Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Jan 1941, p. 5

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Letters From the Boys Overseas The folllowing interesting letter has been received, from J. Anning: Dear Friends in Thornhill: is what happened. On the same mail came an equally costly box of chocoâ€" lates from Alberta for a lad‘ who wanted vaeet Caps. Immediately East met West and- presto! Yours truly was gorging delicious choco- lates and the keen blue eyes of the Westerner were smiling contentedlzy through the rich smoke of your Sweet Caps, both of us very thank- fulI that we hail from Canada, where beat good: loyal heartsâ€"hearts that prove ever and annonâ€"they rememâ€" ber. Thank you all very much for your kindness in sending me the parcel and) cigarettes. The funniest thing about it is I don’t smoke but this Well, I was in London not long ago. The people are wonderfulâ€"so is the dear old city. There are smould- ering ruins it is true, crumlbled? walls and; fires, yet back of it all is some- thing that strikes one more than all the treasures that are ravished‘. It is the immortal spirit of London ru-gigedllvy framed in blasted walls, shining through the smoke and rise ing higher than the fires, burnt yet not consumed, Iblasted yet unbroken, smoked) yet not suffocated, tribulat- ed yet triumphant; stands the “Heart of the Empire”, defiant in the face of Total War beside which the sack of Warsaw pales in its insignifi- cance. The old Cockney is! proving) every day that if all other things are bombed and broken one thing remains stalwart and unbent, it is the every dlay Londoner â€" sorely tried and bleeding, yet carrying his or her cross proudly erect with mag- nity that almost match-es Calvary it- sellf. As to us ourselrvesâ€"our food and bilflets are fine, in; fact I am putting on weight. I have just received a parcel from my dear wife and child’- ren, with a precious package of figs, on which a nice little girl with sweet blue eyes has scraleed' “To Daddy from Lorna”. That is one of my “Gold Star’,’ Christmas boxes. Ere closing may I thank you again for your kindness and give my kind regards to all I know and don’t for- get, WE ARE GOING TO WIN. PUBLIC SCHOOL HOCKEY GAME Woodibridge Public School play a hoekey game with Richmond Hill school team this afternoon at the local arena. ' VELLORE OLD BOYS EUCHRE AND DANCE A euchre and dance will feature the 62nd annual At Home of the Velllore Old Boys, to 'be held at the Memorial Hall, Vell‘ore, Wednesday evening, January 29th. Dance and euchcre start at 8 pm. Standard Time. Gillaxm’s orchestra. Ernie Evans, floor manager. Admission 35 cents, lunch provided. Proceeds in aid of War Victims Fund. C. H. Rutherford, President; Nelson Kerr, Viceâ€"President; A. Cameron, Secre‘ tary; Peter Craib, Treasurer. Masonic Hall Richmond Hill Monday, JAN. 20th 8 p.m. D.S.T. Adults 25c. Chill Talking PICTURES “LITTLE ACCIDENT” “09””ONMWWWO Monday, Jan. 27th W “WWO BINGO The Wonder Baby of “ East Side of Heaven ” and “ Unexpected Father ” THURSDAY, JANUARY 23rd, 1941. Under the auspices 'of East Vaughan Ratepayers Assoc. With HUGH HERBERT Added Shorts Richvale School Stop 22A Yonge Street BABY SANDY in Yours very sincerely, J. Arming Children 150. We are pleased' to report that Postmaster A. G. Savage who has been il'l' since the New Year is pro- gressing fiavoralbly. Mr.-and Mrs. John W. Pateman of Toronto were guests at the Unit- e<i Church Parsonage on Sunday last. Reeve T. H. Trench iS‘attending‘ County Council sessions in Toronto thus week. .Mr. and Mrs. Earl‘ Pearson and1 Miss Hazel Pearson of British Coâ€" lumbia visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robinson of Jeff- 7 Lieutenant Gordon Froats of the Governor General’s Foot Guards of Ottawa spent the past week-end at the home of Mrs. R. J. Murphy, Church Street. . erson Baby Sandy in “Little Accident” is the feature attraction at Monday night’s movie program at the Ma- sonic Halfl, Richmond Hill. The pro gram starts at 8 pm With- proceeds for the War Effort Committee the Richmond Hill High School Athletic