The monthly meeting of the W0- rmem'ls Institute will be held Febru- ary 12 at the home of Mrs. D. Allen. Don Failibarm is to be guest speak- er and a goocl attendance is request- ed’. The meeting will Ibegin at 2.30 standard time. A eruchre party for the Institute memlberS, their families and friends will be held] in the Par- rish Hall in; the evening. Good prizes (will be given. Other games will be {provided for those who do not play euchn'e and? refreshments will he served. Teston ancl Hope Red Cross Unit N o. 6 will meet at the home of Mrs. Noah Hoiles next Wednesday, Janu- ary 29th. There is a quilt to be quilted at this meeting. Sunday School and services will be held in Zion Lutheran Church on Sundiay next at 10 and 11 o’clock S.T. All cordially invited. Miss Sophia Monkhouse died at her home in Stouffville last week after a lengthy illness. Previous to re- tiring to keep house for her brother in Stoutftfville she taught school at Maple and’ HoneyWOod. Prof. Frank Underhill of the University of Toâ€" ronto, frequently under fire for puI - 'lic utterances, is a nephew. Mrs. Warren Reid and! daughter Carol Enny of New Liskeard‘ have been spending a few weeks holidays at tTIe home of her mother Mrs. Wm. Mathewson. The Hudson Ski Club is holding a dance in Maple Community Hall Saturday night, January 25th. An invitation is extended to the cem- mu‘ni‘ty to attend. Lunch will 'be providedl \by the Marple Women’s Inâ€" stitute, no charge is being made for the evening (but a silver collection will ‘be taken in aid of the War Vic- tims" Fund. Everybody welcome. The regular meeting of the Y.P.U. was held in the 38. room Monday evening with the missions convenor, Florence Cave, in charge. The scrip- \ture was read by D. Brown and the story of the hymn writer James Edâ€" lHeston was given lby Marion Watson. Two piano solos by Margaret Ram- sey were much enjoyed and an article on Labrador was read ‘by Bob Mar- -ri‘tt. Miss Izzard: of the R.H.H.S. staff will be the guest speaker next [Monday evening on the subject “Can- adiam Literatureâ€. The Y.P.U. “Vox Popul'†will also be read at this meeting. Everyone welcome. We are very sorry to learn of the serious illness of little Billy John- son who is in the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. Billy is a, favor- Iite with all who know him and we all hope for a speedy recovery. The regular monthly meeting of Ithe St. Andrew’s W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. R. D. MotNaugh~ 'bon Wedne‘sdiapran. 15th with a good attendance, Mrs. N. Malloy the president presiding. The meeting opened with hymn 697 followed' by the Lord’s Prayer. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. E. Keffer. Minutes of the previous meeting and treasurer’s report were given. Hymn B99 was sung and; the roll call was answered by a scripture verse. A piano selection by Dora McDonald land a solo by Mrs. McCullough were enjoyed by all. Mr. Bowman gave a very interesting talk, his subject 'beâ€" ing “The Story of the Wise Menâ€. Mrs. A. Lawrie and! Mrs. M. McDonâ€" ald gave short readings. The meet- ing was closed with hymn 666 folâ€" flowed with prayer 'by Mrs. N. Mal- 10y. PHONE M0. 2172 VOL. LXII. â€"â€" ALSO â€"â€" HARRY WILCOXON - CLAUDE LANDIS in “ MYSTERY SEA RAIDER †EXTRA CARTOONS FOR SAT. MATINEE AND SERIAL THE COMMUNITY’S CLEARING HOUSEâ€" THE LIBERAL WANT ADS MAPLE MON., TUES.. \VED., JANUARY 27 - 28 - 29 CLARK GABLE - SPENCER TRACY CLAUDETTE CO‘LBERT - HEDY LAMARR in “ BOOM TOWN †PAT O’BRIEN - GALE PAGE in “ KNUTE ROCKNE- ALL AMERICAN †â€"â€" ALSO -â€" ROSEMARY LANE in “ ALWAYS A BRIDE †FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JANUARY 24 - 25 DON AMECHE - BETTY GRABLE in “ DOWN ARGENTINE WAY †CAPITOL THEATRE E TODAY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23 300 Seats All Evening 25c. The auction sale of the farm stock and‘ implements of Harold Mortson, Victoria Square, held Wednesday af- ternoon was very largely attended and! brought excellent prices. In all the sale realized over $4300 to make it one of the largest held in this dis- trict; for some time. Fifteen cows averaged $99.00 each, the high cow bringing $125.00. A black mare 6 years old sold for $132.50. An In»- ternational corn euliivator bought anout 6 years ago for $83.50 sold Wednesday for $76. The manure spreader sold for $1540. Young pigs sold at $8.60 each. A. S. Farmer. auctioneer, conducted! the sale and F. R. Perkins was clenk. * PUBLIC SCHOOL CHILDREN * TO COLLECT OLD PAPER “War will unite the people of Can- adla. It will educate them against the follies of communism. It is al- ready having a: solidifying effect. The industrial growth of the Dominion already commenced will make it the most attractive spot on earth. We shall be overwhelmed with enter- prises and become the manufactur- ing centre of the world. Our first job is to win the war. When this is done, let us live for what we have been fighting for and‘ a glorious future lies before us.†Cows Average $99 at Mortson Sale SIR WILLIAM MULOCK Canada’s Grand Old Man and? North York’s most beloved citizen, "who quietly eerehl‘aieifliié' ‘97th birthday last Sunday, January 19th. Looking to the future Sir William sees a new Canada being born. “I foresee that there will be no unem- ployment here when the war is over. There will be such a magnificent development by reason of Canad‘a’s‘ water power and‘ attractions that the Dominion will be the Mecca of the world. Successful Farm Sale Wednesday Realized Over $4300 Citizens of the village are ask- ed to save their oldi papers for the collection to :be made soon rny the children of Richmond Hill Public School, the 'funds earned‘ to be part of the school’s war effort fund. Arrangements will be made for the zoning of the district and the collection will be made systematically with certain collectors assigned to specified areas. Save your paper for the Public School collectors. Y onge at Castiefield “$7? ' SAVE FOR VICTORY â€" BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. “In Essentials, Unity; In Non-essentials, Liberty: In All Thmgs, Charity" Mrs. P. G. Hill who has been presi- dent of the society since its organâ€" ization in September 1939 expressed a desire to retire, 'but was prevailedl upon to again accept the presidency. IMemfbers were unanimous in paying {tribute to the inspiring and efficient Ileadership given the Society 'by Mrs. Hill. E. A. Bronnic‘k of Oak Ridges this week received’ notification from Hon. J. A. McKinnon, Minister of Trade and Commerce in the Dominion Gov- ernment that he has been appointed as Census Commissioner for the Fed- eral Electoral District of York North. The census- is taken every ten years under the direction of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics, and will be taken during the present year. Mr. Bonnick formerly served‘ as Regis- trar for the riding and is very fa‘ miliar with all sections of the con- stituency and should very ably fill the important oftfice and give gen- eral satisfaction. Mrs. M. T. Beam, secretary of the Girl‘s)’ Branch reported 7495 surgical dressings made during 1940. Mrs. Leno presented the tfeasurer’s re- port s~holwing a bank balance of $196.76. E. A. BONNICK APPOINTED CENSUS COMMISSIONER During 1940 the president‘s report showed that 864 woollen garments were shipped to headquarters along with 1765 pieces of hospital supplies and refugee articles, and 65 new and used blankets. Of the thousands of articles sent, everyone passed the rigid inspection of headquarters and not one single article was returned to the work rooms. This fine record of accomplishment president Mrs. Hill attributed to the generous sup- port and contrilbutions of the people of the community, the co-operation of a loyal executive and! the devoted wonk of the members of the Society. Mrs. McLatchy presented the treasurer-’5 report, showing: 1940 total cash receipts ...$3429.92 1939 total cash receipts 726.50 Total cash receipts . . . . . . . $4156.42 Receipts in kind‘ valued‘ at $183.84 Balance on hand . . . . . . . . . . $835.04 Mrs. Tuck presented a report of the sewing committee showing 1765 articles completmi in 1940 and 516 in 1939, making a total of 2281 art- icles sent to Headquarters from the work room. Mrs. Ourzon presented a report of the knitting committee, 1053 knitted articles since Sept. 1939; 52‘ pairs 0f slooks- given out to local boys. Honorary President, Dr. Lillian Langstaff;ll?residvent., Mrs. Percy C. HimmWeePresidvent;flMrs. Ruiby Boyle; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Jam-es Langs’taff; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. R. D. Little; Board