All persons having claims against the estate of HIRAM ELI KEFT‘ER late of the Township of Vaughan in the County of York, Gentleman, de- ceased, who died at the said Townâ€" ship of Vaughan on the 3rd day of November, 1940, are required to send details of the same verified by affidavit to the undermentioned So- licitors for the Executors on or be- fore the 25th day of January, 1941, after which date the Estate will be distributed among the persons en- titled thereto, having regard» only to those claims of which the under- signed shall then have received notice. THURSDAY, JANUARY 9th, 1941. Monday, JAN. 13th All persons having claims against the Estate of Sarah Louisa Mapes, late of the City of TorOnto and forâ€" merly of the Township of Markham, in the County of York, S-pinster, de- ceased, and who died at the City of Toronto on or about the 30th day of November, 1940, are required to send details of the same together with due proof thereof to the under- signed executor on or before the 22nd day of January, 1941. Forthâ€" with after which date the executor will proceed to distribute the said Masonic Hali Richmond Hill 8 p.m. D.S.T. N0 Advance in Prices Adults 25c. Children 15c. Dated this 30th day of December 1940. WILLIAM 000K AND GIBSON, 912 Federal Building, 85 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. estate to the parties entitled there- to having regard to such claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated at Richmond Hill this 215’: day of December, 1940. Taiking PICTURES ‘MAN ABOUT TOWN’ In \ All persons having claims against the estate of Albert Edgar Bishop, late of Willowdale, Township of North York, who died on or about 11th September, 1940, are hereby notified to forward to the under- signed, on or before 16th January, 1941, full particulars of their claims against the said estate, verified by affidavit. ' After said 16th January, 1941, we undersigned executors of said estate will distribute the assets! of the estate, having regard only to claims of which the Executors Shall then have notice. Dated this 19th day of December, Jack Benny, Dorothy Lamour Rochester in 1940 Also SHIRLEY TEMPLE in the Estate Bishop, late of ship of North er, deceased. With Adolphe Menjou Added Cartoons and Shorts SPRUCE AVE., RICHVALE Announces thét his Shop will be open TUESDAY at 3.30 pm. for the accommodation of chil- dren. The shop as usual will be open every evening except Saturday. Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS Notice to Creditors Alexander MacGregor, K.C., 614 Confederation Life Bldg, Toronto Ontario. Solicitor for Edgar Norman Bishop and Alexander MacGregor, Exec- utors. ~ Notice to Creditors Joe Taylor BARBER “ LITTLE MISS MARKER †Double Feature Programme aid 16th January, 1941, the 2 BIG HITS R‘OY H'ERRINGTON, Executor of Albert Edgar Willowdale, Townâ€" York, silver-work- claims against' Edgar Bishop, Township of i on or about u, are herebyl RE-AMAN, Daniel Johnâ€"At his late residence, Lot 10, Con. 2, Vaughan Township, Friday, Jan. 3, 1941, Dan- iel John Reaman, (beloved husband of Lottie White, and dear father of Mrs. Floyd Perkins (Ruth) and the late (Mrs. Laurence Denby (Jean), and Mrs. Amos Baker (Edma), Marg and Isaac, in his 62nd year. Funeral was held from the above address Monday, Jan. 6, at 2 o’clock (standard time). Interment follow- ed in Cober Cemetery, Vaughan town- The funeral took place on Friday afternoon, January 311%, from her late residence to St. John’s Church, Oak Ridges, where service was con- ducted by Rev. E. W. G. Worrall. Interment was made in St. John’s Cemetery. The pallfbearers were W. J. Cosg'rove, George Topper, Rolph Wideman and her three sons. The funeral of the late E. J. Tay- lor of 127 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, took place on Sunday, Jan. 5, from Wright & Taylor’s Funeral Parlors, and was very largely at- tended: Although in poor health for some time, Mr. Taylor‘s sudden