The Woman’s ' Association held their regular meeting Thursday, January 9th at 1.30 in the 8.8. hall. There was also a Red Cross quilt- The annual meeting of the Sun- day School was held .in the SS. hall of Newtonlbtrook United Church Thursday, January 9th. Rev. A. H. and Mrs. Halbert spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Carson at King City. Mr. and Mrs. Metcalfe of Toronto were guesis of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Shaw on New Year’s. Mrs. Thomas Street .held the usual {family gathering at her home on New Year's Day. (Miss Atkinson of Bethesda visit- ed her sister Mrs. A W. Galbraith last week. A capacity congregation attended midnigiht mass at St. Michael’s cathedral on Christmas morning. His Grace Most Rev. James C'. McGuig- an, archbishop of Toronto, pontifi- cated, assisted by Right Rev. E. M. Brennan, V.G., president of St. Au- gustine’s seminary. Fervent hope for a British victory was expressed by the archbishop in his Christmas message. He commented warmly on Prime Minister Churchill’s address to the Italian people. Mr. Churchill made clear his appreciation of the position of the pope and the Catho- lic Church, he said. The New Year is a golden gate of opportunity for doing good. We fnadae a good many failures the last year. The New Year is a chance to try again with the hope of doing better. Most of us hope to make the New Year better than the old and it depends upon ourselves to no small degree whether we shall real» ize our desire. “Forgive and For- get" is a good motto for the New Year. One cherished grudge may spoil a whole year. If you would have a Happy New Year, see to it that you make it happy for some one else. i Mr. anld Mrs. ‘AlJbert Galbraith spent a few days last week with relatives at Palermo. Mrs. George Rowe has returned home from St. Michael’s Hospital after an appendix operation and is making a good recovery. Pte. Donald Irwin of Camp Bor- den and Mrs. Irwin were guests at the Parsonage last week. The Golden Rule Mission Band will meet next Saturday, January 11 at 2.30 p.m. in the SS. hall of the United Church. Lantern slides will be shown on the “Seven Little Trav- ellersâ€. You will be interested to hear their experiences in the seven countries where they visited. Join the Mission Band at the first meet- ing of the New Year. Ten cents will make you a member for 1941. Rev. A. H. and Mrs. Halbert en- tertained the choir at their home CHURCHILL PRAISED A beautiful gold pin will [be pre- sented to those under sixteen years- of age who have a perfect church attendance during the year. This is made possible through the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schmidt in memory of the former’s parents the late Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schmidt who always took a very active part in the Sunday School work of New- tonlbrook church. Rev. A. H. and Mrs. tertained the choir at last Friday evening. to higher attainments and! larger usefulness in the church’s work. We have only one life to live, so let us be ambitious to make the most of it and make it count for the best. The Young People’s Union held their first meeting of the New Year last Monday evening in the SS. hall. MT. Reg Hewett assisted in the de- votional service. The topic was on “Prayer†and was taken by Rev. A. H. Halbert. At the close of the meeting the. new officers were electv ed for 194]. Next Monday evening the meeting ‘will‘ be in charge of the Missionary Convenors. May each ofzficer accept with hopeful hearts their new responsibilities and'go on Barlow-Brown Newinonlbrook United Church Par- sonage, Yonge St. was the scene of a pretty wedding on New. Year’s evening when Eunice Viola. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brown became the bride of George Franklin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Barlow. The bride wore a becom- ing costume of dusty pink silk crepe with matching accessories and cor- sage of pink daisy Chrysanthemums and fern and was attended by her sister Mrs. Clifford Brown who wore a rose silk crepe costume with black hat and corsage of pink snapdrag- ons and fern. Clifford Brown of Waverly was best man. Rev. A. H. Hallbert officiated. The happy young couple left by motor on a wedding trip to northern points. This is the Universal Week of Prayer and is being- observed in the United Church. a THURSDAY, JANUARY 9th, 1941. Newtonbrook AT MIDNIGHT MASS TECUMSETH TOWNSHIP The 1940 counciL of Tecums-eth has been Ire-elected by acclamation and will sit for two years. The members are: Reeve, W. A. App‘erly; Deputy Reeve, D. K. alvey; Council, Fred Hunter, Leonard Ransom and Albert Gilroy. Londonâ€"Seeking desperately for all possible resources, the Germans are using 60-year-old brandy in the cognac land of Chareinte to pep up gasoline for their bombers, a French- man said on arrival here flzom his home city of Bordeaux. Since the ibeginning of July, even in Bordeaux, where once people lived on the fat of the land, food is be- coming scarce, he said. Women of every class and degree of wealth line up in long queues each morning to be doled out what the Germans have not requisitioned. “My countrymen are findin ways and means of slowing up pro uction, of stopping supplies to the Germans,†he added. The refugee said no part of France is unoccupied. There are Gestapo agents in civilian dress in every town and hamlet. “In the cafes, trains or trams you feel their ears and eyes everywhere.