Society will hold a skating party at the arena Thursday evening, January 30th. Everyone Welcome. Misrs Nixola Fisher has been en- gaged! as the soprano soloist for the (big 'Ohora]: Festival and» Pageant {by the Uxbnid‘ge Choral Society Thurs- dlay, February 61th; in the Music Hall, lebridge. A cordial invitation is being ex- tended to all by the East Vaughan Ratepayers Association to enjoy an evening of Bingo being held next Monday evening, January 27th, in Ricnvale School, Stop 22A Yonge St, at 8 o’clock. Rev. C. W. Follett was a guest at the joint meeting -of the Canadian and Empire Clubs on Mommy when the Earl of Athlone, Governor-Gen- eral of Canada was the guest speak- A euchu‘e under the auspices of Richvale Red:_ Cross is to be held! in Richrvale School Monday evening, February 3rd. This evening is being relinquished by the kindness of East Vaughan Ratepayers Association. ‘er EVeryone is invited to attend the movie program and concert in the High School “Gym” Friday evening at 8 p.m. Admission is free with the purchase of one war savings stamp, which is kept lby the pur- chaser. We extend hearty congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, Richmond Street, Rich- mondIHill,wh‘o on Wednesday next, January 29th, wihl celebrate their forty-fifth wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Baker have been constant subscribers to the Richmond Hill Lilberak for over forty years. A Euchre in aid of British War Victims Fund will be held in Rich- vale School, Stop 22A Yonge Street *on Friday, January 24th, at 8.30 p.m. sharp by the Cluikkers Club of Rich- vale. Lucky admission tickets 25!?» Also Lucky Draws will be made for 500 lbs. Blue Nut Coal donated by I. D. Ramer & Son; 50-0 lbs. Coal donated by J. Sheardown; and a year’s subscription to “The Liberal". Lucky numlber tickets now on sale 10c., 3 for 250. ORANGE EUCHRE Winners at the Orange Euchre on Thursday, January 16, were, Ladies, Mrs. F. A. Clark, Mrs. N. Cook, Mrs. L. Raham; gentlemen, Wm. Horner, A. V. Rodgers, Joe Porrill. The next Elrchre in the series will be held in the Lodge Rooms, Ma- sonic Hall on Thursday, February 6th. Everylbody welcome. Weekly Dance and Euchre is being held every Wed’nesday evening by the Richvale Social Club in Richvale School, Stop 22A Yonge Street. Good \prize's. Everyfbody welcome. WOMEN’S INSTITUTE COURSE Will all those interested in classes on re-finishing of furniture under the auspices of the Women’s Insti- tute please get in touch with Miss Proceeds from this event Wednes- d-aly evening last went to the Richâ€" vale Chukkel‘s‘ C’luib toward British War Victims” Fund. I. Anderson, phone 204, or Mrs. E. Kidd}, phone 167, at once. The course is covered- in. 3 lessons and will beâ€" gin- Thursday, January 30th at 2 p.m. Full particulars and material needed by phone. Social and Personal RICHVALE SOCIAL CLUB D.S.T. Covering a period of two months a suibsrtantial‘ shipment to Supply Headquarters at Toronto, was sent last week by King Township branch of the Canad‘ian Red Cross Society. Following the annual! meeting to be held in. the Institute rooms at Schomberg on Mon-day, January 27 at 8 p.m. a complete report of the financial statement and supply work will be released. King Twp. Red Cross The folbowing list comprised the last shipment which was: on display for public inspection on Jan. 15th at Towns-him Red Cross quarters, Schomlberg: 192 pairs socks, 204 surgical towels, 42 pyjamas, 204 handkemhiefs, 84 wash cloths, 48 scarves, 12 sweaters, 19 quilts, 18 helmets, 18 pair mitts. For civilian British war victims, 20 pullover sweaters, 22 dresses, 2‘1 s‘lkirts, 1 child’s coat andl hat, 3 cl‘oth Windbreakers, 15 dirvesxsing gowns, 7 slipsh 7 plyjamas, 4 mitts, 9 caps. PRESBYTERIANS HELD ANNUAL MEETING _ The annual meeting of the Rich- mond HiL]: Presbyterian congregation was: held Tuesday evening. The Ibusi- ness meeting presided over by Rev. ’Birchx, the interimhm-oderator, was preceded' by a congregational supper. Reports from the session, manage- ment board’ and all] departments: of the church were presented and! re- fleclbedv a year of activity and] pro- gress. G. S. Walvwin was elected a church trustee, replacing the late Robert McLean. ACKNOWLEDGMENT 5 On: ‘behalf of Clare Paxton who] is on Active Service we wish to exâ€" preSS our sincere appreciation to the Richmondv Hill Red* Cross and. High School War Work Committee! 