Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Feb 1941, p. 1

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The Sunday School collection for the British War Victims Fund last Sunday amounted to $55.00. This fund its: being held' for a few days, so if anyone else in the community would care to give, their donations will be gratefully received. Rev. McKay gave us a splendid Temlperance sermon on Sun-day, and in connection with this, is planning on: having Temperance pledges with him‘ next Sunday. A few weeks ago Mn McKay was at the Union Sta- tion, Toronto, to bid' farewell to his son who is a member of the R.A.F. and whose party was leaving for Calgary. There were 22 in the party and only 2 of the boys who hadn’t been drinking. Are you going to let drink hleltp Hitler win the war? If not see to it you are out next Sunday to receive your pledge which, if enough people will sign, it will do away with the liquor till after the want Come and do your bit. Mr. imdi Mrs. Jacob Lunau cele- brated their 54th wedding annivers- ary last Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. R. Perkins along with their (children and grandchildren. Congratulations, the community wish them many more years of happy weddedl life. The Y.P.U. met last Sunday even- ‘ing‘ with Miss Bonmie Robertson in the chair. The scripture was read by Miss Marion Boymton, a reading by Miss Marjorie Hart. The topic on “Religious Festivals” given by Mr. Fraser Gee was both interest- ing and helpful. Also a duet by Misses Viola and Margaret Avison. We are sorry to report that baby Donald Boynrtona is on the sick list with a. bad cold. 0n deruary 10 Mr. A. Buchanan starts a tem of Pettit Jury in To- ronto. Tha‘t win mean a few holi- days before seedv‘mg. Last Wednesday evening about 25 Young People attended the Y.P.U. skating party at Unionville. After the skating everyone heafitily enjoy- ed' Bunch of hot dogs», coffee, choco- l‘ate bars and pop. Next Sunday the meeting will be in charge of Miss MariOn Boynton. The topic wilIJ be taken by Miss Miriam Heise with special music by the Henderson sisters of Gormley. Everyone is invited to attend. The regwlar meeting of the W.M.‘S. will: be held Wednesday, February 12th at '2 pm. at the home of Mrs. F. McRabei-ts. All the ladies of the congregation are condialily invit- ed to attend. Wilh the ladies who have completed quilt patches or ma- terial donations for supply work please bring- same to meeting. FEBRUARY WAR SAVINGS WEDGE MONTH Richmond! Hill Chu‘lers will enjoy a local 'bonspiel Saturday. Six lo‘caI pin-ks will take part and play is ex- pected to commence at 10 am. WILLIAM H. HOILES HEADS VAUGHAN DRIVE William H. Hoiles has accepted the chairmanship of the War Savâ€" img's Campaign for Vaughan Town- ship and R. Merrit has been named as vice chairman. A meeting of workers for the municipaiity wil’l be called’ in a. few days. VICTORIA SQUARE VOL. LXII. CURLERS TO HAVE ’SPIEL PHONE MO. 2172 mmâ€"-_â€" THE COMMUNITY’S CLEARING HOUSEâ€" THE LIBERAL WANT ADS “$23? FRIDAY & SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 - 8 WALLACE BEERY - LEO CARRILLO in “ WYOMING ” â€" ALSO â€"â€" KEN MURRAY - LILLIAN CORNELL in “ NIGHT AT EARL CARROLL’S ” EXTRA ATTRACTIONS FOR SATURDAY MATINEE WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12 - l3 FRED MacMURRAY - PATRICIA MORRISON in “ RANGERS OF FORTUNE ” MONDAY & TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10 - 11 MARLENE DIETRICH . JOHN WK‘YNE in “ SEVEN SINNERS ” â€" AND _ LEUYD NOLAN - LYNN BARI in “ CHARTER PILOT ” LUCILLE BALL . RICHARD GLEASON in “-TOO MANY GIRLS ” CAPITOL THEATRE E 300 Seats All Evening 25c. â€"-ALSO-â€" and I would recommend.| rbhat no Spraying the done for any person in arrears. Premiums consisting of Iris, Gladiolus and Perennials were distributed) to the value of $18.26. Twenty trees at a cost of ten dollars were planted on village streets. The park and the boulevarw at the en- trance to the village were again caredl for. The long flower bed in the park was; planted! in perennials, the plants Ibeing d‘onavtedI by mem- bers. Total expenditure on civic im- provements $1496.96. Allan Bales ls Re-elected Pres. Horticultural Soc. At the annual meeting of Rich- mond Hill Horticultural Society en- couraging reports were presented on the activities of the past year and officers elected! for 1941. J. A. Bales was re-elected as president and the other officers are: let vice- presidren-t, Aulbrey Teal; 2nd viceâ€" president, E. D. Cunnimgham; sec.