Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Jan 1941, p. 6

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WMWQOO “WOOMOWOOMWO WQMNOOOMOOOOOWMMOOOOOGWOOOW [Ben to “The Shadow"â€"-â€"CFRB, Tues., 8.30 p.m., GKGO, Tues., 9.00 p.m., CFRG, Thurs., 8.00 p.m. 1d Quebec City, whose four centuries of history have made it a. favorite stopping place hr summer tourists, has achieved equal prestige with the winter visitor in less than half a decade! The secret of this short cut to popularity lies in the sweeping growth of the ski habit, Quebec’s glorious Winter climate, its fiacili- flies for Winter sports, and the snow-clad hills of Lao Beauport, 10 miles distant. This year, with increased num- bers of Canadians and Americans pointing their ski tips toward Quebec and Lac Beauport, the highlights of the Chateau Fron- eenac's gay Winter sports season promise to shine more brightly BEST BY TEST; magma FEEDS PAGE SIX A COMPLETE LINE OF POULTRY, DAIRY AND HOG FEEDS AND CONCENTRATES 2385 Dufferin Street, Toronto, KEnwpod 6805. or Wesley Clark, Richmond Hill, teiephone 4704 WINTER SPORTS IN OLD-WORLD SETTING PHONE 10 THE ELEVATOR RICHMOND HILL I. D. Ramer & Son FAIRBANK FEED CO. than ever. Headquarters for the famous Ski Hawk School and its equally famous instructor, Fritz Loosli, the popular Canadian Pa- cific hostelry will feature a gay programme of skating, hockey, curling, tobogganing, ski-joring, sleighâ€"driving, and ski-ing on the historic Plains of Abraham. The annual Dog Derby is scheduled for the third week in February. Connected by regular bus ser- vice from the Chateau Frontenac, Lac Beauport is a model ski de- velopment. It possesses a hand- some new chalet, thrilling down- hill runs, slalom courses and jumps of professional calibre. Mont Saint Castin, with twin slalom runs 2.200 feet long, 100 BCQ to 300 feet wide, and served by a ski-tow, is a rendez-vous for be- ginners and experts alike, while its neighboring Mont Tourbillon is reserved for the more seasoned ski artist. Here is located a pro- fessional ski jump, a downhill run of 4,000 feet and a 1,000-foot slaâ€" lom run. Lac Beauport is also home of the scenic Sky Line Trail. Ideal weather and snow condiâ€" tions are the main assets of the Lao Beauport snow-bowl. Deep. dry powder-snow offers the most favorable of ski conditions throughout the Winter. snow depths registering as much as six feet, and providing good ski-ing from December till April and sometimes early May. fibtain Eonvictions Ifarm Magazine in Fifty-Four Cases'Reproduces Famous FYIUit IFSDECtO}‘S haVI'e pirfgct recorq Two truckers who gave false inâ€" formation to inspectors under the Federal' Fruit, Vegetables and Honey Act, paid a total of $400 and: c05ts. Fruit Inspectors have perfect record in prosecutions in Eastern and Western Ont. Fines total $1,075. Truckers were the worse offend- em in 'both Eastern and Western Ontario 23 being convicted for in: fractions. Nine were prosecuted in Eastern and 14 in Western Ont.. a report just issue-dl shows. Eleven growers were fined‘, as were ten wholesalers including six military depot contractons; five huckslters, two retailers and] two used-basket dealers. Eastern Ont. provided 17 cases all told‘ and Western Ont. 3'7. Produce being‘ offered‘ for sale un- der mini-mum grade accounted for 22 cases, 20 of these being for apples. In fact, there were 34 cases deal- ing with ample. infractions, including 3 below grade; overfacing' two; mariking six; false information to an inspector, 'breaking detentiOn and non-standard packages each one. Other infractions caught by the eagle-eyed inspectors under the di- “Be sure you‘re right â€" then go ahead‘," might well' be the motto of the Dominion Government Fruit In- spectors operating under the Ontario Dept. of Agriculture Farm Products Grades and‘ Sales Act. These Ontario inyslpeictors last year prOSecuted a