out York County as a lawn bowling enthusiast, died suddenly Tuesday afternoon. He was a true sports- man and one of the most popular followers of the game in this dis- trict. The funeral will be held Fri- day afternoon. in HOUSE The Christmas holiday coming on Wednesday necessitated the omission of several interesting news items and articles from this issue. The co- operation of coniributors and adver- tisers has been much appreciated, and we hope readers will understand that as many as possible of these items will be included in our next issue. NEW YEAR’S DANCE AT MAPLE A dance will be held in the Con- cert Hall, Maple, on New Yealj’s Night, Wed., January 1. O‘lde Tyme and Modern Dancing to Gillam’s Or- chestra. Ernie Evans, floor man- ager. Under auspices of the Con- cert Hall Committee. Admission 25 cents. DANCE AT SCHOMBERG A Monster Dance in aid of the Greek Relief Fund will be held in Schomberg Hall on Friday, Decem-l her 27th. Rus Creighton and his six piece orchestra will provide music for Olde Tyme and Modern dancing. Dancing from 8.15 standard time. Entertainment and other feature at- tractions. Admission 50c. Lunch provided. The Stouffvi'lle Tribune last week told an interesting story of the ex- perience of a Markham Township farmer who attended one of those auction sales where packages and parcels left on trains and street cars are sold by auction. The farmer in question attended one of those auc- tion sales and attracted probably by their size, the Markham farmer pur- chased two huge boxes, sturdin put up, and Very imposing. They ought to be worth the money, and if there is anything in size, well he was about to have it. Going, going, gone, yelled the auctioneer, and the box came to Markham. On being opened, What do you imagine the 'big packing outfit was filled with? No- thing more than a few thousand 1939 calendars, and old paper is worth but 54 per ton. “Oddest accidents of the year," as selected by the United States Na- tional Safety Council, include: 1â€"Joseph Callahan, Chicago, dozed and slipped from his chair, His false teeth landed, toothside up, on the floor. Mr. Callahan’s head came down on the same spot. The result was a bite on the forehead.. 2â€"«Beb Forde, Marysville, Ca1if., couldn’t dope out why two men ap- proaching him were walking so far apart. He decided to go between them. He walked through a large sheet of window glass they were carrying. 3â€"Eugene Ramsey, Bugaw, N.C., carpenter, was building a mouse trap. “Zingâ€, went the trap, qatching Mr. Ramsey's finger. He hurled the conâ€" traption under the kitchen stove. It struck a mouse and killed it. Postmaster record mail g the Chri: Richmond Hill Fire Briga‘ rered an alarm Wednesday YOU TELL HER The hardest sticker we 'had this Christmas was the question “Daddy, who fillet stocking when he BL‘RNED AT RICHVALE hristmas rush RECORD M AI] THANK YOU )I THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ‘ONTARIO Savage reports hmond Hill dur- Santa Claus' was a 'little A Winter Seed Show, similar to the successful show held‘ last year, will again be sponsored by the seed division of the On-t. Provincial Win- ter Fair (Guelph Winter Fair) E. K. Hampson, Hamilton, vice-presi- dent of the Fair announces. The show will be held the week of Feb- ruary 10th in the King Edward Ho- tel, Toronto, and will provide an op- portunity for dealers and farmers to View and purchase the best in seed gram. The show, Mr. Hampson p‘oin‘cs out, is strictly commercial and only those growers who have substantial Ontario Winter Fair Sponsors Seed Show quar The prize list and other particu- lars will be available about January 151;. All enquiries should be address- ed to the secretary of thé show, L. E. O‘Neill, Parliament Buildings, Will Toronto The home of Mr. and Mrs. Guelph Mayers was burned to the ground. The origin of the fire is unknown. This house