Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Jan 1941, p. 8

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ROBINS HERE 'DWO rdbins were noticed on Richâ€" mond: Street this week. One has been around all winter, but the second was a new arrival this week. Per- haps spring is just aroundI the cor- net. The Rector, Rev. E. W. G. Wor hall, occupied the Chair. Reports were also pre=ented as follows: Sunday School, Miss New- bry; Junior W.A., Mrs. Sniveley for Mrs. Lowndes; A.Y.P.A., Mr. Whitâ€" ten; Busy Builders, Mr. Whitten; Senior W.A., Miss Newbry; Ceme- tery Board, Mr. Chatterley. Thanks were the order of the d'iy, for the Rector in his remarks, em- phasized his deep feeling of grati- tude for the support given him by many of those present at the meet- ing both in thr: church and through their homes. Mrs. Snivcley expressâ€" ed' in a few words the feeling of the members of the congregation in that they ind‘ividluall'y wished to 33.3' “Thank You” ‘to the Rector for his unfailing chveerful'ness and patience which had been so evident duri"g the past years. And Captain Snive- Iey movedl a vote of thanks to Mr. Ed‘mundls for the work he had done in assisting in the services. HALLS % ,@/_Ff/F‘7MI7/F/E= Mr. Legge was anpoi‘nted 3 Com»- mxittee of one to check over the comâ€" pleted work done both inside and‘ outside the Parish Hall and to make recommendations for improvements to the Wardens who were empow- ered: to act as they saw fit. OPPOSITE ORANGE HOME Some discussion took place in re- gard to change of time of serviCe; but it was d‘ecided that no further change should (be made at this time. SEW VI@E STA Ti©N A Sidesman’s Committee was eLected under the Chairmanship of Mr. Whitten composed of Messrs. Roy Difbib, Nelson Thompson. Morris Beynon. car. «Mr. Chatterley Was elected} to carry on his work as Chairman of the Cemetery Board. In your next service sta- tion conversation say â€" “Hall’s Service Station gas and oil.” Reddy Power will make it snappy for your The Financial report, pzesvented' Iby Capflain Sniveley, gave total receipts, General Fund, Hall Building Fund, and Special Roof Fund1 as $2392.00 with exepnditunes $3288.00. The Rector’s report showed that church attend‘ance had (been Welvl maintained during the year despite adVerse weather conditions, and that there had; been an increase in the number of Communicants. Mrs.N.R.Mclntyre Oak Ridges Excellent reports were pnesented‘ at the annual Vestry meeting held in. the vestry of the church on Mon- day, Jan. 13th. Both! of the present wardens will carry on for another year, Captain S. C. SniVely having been re-appointed Rector‘s Warden and Mr. J. Chatterley ebected by ac- cllamation to the off-ice of People‘s Warden. Captain Sniveley was also elected) Lay Delegate to the Synod‘. {ANNUAQMEETING “Be Ready With Reddy Centre Street, Thornhill EXPERT DRESSMAKING" DRESS DESIGNING REMODELLING & ALTERATING PAGE EIGHT ST. JOHN’S CHURCH ‘ower The first meeting of the class learning “refinishing of furniture” will be held at Mrs. Neil’s! home. Only 6 people can take the course at one time so several more classes will (be organized and anyone inter- ested. in receiving this excellent ‘ltraining can do so by becoming a member of the Women’s Institute, and) information regarding same can be obtained by calling Mrs. R. H. Neil. Thornhill 112. The Y.P.U. attended a very inter- esting Young People’s conference at Newtombrook United Church on Mon» day evening lasrt. Various items in connection with conducting and lead; .ing of Young People’s groups were The Thornhill Women’s Institute met at the home of Mrs. Chas. Smith on Thursday, January 16, the president Mrs. R. Holmes presiding. The Home Economics convenor, Mrs. A. Brillinger, gave a. very interest- ing; talk on the vitamin contents of various foods and their relationship to health. The announcement was made that the Work Dept. for re- cand'itioning clothes will from now On meet only every second Friday in- stead of weekly. A large bale is ready to be shipped and any d'ona- tions .of clothing to be reconditioned would 'be greatly appreciated at this time, and! same can be forwarded direct: to Mrs. R. H. Neil, Yonge Street. - The Junior Red‘ Cross met 9n Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Mary Morton. ' The next meeting will be on Tuesday, February 4 at the home of E. Findlay when re- ports will be given rby the officers on the work done in 1940. Mrs. Robt. Wright of Toronto and Mrs. Fred Farr of Lansing were visitors of Mrs. S. Findlay on Wed- nesdlay. We are very pleased) to report that little Miss Karen McIntyre who has had a severe attack of pneu- monia is progressing rapidly. Wedding A lovely wedding was