8 p.m. Lucky Number Admission ticket for 500 lbs. coal 250. Mon., Feb. 3rd At Colilins Bay, near Kingston, picked) naval ratings from Great Britain and from many colonial out- posts, are now in training for ser- vice with the Fleet Air Arm. C/o Basie Post Office, Eng. P.S.â€"Kindes't regards and best wishes to all my friends in and aroundJ Richmond\ Hill. Going around Trafalgar I particu- ‘larly noticed“ that 4 bom‘bs had been dropped, one almost in each corner, but they did‘ not hit Nelson’s statue. Oh no, he is still looking d’own and telling the people of England the same words he told them before the ‘battle of Trafalgar over 100 years ago (the (battle that saved our free- dom threnv) “England expects every man and woman to do his or her duty". Let Canada and the Empire do the same and we shall never be slave-s. My time is up but some oth~ er time I will give some of my own personal experiences, but in the meantime, thumbs up and keep smilâ€" mg. Euchre Chee‘rio for now, thanking you Mr. Editor again for your paper. Sincerely yours, B83107 Corporal P. T. Walker, No. 1 Tunnelllin‘g Coy, R.C.E., .Now about London being bombed. It certainly has ‘been hard hit, but on the other hand) ’when you stop to think no matter where a bomb is dropped in London it’s bound to hit something. I have been all through London from east to West and north to south, and I could' not honestly "say I have seen one military objec- tive .of any kind badly hurt, mositlly “the working class houses that have ‘been 'bpmbed‘ta few hospitals and churches, but bear in mind there are around) 16 bridges crossing the Thames in London; only one was sfligihtly damaged. I think it was repaired in 2 days. Dear Editor: Just a note to thar‘k you from the bottom .of my heart for sending me The LJoeral as I get all the home news every week. It's just like receiving a letter from some near or dear friend. Now as I have a few minutes to myself I am going to tell you how I like England. It is a most wonderful country, beau- tiful in every respect, and it will be a long time before it is bombed off the map believe me. Since I came here last August I have travelled considerably over 6000 miles up and (flown- coun'try lanes, highways and lbyways and I have seen some lovely and interesting spots. The other week I was driving an Officer along a country lane (one who had never Sheenl in the Old Country before) when he said to me, “‘My God Walk- er, isn‘t that a beautiful sight, who in Hell would not fight for a coun- try like this?†I‘ve heard a lot about it but 1 had no idea it wasl so lovely. Not only the country but the people are also very nice. Ev- erywhere I go they throw their arms wde .open for us. Now about our- se‘lJve-s'. We are well quartered for the winter months, all inside and comfortable; we have a reading and waiting room, a recreation room where we can play pingâ€"pong, check- ers &c., have a piano, gramophone, radio and a canteen. These are all supplied by the Salvation Army. The boys can go in the canteen and have a free cup of tea in the forenoon and) then in the evening again. Thanks a lot to the Salvation Army for what they are doing. Now for What Jerry is doing. He is not doing Sahvation work, oh no. It’s the other way around, but don’t get down-hearted ‘fol'ks, there’ll always be an England“, and a London too, don’t forget. In you-r paper dater October 24th I find] these words, “If you can’t sing shut up.†Well that’s just what the people of Britain are doing. They are singing and' merry all the time and that’s the spirit that’s going to win the war. “Thumbs Up and Keep Smiling" Says EARL COOPER WRITES FROM Corp. Peter Walker Now BRITISH ISLES in England ,Dear Friend‘: Stop 22A Yonge Street THURSDAY, JANUARY 30th, 1941 Under the auspices of Richvale Red Cross RICHVALE SCHOOL ’C.A.xS.F., Letters From the Boys Overseas Somewhere in England; December 18, 1940 8 p.m. D.S.T. Adults 25c. Chik MasonicHall Richmond Hill Monday, FEB. 3rd Talking PICTURES He’s a Singing Cowboy! BING CROSBY in Rhythm onthe Range LIONS MAKE HEADLINES (Fergus Newsâ€"Record) “Lions Supplying Children Milk†says a heading in The Barrie Examâ€" iner. Probably this is- only a temp- orary measure, due to a wartime Shortage of cows in Simlcoe County, or possilb'lfy, with Camp Borden so close at hand, Barrie cHildren find’ cow’s milk too tame. Following a reception at the 'bride and' groom’s new home, the