- treas., John Martin; Dinectors, Miss L. Anderson, Rev. H. E. Wiellwogd, James Ellis, Janme-sa Skeele, Carl James, Mrs. J. E. Smith. Mrs. R. Paris, Mrs. A. L. Phipps, W. A. wrighth Trench. The fifth annual Bridge WaS‘ held‘ in the High School Gym and! while the attendance was amall the even- ing was a financial success, thanks rho the woa'k of the ladies: of the re- freshment anti attendance committee amfl the ability of our auctioneer. Balance . . . . . . . . Membership . . .. Grants . . . . . . . . . Spraying . . . . . . . Donation . . . . . . . Bridge and’ Sundry Civic Improvements Spraying . . . . . ‘ Prizes . . . . . . . . . ‘ Tfie following is the report pre- sented! by the secretary-treasurer: $45729 During the year there there were 4 Directors meetings and one iLlusâ€" trated! lecture om» Flower Arranging. Four shows were held and! the [total number of entries was 380, exhilb- ivtorsv 79, value of cash: prizes $83.11. The membershixp for 1940 was 100. 41 orchrardls were sprayed) and all but two accounts; are paid, one of the two in arrears for two years‘ A service diploma was awarded to Mrs. A. J. Hume in recognition of her 10mg and valuable w-onk as see- retary-treasurer. The secretary would like to take this opportunity to thank ali those who donated money, lab-our or prizes to the society the past year. Their help is of great assistance in carry- ing' on the work. The work of the society in this and past years war- rants the swpport of every lover of flowers, trees and beautiful home surroundings in the village. During the past year $147.00 or $47.00 more than the total membership fees was spent in- the work on the park and‘ village streets. If this work its rto Expenditures Receipts Yonge at Cast lef ield $ 86.98 105.00 105.46 $457.29 $146.96 78.67 83.11 67.65 81.50 90.15 42.25 2‘7 .45 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6th, 1941. Total cost . . . . . . Government subsidy Relief Shows Subdtmhtial Drop â€" Cotumcil Gets a Bduqulet From Satisfied Taxpayer Eightyâ€"two poi'nt seven per cent of the 1940 tax levy for Vaughan Township was paid: [by the end .of the year, Clenk and] Treasurer J. M. McDonald reported to the regular meeting of Vaughan Town-ship counâ€" ciI Monday afternoon. This is a little higher percentage than in! 1939. In fact tax payments have consist- ently improved since 1936 when the percentage paid] by bhe end of the year was 76.5. The total levy in 1940 was $87,978.67 and of this 372,- 765.14 was paidl by Decemlber 3lst. The report showed the arrears as to the various conuceSSions. The larg- est amount of arreans are in con- cession one, $2,781.58 and the small- est in concession eleven, $10.44. Relief expenditure in 1940 was very materially limeducedi amounting to only $7,946.99 compared' with an expenditure of $24,458.02 in 1936. Comparative relieif figures for 1940 and 1936 are as: follows: YEAR 1936 Total cost . . . . . . Government s‘uIbnsid‘y 'Cost to Vaughan . . . . . . . . . $1,589.39 Relief administration costs in the Township which were $1325 in 1936 were reduced 'to $325 in: 1940. Re- lietf expenditure for 1941 has been estimated at $4,875.00. The saving to the ratepayers of Vaughan in 1940 as com’paredv with 1936 amount- e& to about one and a quanter mills in taxation. Coumcil ,passed the necessary by- law to provide $1800 requested by Lan'gstaizf School section» for alteraâ€" tions to the lslcho-ol. The money will be loaned to the Section by the Clereg Reserve Fund at the rate of Municipal representatives like all men in any department of public life are more used‘ to briuklbats than bou- que~ts. Hence there was surprise and satisfaction: when the f'OlllOWlng let- ter received by Reeve R. W. Scott from a ratepayer was neadl at Mon- d’ay’s meeting: “Please accept our congratulations on the efficient mane ner in which you have managed your office as Reeve of Vaulghan Town- e‘hip. Kindlly convey to your Dep- utyâ€"Reeve Mr. Wel‘drick, alsvo coun-â€" cillors Hostr-alwsler, Robson and Dick our congratulations on the honourâ€" able way in which they discharge their duties. We aLl like to tell you of (the wrongs and complaints, and VAUGHAN TAX PAYMENTS UP FOR PAST YEAR Employees of H. J. Mills Ltd. this week _sent a contribution of $65 to the British War Victims Fund. HIGH SCHOOL BOARD APPOINTMENTS A. A. Eden was re-apipointed‘ as