THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26th, 1940. =â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"- â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"- u»â€"=__â€"â€"â€"y-__ ’ Talking PICTURES As you loved her best SHIRLEY TEMPLE in “ LITTLE MISS MARKER †Adolphe Menjou. Chas. Bickford Added Shorts Masonic Hall Richmond Hill Monday, DEC. 30th 8 pm. D.S.T. Adults 25c. Children 15c. Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS All persons having claims against the Estate of Sarah Louisa Mapes, late of the City of Toronto and for- merly of the Township of Markham, in the County of York, Spinster, de- ceased, and who died at the City of Toronto on or about the 30th day of November, 1940, are required to send details of the same together with due proof thereof to the under- signed executor on or before the 22nd day of January, 1941. Forth- With after which date the executor will proceed to distribute the said estate to the parties entitled there- .Social and Personal A good New Year's Resolutionâ€" .Buy War Savings Stamps. I Miss Annie Marsh i spcnt‘ Christmas with er. and Mrs. C. Marsh. of her Ottawa parents Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Burr visited ,Mr. and Mrs. C. Wriglitman of New- market .On the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Cardwell Of Chatham spent Christmas with Ml‘. W. C. Savage. Mrs. W. J. Paris of Calgary, Al- berta, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. Paris, Centre Street East. and Mrs. Mrs. S. F. McKnight of Thornbury is spending serel'al weeks with her Mrs. L. II. Clement. daughtei Mr. F. MeWilliams of Barrie and other friends visited Mrs. M. Lynett King. spent Christmas Day with MI'S. J. A. Ferguson. v 4 Mr. and Mrs. William Savage of 'Brockville are spending the Christ- mas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. A. 'G. Savage. Miss Gertrude Lever is spending a few days holidays at her home in Fl-esherton after the Christmas rush in the local Post Office. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott, Misses Jean and Margaret spent Christmas with Mr. Walter Scott Sr. in St. Cathsarines. to having regard to such claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated at Richmond Hill this let day of December, 1940. J. RJOY H’ER‘RINGT-ON, Executor. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Albert Edgar Bishop, late of Willowdale, Town- ship of North York, silver-workâ€" er, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Albert Edgar Bishop, late of Willowdale, Township of North: York, who died on or about 11th September, 1940, are hereby notified to forward to the under- signed, on or before 16th January, 1941, full particulars of their claims against the said estate, verified by affidavit. After said 16th January, 1941, the _ undersigned executors of said estate will distribute the aSse-ts of the estate, having regard only to claims , of which the Executors shall then have notice. Dated this 19th day of December“ 1940. ' ’ Alexander MacGreg‘or, KG, 614 Confederation Life Bldg, Toronto Ontario. Solicitor for Edgar Norman Bishop and Alexander MacGregor, Exec- utors. Notice to Creditors _ In the Estate of John Franklin Snid- er, deceased, late of the Village of Edgeley, in the County of York, Contractor. All persons having claims against the estate of John Franklin Snider, who died on or about the 20th day of.July, 1938, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned solicitor before the 30th day of De- cember, 1940, after which date the estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notâ€" me. DATED at Toronto this 6th day of December, 1940. ALBERT L. BRADY, 8 Albany Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administratrix. JUNIOR RED CROSS New Year’s Eve Ball RICHMOND HILL under the distinguished patronage of Honourable W. P. Mulock, Mrs. Mulock Mr. PARKDALE COLLEGIATE ORCHESTRA 12-piece Band Tickets on sale at Austin’s Drug Store & The Liberal $2.00 PER Come One ' Mrs. The many friends of Mr. William Davies will be delighted to know