of Directors: Ad'visors, Mrs. J. R. Herring-ton, Mrs. A. E. Plewman; Sewing Committee â€" Purchasing, Stock Keeping. Estimating and Gutt- ing. Mrs. A. J. MmLatchy, Mrs. J. Tuck; Sewing, Mrs. Wellington Hall, Mrs. Bert Cook; Distributing, 3Mrs. Norman Glass, Mrs. G. Yerex; Examining, Labelling and Packing, .Mrs. J. A. Greene, Mrs. R. Endean; Quilting. Mrs. Poclknell, Mrs. C. Sal- ter; Knitting Conveners, Mrs. Cur- zon, Mrs. McGilbibon, Mrs. O. L. Wright, Mrs. Walker Hall; walicity 'Convenor, Mrs. J. E. Smith; Audi- tors, Mr. F. Huoov-er, Mr. Alan Walk- The election of oï¬ficvers resulted in the election of the following: er Addressing the annual meeting of the Richmond Hill Red Cross held last Friday evening Mrs. P. 0'. mill, president, reported that dm‘ing' the past year the Society had raised $3,- 613.76. Of this $3,429.92 was cash and $183.84 donations in kind. Of this amount $1166.50 was sent to Red Cross Headquarters, $1272.51 used for purchase of matenials used in the work room», and $60.82 for the purchase of new blankets sent over- seas. The annual meeting was well attended and all reports reflected a ‘year of great activity. Richmond Hill Red Cross Soc. Annual Meeting RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23rd, 1941. E. G. Farr and J. Ray Price were Isaâ€"appointed York County represent- atives on the York County Good Roads Commission Wednesday for the next five years. The two former members were re-elected' by substan- tial majorities defeating ex-warden Earl Bales and ex-wal‘den R. H. Cor- ner who sought the posts. GIRLS’ RED CROSS A chain tea will be held at the home of Miss Marion Scrivener, Cen- tre St. W., on Tuesday evening, Jan. 28th. Everyone is welcome. Come anti bring a friend. COMMISSIONERS RIB-APPOINTED F. S. Tyndall is Elected President Richmond Hill Fair F. S. Tyndall of Vaughan Township was elected as president, succeeding Harry Charles who has held the office for three years. R. L. Stivel‘ of Markham Township was electedv 151: vice-president and D. G. McAll- ister of Markham Township second- vice-presiidient. Directors elected we’re: Harry Charles, Robert W. Scott, T. H. Trench, Wes Middleton, J. S. Mc:Nair, J. A. Greene, C. Mc- Taggart, Wil‘liam Neal, George Agar, L. H. Clement, Morgan Boyle, O. D. President F. S. Tyndall and Vice- pvesident' R. L. Stiver were appoint- ed as- delegates to the annual con- vention of the Ontario Fairs Asso- ciation. The new Board of directors will meet soon to discuss plans for the 1941 Fair. At a meeting of the local mittee held? Tuesday evening were made for a Stamp Sale in Felbrulary, and' Councillor Dr. Wilson was named as chairman local! committee to take charge house to house canvass. The annual meeting- of the Richâ€" moml Hill Agricultural Society was held in the Council Chambers, Richâ€" mond Hil‘l, Saturday afternoon, and Reports presented showed‘ the So- ciety in a sound financial position despite a substantial loss on the op- eration of the 194-0 Fair due to postponement. Robinson, Roibert Ca‘mplbell, Stewart Rumfble, J. E. Smith. R. L. Stiver and D. G. McAllistet Are Vice-Presidents Friday night’s program will in- clude a moving picture Show, vocal numbers 'by Miss Nixola Fisher, andI mumlbers 'by the Public School choir. Prizes will] be presented to children? selling t‘he most tickets. J. A. Greene, chairman of the district committee will preside. Children of the Pulblic School to date have sold’ about $150'worth of ticlkets for the concert and movie program to be held in the High School Gym Friday evening in cow- n=ectionv with the local campaign to further the sale of War Savings Stamps. Tickets purchased may be exchanged} at the door for a War Savings Stamp which will be good for free admission to the show. Tickets Sell Well For Friday Night’s War Stamp Concert HOLSTEIN GAVE BIRTH T0 TWINS TWO SUCCESS- IVE YEARS A registered Holstein cow, bred and raised by Roland‘ G. Keffer orf Roella Farm, Vaughan Township, has to her credit at record which we think is one for Andy Clark’s neighfbourly news broadcast. For two successive years this cow has given birth to twin hieifer calves, all of which are healthy and thriving. Twin» heifer calves were born December 8th, 1939, end again last Thursday, January 16, 1941. Between these