Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Dec 1940, p. 6

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U.W.M.S. PRESENTS LIFE MEMBERSHIP T0 MRS. KELLAM The annual meeting of the Wo-i mum’s Missionary Society of Wood- bridge United Church was held at the parsonage on Wednesday after- noon. The program was in charge‘ 0f Mrs. William Wood and a special. feature was the presentation of a Life Membership to Mrs. Boyle Kel- Iam in recognition of her faithful services to the society. Mrs. C. W. Barrett conducted thei election of officers wh'mh resulted as follows: President, Mrs. K. Stev-‘ ensom; lst Viceâ€"President, Mrs. David Shannon; 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. R. Watson; Recording Secretary, Mrs. N. G. Wallace; Asst. See, Mrs. William Wood: Treasurer, Mrs. J. J. l R. Watson; Recording Secretary, Mrs. N. G. Wallace; Asst. Sec, Mrs. William Wood; Treasurer, Mrs. J. J. Watson; Financial Sec., Mrs. R. Sut- ton; Supply Sec., Mrs. B. Kellam; Temperance Sec., Mrs. C. W. Bar- rett; Strangers Sec, Mrs. G. Shore; Corresponding and PreSS Sec., Mrs. G. D. McLean; Miss'onary Monthly 380.. Mrs. A. Hollingshead. SHEPPARD & GILL L {I M B E R COMPANY How EVER SMALLYOUR PURCHASE, MAN â€" » ‘IOUKBOUND To UK '- 13° OUR SELLING PLAN ‘PAGE SIX This Newspaper and Your Choice ' ONE Other Publication at Price Listed. [1 Maclean‘s Magazine, 1 yr. . . . . . . . $2.00 [ ] Chatelaine, 1 yr, .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 [] Canadian Home Journal, 1 yr.... 2.00 [] National Home Monthly, 1 yr..... 2.00 [] McCall's, 1 yr.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50 [] True Story. 1 yr . . . . . . 2.25 [1 Silver Screen, 1 2.25 [] Red Book-.1 yr... 3.50 [] Parents‘ Magazine. 1 yr.. 3.00 [] Magazine Digest, 1 3.50 [1 American Boy, 1 yr . . . . . . 2.50 [1 American Giri.1 2.25 [] Child Life, 1 yr.. 3.25 [] American Magazine, 1 yr........i 3.50 [] Screenland, 1 yr. . . . . . . . . 2.25 [] Christian Herald, 1 yr . . . . . . 3.00 RICHMOND HILL Sub’sic‘riptions Taken at ’l‘ne LlDel‘al From a Letter by F. Jennings, To- ronto, in the Ottawa Citizen. The attack upon the Mennonites that appeared in a recent Citizen seems to me to be unworthy of your paper. I have never lived amongst them in Saskatchewan, but I do know the Mennonites of York c0unty. I have lived with them, worked beside them, begged from them, and traded amongst them, and I have yet to ‘find a better type of people. To say they are chisellers is untrue, Their ancestors from Pennsylvania bought and paid for every acre they pos- sess; they got no free grants. To- .day their farms are some of the best cultivated and most productive in the country. They are a hard- working, thrifty, peaceâ€"loving, stay- at-home and mind-their-business peo- ple. The morals of the great ma- jority of them are high, and most of them are intensely religious; and what’s better, they are Christian- h-earted and generous, and fair- minded- and tolerant. YORK COUNTY MENNONITES To 'say they are unpatriotic and proâ€"German is not true of the Men-; nonites I know. Some of the strongâ€" est condemnations of Hitler and Stalin I‘ve heard have come from the lips of Mennonites. The exemp- tion from military service has al- ways been their religion for gener- ations. That‘s why they were perse- cuted and practically driven from Europe; and one of the chief reasons their ancestors left Pennsylvania for Canada was their persecution by American militarists because they did not fight in the independence war neither on one side nor the other, although their moral support was strong for the British constitutâ€" ed authority. Up in Waterloo coun- ty is the biggest settlement of Men- nonites, a little more European and harder to comprehend, but an in- tensely industrious, productive peoâ€" ple, a splendid type of Canadian. [1 Rod and Gun, 1 yr. [] American Fruit Grower. 1 yr‘ [] Canada Poultry Review. 