that he was able to sit up for his Christmas dinner on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Burton of Preston, Mrs. J. H. Dunlop of To- ronto, Miss Alice Lee of Langstaff ‘ spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Atkinson, Richmond St. Mr. and Mrs. W. Campbell and children, Mr. and Mrs. Franik Well- wood and daughter of Toronto, were guests of Mrs. G. Gee and Rev. and Mrs. VVellwnood on Christmas Day. The draw for lucky prizes for Christmas shoppers at Davies’ Dry Goods Store will take place Saturâ€" day evening at 7.30 pm. Everyone' is cordially invited to be present when the draw is made. A family gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lunau, Church Street, including Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Perkins, Eloise and Coral,’ Mr. and Mrs. D. Pickering and Kenâ€" neth of Victoria Square, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Brown. Evelyn, Eddie. Doug., Ruth and Margaret, Mr. and F. R. Perkins and Joyce of Richmond Hill. Christmas Day services at St. Mary's Church were of a high order and very well attended. Over one hundred coommunican‘ts left their Christmas festivities to receive their Christmas Communion. It was good to see a number of our men in the King’s uniform at the Altar. The Rev. W. F. Wrixon was assisted in the services by the Rev. R. S. Mason and the Rev. W. S. Pocknell. The church was decorated with pine ever- green and roses and Chrysanthe- mums. : Mr. F. G. Scotchmer this week took over the Glenn Drug Store business which he recently purchas- ed from Mrs. Glenn. Mr. Scotchmer for many years successfully conduct- d a drug store in Toronto, and he ias a long and creditable record in ‘he business. We welcome him to Richmond Hill and extend to him our rest wishes for every success. Mr. and Mrs. Scotchmer have taken up residence in the village, having leas- ed Miss Ireland's residence on Rich- mond Street. mo HIGH SCHOOL Postmaster-General and and Mrs. P. C. Hill OOOOOOOOOOOOâ€WO“OOO on the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ferguson of Toronto. Miss Alice Ferguson of. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Obituary LATE WILLIAM THOMAS FRANCEY Dt ccmber of William of the oldest of Markâ€" wns in liis‘h‘TIIi RED CROSS NOTES The following letter was reeeivedl by the president of Richmond Hill Red Cross Society on December 24.‘ the ('anadian Red Cross SU- Satuiday evening. ma rked the Thomas Francey. on and known ham T(>\\'ll>lllp. year. Still from passing eiety: To ()ntario Work (‘OnVenersz I On behalf of both Mrs. C. D. Howe. Chairman .of the Ontario Work Committee and myself, may I express at this season of the year our sincere thanks for the splendid eo-Operation you have given to all ed on lot 30. emicission 4. As the requests wliieli have been Sont‘boy he attended Richmond Hill High from this office. lSehool and for TO years he had been The cheerful acceptance and con» 3 reader of thy (Home, {In was un- sideration shown by your branch has married and is survived by his broâ€" certainly lightened our task and \velther Robert G. Francey. ' “'81†.VOU to know that “'0 allpl‘OCi-i The funeral was held from his ate this. llate residence. Tuesday. Decembir “'itli Christmas greetings and best ‘ 24th at 3 nm, The sol-vice was (-onâ€" WiShOF ill" the 00man .Vt‘illï¬ l(llI('it‘(l by a former pastor. Rev. Mc- Yours faithfully, lewen, now of Scliombore‘. assisted by (signed) Leila L. Fraser. lthe present pastor, Rev. Mr. (lrl‘. (Mrs. J. C. Fraser) lRmv. Dr. Duncan of Toronto. and Vice-Chairman, Ontario Divisiom'Revs. Dr. Mitchell and Mr. Younlr Women’s War Work Committeo.‘0f Stouffvilly‘ To (vcryone in Richmond Hill Red Cross aiea who has generously contributed with talent and morey. since the first week of the war in September 1939. may I express the deep gratitude Of the Richmoan Hill eitizr-n. IIt‘ l)('.