Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Jan 1941, p. 4

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. rom last week) .lph Hoiles of Queen's versrty. Kingston. returned home for the Christmas vacation. Mr. Edna Hatwood and Mr. Chas. Rob- erts spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Robeson at Gananoque. Ont. The annual Hope public schonl concert was held in Maple Commun- ity Hall Tuesday. Dec. 17th. We extend congratulations to the teach- ers and pupils on the fine program presented. School Section No. 5 is fortunate to have these two tezic'nâ€" ers, Miss Beryl LcGricc and Mr. "Bruce McDonald. who are talented in music as wcll as teaching. Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer and ' family of Kingston ~pcnt Christmas at the home (f Mrs. Geo. Crooks. Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Rigford and Mr. and Mrs. R. l“. Marritt spent rhe (.‘lii'istiii:s holiday with friends at Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Oliver family, Mr. and Mrs. W. ()rr family, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thomas and Mary of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Kerith Thomas and family and Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Thomas spent, Christâ€" mas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thomas. Miss Ina Forrest of the Toronto General Hospital spent a few days last week at the home of her parâ€" ents. . Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cook and Doris and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malloy spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McDonald are spending two weeks vacation at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Mac- Crimmon at Beamsyille. We are pleased to hear that Pte. Norman Sanford, C.A.S.F., arrived home in time for Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. San- ford, Maple. Also extend best Wishes to the twin sons, an. John Arthur and Mn. William Jesse Sanâ€" ford at Newfoundland, the best of luck to the family. and and It. pays to use Liberal Classified ‘lAds”. Line and Mrs. C. J. Robeson. Mfss’ RENNIE ._ ye of J.\.‘lF..‘ i Iii-tilt‘il‘li 1". Markham Titi.'.‘ii~hip. RICHVALE At the :innu'il Rural School meet- irc' of SS. NO. 24 Yziue'han Townâ€" ship. Richvale, on Thursday. Decemâ€" ber 2611i. Mr. S. McPherson was re- clccted SchOol Trustee, the other two being Messrs. J. P. Sparkes and C. Baker. It was decided to look into the matter of improving health super- vision in the School District. Meetings of the school trustees are held on the first Tuesday of each month to which ratepayers are welcome. Thanks The Richvale Social Club desires to thank all those who have helped in any way to raise money for send- ing cigarettes and other comforts to the boys overseas. With the money raised sixteen boys in active service from the district were sent Christ- mas boxes. A Happy New Year is extended to all by the Social Club. ORANGE EUCHRE The next Orange euchre will be held January 2nd (tonight-. Grand prizes for last six will be awarded. To the Ratepayers of ' Markham Township LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :â€" We take this opportunity of extending our thanks and appreciation for the renewal of con- fidence expressed in our tion for the coming term. It will continue to be our aim to carefully guard the interests of all the ratepayers, and we join in extending COmpliments of the Season and Best Wishes for the New Year to all. THANKS T It was a pleasure to present to you a very satisfactory financial statement and report a very successful year of township administration. feel amply repaid for our efforts if