1 yr. [] American Boy. 6 mos. [] American Girl. 8 mos. Please cllp Us! or magazines after checking one! desired. Fill out coupon carefully and mall to your local paper. Gentlemen: I encxose s . . . . . . . . . . . x am checking below the offer desired with a year's subscription to your paper l l All-Family l lSupet-Valuo l 1 Single Magazine Name Post Office . . Province Systematically, ruthlessly. Germ-l any is endeavouring to stamp out the spirit of free Poland. In the western provinces, already incorporated in the German Reich, persecution is unabated, often inten- sified. Towns have been thoroughly Germanized, even their names chang- ed. In certain districts of Pomorze, says the Polish Ministry of Informâ€" ation- in London, the Polish popula- tion has been compelled to change the Polish inscriptions on tombstones into German. Poznan is being thorâ€" oughly refashioned in order to re- move all traces of its Polish char- tcter. The city is red with Nazi flags. The Kochanowski memorial outside the Cathedral has been blown up with dynamite, the cross at Chwaliszew has been thrown into the river Warta, the houses close to the townhall are to be pulled down, the left side of St. Martin’s street is also to be demolished, in order to open up the View of the‘ castle, which was built during the previous German occupation. In the restaurants and cafes the Poles are icompletely isolated from the Ger- mans, being restricted to the lower class of shop. The Germans make periodical inspections to ensure that this ban is observed, and anyone 1found violating it is at once deport- ‘ed to Germany. Only Germans are allowed to use the swimming baths land to bathe in the river Warta. iAibove the entrance to the Franciscan lchurch is a notice stating that only {Germans may enter. 0n the day Italy declared war a procession of German youth marched‘ through the streets of Poznan, many| of them dressed up as leading Brit-' ish, French and Polish politicians, Polish soldiers and priests. Any Poles who happened to pass were in- ‘ y' Executions and Terr0r Germany Tries to Crush 3 Free People. . 1 am checking THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO 'oland on the Rack .00 suited and beaten up, the police mak- ing no attempt to intgrvene. In the prison on Mlynska Street executions are carried out by be- heading, even for such petty offences as taking articles such as pillows from one’s own home. Lists of those executed are posted every fortnight, but they are not complete. For the past two months round- ups have been taking place in the streets; those detained are required to show proof that they are in em- ployment. Anyone who does not possess a certificate of employment or whose certificate is not irn order is at once deported to Germany, where labour conditions are extremeâ€" ly bad. Polish workers' wages are half those of Germans. The social in- surance office pays 16 marks week- ly for such heavy labour as stone breaking or rolling barbed wire. Gerâ€" mans on the other hand receive sixty marks for much lighter labour. Two per cent is deducted from the Polish wages for a ‘Reconstruction Fund’ and a further one or two per cent under various other pretexts. Five German schools have been opened for children from seven to thirtee‘n. Teaching is limited to two hours daily. Children over thirteen are being deported to Germany. 1216 parishes have been deprived. of their vicars, in many districts churches have been closed. In Poz- nan five churches and chapels have been closed and there are grounds for fear that the Cathedral may be demolished. A large number of‘ priests have been neported. Mass‘ may be celebrated publicly only on Sunday from 7 a.m. to 10.30. On weekdays masses are celebrated pri- vately. Bishop Dymek has been im- prisoned. All the priests of 35 and upwards have been deported to work in Germany, or to Austria, or to Dachau concentration camp. The :mcnasteries have been closed, the monks dispersed. Only the Nuns of St. Elizabeth, whose heaidqluarterq are at Breslau, still remain. In Mogâ€" ilansky district the people must have tickets in order to attend church. In Opalenica the churches have been closed ‘owing to rabies.’ Services and confessions have to be conduct- ed in German. In certain districts the priest grants general absolution to those who do not speak German. ANGLICAN \VOMEN ELECT MRS. H. N. SMITH PRESIDENT At the regular meeting of the Af- ternoon Branch of the Women's Auxiliary of Christ Church. Woodâ€" bridge, held last week at the home of Mrs. H. N. Smith, the following officers were elected for the year 1941: Hon. Pres., Mrs. J. H. Kidd; Pres., Mrs. H. N. Smith; Vice-Pres, Mrs. R. E. Willis; Secretary, Miss Bessie Wallace; Treas., Mrs. Ross Livingston; Dorcas.Sec., Mrs. G. H. Maxey; Literature Sec., Mrs. J. H. Kidd; Living Message Sec., Mrs. E. P. Barker; Junior Supt, Mrs. A. S. Howl; Little Helpers Sec., Mrs. Sid- ney A. Stratford; Re r’s Nomin- ees, Mrs. Arthur Wea rill, Mrs. A. Thompson; Sick Visiting Com., Mrs. Thomas Cole, Mrs. J. Robb,- Mrs. E. Ring; Chancel Guild, Mrs. J. H. Kidd, Mrs. F. Stark; Auditors, Mrs. T. Cole, Miss Mary Wallace.” The fector, Rev.'J. H: Kidd, pre- sided and Miss Mary Wallace acted as secretary. OPPORTUNITY TO HELP GALLANT LITTLE NATION In the last war the German Gov- ernment through its ambassador ask- ed that Greece attack Serbia, and after the war she should receive a slice of Serbian territory as recog- nition of her service. Premier Ven- izelos asked leave to put the offer into his own language. “You ask us,” he said, “to attack our neigh- bor, and as a reward you will give us part of the corpse we‘ have helped to slay. My country is too little to commit so great a _crime.” _ The story was told recently by K. Tsolainos, secretary of the Greek war relief committee In New York, in a most moving and eloquent plea for assistance to his country which. though so small, is proud to fight beside Britain for principles which they both share. The plea has been taken up in this province by an On- tario committee of which Premier Hepburn is honorary chairman. No words of his,‘ says Premier Hepburn in a letter supporting the appeal, are necessary to describe the epic deeds Greece is daily perform- ing in the cause of freedOm. The Whole world knows lthe story. But behind the lines, wounded soldiers and civilians need medical supplies, hlankets, hospital comforts and cloth- mg. The heroism of the Greeks has been an inspiration to freedom-lov- ing British people. Their cause is our cause. There is an opportunity to do something tangible for them 'by responding to this appeal. Dona- tions may be made through any branch of the Royal Bank, or by cheques to the Greek War Relief Fund addressed to headquarters at 385 Yonge Street, Toronto. The December meeting of St. Paul‘s, Vaughan, W.M.S. was held 'at the home of Mrs. James Robson» with a good attendance. The presi- dent, Mrs. J. McNeil presiding. The meeting opened with hymn 599 folâ€" lowed by s-entence prayers. The lesson was taken from 2nd chapter {Luke verses 1 to 20, a Christmas ;cha.pter, after which hymn 170 fol? ‘lowed and a prayer was given by Mrs. Nelson Kerr. Minutes of pre- ivious meeting and treasurer ‘report Iwas given. The roll call was an- :swered by the word “child”. A splen- vdid paper was given by Mrs. Ruth-- erford. The “Saviour” or “the name 'of a child", and the gleaning from the glad tidings was given by Mrs. 