\i of the late W;lliani and Jane Gormley Francty. For more than sixty years he had lived and farm- a These men gave test- imony of the worth of the late Mr. Francey referring to his quiet. inâ€" dustrious life and firm profession as la member of Melville United Church. iIIV. T. Francey will be missed by av wide .cirele of friends who attended SO Red CI'OSS OXOCU’EIVP. BY the WW." in large numbers at the funeral I()' loyal CO-Opei'atlon of this Vlllagv and l pay their last tributes of respect. surrounding area, it has made posF- Interment took place in Melville ible the result referred to in the above letter. GLADYS G. L. HILL. President. Cemettry. The pallbearers were old friends: A. D. Bruce. Levi Heise. L. L. Nichols. Herman Mortson, Thomas Moynihan. R. P. Armstrong. VICTORIA scTIxTRE 21st Born at Goi‘mley he was the" Mr. Robert Driesbach of Chicago, LATE MRS' A‘ HQLLINGSHEAD attended the funeral of his great Mrs. Alfred Hollmgshead passed uncle the late William Thomas peacefuny away at '1Ԡlate 1‘651' Francey this week. ldence’ Maple, Ontarlov Wednesday, December 11th. She had been in SKATE THE OUT ,POOI‘ health for several years and ‘about. 3 months ago suffered a se- vere stroke. The funeral service was held from her late residence on Saturday, Dec. 14th and interment followed in the family plot at But- tonville cemetery, Markham Town- ship. Mrs. Hollingshead prior to her marriage 38 years ago was Susan Bliss, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Bliss of Buttonville. She is survived by a number of distant relatives. Deceased was a member of the Lutheran Church and Ladies’ Aid Society. The service was conducted by her pastor Rev. E. Huenergard of the Lutheran Church and the pallbearers were Messrs. Fred But- ton, Stouffville; Laurence Keffer, Roland Keffer, Roy Keffer of Maple; Roy Hollingshead and Harold Holl- ingshead of King. Councillor Wes Middleton, chairâ€" man of the rink committee has ar- ‘ranged for a special New Year's ‘Eve skating at Richmond Hill 'arena. You are invited to skate “out the old, and in the new†at ‘Richmond Hill rink. 'VETERANS CHRISTMAS DRAW The draw for lucky number poul- try winners i-n the annual Vaughan and Richmond Hill Veterans Draw took place at the Municipal Hall. Monday evening with Tim Healy drawing the lucky tickets. The win- ners were as follows: lst prize, No. 3638, turkey, Mr. H. J. Tuck, Rich- mond Hill; 2nd, 3147, goose, Art ‘White, Richmond Hill; 3rd, 3196, duck, Mrs. Geo. Haskett, Newmar- 'ket; 4th, 3717, chicken, June Wood, Toronto; 5th, chicken, Mrs. George ‘Hall, Toronto. LATE MRS. JAMES GIBSON Mrs. James Gibson, widely known throughout Scarboro township as “Aunt Susanâ€, died Wednesday, Dc- cember 18th at her home on the fifth concession of Markham, in her 93rd year. Mrs. Gibson was one of the last pioneers of the township. Although an invalid for six years, she had been bright and cheerful and. was able to recall vividly early days of Scarboro, when the first bridge over the Don river was a number of logs chained together. Mrs. Gibson was the last. of a fam- ily of seven children of John and Sara Glendenning, Who settled in 1829 on the farm on the Scarboro- Markham township lines. which is still occupied by the‘ Glendenning family. Her father and Mary Glen- denning Thompson, “mother of Scai- CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the relatives. friends and neighbours for the beauâ€" tiful flowers and lovely boxes of fruit sent to me during my recent illness. Mrs. Albert E. Ireland. DIED BOTTOMLEY, Susan (Sue) Aliceâ€" At the home of her sister, Mrs. George Hallett, Willowdale, Out, on Friday, Dec. 20, 1940, Susan (Sue) Alice Bottomley, daughter of the late William L. Bottomley, of Simâ€" coe. Ont. The funeral was held from the home of her sister, Mrs. Norman C. McGibbon. Stop 248. Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. Mondav, 23rd inst, at 9 o‘clock. Interment Westminster Memorial Park. #777â€"â€"â€" boro", were brother and sister. RICHMOND HILL In 1926 Lord Byng, then gover- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH nor-general of Canada, and Col. SundayI Dec. 291;}, Henry Cockshutt, .then‘ 'lieute‘nant- 11 a.m.