our work on your behalf has met with your approval. o re-election by acclama- We JAMES RENNIE, Reeve CHAS. H. HOOPER, Deputy-Reeve HARRY BARBER, Councillor WILLIAM L. CLARK, Councillor ALBERT REESOR, Councillor Craigic’s for VITE YOU TO THINK NEW YEAR. Corner Richmond Street i i DURING THE COMING YEAR, WHEN YOU THINK OF REQUIREMENTS DR BOYS’ WEAR, BOOTS OR SHOES, WE IN- WITH THANKS FOR PAST PATRONAGE WE EXTEND TO ALL BEST WISHES FOR THE R. J. CRAIGIE Men’s Wear IN MEN’S OR OF CRAIGIE’S. Richmond Hill OOOOOONOWWMOOOOOW O lin of Toronto called to see their THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO The «film» For the \\'.M.S. for ltlll elected :11 NW lN’L‘L‘lli’lJCI‘ mettâ€" inu‘ (m, as f. .li‘.\~: llororui'y Presiâ€" iili'lilr', Mrs. Liz: Nichols. Mrs. W. Riuniwill. Miss Ilcppei‘. Mrs. E. lli.j."ii:“mii. Mrs. L. (i. Si(ltlt\lllilll‘;:ll.. Mrs. Thus. Fiirlty; Pres. Mrs. llchci‘ Mcl'ne‘ue: 1st Viceâ€"Pres" Mrs. R. Nichols; L’nd Yice-Pi'cs.. Mrs. R. Beatty; Ricordine‘ Sic. Mrs. R' ioynton‘, Trczis.. Mrs. R. Klini'k: Christian Sitwnrdship. Mrs. Avison. ‘Mrs. McKay; Firxiiut (‘om.. Mrs. l.. Nichoh‘. MLs. \Yiil'ws: Tl‘liillt'iillli't' Sic. Mrs. .\"l‘l‘|l‘.‘.l'l2 Srcri'tnry for Missiorui‘y Morih its. Mrs. S. li'iyixfi ion: Sw‘. (‘izininnniit' l’riwiitlsliip Ivllll .‘\:<Ili‘lilll‘ ll’illl‘i‘\. Ml's‘. Ali‘lliiliii'is‘. Mrs. (Willard: M'-- "ll Eziiiil SUM;- fini‘y. Mrs. l1. lig'tito‘i; .-\s~Est:i‘i‘.. Mrs. M. .\\'isoii; l‘wi'iy Rind Sch. Mrs. ll. licvtt'c: Arvisoi‘y President Hi. Mission (Til'i‘li'. Mrs‘. C'illfli'il; ('Iirâ€" ri-siiinlzitt 1“‘.l PM s S'c.. Mrs. II. Smith: S gu-lv (‘ :n.. Mrs. M11111“..- crts. MW. J. Mort on. Mrs, E, 111in- lton. Mrs. McIlliniirray; Social (“mn.. ‘Mrs. (’rselcy. Mrs. llcrman Mertâ€" son. Miss Mabel Szirdcrson. Mrs. R. chrldns; Aiirlilers. Mrs. I. Nithols. Mrs. E. Avison; Pitinisls‘. Mrs. R. iPerkins. Mrs. R. Nichols. The January inciting of the \Y. .M. S. will be held at the church on ET‘Vcdncsday. January X at :2 o'clock Reports from the secretaries and the difftrent departments in the year’s Installation of place at this work will be given. officers will take meeting. Mission Band will he held on Sat- urday. January 4th. at 2 o’clock. Reports from the Secretary will be given and election of officers will take place. Christmas is past for another year. Santa made a good many calls in our community. Besides at- tending all the school concerts, he arrived at the Sunday'School con- cert just at the close, and though remarking he was very tired after all the season's work, done justice to the children by coming once more and meeting the children on Christ- mas Ev-e. The concert was well at- tended andi owing to the sickness and- other activities of the season it was a full evening of enjoyment for ‘those present. We are glad to report that Mr. Bruce Graham who had the misfor- tune to run a nail in his foot is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Knapipman and fam- aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sanderson on Sunday afternoon. Sunday being the last Sunday in 1940, the secretaries of the Sunday School read out the names of thOse who had attended every Sunday. They were as follows, Marion, Law- rence, Jimmy, Helen, David and Vera Boynton, Mabel and Alvin Caseley, and Ella Ratcliffe. They will re- ‘ceive prizes at a later date for their faithfulness to the school. Miss Peggy McKay and her grand mother Mrs. Hamilton are both bed- fast with the flu or whatever the epidemic is that is going the rounds. The community wish them a speedy recovery. Mrs. Ida McCague of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mortson had tea with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols and family on Sunday evening. On Tues-day evening the Y.P.U. had a crokinole party in the base- ment of the church followed by a few games. lunch and closed with~ watch night service. On January 10th the executive of the Y.P.U. for 194.1 are asked to meet at the home of the president, Miss Marion Smith. On January 8th the W.M.S. will hold their regular meeting with Rev. McKay present, to install the off- icers for the coming year. At SB. No. 12 school Mr. A. Caseley was the new trustee elected. Mr. E. A. Buchanan was also appointed delegate to the O.E.A. for the section. On Tuesday evening, January 7th at 7 o'clock sharp the J.F.A. and J.W.I. will hold their annual ban-- quet in the Community Hall. The speaker of the evening will be Mr. A. H. Martin, Assistant Director of Agriculture of Representatives. The program will consist of solos by Miss Gwen Smith. readings by Miss Ruby Avison. After the banquet there will be dancing for everyone who cares to dance. This year this ban- quet is being run differently. Every- one who goes must secure a ticket. therefore nieinibers, both girls and boys are asked to secure theirs early as those left over will be sold to the public. Girls who are memâ€" bers will be asked to bake and will receive a free ticket. Those who wish tickets may get them by comâ€" municating with any of the followâ€" ing, Mrs. M. Jarvis, Miss M. Case- ley, Mr. Earl Einpringham, Mr. F. Gee. ~Mrs. Meryl Morris and fa min l65th year. meeting I VICTORIA SQUARE NEWSY NOTES , spent (‘hristinxis with her Ilfll't‘ldki Mr. and Mrs. E. (Hist-icy. (l’riiin lost This clipping from Il<'l>it'lll Fri".- sizin Journal \ycckâ€" refers to a former Vic- Classi l RA'i‘iLs. ism tor each SlllirE‘QIH'T‘i each insert on. :iwis ‘ir 15?. “grilOIl. ".5 cents for first insertion and 15 cents 0v nr (‘IIARCED 7 CENTS PER LINE. THURSDAY. JANUARY 2nd. 19-11. tied Advs. 11113 15 Tm; pm; orinvicnrisixuâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT er 5 lines 5 cents per line extra toria S(lllill't' hoy. Happy Landings Jim Mct‘nv'iic who for the pzist‘ 11 R S . i 3-» - - i < . six months has l)t‘(‘ll :1 nicmlwr of O ._..L _....-/â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" tni :t..l! ot lloiiii‘dli Wynn” IILWIP miw MIND- Am”). has scycrcil hrs connectior wzih oiii'iyl Hmflfifi. 5, ppm“. SE‘EHELI organization in iiin ill lim‘nl (Hiiiznl'nn Air l“l)l'(’l‘. 1 Jim graduated from illt' (illllll'lO‘ . 'rii-iiltiirnl (Filip-w this ‘gri'ilig‘ midi; i1 i'iw llllillill~ llt‘ \\":s with ii<i 1.. "!‘.‘.‘.“ £1 \czj. iii-piilar nimnlmi' ol'i 'lll 'ii'i' lll h:i.l lion: 1::“iil_i:illj\‘i 11‘ is nine .illil ino“-- of the: \ir I'k ‘i retiniticn with Thi- Joi‘rn‘ili 'r l lv' is iir‘ . ‘ to lie :‘ll (:lsj' ‘l‘."ii iii l't‘l‘l‘ll" ll'i lw film :is llil\'l“ so mun]: cllnr of the low". of ("anâ€"1 "- '.‘illll'_l' mcn. that there was :i lwe'e'cr it?» lll‘tililitf his nttwit‘on lill<li n~w. I lie "fin.- wcll :li"r]llflllllitl with many lirlstc'n lirw-dirs both through hav- :"!1' liven ‘ll tl‘c shows with his liliOâ€"l ilwr's (Jack McI'nq‘iicl hi-ril and his l i‘r“..lli’('lYOll with The Journal and we; ki‘nw that they join us in wishiiie‘i him “Happy Landigs." Congratulations go to Mr. Harry Forster on winning the musical lampr in the lucky draw at Mr. Gordon Mortson's store. The regular monthly meeting of the \V.A. was held at the home of Mrs. Murray Avison last Wednesday evening. The new officers were elected for the year 1941 and are as follows: Pres, Mrs. H. Collard; Vice- Pres.. Mrs. R. Klinck; Sec., Mrs. F. McRoberts; Treas., Mrs. Herman Mortson; group leaders, Mrs. Wil- lows, Mrs. Caseley. Mrs. Beatty and Mrs. Ross Nichols; pianist, Miss ’Mabel Sanderson. Christmas cards have been sent to the different organizations from Mr. Frank Collins of New Bruns- wick and Mr. Boyd Mount of Camp Borden. Y.P.U. met last Sunday evening a‘.