†60-YEAR-O‘LD BRANDY PEPS NAZI GASOLINE ’- U3: THIS YEAR, almost every man and woman in Canada will share the burden of paying for the war. A million new taxpayers will pay who never paid before. A personal budget payment plan is available to old taxpayers who are faced with substantially increased income taxes. the following ways,â€" 1. The Present Method: At least oneâ€"third of the tax to be paid by April 30th, the balance, with inâ€" terest at 5 % from April 30th, to be paid by August 31st. On any balance unpaid after August 3lst, the interest rate will be 8 %. 2. The Proposed Method: In 8 monthly instalments without in- terest. To take advantage of this new way of paying, the ï¬rst instalâ€" ment must be paid on or before January 3lst. You must pay at least one-third of the estimated tax in four equal monthly instal- ments, in January, February, March and April, i.e. 1-12 of the estimated tax in each of the said 4 months. The remaining two- thirds must be paid in four equal monthly instalments in May, June, July and August, i.e. 1â€"6th of the estimated tax in each of the said 4 months. (This will be in the amended law.) 3. The Recommended Method: This method will not be found in Canadians are asked to shoulder their share of the war efl'ort cheerfully and willingly. By pay- ing your income tax regularly you help to speed the production of war material, and bring the day of victory closer. Figure out how much tax you will have to pay, and arrange to pay promptly when due. Pay by instalmentsâ€"the éasy wayâ€"and save interest. Cut out this page and keep it for future reference. If you are a married person without depend- ents, and your income in 1940 was more than $1500.00 you pay generalâ€"income-tax. If you are a married person with children, you are allowed $400.00 exemption for each depend- ent child or grandchild, in addition to the $1500.00 exemption. NOTE: In addition to the general-income-tax you pay National Defence Tax on your total income without any exemption if you are single and your income goes over $600 or if Rates ‘ you are married and your income goes over $1,200. Your 1 v a; ’12": I If you are a single person 56‘ // ' \ without dependents, and / . your Income in 1940 was more than $750.00 you pay general-income-tax. HON. COLIN GIBSON, DOMINIDN 0F CANADAWINCOME TAX IVISION now no YOU hï¬ix A PAY? inisler of Na'ional Revenue ‘ “\ Your income tax may be paid in ‘REGISTRATION CARD TRAVELS x 600 MILES IN CAR OF \VHEAT “It has got so that the county is a collecting agency for hospitals, and it may get worse and spread in regard to collections, for some peo- ple make little effort to pay,†Reeve Fred Young, Minto township, as Wellington County Council debated heavy hospital accounts for indigent patients. Solicitors of Brampton H-osapita'l threatened suit for an ac- count of $43.75 incurred by an Erin resident some time ago. Council decided to risk the suit as a “test case.†Dauphin, Manitobaâ€"The story of a national registration certificate which travelled more than 6-00 miles before being returned to its owner is told by a resident of Valley River, a farming village eight miles north- west of Dauphin, thriving farming centre on the Canadian National Railways. Mike Morez, Valley Riv- er farmer, lost his registration card and had been more than a little wor- ried about it. Days afterwards, G. P. Hassard. National grain elevator agent at Valley River, received the card) from the Fort William Office of his company. The card had fallen; into the grain pit at the elevator and had' been recovered» from a car of wheat in the Canadian National terminal at Fort William. WHO PAYS INCOME TAX? HOW? WHEN? WHERE? THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE [‘RAVELS ‘ TASMANIA WHEAT Tasmania, a large island lying to the south of Australia, and one of story of fthe states of the Commonwealth, has Cermfwate borne its present name since 1853. iigoor‘gg: It is about the same size as the ley River,;P1-ovince of New Brunswick. The les north- | Dutch explorer, Tasman, sighted the 1332:1521 !island in 1642 and called it Anthonij 11193, Riv- ivan Diemen’ Landt, in honor of the ltion card governor. of the Dutch West Indies, Little, wow I who had sent him and a companion W_ardls_ G. l on the expedition. To enioy the advantages of the Interest-Free Instalmenl‘ Plan Your net taxable income is the amount left after you deduct exemptions from your total income. If your net taxable income is $250 or less the tax is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% thereon. 