was on the Carrville mill property. The mill was burned down several years ago when Mr. Ross Bowes owned it. Mr. Stan Wood has joined the R.C.A.F. as a tractor and truck driv- er and expects to be called for duty the first of the year. Cari-ville Ladies’ Club held their Bingo and Dance on Saturday, Deâ€" cember 7th at Richvale school. The draw took place for the Sn0w White Doll and was won by a 3-year-old girl, Madaline Bolter, No. 71. Bingo prizes were won by Miss Eileen Dickinson and Mr. Johnstone. Lucky spot dance prize Winners were Mrs. Webb and Mr. Walter Dickinson. We wish to thank Tamblyns, the Robt. Simpson Co. and Kerr’s Groc- ery for the gifts donated, also Mr. Alan Morris who so ably rendered. the musical part of the programme. When the U.S. presidential vote was unofficially announced, curious people inquired in vain for the stand- ing of any but the Democratic and Republican candidates. Now the of- ficial results show that while these polled over 27,000,000 and 22,000,000 votes respectively, Norman Thomas, Socialist, polled only 116,796; Roger Babson, Prohi‘bitionist, 58,600; and Earl Browder, Communist, 48,789. In the States, as in Canada, the two major parties quite eclipse the oth- Presbyterian General Assembly of which Rev. Dr. William Barclay of Hamilton is moderator, meets for its annual session at; Victoria Presby- terian Church, Toronto, on June 4. Rev. R055 Cameron, of Dovercoul‘t Road Presbyterian Church, is chairâ€" man of the arrangements committee. “Are you in favour, as a Wartime Measure, of the Police Village of Maple adopting Daylight Saving Time?†The Public Library will be closed New Year’s Eve and Thursday af- ternoon, January 2nd. The above question will be sub- mitted to the electors of the Police Village of Maple, on Monday, the sixth day of January, 1941, and the voting on the same will take place in the Masonic Hall, Maple, at the same hours as for Municipal Elec- tions. On Saturday, January 4, 1941‘ the Chairman of the said Police Vil- lage will attend at the Township Clerk’s Office, at ten o’clock in the forenoon for the purpose of appoint- ing in writing, signed by himself, one person to attend. at the polling place, and at the final summing up of the votes cast, on behalf of the ‘persons interested in and desirous of voting in the affirmative on the said question, and, in like manner, one person to attend on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of voting in the negative. On Tuesday, January 7th, 1941, the Township Clerk will attend at his office at ten o’clock in the forenoon to sum up the votes given in the affirmative and in the negative on the said question. Till be held in Toronto week of February 10th states Vice-Presiâ€" dent E. K. Hampson â€" Prize list available January lst. Maple, 0nt., December 11, 1940 PUBLIC NOTICE gible to compete in the vari- es of seed grain for sale will CARRVILLE NOTICE J. M. MCDONALD, Township Clerk GENERAL PURPOSE MARE, nine years, pa‘vement sore, good worker, cheap. Also brown saddle or drivâ€" years, cheap ing } axble. A Happy New Year %§a§a§a§a§a%§a§a§a§r§a§z “Are you in favour, as a Wartime Measure, under the Local Govern- ment Extension Act 1940, of the Municipal Council elected for 1941 holding office for two years?†The above question will be sub- mitted to the electors of this mun- icipality on Monday, the sixth day of January, 1941, and the voting on the same will take place in the Mun- icipal Hall, Richmond Hill, at the same hours as obtain for MunicipaI Elections. On Saturday, January 4, 1941 the Reeve of the said Munici- pality will attend at the Village Clerk’s office at ten o'clock in the forenoon for the purpose of appoint- ing in writing, signed by himself, one person to attend at each polling place, and at the final summing up of the votes cast, on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of