S‘olemnized at St. George’s Church, Willowdale, on Saturday affernoon, January 18, when Miss Beulah Elizabeth McGee became the bride of Mr. Edward Murray MscLean. The Rev. L. Claude Secrett officiated. ' was Mrs. Pearson. ! The annual meeting of the Presby- terian Church was held in the Sunâ€" day School room on Monday, Janu- ary 20th. There were rtbout thirty meirfoers present and they all en- joyed a.d'e1icioue supper, prepareds by the Ladies of the church, and! at which a collection amounting to $18 was realized in aid of the British War Victims’ Fund. The business part of the meeting was conducted by the interJMod-erator, Rev. Birch. Very satisfactory reports were given by the various officers, all of whom were re-instated. ' A bridge party was held Thlurs- day evening last at the home of Mrs. Echlin by the Ladies" Curling Club. P1229 winner of the evening A congregation-a1 meeting and so- cial eevning will be held‘ at the United’ Church on Wednesday even- ing, January 291511 at 8 o’clock. All men‘l',e1's and‘ adherents are cordially invited to attend: and hear the re- ports of the work in connection with the Church and to also enjoy a so- cial time. Mr. Gordon Jack, a former resi- dent of Thornuhill and who is now stationed at St. Thomas, where he is ,a mechanic in the Air Force, visit- ed! with friends in the village on [Saturday Last. Mr. Percy Bone, merrlber of the Thornhill Horticultural Society was guest speaker at Stotuffville Horti- cultural Society’s annual meeting on Wednesday las't. Mr. Bone selectui as his subject, “Gardening in War- time‘" and the excellent information he related in connection with the growing of and‘ caring for gardens at this particular time was greatly appreciated ‘by all garden lovers. Miss Betty Bone rendered several elocution selections which were greatly enjoyedl ‘by all. The regular weekly prayer meet- ing was held on Tuesday evening at the Presfbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs. McGreggor and daughter Patrfcia Lyn, Mr. and Mrs. L. Short and: son: Paul', Mr. and Mrs. C. Ferguson and David) and Donna and Miss Norma. Edwards were all Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Brilling‘er. Miss Velma Find’lay of Unionvil‘le is spending a few weeks <11; her home in Thorn‘hil‘l'. ' Mrs. A. Brilldnger, Mrs. Michel-I andI Mrs. P. Bone, 3 delegates from the United Church W.A., attended! the Centre Presbytery W.A. meeting held: last week at Deer Park United- Chuvch and returned with splendid reports of the work being- done by the various associations connected with the Centre Presbytery. Thornhill District News A‘J.‘ .L‘u All” THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO § on’t Miss This Opportunity to Stock Up at a Big Saving i 3 i 9 vv "vvvvvm Still Going On Sensational i Stock Reducing SaieatCraigie’si The annual meeting of the Thorn- h‘iLlI branch of the Red Crass Society will be helzi in the Red- Cross room of the Pu'blic School on Friday af- ternoon, January 31st. at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Russellâ€"Brown of England will be the speaker. Everybody welâ€" come. \The Men's Club will conduct the service in Trinity Church next Sun- d-ay evening at 7 o’clock. It is ex- pected that Mr. J. W. Manchester, a prominentvlayman from Toronto, wilJl give the address. It is to be hoped that a good‘lry number will be present to encourage the men in this new venture. Memorial Service for Baden-Powell A memorial service was held in Trinity Church, Thromhill, on Sun- day at 3 o’clock to commemorate the passing of the Chief Scout, Lord Baden-Powell. The rector, who gave the address, was assisted by Rev. E. A. Currey, and the Cub Master, Mr. Elmer Godfrey. A number of Scouts from Richmond Hill together with their Scout Master, Mr. R. Edvmun-dsv were wellcomne guests" About one hundred were present. land'”. The pupils are making great preparation for this event, which promises [to be on par with former performances by Tho-mhill ‘boys and girls. Keep the dates February 6 and 7 open for the Th‘ornhill Public .School 'opei'ettta “The Princess of I’oppy- 1303‘”. The Dunils are making great u.s-u:sed and many helpful pointers were obtained by all who attended: At the close .of the meeting a de- 1>ightfu1 Lunch was served. THORNHILL UNITED CHI'RCH SAVE ONE FIFTH by BUYING NOW MEN’S AND BOYS’ WEAR. MEN’S, BOYS’ AND SHOES AND RUBBERS PHONE 218-W ‘ YOUR CHOICE OF ANYTHING IN Arrow Shirts, regular $2.00, your cheice' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.60 _ Men’s Fleece Lined Underwear, regular $1.69, special for .. $1.35 Men’s Knee High Rubber Boots, regular $1.98, special for .. $1.59 AND SO ON, ALL THROUGH OUR BIG STOCK OF MEN’S AND BOYS’ WEAR, AND MEN’S, BOYS’ AND CHILDREN’S BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS .a. GRAIGIE i :EN,S AND MEN’S- ROVQ’ ANT} {“Iâ€"ITT hD‘DRT’Q z EVERYTHING IN OUR STORE WOOWO”MWM Friday, January Blst OLD TIME DANCE Exâ€"wardvens present at the cereâ€" ‘mony included James Cameron, Weston; Alex. Baird, Scarboro; Tom Griffith, Ellerlby Farr andl S.