'for the generous Christmas parcelsl sent him and which he has most thankfully acknowledlged. In a rem cent letter he expressed his pleasure = at receiving them on Christmas Eve} and stated! that he was writing' letters of acknowled’gment. Due to‘ the uncertainty of the mail we wish to make this known to the societies, concerned, with grateful thanks. Paxton family. ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH ANNUAL VESTRY MEETING The annual Vestry meeting of St. Mary’s Church, Rich-mend Hill, was held on Monday evening of this week, one week earlier than is usual. The Rector presided, and- the conâ€" gregation was well represented. During his report on the work of the Church, Mr. Wrixon complement- ed and! thanked the officers and) members for the splendid year’s! work. He spcke of the fine spirit of cooperation that had existed in every department of the work, ano urged the men‘l‘Jers to rememlber that part of our War effort must be to prosecute the work Off the Church with even greater enthusi- 33m The People’s Warden, Mr. W. Scrivener, presented three reports, General Account, Missionary Ac- count and‘ Repair Account, an& all showed that aM‘ obligations had been met in full with a balance on hand. subscribed. Mrs. W. Hall, Mrs. IR. D. Little and\ Mr. J. Martin presented the reâ€" ports of the senior W.A., Junior W.A. and Sunday School. Mr. N. Christopher was in charge of the Envelope report. All showedy ex- celllient work done and finances in good‘ order. The Vestry by unanimous vote de- cid>edi to increase the Rector’s sti- pend. The election of follows: Rector’s Warden People's Warden ener. Delegates to Synod‘, Mr. P. C. Hi‘l, Mr. H. Kane; substitutes, H. Wat- ford, R. Christopher. Vestry Clerk, E. Manslbridge. Envelope Secretary, N. Christo- pher. Auditors, F. Carter, J. Martin. Sidesmen, F. Carter, N. Christo- Jpher, Dr. W. Mason, J. Martin, R. Carter, P. C. Hilll, E. Mansbridlge, R. Christopher, H. Watford, R. John- son, C. Bancroft, W. Charles. Sunday School Superintendent, Mr‘ Rallph Paris. After a busy but pleasant evenâ€" ing, refreshments were served ‘by the ladies. Paroehial Council, Rector, Ward‘- ens, Lay Delegates, Vestry Clerk, Envelope Secretary, S.S. Superinâ€" tendent, Presidents of Organiza- tions and Mrs. H. A. Nicholls, Mrs. P. C. Hm, Mrs. W. Hall, F. Carter, H. Watford Ads Missionary Account was overâ€" pays to use Liberal Classified THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Mr. R. D. Little. Mr. W. J. Scriv- officers was The Canadian Red Cross Society has sent. out the following informa- tion re Air Raid Casuallties in Brit- The National Council of Social Service have cp-ened‘ regional regisâ€" ters to which enquiries a'bout air raid casualties and their relatives" whose home address is in the coun- ties serv-edi lay these registers should be sent. 1. For Civil Defence, Region 1: Counties: North‘umi‘aerland, Durham, North‘ Riding of Yorkshire; Address of Register, The finesvide COuncil of Social Service, 11 Ridley Place, New- castle. 0. Fr Civil Defence, Regions 2 .& 10: Counties: West and East Riding of Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cheshire, WeSIbmor-e-land and: Cumberland; Ad'- drres‘s of Register, The Liverpool Council of Social Service, 14 Castle Street, Liverpool. Enquiries to â€" 34 Stanley Street, Liverpool. 3. For 'Ciivii Defence, Regions 3 & 9: Counties: Derbyshire, Notting- haimsihire, Lincoinshire, Leicester- shire, North‘amptonshire, Rutland, So-kve of Peterlborougni, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Herefordshiire, Wor- cestershire and Warwickshire; Ad- dress of Register, The Midlands Re- gionai Officer, National Council of Social Service, 19 Calthorpe Road, Edigbasrbon, Birmingham. 