The weekly meeting of the Pres- byterian Guild was held: at the home of Mr. and! Mrs. J. Brownlee Mon- day evening. The meeting opened with a sing song and the study book was given by Mrs. Bruce McDonald. The monthly meeting of phe Wo- men’s Institute will be held Febru- ary 12th at the home of Mrs. D. Allen. Don Fainbarn is to be guest speak-er and a good attendance is requested. The meeting will begin at 2 p.m. standard time. (Please note change of time). A ewchre party for Institute members, their families and friends will be held in the Par- ish‘ Hall in the evening. Other games will be provided for those who do not play euchre and refreshments' will be served. A .story about Dr. Jonathan Goforth was rea’d by Mary McNeil. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dal’don af Brampton were visiting in the vi“:- ag~e on Sunday and! had tea at the home of Mrs. Chas. Snider. We are sorry to Learn that Mrs. J. G. Constable is on the sick list and! we hope for a speedy rec'overy. The regular meeting of the Y.P.U. was held on Monday evening with the culture conven‘or, Doris Cook, in charge. Miss Izzard gave a talk on the Jesuit Mission's. Mr. Altf Mil‘ls wishes to express his thanks andl appreciation for the prompt and eï¬ficient work of the Richmond Him Fire Brigade at the :fire at his home on Wednesday. The annual‘ meeting of St. An- dmew’s‘ and‘ St. Paule Presbyterian Chulnch: was held’ on Monday after- noon, Januafy 20th. There was a good! attendance at the meeting which was held} in St. Andrew’s church with- Rev. Mr. Bowman pre- siding. Sati-stfactory reports were re- ceived from all departments. After the meeting supper was served by the ladies of the congregation. Th-e Presbyterian Guild’ held‘ their weekly meeting in the Sunday School room on Monday evening, January 2'0th. Mr. Neil McDonale gave an interesting address on “Wars In General." Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Scale of QW- arwa were week-end guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Bigâ€" ford. Quite a nu-mlber of the Young Peo- pLe enjoyed‘ a skating party to Richâ€" mond Hilll rink on Wednesday even- ing, January 2-2. Refreshments were served in the Sunday School room an: the close of the evening. We are sorry to learn that Jes'sie Mitchell has: been. quite ill with pneumonia, andl we hope she will soon be well again. T‘he annuah meeting of the Unit- edl Church was held' on Wednesday evening, January 29th in the Sunâ€" d'ay School room. Supper was serv- ed ‘by the ladies of the congregation. We extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. S. Hixckson on the birth of a son on Sunday, January 26th. ‘Mz‘. Baden Tag‘gant of Detroit. Michigan, visited at the home of his parents, Mr. and! Mrs. A. Taggart, for several: days hast week. A «such-re in aid of the British War Victims Fund will [be held in St. Ste- phven’s Parish Hall on Thursday, Felbruary 6th at 8 p.m. Daylight Saving Time under the auspices of the women of St. Stephen’s Church. Prizes. Refreshments served. THANKS TO FIRE BRIGADE PHONE MO. 2172 VOL. LXII. THE COMMUNITY’S CLEARING HOUSEâ€" THE LIBERAL WANT ADS WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5 - 6 CARRIED OVER SPENCER TRACY - CLARK GABLE CLAUDET’I‘E COLBERT - HEDY LAMARR in “ BOOM TOWN †EXTRA CARTOONS FOR SATURDAY MATINEE MAPLE THURS.., FRI., SAT., JAN. 30 - 31 - FEB. 1 MONDAY & TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 - 4 “ RAMPARTS WE WATCH †â€"â€" ALSO â€"â€" MAUREEN O’HARA - LUCILLE BALL in “ DANCE GIRL DANCE †LIONEL BARRYMORE - LEW AYRES in “ DR. KILDARE GOES HOME †__ AND â€" TYRONE POWER â€" LINDA DARNELL in “ BRIGHAM YOUNG †CAPITOL THEATRE 25 300 Seats All Evening 25c. LATE ARCHIBALD LUNAU Markham Township lost one of its highly respected and‘ lifelong citi- zens when Archibald Lunau died at his late residence in Unionville Sunâ€" d~ay evening, January 19th in his 65th year. Mr. Lunau, son of the late William and Caroline Croft Lunau, was born on the 5th conces- sion of