death came as a great shock to the family and a host of friends. The service was conducted by Mr. J. Gillies of Thornhill, assisted by Dr. M. H. Blandin of Langstaff Bap- Dr. M. H. 15 tist Church LATE MRS. JAMES COSGROVE The death of Nellie Robinson, widow of the late James Cosgrove, occurred peacefully at her home on Bathurst Street, Vaughan Township, on Tuesday, December Blst, after a brief .illness of one week. Mrs. Cosgrove was the daughter of the late David Robinson and his Wife Jane Johnston, and was 'born at Bradford in 1860. After her marriage she resided with her husband on a farm on the second concession of Markham for more than forty years, before retiring seven years ago. Mr. Cosgrove predeceased her in 1934. Deceased was of a cheerful dis- position, a woman whose heart was in her home, and had a wide circle of friends. She is survived by three sons, John at home, James at Perth and Fred at .Crane Valley, Sask.; three brothers, George at Bradford, John at Jefferson, Fred at Saska- toon; two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Fisher at Alhamlbra, Cal., and Carrie at Orillia. There are also four grandchildren. One sister and three brothers are deceased. ' Surviving are his WII'e, Ilve sons, Bill of the R.>C.E., New Brunswick, Earle of Delhi, Tom, Jack and A1- bert at home; 3 daughters, Mrs. Jacques Schurman and Mrs. Raymond Beale, both of Toronto. and Mrs. Leonard Weavers of Shawmere; and 6 grandchildren. Also 3 brothers and 3 sisters. JOHN HOSTRAWSER Re-elected at the head of the poll in Monday’s election for council in Vaughan Township. The palllbearers were sons Tom, Earle and Jack and! sonsâ€"inâ€"Iaw Jacques Schurman, Leonard Weavers and Raymond Beale. Interment took place in Richmond Hill Cemetery. KEuFF‘ER, Mary C.â€"At the residence of her sisterâ€"in-law, Miss Margaret Keffer, Maple, on Wednesday, Janu- ary 8th, 1941, Mary C. Porter, be- loved wife of John G. Keffer, in her 82nd" year. . Funeral (private) at the above adâ€" dress on Friday at 2 o’clock (Stand- ard Time). Public service in Zion Lutheran Church, Sherwood, at 2.30. Interment adjoining cemetery. ship (Graduate of the Owen Smiley Studio) Elocution, Public Speaking and Dramatic Art Bank of Commerce blag, 2896 Dundas St. W.. Toronto MARGUERITE BOYLE Homew LATE E. J. TAYLOR UBITUARY are his Wife, five sons, R.>C.E., New Brunswick, lhi, Tom, Jack and A1- ne; 3 daughters, Mrs. rman and Mrs. Raymond Studios d Hall’ DIED Owen Smiley Thornhill .Bill Wallis, formerly of Elgin IMills, left Toronto this week to re- port to the R.C.A.F. at Trenton. Mrs. J. F. Heard returned Wedâ€" nesday after spend’ing the New Year Holiday with her husband, Pilot Offâ€" icer J. F. Heard, at Brandon, Mani- toÂ¥ba. A large crowd enjoyed skating at Richmond Hill arena Wednesday evâ€" ening. There is general skating ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday nights, with “old timers’ night" every Mon- day evening. savings stamps Mr. Bill Buczhanan left this week to take up his new duties with Do- minion Stores at Niagara Falls, Ont. An attractive doulb»l-e\ feature movie bill is scheduled for the Ma- sonic Hall, Richmond Hill for next Monday evening. ORANGE LODGE EUCHRES The final Euchre in the series of six held by the Orange Lodges was held on Thursday of last week. Prize winners for the evening were, ladies, Mrs. A. Leech, Miss F. Sheardown, Miss G. Lever; gentlemen, J. C. Ellis, F. N. Hopper, R. Casement. Grand prizes in the series were won 1by Miss F. Sheardown‘ who received a $3.00 order on a local store and Mr. J. C. Ellis, $3.00 worth of War Sav- ings Stamps. The weekly movi-e program at the Masonic Hall every Monday evening are steadily growing in popularity. Drop in at the Masonic Hall any Mond'ay evening for an enjOyable movie program. A Junior Red Cross Skating- and Slldiing‘ Party will be held at the home of Mrs. John Clark, Bond’ Lake on Saturday evening, January 18th. Refreshments, games, fun, priaes. Everybody