4. For Civii Defence, Regions 6 & 7: Counties: Buckinghamshire, Berk- shire, Surrey, Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Gloucestershire, Somerset, Wil’tshire, Dorset, Devon and Corn- walls; Address of Register, The Bris- tol Council of Social‘v Service, The Centre, Bris’toL 1. 5. For Civil‘ Defence, Region 8: Counties, North and South Wales; Address of Register, The South Wales & Nommiouthshire Council of Social Service, 118 Cathedral Road, Cardiff. 6. For Civil Defence, Regions, 4, 5 & 12: Counties: Caimfbridlgeshire, Isle of Ely, Himtingdonshvire, Redford!- shire, Hertfordshire, Norfolk, Suf- fohk, Essex, Kent, Sussex, LOnd‘on & Mid’diesex; Address of Register, Lon- don Council of Social Service, 7 Bayley Street, W.C.1, London. A business meeting was held in the Red Cross Wonk Room on Wed?- n-esday afternoon. Mrs. Jas. Young was appointed: as treasurer for the year 1941. Mrs. O. L. Wright, Mrs. ‘P. C. Hill‘, Mrs. J. Tuck and Mrs. Ruby Boyle were appointed as delegates to the provincial meeting of the National Committee to be held in Toronto shortly. DIED LUNAU, Willtiam Archibald â€"â€" At Unionvill‘e, on Sunday evening, Jan- uary 19, 1941, William Archibald Lunau, dearly beloved husband of Alice G. Middleton, and dear father of Rena, Beatrice, Ellwood and‘ Eva, in his 65th year. Private service was held at the house, 2 o’clock (Daylight Saving Time) Wedmesday, January 22, and service in United Church 2.3-0 pm. Interment followed in Bethel Cemeâ€" tery. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Foilett, B.D. Pastor Sunday, Jan. 26th 9.45 a.m.â€"â€"Sunday School. All de- partments. 11 a.m.â€"â€"Puib1i-c Worship. The P-as- tor. '7 p.m.â€"-Vesper Service. One hour only. A choir of thirty voices willl render inspiring music and lead] in congregational singing at all ser- vices. The pulblic cordially invited. 8.15 p.m.â€"Rev. Mr. Allnut of the Bible Society will! give a. Lantern Lecture on the work of the Brit- ishr and» Foreign; Bible Society in the schoolroom of the United Church. Everybody welcome. lN.B.â€"‘Com\munity Prayer Service in Anglican Church on Wednesday evening next. Come and‘ bring your 1 friends. RED CROSS NOTES r Sunday, Jan. 26th 11 a.m.â€"Morning RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, Jan. 26th 11 a..<m.â€"Morning Service. 2.45 p.m,â€"Sunday School. mm. 2.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"Memmial Service for the léte Right Hon. Lord' Baden-Pow- ell. Scouts, Guivd'es, Veterans and' other public bodies invited to at- tend. CoLlecti-on for British War Victims Fund. Community ~-el'vice of Prayer Ang- lican Church Wedlnesday 8 me. Choir practice 4 Markham St. RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. 4 Markham Road 8T. M A RY'S CHU RCH (Anglican) Epiphany 3 Prayer and Ser- EUCHRE AND BINGO The local Orange lod‘ges are holdi- ‘ing a Euchre, Bingo and social ev- ‘ening in Masonic Hall Wednesday, ‘January 29th, play to commence at 8.30. This wil‘l be a full‘ evening of {games and entertainment. Fun for l‘everyone. Good prizes will be given, Munch served, Gypsy Tea. Entire tproceeds to be adldedl to our W001 Fund. Admission 25c. Everybody welicome. Hi‘liard Hood, prominent citizen of Unimvill-e driedi suddenly Tues-day following a lie-art seizure. The fun- eral will -be held from his late resi- dence Friday afternoon. and inter- menm will follow in St. John’s ceme- tery, Milliken. IT’S COMING! Here is important news for all High and Public School pupils. In two weeks the columns of this paper will contain a music contest promot- ed< lby the Toronto Conservatory of Music, open to school students from York Mills to Richmond Hill. Famous musicians in Toronto will set the questions each week, beginning with Sir Ernest MaoMillan. Those contributing prizes include Dr. Ralph Johns, Dr. C. S. Dunning, Dempsey Bros, Lansing, El‘l'iott’s Drug Store, The Iron Fireman Co., Austian Drug Store, Craigie’s Men’s Wear, Brathtwaite Hardware, Davies Dry Goodls, Jones Coal Co., Dr. D. K. McAteer, Dr. ‘C. E. Hill. Watch for the list of rules and nrizes which wili‘ the published! next week. ‘ BIRTH CURTISâ€"On January 11th, .1941 to Mr. and Mrs. James Curtis, Germ- ley Rh. 2., a diaughter. GUlPPYâ€"At the home of Mrs. F’. Brock, Markham Road, Richmond Hi1?! on January 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Guppy, a daughter (Ruth Beatrice). IN MEMORIAM STEPHENSONâ€"4n loving memory of Wyatt Stephenson who passed away January 2115‘s, 1940. No-one knows how much we miss you, No-one knows the bitter pain, We have suffered since we lost you, Life has never been the same. IN MEMORIAM REAMANâ€"In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. 