'N-elson Kerr and a duet. was sung” by Mrs. J. Robson and Miss A. Kerr, “Ring the Bells”. after which \Mrs. McNeil declared all offices vaâ€" cant and election of officers for 1941 followed. Mr. Bowman was ap- ‘lpointed chairman and Mrs. H. Farr isecretary for the election of offi- lcers. Mrs. H. Farr was appointed as our new president and Mrs. J. McNeil Hon. Pres; lst Vice-Pres, ‘ Mrs. H. Dooks; 2nd Vice-Pres, Mrs. Funeral services were held in Windermere United Church Tuesday afternoon. Interment was in River- side Cemetery, Weston. Mrs. Emily M. Calhoun, widow of the late John Colhoun, a former resident of Thistletown, died at her home, 333 Windermere Ave., Toron- to, on Saturday, December 14th. A well known resident of the Woodibridge area, John Wesley Boddy died on Friday, December 13 at his farm home on No. 27 High~ way. Mr. Boday was in his 75th year. Surviving him are his widmv, the former Lillian Reaman, and a son, W. J. Boddy. Funeral services at the residence, Lot 11, Concession 9, Vaughan, Mon- day afternoon were followed by in- terment in Hillcrest Cemetery, Wood- bridge. MRS. EMILY M. COLHOUN E. Bryson; Sec., Mrs. A. Cameron; Treas., Mrs. E. Harris; pianists, Mrs. T. 'Witherspoon, Miss A.. Kerr; Expense fund, Mrs. L. Weldrick; Lit. Sec., Mrs. Rutherford, Mrs. J. Brownlee; Supply Sec., Mrs. N. Kerr, Mrs. A. Rutherford;-’ Home Helpers, Mrs. A. L. McNeil, Mrs. J. McGillivray: Welcome and Welfare, Mrs. J. McNeil; Flower Com.. Mrs. Bryson, Miss J. Egan, Mrs. Harri- son, Mrs. Bishop; Glad Tidings Sec., Mrs. J. McNeil; Key Woman, Miss J. Egan; Life Membership, Mrs. J. Brownlee, Miss A. Kerr, Miss G. Egan; Program Com., Mrs. N. Kerr, Mrs. A. Rutherford, Mrs. A. L. Mc- Neil, Mrs. Bowman; Auditors, Mrs. J. Constable, Mrs. Jarrett; Press Sec., Miss A. Kerr. Splendid reports were given by all officers of 1940 and Mr. Bowman closed the meet- ing with prayer and a social hour was spent. Lunch was served by the hostess and committee in charge. The January meeting WiIl be held at the home of Mrs. T. Witherspoon on January 9 at 2.30 p.m. ST. PAUL’S VAUGHAN \V.M.S. BRITISH BIRTH RATE STILL ON UP-GRADE More than 6,500 babies 2 in Britain every week now, : biologists 12 months ago I a birth-rate decline in 1940 London.â€"Britain’s population has increased by more than a million since 1931, and! the birth-rate is keeping up a spurt which started in 1935. Buy Canadian â€" Buy British UBJ'I‘UARY Illuminated Fender Guides $1.45 & $1.60 Non Illuminated Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 75c. Sky Rocket Illuminated, Radiator Ornaments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.45 and $1.95 Grille Guards, many types Defrosters, size 7 x 13 . Defrosters, size 7 x 16 .. Defrosting Fans, special J. W. BODDY C.C..M. Torpedo Type Light C.C.M. Streamline Light . . . . . . C.C.M. Generator Light Bicycle Compass . . . . . . PARIS AUTO SUPPLY E Auto Accessories Sale BICYCLE ACCESSORIES Auto Wreckers are born , although predicted THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26th, 1940. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE (nchmond H'ill Phonesâ€"15 and 1a Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at [‘HQRNHILL AND UNIONVILLE At Maple Freight Sheds Richmond HiH FiRST CLASS BREAD FLOUR ALSO MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR CAFETERIA LAYING MASH, O.A.C. Formula Ml-‘LKMAIQER O.A.C. Formula SALT FINE SALT, 100 lbs. COARSE SALT, 100 Lbs. IODI-ZED SALT, 100 lbs. BLOCKS, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . BLOCKS, IODIZED, each â€" Also -â€" CAR MILL FEED BRAN . . . . . . . . SHORTS . . . . . . MIDDLINGS . . 1 Car load of Pine Slabs and Edgings cut 1 foot lengths, at reasmable price I Solicit Your Continued Patronage My Mottoâ€"Courtesy, Service and 3 Fair Deal to All 1 Car load of Peeled Cedar fence posts at 20-25-30 cents each MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT Farm Implements, Machinery and Reps-its Telephone Richmond Hill 39 Beatty Farm Equipment R. H. KANE TINSMI'ITHING FURNACES - PLUMBING HEATING Septic Tanks Installed Pumps Barn & Stable Equipment 74 Yonge btreet Charies Graham Wright & Taylor C. E. SMITH NUT AND STOVE COAL No. 1 ANTHRACITE COAL ORDERS PHONE MAPLE 19W BUSINESS Prices as follows: Priced as follows: $1.35 per cwt. $1.20 per cwt. $1.35 per cwt. Phone 92-: each $2.25 $1.50 $2.25 $3.50 $1.10 $2.35 $1.50 each each 50c.

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