welcome. Everybody come. Admission 250. If you can come please phone 236, 19612 or 89W before noon on Saturday, Janu- ary 18th. FLAG AT HALF-MAST The village, flag is at half mast to-day for General ~ Baden-Powell, founder of the Boy Scouts. A new series of six euchres will start on Thursday evening, January 16th in the Lodge Rooms, Masonic Hall. Everybody welcome. Good prizes. RED CROSS ANNUAL MEETING Reserve Fridéy evening, January 17th for the annual meeting of the Richmond Hill Red! Cross Society. CARD 0F THANKS Mr. W. H. Lever of Northmount wishes to thank all his friends and relatives for their kindness during his illness. Also to thank those who sent and brought fruit and flowers. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Daniel J. Reaman wish to express their sincere thanks to the many friends and neighbors who have been so kind and thoughtful at the time of the recent death of their dear huslband and father. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. E. J. Taylor and family wish to extend their heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings received from friends and neighbours during their recent bereavement. IN MEMORIAM AlLLE‘Nâ€"In cherished remembrance of my beloved husband, Frederick James Allen, fatally injured on New Year’s eve, 1936. Passed away peacefully Jan. 4, 1937. Sadly missed. IN MEMORIAM CIRJOUSâ€"In loving memory of a dear huslband and father, Ernest Cirâ€" cus, who passed away January 8th, (3115, who passea away January oui, 1928. Time takes away the edge of grief, But memory turns back every leaf. â€"â€"Sadly missed by wife and family. STONlEHOUSEâ€"In memory of my dear sister and aunt, Miss‘ E. Stone- house, who passed away on January 13th, 1940. Dear is the grave where our dear sister was laid, Dear is the memory fade; Sweet is the hope shall meet, Kneeling famin Help the war effort Social and Personal ver THE 1.1BERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO IN MEMORIAM meet, together at Jesus’ feet. remembered by sister and the hope that again we memory that never shall buy w 81‘ W. L. CLARK A former Deputyâ€"Reeve, by acclamation as a Mark ship Councillor. Cameron McClure became Master of the Wood‘bridge Blackrwood Ma- sonic lodge when 1941 officers were installed recently. Installing off- icers included Wor. Bro. Sam Mc- Clure, father of the new Master; R.W. Bro. Charles Roth-b, P.D.D.G.1M., of Toronto District “Aâ€, other lodge officers and visiting brethren. The annual meeting of the Richâ€" mond Hill Red Cross Society will be 'held on Friday evening, January 17 at 8 pm. As individual notices of this meeting will not be sent out, members of the society are asked to keep this date in mind. MRS. THOMPSON NEW TEACHER AT LLOYDTOWN Not many years ago an advertise- ment for a teacher would bring hun- dreds of applications. Times however are changing and Mr. D. Bartlett, secretary of 8.8. No. 15 King Town- ship, Lloydtown, reports that two ad- vertisements for a teacher brought only five applications. Mrs. W. Thompson of Aurora was selected as teacher for the school section. BLACKW'OOD LODGE MASONS INSTALL 1941 OFFICERS Also installed were the following new officers: I.P.M., Roy H. Bark- er; S.W., A. K. Watson; J.W., A. E. Kearney; Chaplain, Sam McClure; Treasurer, J. A. Fraser; Secretary, W. Hollingshead; D. of C., V. R. Shunk; S.D., Robert Mitchell; J.D., A. B. Cousins; Inner Guard, W. R. Scott; 8.8., M. K. Ross; J.S., A. Mc- Kinnon; Tyler, Bert Dooks; Audi- tors, Ed. W. Brown, G. W. Bagg; Visiting Com., G. W. Bagg, Gordon McGillivray, Rolbert Mitchel]; Bene- valence Com., Sam McClure, J. A. Fraser, W. R. Scott; Committee of General Purposes, Roy H. Barker, W. Hollingshead‘, A. K. Watson. Lodges represented by delegations included Delta, Wilson, Mississauga, Vaughan, Bay of Quinte, Victory, Antiquity, Ionic and Cannington. The Girls’ Red Cross wish to thank all the people in Richmond Hill who helped to make the New Year's Eve Ball such a successful event. Speâ€" cial thanks for donations are due to Mr. P. E. Angle, Bedford Park Flor- ists, End-ean Nurseries, Mrs. H. J. Mil‘ls, Weston Bread Co. and The Liberal. Sunday, Jan. 12th Epiphany 1 11 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer and Ser- mm. 2.