couple lelï¬t by plane for North Bay and “Tally-Ho Lodgeâ€. They are resid- ing in Woodlbrid'ge. Laura Wil-leen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Tozwse of Toronto, be- came the bride of Gordon Roy Blake, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Blake of Woodibridlge in a ceremony per- formed recently by the Rev. J. Fort her of Creemore. Jeanne Pen‘gelly sang “Becauseâ€, accompanied by Mrs. Frank Wilson. The bride, given in marriage ‘by her father, was attendi- 'ed! by her sistersN Mrs. A. MaoPher- son, matron of honour, and Miss Doris T-owse, bridesmaid. The groom was attended by his brother, Sher man Blake, and John McCallum. A resolution to approach the t0wn- ship council aslking for better equip- :ment for taking care of the work .was passed and council will be ap- iproached at the next meeting. Comâ€" 1mittees were appointed as follows: ‘Com‘mitte-e in1 charge of work, Mrs. Thomson, Mrs. Milner, Mrs. C. H. Shiver; in charge of wool. Mrs. W. Summerféldt, Mrs. H. J. Stiver; sew- ing and cutting co-m., Mrs. G. Mur- phy, Mrs. Burne’rt, Mrs. Mellway, Mrs. Little; quilt com., Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. Pollard, Mrs. S. Weatherall, Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Piere; regarding halrl. Mrs. W. J. Russell, Mrs. E. J. Stiver, Miss M. Sommervifle; trans- portation of supplies, F. J. Pollard, E. J. Stiver; Junior Red Cross ac- tivities, Mrs. Howard Atkinson. The donation of a beautiful hand made rug by Mrs. F. Boadway and Mrs. D. Coulson was gratefully re- ceived and Willl he sold, proceeds ’for Red Cross work. Also several love- 1y hand made quilts will be offeredl for sale shortly. Red Cross Committees Appointled The Unionville Unit of the Markâ€" halm Township Red Cross have been meeting at the home of Mrs. W. J. Russell during January and‘ regiort very successful sessions. A l'e-or- ganization of the co-m-‘mritteesa tend to greater efficiency and it is desired that a'll the ladies in the vicinity will avail themselves of the oppor- tunity to assist in this great work. socks and sweater as much as' some- one enjoyed knitting them for some one on Active Service. The articles for comforts that pe‘ople at home are ~makin‘g for us are most appre- ciated [by the men on Active Ser- vice. The food was wonderful and imyselzf anti the rest of the boys are enjoying it too. We all share alike on parcels of food and we all enjoy it. Again PM thank you for the lovely parcel. Some of the other boys are tellâ€" ing me to give their words of thanks. Everyone’in the squadron have their chins up and‘ still doing a fine jdb of work. Dear Etiensz , A few words of thanks to a friend or friends from home who so gen- erously thought of me at Christmas. The parcel was mos-t appreciated and! I am goï¬lg to enjoy wearing the With BOB BURNS and MARTHA RAYE UN IONVILLE WEDDING Added Shorts BLAKE-TOWSE Yours sincerely, Ear’L Cooper, Mapl'e, Ont Children 150. S'I‘O‘NIG, Jacobâ€"On Wednesday, January 29th, at his home, 193 Snowden Avenrue, Jacob Stong, beâ€" IJoved' husband! of Katherine Schvaef- er, amdl father of Mrs. Leo Broadb- hurst (Mildred); Mrs. Frank Hill‘ock (Glare), Mrs. T. S. Kerr (Gertrude), of 'Doronto; C. Ross, of Vancouver, anthosephA P., of Seattle, Washingâ€" ton. in; his 91st year. All employees in industries engag- ed on- Vital munitions will be asked‘ to give all particulars about them- selves, including their oountry of origin, for R.C.M.P. lmemigation. Resting at the Trul! Funeral Home, 2704 Yonge Street. Service in the chapeL 3 p.m. Friday. Inter- ment Maple Cemetery, Maple, Onrt. LOCAL MAN ATTEND FORD TRAINING SCHOOL Mr. Gordon Hook, of the service staff of local Foch dealer is» attendl- ing a mechanic’s training school in Toronto sponsored by Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. WRIGHTâ€"In loving memory of Thmmas Alva Wright who died at Thormhill February 1st, 1940. “Resting where no shadows fall.