â€"Moi-nlng worship. P1.each_ governor of Ontario, visited Aunt Susan" Gibson while touring Scar- boro and Markham. Mrs. Gibson was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church. Agin- court. She is survived by a daugh- ter, Margaret. and a son, John, who lives on the Old homestead. She has two grandsons, Henry and John Gib- son. Her husband died 15 years ago. The funeral was held from her late residence Friday, December 20 and interment followed in St. John’s Cc- metery. er, Mr. MoMullen of Knox College. 2.45 p.m,â€"Su‘nday School. RICHMOND HILL UNl’l‘lii; CHURCH C W Fo'lett. BD. Pastor Sunday, Dec. 29th 9.45 a.m.â€"Sunday School. partments. 11 a.m.â€"Public Worship. “Gathering up the Fragmentsâ€, a message for the times. 7 putâ€"Vesper Rev. All de- service. One hour [I only. Choice music and a hearty BIRTH ' I " .. and ‘ lireiiic:m£:0:: 21:95:33: Ice: come CAINâ€"At York County Hospital, 5 b . Newmarket, Dec. 16. 1940, to Mr. A hearty welcome to all. and Mrs. Robert Cain (nee Mary Marrow) Bond Lake, a son (John Robert). ST. MARY’S CHURCH (Anglican) RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. 4 Markham Road Sunday. Dec. 29th p 11 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer and Ser- SMITHâ€"At the “Burnsideâ€, Toron- to General Hospital, December 17. to Mr. and Mrs. Sidney James Smith (nee Violet Troyer) a baby brother for Kathleen (Kenneth James). mon. 2.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 pm. â€"â€" Evening Prayer and Ser- MARGUERITE BOYLE mon. (Graduate of the Owen Smiley Studio) ' Elocution. Public Speaking and Dramatic Art The last Sunday of 1940. Let us keep it right by worshipping God. Tuesday, Dec. 3lst, New Year’s Studios: _ COUPLE l Exve.‘ Watch Night Communion “Homewood H311"».Th°$h111 Come All S ,- 1130 All cordial], Bank of Commerce B 'g., emcde ' p'm‘ 3} 2896 Dundas St. w. Toronto invite . __â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" i l _ BUSINESS . CHANGE Having this week disposed of the Drug Store business operated for the past 18 years by my late husband and myself. I take this opportunity of expressing sincere thanks for the patronage and good will of the people of this district. I b'espeak for our successor. Mr. F. G. Scotchmer, a continuance of these happy relationships which have made business in Richmond Hill such a gen- uine pleasure and satisfaction. l With every good wish for the New Year. =2<=Y=il=>l=7l=>l<$>l< Mrs. G. H. Glenn Richmond Hill Yonge Street ,AURORA7 SHOWS START AT 7.30 P.M. AND 9.30 P.M. D.S.T. A HAPPY NE‘V YEAR TO ALL _ TODAY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26 \VALLACE BEERY, MARJORIE MAIN. ANN RUTHERFORD in “ WYOMING †A grand action picture, Wallace Beery at his best FRIDAY & SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27 - 28 DON AMECHE - BETTY GRABBLE in “ DOWN ARGENTINE WAY †Mirthrful and melodious entertaining musical extravaganza, filmed in beautiful technicolor. MONDAY & TUESDAY. DECEMBER 30 - 31 PAT O’BRIEN, GALE PAGE. RONALD REGAN present “ KNUTE ROCKNE‘ MAKER OF MEN †As fine a picture as we’ve seen in months, a clean story that holds your interest. It’s tops â€" It’s terrific. BIG NEW YEAR’S EVE MIDNITE SHOW TUES., DEC. 31 WM. HOLDEN - EZRA STONE - BETTY GRANNVILLE in “ THOSE WERE THE DAYS †Cor-king, rib tickling comedy. Also many adlded entertaining short subjects. Midnite Show. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, JANUARY 1 - 2 JAMES CAGNEY - ANN SHERIDAN in “ CITY FOR CONQUEST †Action, music pack this thrilling story of New York life In all a great big A Happy New Year In grateful appreciation of your pat- ronage we offer our sincere best wishes for a Happy New Year, with the hope that the coming twelve months will have in store for all a generous measure of health, happiness and prosperity. I. F. Y. W. 'Brathwaite HARDWARE Richmond Hill Phone 18 EMMMMMMMMMMM l WWW†SKATING Enjoy this Healthful Recreation at Richmond Hill Arena General Skating Every Wednesday and Saturday Evening Old Timers’ Skating Every Monday Evening Special rates to parties. For full information apply to WES. MIDDLETON, Chairman Arena Commission QQWâ€WWONWOQQW . WOMWMâ€OMOW