Markham where he grew to manhood. After his marriage to Alice G. Middleton of Unionvillé he farmed! on the 4th concession of Mankham for several years then on the 5th concession. After selling out he moved‘ to Toronto whene he was employed by the Geo. Keith Seed Co. for some years. Albout six years ago Mr. and) Mrs. Lunau moved to Unionvil‘lue where they have since l‘e- sided. Deceased was a consistent church goer amd member of the United1 Church. Surviving are his widow, one son Ellwood and three daughters, Rena, Beatrice and Eva. Private service was held‘ at the ,home Wednesday, January 22nd at '2 o’clock D.S.T. Pulblic service at United Church at 2.30 conducted by the pastor Rev. A. E. Owen and Rev. Austin Lunau. Mrs. James Russell sang “Some day the silver cord will break.†Interment took place at B-ethel Cemetery on the 5th concession. The palllbearers were Messrs. A. E. Brown, Bert Weatherill, Ewart Stiver, T. Hoblbs, Robt. Duffiield and“ Roibt. Stiver. _ The funeral service was held from the family residence on Friday last, the pallbearers being Walter Hood, John Gibson, Douglas Hood, David Brown, Jos. Bond‘ and Harvey Lat- imer. Rev. Hardy Andrews, D.D., minster of Knox Presbyterian Chunch, Agincourt, officiated at the olbsequies. Interment was made in ’St. John’s Cemetery, Milliken. “God writes in characters too grand For our short sight to understand; 'We catch but broken strokes and try To fathom all the mystery Oxf withered hopes, of death, of life, The endless war, the useless strife, ‘But there, with larger, clearer sight, We shall see thisâ€" Operating a successful market garden aml for many years‘ a famili- iar figure at the North Toronto Market, his homey philosophy and wittieisms won for him the title of “The Will] Rogers of North Toronto Mauket.†He was a' Presbï¬i'erian, a staunch Conservative and away-1 deeply interested in municipal af- fairs. He will be greatly mis-setfl in the community. He is survived! by his widow and a daughter Marion; also his broth- ers, Colin Hood of Milliken and Dr. E. G. Hood of Ottawa. The death of Hiliard‘ Homt oc- curredl following a heart seizure on Tuesday Last at his home, north Un- ionvil‘le and his passing is greatly mourned by a, host of friend-s. The eldest son of the late Adam and. grandson of the late J ohri‘ Gibson, both pioneers of Markham Township and: well known throughout the pro- Vince, he was born on Con. 6 near Mill‘i'ken andI was in his 64th year. In 1906 he married Ida Steele of Markham and they spent the early years of their marriage in the New Liskeard district. In 1914 they mov- ed to Unionvil‘le and' have resided there since that time. HIS WAY WAS RIGHT LATE HILIARD HOOD OBITUARY Yonge at Cast Iefield "In Essentiais, Unity; In Non-essentials, Liberty; In All Thmgs, Charity†Vaughan and Richmond Hill Woâ€" men’s Auxiliary of Veterans annual meeting will [be held) on February \4th. All members are requested’ to lb-e present. Mothers and wives of Veterans who would like to *become ’members will be made very welcome. lAllsvo those interested in: helping with lknitting are welcome at Wednesday meetings, the date and place to 'be tset later. UNITED CHURCH W.M.S. The regular monthly meeting of the afternoon auxiliary of the Unit- ed' Church W.wM.S. willl ‘be held] in the School Room Thursday, Feb. 6th at 3 p.:m. A chapter of the study book on Korea will be reviewed: A cor- dial welcome is extended to all; come and bring a friend. DANGEROUS DAN M’CROBE (Calgany) A Ibunch of germs we're hitting it up In the bronchial saloon; Two bwgs on the edlge of the larynx Wene jazzing a ragtime tune. Back in the teeth in a solo game Sat (tangerous Ask-Kerchoo; And- watching his pulse was his light of loveâ€" The lady that’s known as Flu The contest takes the form of a series of articles and questions writ- ten [by eminent Toronto musicians: Mr. Norman Willkesv, Mr. G. D. At- kinson, Mr. Christopher Wood, Mr. Peter Kennedy. Mr. Frank Blachâ€" ford, Dr. F. Horwood and Mr. T. J. Crawford. Each week’s