total of 54 cases for infringements of the Act and- olbbained a convic- tion in every case. Fines totalled $1075 and; ranged from $10 to $100. Other infractions caught; lby eagle-eyed irsperctol‘s under the re-ction- of District Insinectors Hi Ponton in Western OM. and- C Stevenson, Eastern Ont. were 5 weight, failure to stop for ins tion at highway ins'pec’nion sta1 moving dietaincd produce without thority, nonâ€"standarr) packa pin'chedi-in berry brxes, basket properly filledi. marks not eff from used ‘baske and no marks at Twenty-five dollars were set aside for the 1941 missionary budget at the annual meeting of the King Unit- ed- church Sund'ay school. The school has an enrolment of 100, with an average attendance of 65. Mr. and Mrs. Alfredl Lloyd of Schomberg celebrated their golden wedding on Tuesday. January 14th. The former is 81 and the latter 77. Both are natives of Ontario. They have two children, Gladstone, who is postmaster at Schom‘berg and MP5. Harry Carter of Lloydtown. Mr. Lloyd is a grandson of Jesse Lloyd who pioneered and located the settle- ment of Lloydtown in the days of the rebellion in 1837. Lloyd was a staunch supported: of William Lyon Mackenzie. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO lard packages, ‘xes, basket im- ‘rks not effaced- offered for sale, were short for inspec- ion station, without au- $33 Newtonbrook The Golden Rule Mission Band‘ will meet next Saturday, January 25 at 2.30 p.m. in the United Church S.S. hall. All the girls and boys are linvited to c\om1e. An announcement of unusual in- terest appears in the current issue of the Family Herald and Weekly Star. This magazine has secured the rights to reproduce, in full color, the now famous series of Dairy Cattle Pictures painted by Ross But- ler, wellHkno'wn agricultural artist. Orf special interest to dairymen, cbreeders, junior farmers, teachers, etc, the series consists of eight paintings portraying the ideal cow and bull (approved (by the breeders’ associations) in the Holstein, Ayr- shire, Jersey and Guernsey breedis. The pictures are 14" x 11” in size and: are offered readers in sets of eight, postage paid, at a nominal cost within reach of all. In making these pictures available to readers, the Family Herald and 'Weelkly Star once more identifies it- self with progressive farming. A leader in all matters pertaining to (arming for over seventy years, the Family Herald has always dissem- inated many times more farming in- formation...saved1 and made for its readers many more dollars. . . .than any 'other magazine. The timely offer of Ross Butler’s Dairy Cattle Picture-s will be wel- comed by all who are interested in fine cattle and will 'be hailed“ as an- other milestone in the long list of services rendered by the Family Herald to its readers». The annmal Congregational meet- ing of Newtonbrook United Church will be held next Wednesday, Januâ€" ary 20th. A hot dinner will be serv- ed! at 6.30 pm. in the 8.8. hall to which all the memlbers and those in- terested are cordially inwited. Re- ports will be received from the var- ious organizations. The Auxiliary of the W.M.S. held their January meeting at the Par- sontage last Tuesday p.m. with a good attendance. The ‘presid’ent Mrs. A. W. Galfbraith presided and conducted the devotional. Mrs. E. Pearsoin read the-scripture lesson. Mrs. W. T. New gave a message on Christian Stewardlship. The stud? topic on “Japan” was very atbly presented by Mrs. C. O. Bales. Dur- ing the meeting Mrs. Fred MacDon- ald who has teen corresponding sec- retary for some years was presented with a Life Membership. Refresh- ments were served 'by the hoste‘SS at the close of the meeting. Rev. A. GaBbraith Toronto Tuesday Church. The Girls’ Mission Circle met at the Parsonage last Tuesday evening for their regular monthly meeting with the new president, Miss Doris VanLuven in the chair. The