‘ the usual hour with Miss Mabel Caseley in the chair. The tOpic was taken by Miss Annie Avison in the form of a “Story of the Other Wise Man". Miss Marion Smith read the scripture, Miss Marion Boston sang “The First Noel", while Miss Irene Beatty gave a reading, after which the Rev. McKay carried on with the installation service of officers for the coming year. It was decided during the business period that 0w- ing to the slippery roads the sleigh- ing party should be changed to' a skating party on New Year’s Eve, returning to the church for Watch ‘Night Service. Everyone in the community are cordially invited to 'join the Y.P.U. on this night. Miss Irene Smith was home over the week-end and Mr. and Mrs. Mur- ray S‘mith were at home with their parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith on :Monday. DIED TAYLORâ€"Suddenly at his home, 127 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, on Wednesday. January lst, Edmund John Taylor, beloved husband of Caroline R. Dunn. in his 53rd year. The late Mr. Taylor is. resting at Wright & Taylor’s Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. where service will b9 held on Sunday, January 5. at 2.30 o'clock. Interment Richmond Hill Cemetery. McClLUSKEY, Eni-ma Harmon â€" At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Norman Chatterley, 25 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill. Tuesday. December 31. 1940. Emma Harmon. beloved the forces lrlvi' * r 7 ‘ 7 yoi‘Xi. pins lll uni; viii M" , , .77i,Vâ€"# n I‘Xi'lli .';'I lit)" cliii'l{i'li>; film a tins e‘iwd Tiiiinihy llay 'or sale. .lihn llz'iiil‘tr. .Milis sidewall East. lil'lt'ly l ml‘Sl ‘i'.l ('iiijtii \ ill Mi lili'. ilt .' i Jiii‘l li "ii l"\ TS \‘ 177», rsfa‘» 415' 111:7 {-iti llrnm l}. Krill! 'il‘ M1r-lc. For p-riicnl'irs pliirc the liywmm-s lapl 14:71). (non for inspection Jainizirylll :lil‘l ll. afternoons. l‘W‘R SH lC I‘ll RICN'I‘ 7 llfiitilllh llfil'Sl'I. l. ‘32: $1.. lilll' 4211* u;- firmi‘ lit,L i. ml. large the l‘l‘;(‘(’. ‘wo link. sir’i rcv in T)ll\‘l"~l4lll l"‘.‘i)lll‘ll‘.‘ 1. \i‘- lllY T3 (Mitre St. F... phone :13 Rich- mond. llill. LOST PAIR HORN RIMMED GLASlES on Yonge St. last Snrday. Rward. Apply phone Richmond Hill 83. CAR KEY Tuesday, Dec. 2413. be- tween Post Office and Skeele’i gro- cery store. Finder please letve at Liberal Office. SUM OF MONEY Saturday eening between Rosebud Cafe and Sims Store. Reward. Finder pleas call at Liberal Office. or 4 i WANTED SUWS‘. all sizes. Phone 4522 Rich- lll\ll\l i1‘. I'Xhl'RNISlll‘Ill ROOMS heated or small apartment. wanted. Apply Lilurul Office. A HEATED IUHJM in Richmond llill or viciniiy. furnished or unfurn- Appiy I’hone Maple 5â€"11-13. ‘lrlliwl. TO RENT Mli‘d'SE to l'Llll on Centre Street. iApply lustlc Inn. APARTMENT with iczices. floors. modern convenâ€" elcctric range. hardwood Apply Liberal Office. ,conroiiTAnLn slit ROOMET). illilL'SE. water, electric. good gar- age. Apply I. D. Rainer. Richmond 'l'lill. MISCELLANEOUS HOUSES Raised and Moved. Phone Thornhill 73. t! ‘ A ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs. upholstering. cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Huni’ Avenue. TREE SPECIALIST: Orchards and shrwbbery trimmed and pruned; de- caying tree's treated. Phone for esti- mates. W. McIvor, Richmond Hill, phone 269. E. DAIRY CATTLE, Grain, Hay, Straw, Alfalfa and Clover Seed ac- cepted in trade on De Laval Milkers, Frigidaire Milk Coolers, Electric Re- frigerators, Ranges, Washers and Radios. Write or phone B. R. Leech, Wa. 4501, Toronto Radio and Sports Ltd., 241 Yonge St., Toronto. FOUND CAR KEY on Yonge Street near Masonic Hall. Apply The Liberal Office. MAN’S SCARF, taken by mistake at Red Cross New Year’s Dance. Ap- ply at The Liberal Office. BOYNTON WELDRICK Re-elected by acclamation as Dp- uty-Reeve o-f Vaughan Township. Davies’ Dry Goods The draw for lucky prizes made at our store Saturday nigt by councillor Dr. J.