SALUTE TO THE RED CROSS The reports presented at the annual meeting of the Red Cross Society last Friday evening were very grati- fying, and the wonderful contribution made by this‘ com- munity should be the subject of pride for every citizen. Whatever this community’s contribution to other depart- ments of our war effort, there is no doubt as far as the Red Cross is concerned we are pulling our full weight. While all members of the community share in the pride of this accomplishment major credit must go to the offâ€" icers and members of the Red Cross and the faithful and devoted band of workers who meet regularly in the room over the Post Office. Reading the report fails to give the average person an appreciation of the amount of work, and long hours of tedious toil which lie back of the simple statement “864 woollen garments along with 1765 pieces of hospital supplies were shipped to headquarters.†Such a contribution represents hours of time, cheerfully devot- ed to the cause of Empire, and it is too bad that such work falls on the shoulders of too few. We hope that during the coming year, we may see a more general ap- preciation of the need of everyone doing a part, and that there may be a more general sharing of the burden as it relates to the work of the Red Cross Society and all phases of our war effort. Congratulations, Richmond Hill Red Cross, you have held your place in the line with credit to this community and in keeping with the gallant efforts of our soldiers, our sailors and our airmen. Carry On, Richmond Hill Red Cross. GREAT WORDS BY THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT In these columns last week we quoted the extract from President Roosevelt’s congress speech outlining the four essential freedoms. The new world order which is to fol- low this awful conflict must take count of all four if the peace to be established is to endure. Like Britain’s Chur- chill, America’s Roosevelt has the gift of saying much in a few picturesque words. His words to congress will re- echo around the world and may well rank with the great speeches of all time. Again we quote: “In the future days, which we seek to make secure. we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms. Al “Ann†-- Vvv.v__._. “The first is the freedom of speech and expressionâ€"â€" everywhere in the world. “The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own wayâ€"everywhere in the world. . "The third is freedom from wantâ€"which. translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitantsâ€"everywhere in the world. a -y~ ...._....- - -."_ -~ “The fourth is freedom from fearâ€"which translated into world terms, means a world-wide reductlon of arma- ments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no Nation Will be in a position to commit an act of physi- cal aggiession against any neighbor â€" anywhere in the world.†Such a world in Mr. Roosevelt’s opinion can be attain- ed in our own time and generation. It is indeed the very. antithesis of the new order which Hitler and Mussolini are attempting to set up in Europe. Gone forever would be all schemes for world domination, all attempts to en- slave mankind, whether political or economic. To every human being would be given equal opportunity to live, work and achieve. Small peoples would be as secure as the most powerful of empires. The common man would come into his own. Mankind owes a great debt to Mr. Roosevelt for so plainly setting forth the four supreme principles under- lying the democratic as opposed to the totalitarian way of life. Freedom means the supremacy of human rights over those of any political or economic dictator. The state exists to serve the people, not the people for the state. "MST; that high Eonéebt there cén be no end but Vic- tory.