1936. Six years have passed‘ and; gone, Since one we loved so well‘ Was taken from our home on earth, With Jesus Christ to dwell. The flowers we place upon her grave May wither and) decay, But the love for her who sleeps be- neath Shal’l never fade away. â€"â€"Ever remembered by Pearl, Am- brose and: family. S. Reaman, who died January 23, HILIARD HOOD DIES AT UNIONVILLE KENNY BAKER, FRANCES LANGF‘ORD, ANN MILLER, BORRAH MINEVITCH and HARMONICA RASCALS ARY COOPER - DORIS DAVENPORT - WALTER BRENNAN in “ THE WESTERNER ” â€"Sadly missed by famin BRUCE CABOT - LEO CARRILLO - LOUISE PLATT in “ CAPTAIN CAUTION ” SHOWS START AT 7.30 P.M. AND 9.30 P.M. D.S.T. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, JANUARY 29 - 30 MONDAY & TUESDAY, JANUARY 27 - 28 EDWARD G. ROBINSON - EDNA BEST in “ A DISPATCH FROM REUTERS ” ALSO “ A LETTER FROM CAMP BORDEN ” FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JANUARY 24 - 25 TODAY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23 HIT PARADE OF 1941 ers were installed! for 1940: W.M., Miss G. Lever; D.M., Mrs. M. Ran- som; JD., Mrs. M. Hunt; Cha.p., Mrs. R. Ley; Rec. Sec., Mrs. E. Zuefelt; Fin. Sec., Mrs. L. White; Tress, Mrs. E. Sheardo-wn; Guar., Mrs. R. McPherson; D. of 0., Mrs. F. Simpâ€" s'on; Lects., Miss J. Zuefelt and Miss M. Evans; I;G., Mrs. E. ChristOpher. Em'pire Lodge have “adopted?” a British minesweeiper and are active- ly engaged in providing warm knitt- ed] articles for the crew. Besides this war work, additional articles have been distributed to members of the armed forces through the Past Mis- tresses Association in Toronto or in- d'ividrually. To date the following articles harve been completed by members: 107 pairs socks, 54 sweatâ€" ers, 8 hellmets, 13 prs. mitts, 6 pair seaimen’s stockings, 3 turtle-nedk tuck-ins, 7 .pair wristlets, 1 scarf and 1 quilt. DANCE & EUCHRE AT VELLORE VelLlore Old] Boys 62nd annual At Home will be held in Memorial Hall, lVellore, on Wednesday, January 29. Dancing and! Euchre will start at 8 lp.m. Standard: Tim-e. Gillam’s 0t- ichesrtra. Emie Evans, floor man- 'iager. Proceeds in aid of War Vic- ‘tims Fund. Adlmission 35c. Lunch l provided. WITH THE BOY SCOUTS Tonight instead of Wednesday the Troop will; meet in: the High School gymâ€"don‘t forget 7.30 pm. Meetâ€" ing to commence at 7.35 11.11). The Troop attended a Memorial Service at Trinity Church, Thorn- hiH, last Sunday at 3 pm. About one hunydtred? Scouts,'Gu.ides, Cubs and Brownies were present. We under- stand that there is a. move on foot to srtart a Troop in Thvornhil'l'. Good lruck to you. A's officially the Troop has at- tended a memorial service for the Late Chietf Scout, there will be no parade of the Troop on Sunday ev- erning next to St. Mary’s Church. If indirvidual‘ Scouts Wish to attend they will be very Wel’éome. We wish to extend our goocf wishes to Ed. Heal‘ey who is now taking {special training for war work. We lmiss him in the Troop. EUCHRE AND DANCE A Euchre andI Dance will be held Friday, January 24th at 8.30 pm. in Lawrence Memo-r1311 Hall, Stop 17, Yonge St, Thorn-hi1}. Admission- 35c. Profits to :be turned over to the Telegram British War Victims Fund. Good‘ prizes. Light refreshments. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING Horticultural- Society annual meet- ing Saturday, January 25th, 1941 in The counci} chambers at 3 p.111. All interested are invited to attend. EMPIRE L.0’..E.A. OFFICERS ELECTED At a recent meeting of Empire rodge L.0.B.A. the following offic- PAGE FIVE

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