devo- tional service was conducted by Miss Hazel Campbell. The study book “Couriers of China” was dramatized with the following- flaking part, Mrs. Hanert, Ann Wells, Margaret Gris- dale; Rufby Brown, Hazel Campbell and! Lorayne Brown. A reading on the life of Madame Chiang‘ Kia Sh’ek was given by Frances Schmidt. A sewing meeting for the missionary bale followed after which refreshi- ments were served‘ by the hostess. Mr. A. W. Galbraith and Mr. W. T. New attended! the Laymen‘s Banâ€" quet under the auspices of the Mish sionary and Maintenance last Tues- day evening at College St. United Church, Toronto. , Among those who attended the annual meet'ng of Toronto Centre Presbytery WA. in Deer Park Unit- ed Church last Friday‘ were Mrs. A. W. Stephenson, Mrs. Reid Brumywell, Mrs». H. Thomas, Mrs. P. Ridden, Mrs. A. H. Hal'bert, Miss Edna Street and Mrs. W. E. Hick. The annual meeting of Toronto Centre Preslbyterial W.M.S. will be You can heLp win the war by buy- ing war savings starrips. The annual meeting of Toronto Centre Presbyterial W.M.S. will be held next Tuesdiay, January 28th at 10.15 a.m. in St. Clair Ave. United Church, Toronto. Miss Bessie Cairns of West China, Miss Beulah Graham and Mrs. J. C. Young are guest speakers. Miss Edna Street entertained! the United Church choir at her home last Friday evening. H. Hallbe-rt and Mr. A. W. attended the meeting of Centre IPI-eslbytery last in Westminster Central offer of Ross Butler’s Pictures will be wel- who are interested in 1- will 'be hailed“ as an- ie in the long list of ered by the Family Woodbridge Council 1 Inaugural Session Approval of proposals to sign up with the Ontario Municipal Associa- tion and‘ the Ontario Good' Roads As- sociation were two of seVeral new de- partures instigated) lby Woodlbrid‘ge council, meeting in the Town Hall for inaugural sessions Monday morn- ingflJanuaI‘y 13th, under Reeve A. Council also moved' for a modern- ization of another department by in- structing the clerk to purchase a duplicate reproduction of the corpor- ation’s original seal to adorn town documents. Grants made included $25 to the Public Library. $10 to the Sick Chil- dren’s Hospital, and the second grant in five months to the Navy League, the latter a $15 grant, an increase of 50 per cent over the last figure. Committee chairmen appointed were as follows: Finance, Councillor John Watson; Public Services, Sew- erage and Law Enforcement; Coun- cillor Cvccil Shannon; Fire, Water and Light, Councillor Fred A. Bagg; Road‘s, Bridges and Sidewalks, Coun- cilllor Wilfred R. Scott. B. Cousms. ' Clerk E. W. Browq revealed it will be the municipality’s finst year as a memlber of the groups. The following municipal officials were named by by-law: Auditors, for Village, Hydro, and! School accounts, John A. Fraser and Alexander A. Mackenzie; Medical Officer of Health, Dr. G. D. McLean; Assessor, George W. Bagg‘; Board of Health appointee, to serve with the Reeve and M.O.H., Boyle Kellam; Weed Inspector, C. F. Lewis; Sanitary Inspector, C. F. Lewis; Poundkeeper, Edward Wild. 1941 meeting dates», declared: coun- cil in an adopted resolution, will be different to those of recent years. This year, if the appointed Monday is a statutory holiday, council will meet on the following Monday. For several years counml had met the following day, Tuesday, if the ap- pointed Monday were a holiday. Informing council that Woodâ€" bridlge is now, for the first time, under provincial supervision in relief matters, the clerk reported that Con- stable Lewis is arctln‘g as relief in- specter. In future relief recipients will not necessarily be. able to continue with the dairy they have previously dealt with. At the suggestion of Council- lor Watson it was agreed the busi- ness be split between the two ‘town dairies. The decision followed Coun- cillor Bagg’s declaration that his dairy is not at present