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 pm. â€"â€" Evening Prayer and Ser- mon. Choir practise at home of Rev. R. 'S. Mason. Com‘munity Service of Prayer at the Preï¬fby'terian Church Wednesday at 8 p.m. All cordially invited. Ibald. 2.45 p.m,â€"Sunday School Sund‘ay, Jan. 12th 11 a.m.â€"â€"Preacher, Mr. D. G. Archi- RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Foilett. B.D. Pastor Sunday, Jan. 12th 9.45 a.m.â€"Sunday School. All de- partments. 11 a.m.â€"Pufl)1ic Worship. “Reâ€"Open- RED CROSS NOTES Rector: VRierTW: F. Wrixon, L.Th. 4 Markham Road ing‘ 01d Wells p.m.â€"Gospel Service. One hour only. 'Our choir, famed for its splendid talent, wil render inspir- ing musical numbers at both serâ€" vices. The pastor in charge. You will receive a hearty welcome. .B.â€"Community Prayer Service in Presbyterian Church on Wednes- day evening. Come and bring a friend. “More things are wrought ‘by prayer than this world dreams of.†RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ST. MARY’S CHU RCH (Anglican) RICHMOND HILL ieeve, re-elected Markham Town- HAROLD MORTSON FARM SALE JANUARY 22ND An auction sale which is sure to attract a large crowd of buyers is that of Harold Mortson, lot 20, con. 4 Markham, just south of Victoria Square, which will be held Wednes- day. January 22nd. The sale in- Square, which will be held Wedn day, January 22nd. The sale eludes fourteen cows, two horses number of pigs, as well as a 1 line of implements, and hay, grz furniture, etc. A full list of artic offered in this sale appears in t issue of The Liberal. i Richmond Hill Arena WWWNOOOOQNâ€QOONMW Pictorial events of the past ten years leading up to present crisis, the earth shaking drama we are living todayâ€"Sensational! Daring! None who has an opportunity to see it should fail to do so. Also SHIRLEY TEMPLE - JACK OAKIE CHARLOTTE GREENWOOD in “ YOUNG PEOPLE †What suspense! What thril‘ls! What a story! It’s one of the {best pictures of the year. A great mrusical picture with two outstanding starsâ€"Judy Garland was never better, and Mickey Rooney excels. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JANUARY 16 MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13 - 14 - 15 TODAY. THURSDAY, JANUARY 9 LEW AYRES - LIONEL BARRYMORE - LARAINE DAY in “ DOCTOR KILDARE GOES HOME †JOEL McCRAE - LARAINE DAY - GEORGE SANDERS in “ FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT †Music! Comedy! Dancing! Really a triumph for Shirley. Greeting and Thank You Special rates to parties. Enjoy this Healthful Recreation at Maple SHOWS START AT 7.30 P.M. AND 9.30 P.M. D.S.T. General Skating Every Wednesday and Saturday Evening Old Timers’ Skating Every Monday Evening I wish through the columns of this paper to thank all patrons and friends for good-will and patronage in the past, and extend to one and all my best wishes for the coming year. MICKEY ROONEY JUDY GARLAND PAUL WHITEMAN AND HIS ORCHESTRA “ STRIKE UP THE BAND †Wm. J. JOHNSON FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JANUARY 10 - 11 “ WORLD IN FLAMES †SKATING One of the best of the series gram, articles in this BUTCHER full 3. For full information apply to WES. MIDDLETON, BIRTH BtR.I.L‘LINGERâ€"~On Thursday, Januâ€" ary 2nd, 1941, at Mrs. H. Stan- ford’s heme, Yonge Street, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brillinger, 50 Ce“- tre St. West, Richmond Hill, a son. Minister: “That’s right. Do you think a fresh squall would have been nearer the truth?†Chairman Arena Commission ife Father: “In your sermon ning you spoke about a g a new wave of the ocean Father PAGE FIVE Ontario 17-18