‘ Gor- don Harris, Weston, and Major D. E. Sprague. Six new council mem- bers were formally welcomed. continually in His commandments: He shall establish thine heart, and thy desire of wisdom shall be given thete."â€"Ecclesiasticus 6:37. oowooommooooououwo THORNHILL OLD BOYS CHANGE IN MASSEY-HARRIS AGENCY FOR RICHMOND HILL AND DISTRICT Harold W. Mol'tsion wishes to an- nounce that he has taken over from Mr. Charles Graham the Massey- Haniis Implement Agency and will be located at 11 Centre Street West, Richmond Hill, after February lst. The agency will include, in addition to the high grade farm implements, genuine Massey-Harris repairs, Beatty stable fittings, pumps, wash- ers, etc., and C.I.L. fertilizevs. “At such a momentous time in our history it was never so importâ€" ant that York County shou}d con- tinue its pay-asâ€"you-go policy,” he told) council. Judlge Shea administered the oath of office to Reeve Downey, follow- ing which members of the county stalflf presented him with a basket of roses. A member of Swansea Counci} for fourteen years and of York County Council for twelve years, the new wardien is the first from Swansea. He is a graduate of University of Toronto, spent three years at Osgoode Hall; and‘ was made a KJC. five yeansl ago. 8.30 p.m. Billy MacDonald’s Orchestra Proceeds for British War Victims’ Fund Clarence C. Downey, K.C., Reeve of Swansea, was chosen Warden of York County for 1941 at the council inaugural yesterday. His selection was unanimous, when four other nominees withdrew â€"â€" Stan Osborne, Reeve of East Gwillim'bury; Earl Toole, Reeve of Wihitchsurchx; Hugh Donald, K.C., Deputy Reeve of For- est Hill, and John Warren, Reeve of East York. Mr. Warren said‘ he would be definitely in the fieldl for that honor next year. C. C. Downey Warden of York LAWRENCE MEMORIAL HALL ' ANYTHING IN THE STORE, AT TWENTY PER CENT LESS THAN THE REGULAR PRICE FOR INSTANCE: JPER CENT ooomomom Oflficers elected for 1941 were: Mrs. H. N. Smith, president; Mrs. N. George Wallace, vice-president; Mrs. Leo Watson, secretary; MYS- Garfieldi Farr, treasurer; Mrs. Wil- fred! R. Scott, purchasing convener; Miss Mary Wallace and Mrs. C. F. Lewis, auditors. The executive comp mittee chosen was as follows: Mrs. Thomas Wise. Mrs. C. W. Barrett, Mrs. G. D. McLean, Miss Gloria Hallman. Mrs. A. B. Cousins, Mrs. James Brown. Delegates to the March annual Provincial sessions, Mrs. H. N. Smith, Mrs. Leo Wat- son, Mrs. Garfield Farr. 'RED CROSS RAISE 82246 i COMPLETE 1294 ARTICLES l In 1940 \Voodsbridge village Red wCross Society, representing a pOpu- Ila’cion of some 900 people, comrple’o- red 1294 articles of clothing and- rais- [ ed, in cash, a total of $2246.68. These figures were revealed at the group’s annual meeting in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening, January 15. Mrs. Garfield F'arr’s treasurer-’5‘ report showed: receipts had included $1169.00 from drives for donations, REEVE PUGSLEY IS COMMISSIONER Reeve W, H. Pugsley of Sutton, nephew of the late W. H. Pugsiley’ for many years Richmond Hill’s re-eve, was selected) as York County Commissioner for 1941. The other commissioner is Reeve R. Ainsworth of Miimico. Buy Canadian. Buy British, and Help 'Win the \Var. and $477.20 from Red Cross spon- soredl euchre parties, etc. Disburse- ments! showed] $465.61 was used to purchase wool and other materials while $1223.21 was sent as a cash contribution to Provincial headquar- ters. The year-end balance on hand, was reported as $557.86. A president’s report, given by Mrs. H .N. Smith, who Was reâ€"elected to that office, revealed! 997 articles, inâ€" cl'ufling 453 pairs of socks, were made for men on active service; 207 articles were made for hospitals, and 90 made for war refugees. Special rates to parties. For full information apply to WES. MIDDLETON, Richmond Hill Arena W OODBRIDGE Enjoy this Healthful Recreation at General Skating Every Wednesday and Saturday Evening Old Timers’ Skating Every Monday Evening SKATING THURSDAY, JANUARY 23rd, 1941 Chairman Arena Commission CHILDREN’S RICHMOND HILL OFF WHEN YOU TRAVEL .44} Mala}: C’aac/L‘ [OW ROUND TRIP FARES A. HISLOP, Phone 177 , l -\ A_L - between TORONTO and ‘Vancoulver . . . . . . . . $68.70 Huntsville . . . . . . . . $ 7.10 London . . . . . . . . . . . S 5.25

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