member of the Richmond Hill High School Board by County Council this week. Two new members are G. S. Waltwin: and R. Phipps. These three with James Skeel‘e, Frank Schislier and C. H. Sanderson ap- pointed‘ by the Village Council make up phe High School Board for the coming year. LIONS MEET TONIGHT The regular meeting of the Lions Chub will be held at the Rustic Inn this evening at 6.340 pmi. be kept up more menifbers‘ are need“ ed! and) it is hoped that the .people of the village will continue to sup; port the society as in the past so that this year may be even better than the past. I think we should be just as anxious to give you pnaise when it is merit- edi. Wishing you continued success.” CONTRIBUTE TO WAR VICTIMS FUND 5 pe} cent. It will be repaid in 6 annual} instalfmenrbs of $364.63. osnt to Vaughan YEAR 1940 J. Martin, Secâ€"Treats $24,458.02 17,581.07 $7946.99 . 6,357.60 $6,876.95 Ri’chmlond‘ Hill and every commun- ity in York County must do its full share in this vitally important phase of our war effort. We pride ourâ€" selves in our loyalty and devotion to the cause of Empire, and we're challenged to prove it now. This community and all comlmunlities in Canada must work and save and lede to win the war. Some will buy bOHId'S, all' can Ibuy War Savings Stamps and Certificates. It’s a small thlmg we’re asked to do when we consider the cause at stake and the sacrifice others are making. We’re only asked] to lend our money, and we’llI get it back with interest. SAVINGS DRIVE COMMITTEE MEETS FRIDAY NIGHT Will Make HF)qu to I-[kiusle Canvass For War Effort For service at home a vast Na- tional Savings Plan has .been organ- ized: to enable people in all walks ocf life to save money and. le’n-d: it to Canada to buy all the munitions and supplies needed by our gallant arm- ed} forces ’00 win the war. February is the month set for thlis big drive, and now committees are active in Richmond Hill and surrounding disv tri-ct organizing a thorough house to house canvass to enlist every per- son as an active com'trfbuting sup» porter of the Embire’s war effort. The big job ah-eadl of every York County comtmunyihy this month is tq put this War Savinlg's dvrive over the top. We know every last commu-nw ity will‘. The boys in our fighting forces; are doing a mighty fine job and it’s up to us: who stay at home to back them up. Richmond Hill"s drive gets under way with a big worker’s meeting in the Muni'cipalv HalP Friday evenv- ing at 7.30 pm. J. A. Greene is chairman for this district which in~ cl-udes Richmond Hill, Vaughan and! Woodlbrid‘ge, and Dr. J. P. Wilson heads a special‘ campaign committee. This committee and all interested in helping along the drive are asked to meet in the Municipal Hall Friâ€" day evening at 7.310. The members of the committee already named and to which others will be added are: J. A. Greene, District Chairman; Dr. J. P. Wilson, Campaign Chairman; E. D. Cumning‘ha-m, Secretary; James Pol‘lard‘, Councillor R. D. Little, Reeve T. H. Trench, L. H. Clement. James Stewart, Walter Scott, J. E. Smith, P. E. Angle, P. C. Hill, J. R. Herrington, W. J. Taylor, Frank Schisler, A. J. McLatichy, L. A. Hill, Allan Bales, F. Hoover, Dr. R. K. Young, Y. B. Tracey. W. W. Trench, Road expenditure in Markham Township in _the year 1940 totalh‘éd $26,187.01 andl at the regular month- ly meeting of the counvciF held at Un‘ionvville Monday council made ap- plication to the provincialv governâ€" ment for subsidy on this amount. v R. J. Stiver \Xras appointed! Weed Inspector for the west half of the Township at a salary of $165 ranrd Road expenditure for 1941 was estimated at $26,000, practically the same as in 1940. It is divided 2”. follows; Construction $3000, bridlge 31000, machinery $2500, superlntend- enlt‘s salary $1500, maintenance and repairs $18,000. MARKHAM PLANS T0 SPEND $26,000 0N ROADS IN 1941 J. W. Warriner forvthe éast half at $100. ' ' R. Paris, G. S. Walwvin, E. Mans~ bvidLge, H. F. A‘u‘sfin, W. C‘o'tto‘n, A. A. Eden, A. R. Hill, Ranld' Phiplps‘, Councillor Wes Midldleton, Councillor W. Neal, A. Teal, R. J. Craig‘ie, Rev. W. F. Wrixon, Dr. F. Hogg, R. Ed~ mundls, I. D. Ramer, M. P. Maltlby, Arthur White, Dr. James Langstaff, Dr. W. J. Mason, James Butler, D. M. Chammley, W. L. Glass, Garfield Yerex, A. E. Glass. Dr. W. J. Wil- son, J. C. C‘otr-ell, Martini Caldwell, Charles! Graham, W. S. Pocflmell, V. McCullough, Geo. Agar, M."B. ILIall‘, Accounts