†‘ BUSINESS FRIENDS Friendship and business go together, but this is not always true. If you go out of town to buy goods, you don’t ordinarily make friends with the people you trade with. You are apt to deal with a different person each time, and you make no lasting ties that way. . .1_ If you buy goods at home, you deal with about the same people. They know you better and you know them better. Frequently this contact grows into very reward- ing friendships, that make life happier. It is very apt to result in gains in your work, home and business. When you grant people the favor of trading with them, they feel under obligation to da anything they can for you. These mutual sentiments, the result of home trading, have landed jobs and business opportunities for many. hanucu 5Vvuu . A great many fine stocks are not sold and are the cause of losses to their owners, because they were not sufficiently‘advertised. Advertising goods adds but little to their cost. It creates such an increase in sales that it is cheaper to advertise than not to. Also it avoids the losses caused by carrying goods over when the time to sell them has passed. BUYERS AND SELLERS “How' shall they hear without a preacher?" says the Bible. The same idea applies in business. How shall the buyers hear about the bargains and the values and the nice merchandise, if advertisers don’t tell them about those goods? . . . ,11 _.__1 -n- LLn SOLICITING FOR GOOD CAUSES A town is not likely to keep up to ‘tne modern stand- ards, unless it supports well its philanthropic causes. That calls for soliciting of money for churches and charitable and educational organizations. People have to undertake the sometimes disagreeable task of ringing the doorbells of their neighbors, and asking them what they will give to this or that good cause. The people who perform this work of solicitation are entitled to the most courteous and considerate treatment. They should be welcomed, and citizens should give “all they can afford. A community that does not maintain these enterprises shows that it is behind the times, and lacking in human sympathy and the desire for social welfare. J. Eachem Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Assoeiation Subscription $1.50 per year â€"â€"- To the Unitcd States $2.00 , Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District Advertising Rates on Application. TELEPHONE 9 Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RIGHMOND THE LIBERAL PRINTING C0., LTD PAGE TWO THURSDAY, JANUARY 23rd, 1941. “THE LIBERAL†Mrs. A. E. Kelley, Mrs. G. S. Stone and Miss .Hilvd‘a were entertained last week by Mrs. Arthur Wells of Maple. Mrs. W. Cousins of Maple, another friemi of the party, was one of the guests. Prize winners at Laskay W.I. eu- chre on Friday were Mus. B. Lloyd', Miss Jean Patton and Mrs. Thomas Walker; Lorne Scott, Douglas Clu- bine and Geo. Forrester; 32 tables played. Pte. George Davis of the Air Force spent leave with his parents, Rev. D. G. andl ‘Mrs. Davis. Miss Vera Hunter andi Miss Hilda Patton are attending; the Winter School at Brampton United Church. Sichomlberg Institute gave war Saving Stamps for euchre awards on Friday; 12 tables played. Nominations for a third trustee for the .police village of King wil‘. be held‘ on Friday, January 24th at 8 p.m. Nolbleton Women’s Inst‘tute heard Mrs. Jnio. Boak in a historical paper on York County at the regular meef; ingb Mrs. Boafk deviated a beauti- ful “Dresden Plate†quilt which will be given to the winner of the lucky numlber draw at a Masquerade St. Valentine’s dance on February 14th in Nobleton Hall. Mrs. N. Pringle and Mrs. L. Weusrflbrook are conven- ing the sale of tickets now on hand. Proceeds will go to war work in- terests. Noble’oon rink has come into its own since cold weather settled) the quesrtion of an open air rink. Mrs. Wm. Hughes, teacher of SS. 13, Pottageville, was tenderecl a shower at her home last week. She was formerly Vera Allen, and. will finish the school term. King Womens Institute heldl at Mrs. A. J. Gordon’s heard| Miss Dor- othy Fulcher in an excellent address on Music Appreciation. Miss Fulcher, a talented Toronto singer, illustrat- ed: with songs, and also sang other numbers. Thelma Gordon illustrat- ed: songs for children in the delight- ful rendition of “Vespersâ€. Miss Fullcher in an animated address pointed out the importance of sur- rounding the child' with good music even at an early age. Opportuni- ties for association with fine music are everywhere albout us and our natural instinct for music should l0e developed along the highest lines. Letters from