issue of the paper will publish an article on mu- sic by one of the above, followed by six questions “based on the article. Entraan may keep these questions andi articles, and‘ at the conclusion a written examination will be held. Any school student may enter, ibut High School students will be required to answer all six questions of each art- icle, and Pulblic School students may choose any three of each series of six to answer. Worthwhile prizes have ‘been don- ated by the following: The Conserva- tory, The Iron Fireman Co., Elliott's Drug Store, Wil’lowdal‘e; Demrpsey Brothers, Lansing; Dr. Ralph Johns, Dr. C. S. Drunnin‘g, Thornhill Hard’- ware, Thornhill Bank of Commerce, Dr. C. E. Hill, Dr. D. K. McAteer, Austin’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill; Craigie’s Store, Brathwaite’s Hard- ware, Davi-es’ Dry Goods, Jones Coal Company. Prizes will be presented by the dlonors at a special musical program to honour the winners in each locality. Rules are published below. If fur- ther inionmation is desired, it may be obtained from the following members of the committee in charge: In Lansing, Miss Edythe Lewis; Wil- lowd‘ale, Mrs. John Harrison; Thom- hiII, Miss Lorraine Davidson; Richâ€" mondv Him, Miss Lola Jones. RULES. 2. Applications must be made {by the end! of the fjftharticle through music teachers in the schools. Rural teachers may obtain application forms by applying to the office of this paper. 3. Each article will“ contain six questions. Pu‘blic Schuool pupiLS may answer any three questions of 'each series, High School pupils will be required to answer all’ six. 4. All- contestants will be required to write this contest at examination. centres which will «be specified later‘. VAUGHAN AND RICHMOND HILL AUXILIARY ANNUAL MEETING 5. Answers wi1>1 be submitted? to judges appointed by the committee in change of this contest. Decision of the judlges; will be final. 1. Students attending High, Public and Separate schools from York Mills to Richmond Hilfl‘ are eligible. Next week’s issue of this paper with carry the introductory article, written by Sir Ernest MacMillan, of the Music Contest for school‘ stu- dents which is being promoted by the Toronto Conservatory of Music and} arranged by the Willowd‘al-e Branch of the Conservatory of which Mr. Ad‘elmo Melecci is Principal. School Students Music Contest To Start Next Week RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30th, 1941. W. C. T. U. The monthly meeting of the W.‘C. TUI. wil’l ‘be held‘ at the home of 1Mrs. A. J. Hume, 101 Yonge Street, :on Tuesday, February 4th at 3 pm, An address will be given by Re“ lHaroldr WeLinoodJ who is well known [as a speaker for the Federation of ‘lTemfperam-e and a solo by Miss {Nixola Fisher. A cordial invitation liS extenidedl to the ladies of the com- fmrunity to join the members at this imeeting. Election and‘ installation of OfiflC' ers of L.O.L. Centre Y’ork District were held in E’g‘linton' Orange Hall January 246m, 1941, Grandl Loc'tge and county officers officiating. The folllowing officers were elected and! installed: District Master, Wor. Br‘o. W. 00):, L.O.L. 2261; District Dep4 uty Master, Wor. Bro. R. H. Kane, L.O.L. 2368; District C'hiaipllain, Wor. Bro. G. Hordzson, L.O.L. 269; District Rec. Sec, Wor. Bro. A. D. F'ond, L.O.L. 269; District Fin. Sec., Wor. Bro. F. Stocker, L.O.L. 269; District Treasurer, Wor. Bro. F. Hopper, L.O.L. 2368; District 1st Lecturer, Wor. Bro. W. Heath, L.O.L. 269; District 2nd Lecturer, W‘or. Bro. A. Hakaes, L.O.L. 2368; District Mar- shal, Wor. Bro. G. Flynn, L.O.L. 2261; District Tyler, Wor. Bro. L. W. Zuefelt, L.O.L. 2368. The second series of euchres con- d'ucds-ed‘ by the Markham Township Veterans at Unionvil’le will com- mence Thursday evening, February 6th. Others will ‘be held February 2'0‘th, March 6th and March 20th. Large crowds enjoy these popular euvchres, which are featured ‘by Bingo on the start and' a lucky draw every night. Last Friday evening‘s program was enjoyed by