dates this cow ‘produ-cedl 17,235 pounds of milk ‘produ-cedl 17,235 pounds of milk in 305 millking‘ days. Her preâ€" sent fortunate owner is Bob Julian, Vellore. A few more cows like this and there would be no more worry about our war-time dairy production. com- plans drive ofa ofa I Mrs. Vogell, baby and Miss Malbel iSanderson had» dinner with Mr. andi JMrs‘. R. Perkins on Tuesday, called! to see Mr. and Mrs. T. Rigler of V Butto-nviMe and? had supper with Mrs. Frank Ntichlols. The older members of the co‘mmuné iity were very sorry to hear of the ' death of Mr. Archie Lun-au of Union- 'vil‘le, and wish to extend their deep- est sympathy to the bereaved fam- ‘ ‘ly. The project “The Club Girl Stands on Guard†group will meet on Friâ€" day evening at 7.30. This course wilL cover a certain amount of First Aid! and' nutnition. Anyone who would like to take this training- ave inwited to attend. Those planning- on going please take scriihlb-lers and per- cilts. ‘On- Sunday evening the Y.P.U. met at the usual hour of 7.30. The chair was taken by Mr. Harold Klinck. The topic was taken ‘ny Rev. Mr. Mcâ€" Caus‘l‘and his subjectbeing “Temp- tatiomâ€. Mr. and Mrs.-Lorne Baker of Gormley rendered two lovely solos. The regular meeting of the W.A. was held last Wednesday evening. The topic was taken. by Mrs. R. Klinck, with a fair attendance. Ev- eryone in the community is invited' to wttend these meetings. The W.A. supper was held on Monday evening in the Sunday School and was well attended, the congregation meeting following. There was one special item of the evening that of present- ing Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mortson with a\ lovely floor lamp as a reâ€" ‘memlbranee from time to time as they use it in their new home in Richmond Hill. Mr. Avison read a very fitting address and- Mr. Frank Brumrwell presented] the lamp. Next Sunday the Y.P.U. meeting is in change of Miss; Irene Beatty, Christian Culture convvenor and her group. The topic is 1:6 be taken by Mr. Rollph Boyn'ton. Pl‘an to attend. Mr. William Marritt and Mr. Bert Sanderson attended the funeral of their cousin Mr. Alfredu Hunter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Middleton and ‘baiby of Toronto are spending a. few (Days with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Buchanan. Apparently there Was some one in] the community last Sunday who didâ€" n’t hear Mr. Mc¢Causlandps ad~dress,y for somehow the collection of ’tzhei Y.P.U. was forgotten and’ an earlyi s-earchl Monday morning for same, it could not be found. Mr. William Marritt of Keswi‘ok and) his two daughters, Mrs. Sever VogeIJ and baby of Sasuk†Miss Bell Marritt of Downsview spent a few days Ilasrt week at Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sanderson’s. Mrs. Frank Nichols and Mrs. Rat- crli‘ffe spent; Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil: Nl'hchols. 404 Me Mam 4/0422“ VICTORIA SQUARE NEWSY NOTES TEA BAGS SING‘LE COPIES 5c. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Owing to the fact that quite a number of the members are on Day- light Saving Time, the meeting is called' slightly earlier this year as a compromise for those operating on the two d'ifferent times. The York County Holstein Club have completed their plans for hold- ing their annual meeting in the Ma- sonic Hall at Richmond Hill on Wedb ‘nesd'ay of next week, January 29th, with business session starting in the morning at 9.30 standard time when various reports of the year’s activ- ities will be presented. The afternoon session will come mence at 1 o'clock when the gath- ering will be adtiressedl by N. J. Thomas of the Ontario Agricultural College who will give a talk on: pas- ture problems. The committee felt that With the threatening labour shortage, d‘airymen will all want to get the maximum production from pastures to cut down their produc- tion costs. We understand the Club has had the most successful year in its his- tory, York County having- one of the largest memberships in the Canadian Holstein Association. The 15th annual meeting 00°. the 'W.M.S. of Toronto Cenltre Prevdbyter- iaul will 'be held inn St. Clair Avenue Unitmfl Church on Tuesday, January 28th, commencing at 10 o’clock.†All ladies are cordially imrited. Barrie on Wednesday Holstein Breeders Annual Meeting N0. 30.