serving any relief recipients. Communications to council includâ€" ed one from an electrical product manufacturer, explaining a. delay in the supply of 2,000 watt heater units for the‘ waterworks pumping station. Concluding the session members unanimously adopted a resolution ex- pressing thanks to Ex-Reeve N. Geo. Wallace for his years of service. A person may change his given name or his surname so long as it is not done for some fraudulent or other improper purpose. The name by which your fiance has been known in business for many years is, for all practical purposes, his proper name. If he wishes to have the name legally changed, he should consult a lawyer or clerk of the county or dis- trict court. An act respecting “Chang- ing; of Names” was passed by the Ontario parliament. It stated that “any person of the full age of 21 years, who is a British subject by birth or naturalization, except a mar- ried woman, may make an applica- tion for a change of name. The ap~ plication is made to the judge of the county or district court. in the dis- trict where applicant has resided for at least one year.” The documents are filed with clerk of the court. To obtain a copy of the act apply to King’s Printer, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. THEY’RE HERE CITIES SER VICE Bonded Batteries CITIES SERVICE BONDED BATTERIES This new “MILE MASTER” Battery gives you the finest quality and longest service guarantee money can buy. HAVE YOUR BATTERY CHECKED BY US TODAY AND PREPARE FOR COLD WEATHER AHEAD. Our Service Department has the best and latest type of CHARGING and TESTING Equipment. Our Staff is thoroughly trained to give you Efficient Service anywhere in this district. 29 Yonge Street CHANGE OF NAME Motorists! We wish to announce That we now have a complete stock of the new MEL. MALTBY 7 YEARS SAME LOCATION CITIES SERVICE STATION THURSDAYs JANUARY 23rd, 1941. The January meeting of the St. Paul’s W.M.S., Vaughan, was held at the home of Mrs. T. Witherspoon with the president Mrs. H. Farr pre- siding. The meeting opened with hymn 437 followed by the Lord’s Prayer and sentence prayers. The scripture reading was taken from 4th chapter Lulke, verses 1-22, fol- lowed by hymn 386 and‘ prayer by Mrs. H. Dooks and the minutes of the previous meeting. Treasurer’s report business followed. Roll call was answered by a verse of a New Year hymn. There was a splendid attendance and several visitors we were glad to welcome. A splendid paper was given by Mrs. H. Dooks», our expectations of the New Year; and Gleanings- from Glad Tidings by Mrs. E. Harris. Also a splendid talk by Mrs. J. Robson on the amazing people of China and‘ what they have done and what we can learn from them. Hymn 461 was sung and Rev. Mr. Bowman closed the meeting With prayer and a social hour was spent. Lunch was served by hostess and committee. At Maple [mm m Helen Si..Lp.son Lynett J. F. Lynch ' ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District Freight Sheds FIRST CLASS BREAD FLOUR ALSO MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR CAFETERIA LAYING MASH, O.A.C. Formula MILKMAK’ER O.A.C. Formula SALT FINE SALT, 100 lbs. COARSE SALT, 100 Lbs. [ODIZED SALT, 100 lbs. BLOCKS, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . BLOCKS, IODIZED, each â€" Also â€"â€" CAR MILL FEED BRAN . . . . . SHORTS . . . MIDDLINGS I Solicit Your Continued Patronage My Mottoâ€"Courtesy, Service and 8 Fair Deal to All 1 Car load of Pine Slabs and Edgings cut 1 foot lengths, at reasonable price 1 Car load of Peeled Cedar fence posts at 20-25-90 cents each St. Paul’s, W.M.S. C. E._ SMITH 2.518 YONGE STREET NUT AND STOVE COAL No. 1 ANTHRACITE I COAL ORDERS PHONE MAPLE 19W (At St. Clements) MOhawk 3000 Prices as follows Priced as follows: Phone 12 $1.35 per cwt. $1.20 per cwt. $1.35 per cwt. 65c. 80c. 85c.

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