a large and appreciative audience. The program included in addition to the movies, solos by Miss Nimola Fisher ami numbers 'by pup- ils of the Public School. Chairman J. A. Greene delivered! a brief ‘but ungent and direct appeal for sup- port of our war effort by the pur- chase of war savings stamps and certificates. , Selwin Marks won the prize oflfâ€" ered' to the boy or girl selling- the most tickets. He sold 177 tickets and received the hearty congratula- tions of the chairman. Margaret Scott won second prize. selling 124 tickets, and other pnize winners were: 3rd, Harry Hill; 4th, Marion Little; 5th, Donald Little; 6th, Peter C-urzon. Al‘l committee “members and‘ all! citizens interested in helping along the war effort are urged to attend the meeting in the Municipal Hall tonight at 7.30 o’clock. A nation- wide drive to enlist every citizen in a war-saving- effort wilsl| start early in Felhruary. It is planned to can- vass every household and councillor Dr. J. P. Wilson has lbeen named} as ghairman of the special committee for thl-S work in Richmond Hill. TWO FIRE CALLS THIS WEEK Rish-mond Hill Fire Brigade an- SJWel‘ed an' alarm about six o’clock ‘Wed‘nesd'ay evening when fire broke bust in' the basement of the AM Mills 'block on Yonge Street. Due to 1thre prompt and: efficient work of the lbrigade the flames were soon in ‘chvedk and damage was held! at a minimum. Monday night the ‘bri- "gadle was called to a chimney fire at lhe home of Constable Edgar Kidld, Wright Street. MARKHAM VETERANS EUCHRES Sale of tickets for the movie and concert hel‘dI in the High School to promote the sale of War Savings Stamps amounted to about $170.00, Chairman J. A. Greene stated to The Liberal this morning. Final returns; for the undertaking will be reported at the committee meeting to oe‘ held in the Municipal Hall when plans will “be completed' for the drive next month. Concert Boosts Stamps Sale By Substantial Sum Drive Starts Early in February Commitflee Meeting Tonight DISI‘RICT [‘ L.O.:L. O ELECTED OFFICERS I The regular meeting of St. Mary's iAngi’can W.A. wihl ‘be held at the Home of Mrs. W. F. Wrixon on Tues- ' iary next, February 4th, at 2.30 p-m- All members are asked to bring .their C‘entâ€"a-M‘e‘al Boxes. We are glad' ,to report that Mr. George Wood who has been- confined no his :bed‘ with a bad case of Bron- chitis is ilmtpl'olvimg, and we hope he will soon be around! again. Mrs. Hanccock fe'll one day last week and sprainedl her knee. She has suffered a lot with it but we hope she will soon be better. The Y.P.U. of Carwille Chumh held} a skating party at Richmond Hil‘i rink Mpnd‘ay night, after which they returned' to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burton for Hot Dogs. $80.05 FOR WAR VICTIMS FUNDI The 'Clukkers Clulb, Richvvale wish to thank all who donated and h-elped‘ this club in their successful Euchre which) gave the British War Victimsl Fund the sum of $80.05. Door prizes‘ were won by Mrs. J. Taylor, MarthaI IngLey, Anda‘e'w Johnston, Ethel An-E dierson, Mrs. Leroux. In the draw| for lucky tickets on- coal and sub- scription to The Liberal winners were: Mr. W: Norris, Carrville, ticket: No. 765; Mrs. E. Taylor, Rliichval‘e, No. 615; Mrs. H. Brohm,.83-1 Dundas Street East, Toronto, No. 117. BADEN-POWELL MEMORIAL SERVICE GREAT SUCCESS St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richâ€" mond! Hill» was filled) to capacity on Su'ndav evening last when Scouts, Guides, Cubs and Brownies to the number of more than one humilred came from Lansing, Willowdale, Thornhill, O'range Home and‘ Rich- mond Hill, to join in the Memorial Service to the late Chief Scout. The Vaughan and] Richmond Hill Veter- ans Association was well represent- ed, and it was necessary to carry in chairs to accomvniodlate the large con- gregation. The Rector was in charge of the scn‘vice and was assisted by the Rev. W. S. Pocfknell and Mr. Prize winners at this weekly event on Wednesday evening wereK