†Mr. and‘ Mrs. H. Lee andl Ronald of Toronto, Mrs. John Carley and Mr. George Carley of Preston, Mr. and; Mrs. Le‘wis Clement, Miss» Anne Clement, of Richmond Hill, met as guests of Mrs. Edith E. Lueslby in Thlornhill on Sunday and] to celebrate the 82nd birthday of William Cl'e- ment. who was present and! in good health. Mr. Clement atbe'ndedi Hope Sunday School and church service in the morning when members gar-lg ‘A Happy Birthday to You" in his honâ€" our. vice of Dedication. Officers wihl occupy the front pews for the short d-ed-icabfcn service. A‘l'l Officer§ of St. Mary’s Angli- can Church, elected} at the last Ves- try meeting held a week ago are ask-ed to meet at the regular mornâ€" ing service on Sunday next, when the Rector will conduct a special serâ€" Miss F. M. Brown had the mistfor- tune to fall on the slippery paveâ€" ment on Friday evening of last week causing serious injury to her left shoulder and fracturing a bone in the lerft arm close to the shoulder. Her many friends in the district wish her a speedy recovery. At the Congregational meeting of the Richmond Hilil United Church held on Tuesday evening last, the pastor, Rev. C. W.. Folle’tt, B.D., tenâ€" dered his resignation. to become ef- fective at the close of the present conference year, June 30th, 1941. A euchre under the auspices of Richtvlal-e Red Cross is to be held’ in Richyvale School Monday evening, February 3rd. ‘This evening is being relinquished ‘by the kindness of East Vaughan Ratepayers Association. A most enjoyable evening- was spent Iby a large gathering at the Euchre, Bingo and Sociah evening under the auspices of the local) L.0. L. and L.0.B.A. in the Masonic Hall on Wednesday. ‘Mrs'. A. Warrinvgton and John spent a few days last week in King- ston visiting Sgtmn. A. E. Warring- tonl who is a. patient in Barriefield Military Hospital. *Hill Bing Crosby in “Rhythm on the Range†is the feature of Monday ‘nilghtfs' movie program at the Ma’- 's)onic Hall, Richmond Hill. Monday night is “movie night†in Richmond Mr. Malcolm Slaght, professor of finance and commerce of Western UniNersity, London, who has been visiting his .mother Mrs. W. E. Slaghvt, returned home on Monday. Mr. Stanley Baker, Wright Street, Richmond Hill, has accept-ed) a. posi- tiom with The Evening Telegram and commenced- his new duties this wee-k. Scotchtmeï¬s Drug Store, (success or to Glenn’s), Ynoge St; Richmond Hill, offer in this issue a long list of specials for the weekâ€"end. You can help Mr. Melvin Sheppard 0 Alberta, has been visiting er, Mars. H. J. Winch, the weeks. Canada Callimg â€" support the cause of Empire by buying war sav- ings stamps and centificates. ‘u can help win the war by buy- war savings stamps. Social and Personal -â€"Wife and daughter Irene IN MEMORIAM THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND rIILL, ONTARIO DIED of R1m~bey ; his mth ._e pas: fev OOOOOOQOOQOOOMOOOOOOONQO 0£D TIME DANCE Friday, January 3lst mon. Choir will meet at home of Organist. Wednesday 8 p.m.â€"â€"'Co»mlmu.nity ser- vice of prayer and intercession. in the Preslbyterian Church. Pun'blic invited. Sunday, Feb. 2 Epiphany 4 11 a.m.â€"D-edication of Church Off- icers and Holy Communion. 2.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.lm.â€"E"ven‘ing Prayer and Se!“- ert Manning of Knox College. 2.45 p.m,â€"Sunday School. 8 p.m1.-â€"Y.P.S. meeting. Wednesday, evening, February 5th}â€" ‘Community Prayer Meeting. Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D. Pastor Sunday, Feb. 2nd 9.45 a.m.â€"Sunday School. All de- partments. 1‘1 a.m.â€"~P‘ulblic Worship. Sermon sulbject, “The Glory of Zion". 7 plm.â€"â€"â€"“Song‘s in the Nightâ€. Ser- ries on the “Famous Hymns of ‘Chrisrtemioimâ€. First in series, “Jesus Lover of My Soulâ€, by Charles Wesley. The choir will illustrate during the service. The pastor in change both morning- and evening. A hearty welcome to old and young. Come and bring your [family and; friends. N.B‘.-â€"â€"JComlmunity Prayer Service on Wednesday evening next in the Presbyterian Church. Everylbody welcome. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday. Feb. 2nd 11 a.m.â€"\M0rning' Worship. Mr. Rofbâ€" RAIL BARGAIN FARES Feb. 6th to Maritime Provinces. Feb. 7th, 8th, 9th to Niagara dis- trict, also to Brantford, Chatham, London, St. Thomas, Sarnia, Wood- stock and other points in dï¬stricbs named. Particulars from C.N.R. ticket offices. Mrs. W. A. Lunau and famiLy wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for acts of kindness and ’s'quaathy, also for the numerous {floral triibutses received during their recent bereavement. Mrs. W. H. Hood and daughter Marion wish to thank their friends and neighbours for expressions of sympathy and condolence and] beau- tiful floral trifbutes extended to them in the loss of a dear husband' and father. RICHVALE RED CROSS The monthly meeting of Ritchlvalte Red Cross Branch wilrl be hel‘d at the home of Mrs. Bailey, Spruce Avenue, on Monday afternoon, Febâ€" ruary 3rdl at 2 o’clock. Pl‘an to attend‘ the euchre to be heldl by the branch in Richrvale School on \Monday eveï¬inng next. meky nruxml'bve'l‘ admission tickets: for 500 lbs. coal. Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. 4 Markham Road We would like to have as many girls as possible come to our regular meeting next Tuesday evenirT-lg' to discuss plans for some new work. GIRLS’ RED CROSS The Chain Tea that was held» at the home of Miss Marion Scrivener on Tuesday, January 28th was a die- ‘Iighrtrful affair and was much enjoy- ed! .by all who attended. Court Whist was played after which a dvaimty lunch was served. Many thanks to Manion for her kind hOSpitality. 3 pm. The quota of garments to be maxim by the Richmond! Hiii‘ branch within a month, if possible, consists of 15 dressing gowns, 25 boys“ shirts and 100 pairs of pyjamas. Wound; those who would- lbe interested! in helping with‘ this quota in their homes k'irmdâ€" l'y contact Mrs. N. J. Giiass or Mrs. Yerex. 8.30 p.m. Billy MacDonald’s Orchestra The regu‘lar monthly business meeting of the Richmond Hill Red Cross Society will be held on Wed“- nesd-ay afternoon, February 5th at Proceeds for British War Victims’ Fund LAWRENCE MEMORIAL HALL THORNHILL OLD BOYS RED CROSS NOTES i ST. M ARY’S CHURCH NOQOWONWW CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH (Anglican) Now is the time to use Sur Shpt for Wonms and’ Bots in horses Nema capsules for animals and poultry We specialize Monogram Hot Water Bottles 59c. Major Hot Water Bottles .. $1.25 Deg Tee Hot Water Bottles 49c. 2 qt. Fountain Syr'mge 98c. Puretest Cod Liver Oil, 4, 8, 16 oz. Ibottl<es 40c., 75c., $1.25 Pu_r9bestAExtract of Malt Cod) Liver Oill, 32 oz. . . . . . . . . Pespton-e, big 20 oz. bottle . $1.00 Haliver Liver Oil Capsules, 505‘ 40 oz. Russian Oil . . . . . . . . 73c. 32 oz. Miluk of Magnesia .. 75_c. 14 oz. Rikers Milk Magnesia 250. 20 oz. Wampole-s Minl‘k Magnesia 100, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '2 {ol- ‘23}: 3991, Iron & Wine,‘16 oz. .. 69c. Rikers Emulsion, 14 oz. 69c. A. B. D. ‘&1 G. Vitamin Capsules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69c. Manufacturer’s Clearance Sale of Fancy Boxed Stationery, MONDAY & TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 - 4 JEAN ARTHUR. FRED MacML‘RRAY. MELVYN DOUGLAS in F. G. Scotchmer, Druggist Listen to “The Shadow"â€"GFRB, Tues., 8.30 p.m., GKGO, Tues., 9.00 p.m., GFRG, Thurs exceptional value at Phone 71 SCOTCHMER’S DRUG STORE TODAY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30 KENNY BAKER FRANCES LANGFORD, ANN MILLER BORRAH MINEVITCH AND HIS HARMONICA RASCALS i1 FRIDAY 8; SATURDAY, JANUARY 731 - FEBRUARY GENE AUTRY - SMILEY BURNETTE in This weekend we are offering special prices on many items. We can save you moneyâ€"Come in and let us get acquainted. Here is a partial list of specials and we have many others in stock. S. & ‘C. Talblets, bottles of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 for 23¢. Iron & Wine,‘16 oz. .. 69c. HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES STAR VALUES WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 5 REX HARRISON - MARGARET LOCKVVOOD “ NIGHT TRAIN TO MUNICH-3’ “ YOUTH WILL BE SERVED †PHONE 10 THE ELEVATOR RICHMOND HILL “ I. D. Ramer & Son " TOO MANY HUSBANDS †RIDE TENDERFOOT RIDE JANE \VITHERS - ROBERT CONWAY in HIT PARADE OF 1941 †in Farm FARMERS Stock Remedies and Bulk Drugs Dr. Bell’s Meddcali Wonder . $1.00 Dr. Bell’s Poultry Tonic and Egg Producer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c. Briton Tooth Powder and Tooth Pasrte, 29c., . . . . . . . . 2 for 531:. Mi 31 Tooth Powder with Drink- ing glass, reg. 500, for .. 31c. Health Salt, English type, with drinking glass . . . . . . . . . . . 39c. Noxema Cream, reg. 25c., for 15c Rexalb’s Nose and Throat Relief, Lady Dainty Tissue, reg. 62¢, both . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c. Cherry Bark Cough Syrup, reg. 35c, Metholene Balvm, reg. 25c., {both . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c. Gilulette Te'k Razor with 5 Blades Rexall 35c., Hind’s Honey & Almond‘ Cream, reg. 45c. . . . . . . . . . 2 for 46¢. SPECIAL COMBINATKï¬ OFFERS Shaving Lotion, reg. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . Richmond Hill PAGE FIVE . 49c in 50c.