8 ‘70 on the excess over $ If between $250 and $1000 the tax is $ 15 plus “ " 1000 and 2000 u 75 “ u " 2000 and 3000 " 195 †" “ 3000 and 4000 " 355 “ " " 4000 and 5000 " 555 " u " 5000 and 6000 " 795 “ " “ 6000 and 7000 " 1065 " u " 7000 and 8000 " 1365 " “ " 8000 and 9000 " 1695 " “ “ 9000 and 10000 " 2045 “ income in excess of $5000. 12 (70 16 % 20 % 24 «7;, 27 % 30 % 33 % 35 % 37 % u H u (t 0‘ (Q (t (Q It s u {I {t u u t! u (c For higher incomes refer to the Income War Tax Act. In addition to the above rates, there is a surtax on all investment 250 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 Also there is National Defence Tax and in some Provinces, Provincial Income Tax. Rates of General-lncome-Tax which Individuals Must Pay You must pay the ï¬rst instalment not later than January 315t, and pay regularly thereafter As late as the days of convict settlements the name was still Van Diemen’s Land. John Mitchell, one of the leaders of the Irish troubles of 1848, who was a prisoner, first in Bermuda and afterwards was transferred to the Antipodes, knew it under that name. There was a tradition prevalent long ago that Tasman named his discovery, not for the governor, but for his own sweetheart. But the books of reference are void of de- tails about the explorer’s personal affairs and vouch‘safe no informa- tion as to whether the governor haa a daughter or not. and, if he had, Tasman at any time aspired to her hand. King Councillor Cameron E. Walk- inxg‘ton was installed1 as Master of Robertson Masonic Lodge by Very Wors‘hvipful Brother D’Arcy Gaulvey of Simcoe Lodlge, Toronto, last week the law but it is a simple method, namely, in eight equal monthly instalments, without inter- est, commencing in January. To take advantage of the monthly payment plan Without interest each payment must be made on or before the due dates. Otherwise interest will be charged on the total balance remaining unpaid after April 30th. ,QPA W If your estimated tax is \§9\ _ \' $60.00 you pay one-third of N‘ the tax $20.00) in four instal- ments $5.00 each) an the remaining two- thirds ( 40.00) inTour instalments ($10.00 each). Your payments are therefore as follows: On or Bolero On or Beioro On or Bofou On or Below Jan. 31 Fob. 28 Mar. 31 An!" 30 $5 $5 $5 $5 On or Below On 0! Before On or Baku. On or Befom May 31 June 30 July 31 Aug. 31 $10 $10 $10 $10 = $60 However it is recommended that you pay your tax in eight equal monthly Instalments of $7.50 each: $60.00. Instalment Income Tax Remittance Forms are available at any post ofï¬ce, or any branch of any bank, or the ofï¬ce of the Inspector for your mm TO EVERY INCOME TAX PAYER IMPORTANT EXAMPLE OF INSTALMENT PAYING WITHOUT INTEREST u % u u u u u u % (t R u u I: u u u u u :c n % u u u % u u Income War Tax Act. WHO ? 'HOW MUCH ? Listen to “The Shadow"â€"CFRB, Tues.. 8.30 p.m., GKOO, Tues.. 9.00 p.m.. GFRG, Thurs, 8.00 p.m. PHONE 10 THE ELEVATOR RICHMOND HILL District, and their use will ensure accurate and proper allocation of your payment. However, on can send in your instalments by ordinary etter with your name and address plainly stated thereon, clearly indicating the division between Provincial and Dominion Tax payments. i \ U \- If flou are single, your exemp- W tion is $750.00. Thus if your total income is $1,000.00 you must pay tax on $250.00. The exemption for a married person is $1,500.00 plus $400.00 for each dependent child or grandchild. Thus if you are a married man with two children and a total income of $2,600.00 your total exemptions are $1,500.00 plus $400.00 for each child, or $2,300.00 in all. So you pay tax on $300.00. Payment: You may send a cheque, Post Ofl'ice or Money Order in payment of income tax by mail, to the Inspector of Income Tax for the District in which you reside, made payable to the Receiver General of Canada.Write plainly, and give your name in full, so that mistakes in crediting may be avoided. Do not send money or postage stamps in envelopes. I. D. Ramer & Son RATES OF NATIONAL DEFENCE TAX The general-incomeâ€"tax is pay- able on your net income less exgrpptions. HOW MUCH DO YOU PAY? flï¬fjj/K‘Ubï¬xcluding the \o‘ 753‘) ationa \r { Defence Tax Booklet and the necessary forms may be obtained from the Inspector of Income Tax for the district in which you reside. For a single person 2 ‘3 on the total income if the income exceeds $600 and does not exceed $1,200. 3% on the total income if the income exceeds $1,200. For a married person 2% on the total income if the income exceeds $1,200 with a tax credit of $8.00 for each dependent child or grand- child. For 1940 the tax is on one- half of the income and the tax credit is $4.00. Forms are now available. Form T.1 Special is to be used by individuals who are not in busi- ness whose income is not more than $5000. All others must use the regular form T.l or in the case of farmers, Form T.1A. Proprietors in business must ï¬le, in addition to the Form T.1 Return. an Excess Proï¬ts Tax Return on Form E.P.T.1 on or before April 30th next. MEX c‘ FRASER ELLIOTI', FURTHER INFORMATION PAGE SEVEN IOIB