Lad- ies, Mrs. V. Woods, Mrs. Frisk, Mrs. R. Baker; gentlemen, Mrs. Sparks, playing as gentleman, Mr. Wonnicot, Mr. R. Baker. Colemam .of Wycliffe College. The oflfering taken for the British War Victims Fund of the Toronto Even- ing Telegram amounted to $50.70. This amount has been sent to the Telegram and will be acknowledged in: the paper. Thanks to all who contributed to ’the success of .the service, inclu-dlirng‘ The Liberal for valuaflole space. RICHVALE SOCIAL CLUB Weerklvy Dance and Euchre is being held every Wecfnésday evening by the Richvale Social’ Club in Richvale School, Stop 22A Yonge Street. Good orchestra. Good prizes. Everybody welcome. DANCE AT MAPLE A Valentine dtance will be held in Maple Concert Hall, Friday, Ferm- ary 14th. Gil‘lam’s orchestra, Ernie Evans, floor manager. Admission 25c. Under auspicas‘ of Hall EXecw- 'tive. WWWme SWNOMOmomomeOWW ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN \V.A. Yonge St. at Glelrlï¬fioVIV-est Rd. FRIDAY & SATURDAY. JANUARY 31 - FEBRUARY 1 “ ARGENTINE NIGHTS †With RITZ BROTHERS - ANDREW SISTERS â€"â€" ALSO â€" “ HAUNTED HONEYMOON †With ROBT. MONTGOMERY - CONSTANCE CUMMINGS NOVELTY â€" SLEEPING PRINCESS CARRVILLE WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 5 - 6 “ FLOWING GOLD †With PAT O'BRIEN - J. GARFIELD â€"â€" ALSO MONDAY & TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 3 - 4 “ N0 TIME FOR COMEDY †With JAMES STEWART - ROSALIND RUSSELL â€"â€" ALSO .â€" “ ALWAYS A BRIDE †With ROSEMARY LANE - GEORGE REEVES PARAMOUNT NEWS “ LADY IN QUESTION †“'ith BRIAN AHERNE - RITA HAYWORTH CHILDREN FROM OVERSEAS WEE, VICTORIA SQUARE SING‘LE COPIES be. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE | A very interesting Young People’s meeting was held on Sunday even- :irng. Miss Irene Beatty was in [charge Readings were given by {Mrs. Tl'us‘sel and Mrs. Paul. Scrip»- iture was read by Miss Annie Avi- [son. Mr. Walter andI Mis's Marion lSmIith sang a duet. The topic, “His- ‘tory and Development of Canadian lAr-t" was given by Mr. Ralph Boy'n- ton. Next Sunday the meeting will be in charge of the Fellowship Con- v-enor. The topic will be taken by Mr. Fraser Gee. Everyone welcome. Last week we reported the Y.P.U. coTIection missing. We are pleased to report that it was taken by a friend] of the Society who happened to notice the freasurer had left it and it has been safely returned to the Union. Many thanks. On Saturday evening, February 1, the annual]: meeting of the Commun- ity Hall will be held in the Hall at 8 o’clock to elect the officers for the coming year, and to discuss plans for the year’s improvements. This is a community building and everyone should "be interested. Plan now to attend. On Tuesday evening, February '4 the J.W.I. and J.F.A. will meet a‘l‘. the usual hour to hold their meet- ings. There is- a possibility of this being a joint meeting with a special speaker. Perhaps a returned misi- sionary from Japan who would’ tell some stories of how the war is eff- fecting Japan and its people. Sorry at time of going to press this is not definite. No doubt the older memfbers of the community would be interested in hearing this speaker if he comes. So please get in touch with Mrs. M. Jarvis, Miss M. Case- ley, Mr. Earl Empringh‘am or Mr. Fraser Gee. On Tuesday they will be able to give you a definite an~ Mr. H‘EI‘lb Marritt of Foston, Sask. is spending a few days with his uncle Mr. Bert Sanderson. It pays td use I (‘AdSYV. swer On Monday evening a number from our community attended the Button~ viilre social evening. There were 27 tables of euchre and everyOne re- ports a. good‘ time. The Sunday School- Convention is over again for another year. With good weather, good‘ crowds and splendid addresses, makes it a con- vention to be remembered. It isn’t often we have good weather for a. convention. Congratulations to the few girls of the J.W.I, who were in the booth at Mr. Harolld- Mortson’s sale. By their s.tick-to-it motto, our Red Cross treasury is steadily growing. HUdson 5437 ral Classified No. 31.