overseas boys were read expressing appreciation for W. I. gift boxes. It was decided to in- clude in these 2 pairs socks during I. gift ’boxes clude in the: cold weather Mrs. J. T. Bond of Aurora has [been appointed a vice-president of section 4, Toronto Presbyterial, Presbyterian. \V.M.S., replacing Mrs. J. M. Miller of Aurora who held the office for a year. The “Tiny Clubâ€, a group of ten small village children, were happily inspired to contribute towards the British War Victims Fund. Mrs. Colin Stewarty Mrs. C. Campâ€" ibell and Mrs. D. G. Davis attended the annual W.A. convention of Unit- ed‘ Church Centre Presbytery last week. We understand from Miss Fergu- son that Mrs. Maria Jenkins-Car- michael» had the misfortune to break a wrist. Mrs. Clifton Pitt expected to un- drergo an operation on the eye a short time ago, ‘but at this time no authentic word has reached us of the outcome. We understaan Troops in England broadcasting to Canada on Monday evenings may give us'Dave Glass from a. Mechanical Division. We hope we are lucky enough to hear from Dave. Mr. Van Leewarden, a native of Holland living near Schom‘berg, has enlisted in the Dutch army train‘ng at Stratford‘. He is 54 years of age and has seen six years" army ser- vice in Holland. His wife and son Henry who is an honour pupil of Schomiberg Continuation school are Left to manage the gardening farm. Mrs. John Bums celebrated her 84th Ibirthday last week. She is in fairly good‘ health but not as active as usual because of an injured foot. Mrs. Burns and her sister Kate Mac- Murchy are the two surviving mem- bers of a family of 12 of the late Archibald MacMurchy, piOn-eer of the fifth line of King. She attended S. S. 23, Kinghorn, and has been a member of Strange Presbyterian Church since she was 17 years old. She can recall her early shopping days at Timothy Eatonâ€s store when it was only a large general store. Mrs. Burns is an interesting con- versationalist with a keen sense of humour and a very merry twinkle in her eye. Miss Tinline was her former teacher in the days when “Lizzie MacMmichy†was one of the “big girls†in the new assistant’s class. Verin between these two lad- ies, history of early days of this LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO King City News Items part of the township is an interest- ing dires-den [bound story. Mrs. Bums family is Ralph at Codette, Sask; Jean Winger of Saskatchewan; Jim of Beeton and! Willbert at home. There are 5 grandchildren. The death of Mrs. Thomas Norris of Toronto, sister of Mrs. Jas. T. Burns of Kinghorn, at the age of 82, occurred cn January 13. Mrs. Nor- ..J... “mm alumna n fv-mnonl- vieifnv 21. MRS. JOHN KEFFER On Wednesday, January 8th the death of Mrs. John G. Keffer oc- curred at the Maple residence of her sisterâ€"in-law, Miss Margaret Keffef. Deceased, the former Mary C. Po:- ter, was» in her 82nd year. She is survived by her husband. Following- a private funeral ser- vice at Miss Keffer’s home on Fri- day afternoon a public service was held in Zion Lutheran Church, Sher- wood. Interment was in the adjoin- ing cemetery. The death of Mrs. Thomas Norris of Toronto, sister of Mrs. Jas. T. Burns of Kinghorn, at the age of 82, occurred cn January 13. Mrs. Nor- ris was aLways a frequent visitor at Kinghorn. She was formerly Marv Ann Ross', and well known in the district. Please note the following an- nouncement. Thursday evening will be the day set each week for Com- munity Prayer meeting. The min- ister in Whose church the meeting is, will be in charge. A silver col- lection will go to the missionary budget of that particular church. The dates are: Jan. 23, Baptist; Jan. 30, Presbyterian; Feb. 6, United; Feb. 13, Baptist; Feb. 20, Presby- terian; Feb. 27, Anglican; Mar. 6, United}; Mar. 13, Baptist; Mar. 20, Presbyterian; Mar. 27, Anglican; Apr. 3, United‘. The following week before Easter, special announce- ments will be advanced. Eversley Mission Band is pleased to have Mrs. D. McKie as leader, Miss Ann-ie Ferguson, organizer and former leader of the Band laid the foundation for a worthy community eftfort. The annual report Showed that 19 meetings had taken place. The roll is 14 and the average