‘P. \Vilsion, J. 1. Greene and: J. E. Smith. The 1‘6 sults were as follows: ‘Mrs. S. Fitch. RR. '2 Maple; Vic toria Jarvis; Mrs. J. C. Murphy Mrs. C. Salter; Miss. E. Anderson Maple; Mrs. J. Stewart; Eileer Durie; E. Austin; Ethel Deadman‘ \VS wife of William J. McCluskey, in her ANNIE E~ WOODv OAK AVENUE Funeral service was held at thel above address on Thursday, January 2, at 2.30 D.S.T. Interment followed in St. John’s Cemetery, Oak Ridges. COvSGiROVE. Nellie Robinson â€" At her late residence, Bathurst Street, Vaughan Township, on Tuesday, De- cemlber 31, 1940, Nellie Robinson, widow of the late James Cosgrove. Funeral from the above address on Friday, January 3rd. Service in St. John’s Church, Oak Ridges, at 3 o’- clock (D.S.T.). Interment St. John's Cemetery. VAUGHAN VOTING Polls in Vaughan Township open Monday at nine o'clock in the morn- ing and will remain open until seven o'clock in the evening standard time. All will receive two ballots. one for election of councillors and one for the two year term issue. Sale Registeâ€"r \VEDNESDAY. JAN. 22ndâ€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements. har- ness, furniture, etc. the property of Harold Mortson, lot 20. con. 4 Mark- ham. mile and a quarter south of Victoria Square. Sale at 12.30 o’- clock. Term's cash. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. lRICHVALE. 1st prize. Ladies’ Trav- elling Case; Miss Thelma Shields; E. Austini; Mrs. A. L. Teal; Mrs. J. Day 139 THE MILL RICHMOND HILL, ONT. We have in stock 1 Car Oil Cake 1 Car Oil Cake Meal 1 Car Molasses 1 Car Soya Bean Meal These were bought early and we are offering them at attractive prices Phones : Evening 82W R.&G. Farquharson, Gormley; Nellie Car- (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) ter; Florence Turner: Mrs. Layzell; Miss Mildred Sims; R. Baker, Rich- vale; B. McNAIR. RR. MAPLE, 2nd prize. Set of Silver Flatware; Mrs. L. Crockett; K. Leuschener. ley; Mrs. W. Sayers: B. McNairy RR. 2 Maple; June Harding; Mrs. ,Used Cars Gm'm- ‘ $92536 Newton; Women's Auxiliary of Vetâ€" 1939 MERCURY TOWN SEDAN â€" erans; Mrs. Walter Bone. Maple; Mrs. L. Barter. Richvale; MRS. F. SFMS‘. RIClHlMiOND HILL. 3rd prize. Lace Taiblecloth; E. Rowden; Mrs. Nyman, Richvale; Mary Hartin; Mrs. Corner: Mrs. E. Klinck. Gorm- ley; Mrs. F. C. Squance, Barrie: Ray Charles; Mrs. Beynon; Miss‘ Isabel Moodie; MRS. ALLAN EM- METZ. 15 Benson Avenue. 4th prize. Table Lamp; Eileen Durie; Mrs. J. Hamilton; Mrs. R. D. Little; D. Pat- ton; Mrs. James Byres. RR. 2 Gorin- ley; Mrs. A. Nicol, Elgin Mills; Mrs. Ernest Bone, Maple; Reg. Baker. Oak Avenue. Richvale; Mrs. N. Well- wood: MISS D BAKER, Richinon. Hill, 5th prize, Chit.“iium Tray; M“. R. Casement: Reg. Baku: Oak .‘veâ€" nue; E. Austin; Mrs. E. K‘nck. Goi'mley: Mrs. Bei‘t Yonnie‘; letty Hall; Mrs. D. Vallance; Mrs. .. C. Murphy: Mrs. Gibbons: MRS. IUS- RICHMOND HILL SELL. RICHMOND HILL, 6th vrize. Glass Water Set. White Wall Small Mileage. $595.00 938 FORD V-8 TUDORâ€"Heaterâ€" Very Nice. $425.00 935 PLYMOUTH SEDAN with Trunk â€" Good condition. $1950? 931 BUICK SEDAN â€" A nice car Littlâ€"eâ€"BrbThers Tires and Heater. FORD AND MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 174

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