voting in the affirmative on the said question, and, in like manner, one person to attend on behalf of the per- sons interested in and desirous of voting in the negative. On Tuesday, January 7th, 1941, the Village Clerk will attend at his office at ten o’clock in the forenoon to sum up the votes given in the affirmative and in the negative on the said ques- tion. A. J. HUME, Clerk. Richmond Hill, December 5, 1940. Whether it was lured by the springlike weather, or was just another Christmas v’xsitor we don’t know, but Mr. James Wigmore reported seeing; a robin in his garden this morning. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RA’I'ESWFiw lmes or less. 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents (or each subsequent insertion. Over 6 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. YOU NEED YOUR DAILY QUOTA OF MILK MORE THAN EVER NOW! Under the strain of the holi- day season you’re easily Under the strain of Christ- mas shopping you’re easily liable to forget meals or just skip one in the rush. That’s Why it’s important that you drink MORE milk at every meal and get that extra energy milk can give you and that protection you need in this trying time. Classified Advs. Phone 42 Richmond Hill ;, pa‘vement sore, gooc 9. Also [brown saddle horse four years old, Quiet Shetland pony good worker. Phone 2 GO AWAY FOR NEW YEAR'S Full information from any agent. ROBIN IS CHRISTMAS VISITOR Good going: Monday. Deg. 30_t0 Wednesday, Jan. .1, 1941 mclusxve. Return LimtgLeavmg destination no! later than Mldmght (E.S.T.) Thurs« day. January 2. 1941. New Faces . . . Public Notice FOR SALE G. S. WALWIN Good oin : Friday, Dec. 20 to W_ nes ay. Jan. _1, 1941 inclusxvc. Return Liam: Leav- mg destination not later than denight (ES/1'.) Tuesdiy. January 7. 1941. FARE AND A THIRD Ncw Colobraï¬ons l Phone Zone 8198 New Fun. ..' THURSDAY. DECEMBER 26th, 1940. reason- years SOWS, all sizes. Phone 4522 Rich- mond Hill. PARTY WANTS to buy 25 Rock Pullets, laying. Apply The Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. GENERAL WANTED, age 30 to 35, country girl preferred, for children’s- Home at Agincourt. Apply Box 42, Liberal Office. SMALL OFFICE wanted in Maple by January lst, 1941. Apply to Dr. S. W. Armitage, King. WOMAN desires work by day, any- thing. Also would teach Hawaiian Guitar. Mrs. LePoidevin, Bayview Ave., RR. 1 Richmond Hill. HOUSE to rent on Centre Street Apply Rustic Inn. APARTMENT with modern conven- iences, electric range, hardwood floors. Apply Liberal Office. COMFORTABLE SIX ROOMED HOUSE, water, electric, good gar- age. Apply I. D. Ramer, Richmond Hill. ‘5 ROOMED HOUSE with 2 acres of land, hydro, at Edgeley, south of No. 7 Highway. H. L. Whitmore, RR. 1 Maple. HOUSES Raised and Moved. Phone Thornhill 73. t1 ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs. upholstering. cainet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. Straw, Alfalfa and“ Clover Seed> ac- cepted in trade on De Laval Mihkers, Frigidaire MEL}: Coolers, Electric Re- frigerators, Ranges, Washers and Radios. Write or phone B. R. Leech, Wa. 4501, Toronto Radio and Sports Ltd., 241 Yonge St., Toronto. DAIRY CATTLE, Grain, Hay, CAI; KEY on Yonge Street near Masonic Hall. Apply The Liberal Office. Day 139 (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) Used Cars 1939 MERCURY TOWN SEDAN â€"- \Vhite \Vall Tires and Heater. Small Mileage. 1935 PLYMOUTH ' SEDAN with ’I‘runk â€" Good condition 1931 BUICK SEDAN -â€" A nice car Little Brothers We have in stock 1 Car Oil Cake - 1 Car 01'] Cake Meal 1 Car Molasses 1 Car Soya Bean Meal These were bought early and we are offering them at attractive prices FORD AND MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174 MISCELLANEOUS RICHMOND HILL, ONT. THE MILL 1929 FORD PICKUP TRUCK WANTED $425.00 TO RENT $925.00 $195.00 $95.00 FOUND Phones: Evening 82W