at- tendance was 9. $15.46 was raised, $12.30 from the autograph quilt. $10 was allocated to missions. Officars are: Leader, Mrs. McKie; President, Nancy Ball; 890., June Wesley; Treas., Catharine Mchie; Pianist, Isobel Folliott; Look-out Com., Bob Hollingsworth, Violet McKie, Joyce Hately. ’ Misls Jessie Elliott of Kettleby has served: the Baptist Ladies’ Aid for 17 years as treasurer. She vacated office recently. The Ladies’ Aid were visitors of Rev. and? Mrs. Gal- loway at King last week when the King ladies and Mrs. Galloway serv- ed] a noon dinner, followed by a wol- SIhip period and work meeting. Twenty-eight were present. Temperancevill‘e United W.A. will plan a pot buck supper in the near future. Mrs. J. Harris, her daughter Mrs. Harris of Maple, and Mrs. Thomas Wal’ker of Kinghorn visited Mrs. C. Watson on Monday. Mrs. Thros. Proctor received a calblegraml from a cousin, Mr. John Ford! of England, expressing New Year’s greetings. It was two weeks coming through and left the Fords doing well in bombed England. Mrs. Stone Sr. attended the Red Cross Inspection and Open House Tea at Sohomberg work rooms on January 15th. ers. D. Rawlings was the guest of Miss Dorothy Armstrong at the Cas‘avant series, Eaton Auditorium, on Satmrd’ay, when Florence M. Jche gave an excellent organ recital. In a closely contest'ed election Frank Underhill was elected mayor of Aurora. His opponent was Dr. E. J. Henderson. The vote was 505â€"â€" 4648. Dr. Elmer J. Henderson prac- tuised Dentistry in Richmond Hill a- bout ten years ago. TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD RADIO YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL "GRES‘T RAD/0 Electric Store YEREX’S De Forest Abs/41 MRS. J. “ELDER . ‘Mrs. James Elder, a form-er res!- dent of CIairevill-e, where her hus- band: at one time conducted' a black- smith business», died on Sunday, Janâ€" uary 12th at her home in Weston. She had been a resident of that town- for 26 years, Mr. E'lder now occupy- ing the .post of a town constable. Her death was preceded by a long ill- ness. In addition to her hus‘band' she is survived by a son, Garnet. She was a memlber of Weston Presby- terian Church. Intemflniéï¬itwiï¬ Sanctuary Park ceâ€" meter)? followedl funeral services on Wednesday. JAMES HARPER The father of several men well known in the Wood'bridge and-sub rounding area, Jam-es Harper died at Oustic, near Rockwood on Friday, January 10th. Mr. Harper’s sons; particularly Arthur, Ted, Fred and Stanley, are well known here and they have contributed) much to the musical life of the area. The late Mr. Harper, who was in his- 77th: year, came to Canada from Patney, Wiltshlre, England, in 1924. At Pat- ney he was a member of the Church of England choir for more than 50 years. ‘ . ‘ 1- -1_,,_ A He is survived by his widow, 4 daughters, Mrs. W. (Jessie) Bath, Roclawoodv; Mrs. J. (BellaLStalees, Guelph; Mrs. Roy (Dolly) Free, Oustic, and Miss Kate, Oustic; six sons, Percy, Brampton; Bert, Ousftic; Arthur, Brampton; Ted, Toronto; Fred, Bradford, and: Stanley, Toron- to. Also 15 grandchildren and 3 great grgnd’children. a .. . Directors of the Albion and B01- ton Agricultural Society, at annual meeting, chose October 3 and 4 of this year for their annual exhilbi- tion at Bolton. Last year’s receipts met all obligations and lecft a small [balance on hand. winneï¬iwsâ€"efvices from his son, Bert’s home on Monday were attend)- ed! by several residents of this area. Officers for 1941 were elected' as follows: President, H. E. Stewart: vice-presidents, Lloyd Rutherford, Henry Townrow; treasurer, Bert Mellow; secretary, Dr. W. J. Mchbe; directors, James Harper, W. K. Wesdï¬- lake, Wilson Thomas, Robert Living- ston, George Downey, William Ke- hove, Hilliard Matson, Stewart Mel- low, L. W. Lindsay; auditors, G. A. Norton, W. R. Lockwood. A native of Bond Head, Thomas A. Manning died last week at his Toronto home. He was in his 87th year and only retired from business 2 years ago. Surviving are his wi- dow, one son, ami one daughter. Obituary THURSDAY, JANUARY 23rd, 1941. SHEPPARD & GILL L U M B E R FOLKS KNOW WE'RE so [ TRUSTEDJRI ED ANDTRUE- : THAT SHOULD BE GOOD EnouaH FOR -vou COMPANY RICHMOND HILL