pa-s‘sed' inlcluded: $181.60 for snow plowing, Bituminous Spray< inug Co. for mounting snow plow, $47.66. Rel‘ief accounts amounted to $318.29. AT _Ci:ui01:sfiafifl(, Abfi'ed Mills, Freti Hopper, James .Sk-eele, Duncam Kerr, C. H. Sanderson. Mrs. Morley Smith of Toronto spent Friday at the home of Mrs. W. J. Hong-e. There was a good attendance at the annual skating party of Zion Lutheran Church which was held Saturday afternoon at Richmond Hill rin‘k. Mr. and) Mrs. C. J. Roibeson and Mrs. R. F. Manitt attended the For- rest-Clipsham weddfin-g' in Toronto on Friday. We are glad to raport that Wrm. Orr is recovering after a ious heart attack last week. A numlber of the High School stu- dents attended! a skating party on Thursday evening at Richmond Hill. Proceeds are to be used to purchase boxes for former stud-ems: who are now overseas. Service will be helld in Zion Luth- eran Church next Sunday morning at 11 am. standard! time. Everyone cordially invited. The Veliliore Old Boys Association held! a dance last Wednesday even- ing in the hall at Vellore. In the course of the evening Mr. Richard Jarrett, the oldest member of the association, was presented with a cane. The Preslbyteriam Guild: held their weekly meeting at the home of Mrs. A. L. McNeil. The sltuvdly book was taken: by Campbell Snider and Earl McNaughton gave a very interest- ing talk on “Bomlb Sight.” and Mrs. The communion service of St. An- drew’s and} St. PauF’s Presbyterian Churches was held) on) Sunday at St. Paul"s Church. The sympathy of the community is extended| to Mrs. L. Laver in the death of her mother. The regular meeting of the Y.P.U. was held on Monday evening- with the Fellowship convenor Jim Groves in charge. The scripture was read by Margaret Gale amd the quartet, Margaret Ramsay, Margaret Fock- ler, Doug and] Edwin Crook, sang. Margaret Fookler gave a very inter- esting talk on “Various Religious Festivals”. On Monday evening. Feibruary 10th the Y.P.U. will hold a 'box social. The annual meeting of the United Church was held on Wednesday ev- ening, January 29th. Excellent re- ports} were received from all departâ€" ments. Total receipts were $2542.00 of which $500.00 was given to mis- sions. $50.00 of‘ this amount was donated to the Sundlay School. Mr. and Mrs. J. Manning ste-nt Sunday at the home of their dvaugh- te‘r Mrs. Roy Fierheller at Aurora. Pledge for War MAPLE NEWSY NOTES SINGLE COPIES in. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Bruce McDonald gave a contest. At a ceremony in Deer Park Cha- pel, Toronto, Friday, January 31%, Esther Clipshalm, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Clixpsham of Gravenâ€" hurs‘t, (became the !bride of Rev. Alâ€" fred C. Forrest, Creighton Mines. son of Mr. and! Mrs. Alex Forrest, Maple. Rev. J. G. Gorwill' of Graivâ€" enhurst officiated assisted: by Rev. Fred) Job-Mn of Toronto. The bridle who was given in mar- riage by her father wore an after- noon gown of burgundy crepe with matching off-'the-faace tufiban and cox-sage of white carnations, freesia and forgetâ€"me-nots. She wao attend- ed by Miss Frances Tod& of Cobalt who wore an aqua colJorecI flnook wi‘fix confrasting ha-t amd! consage of pale pink camations. Leslie Vipond of Toronto was grooms'm-an and ughers we're David Proctor of Toronto and Hugh Todd, Langs‘tatff. Following the ceremony there was a reception at Wyvmihwood where Mrs. W. A. Morrison, aunt of the bride, received in a navy ensemble with a consage of roses. Mrs. For- rest, mother of the groom, who also received, wore a gown of dusky rose with a corsage of Premier roses. After a. trip to Montreal, Rev. and Mrs. Forrest will reside in Creighâ€" ton Mines. The Installation of newly elected officers took place at Zion Lutheran iC-h'urch: lash Sunday. They were: IEIdEI‘S, Messrs. R‘eulbeny Keffer. llesrs-e Keffer and; Dan/id] Julian. T1115- ltee, Mr. Roland) Kefrfer. Deacons, Leo )Klersnt, Samuel Came, Arthur F‘oster. ) Sunday next is Forelign Missions Sunday at Zion Lutheran Church. IIt being the hundredth ‘anmiversary [of our work in» India: there will be la special offering. VAUGHAN AND RICHMOND HILL AUXILIARY OF VETERANS The following officers were elect- ed at the temth annual meeting of the Auxiliary: President for 4th term, Mrs. Andrews; vice~pres., Mrs. Adams: recording secretary for 3rd term, Mrs. Masters; treasurer, Mrs. R. White; sick committee, Mrs. Bmt- 191', Mrs. Pollard, Mrs. Adams; enâ€" tertainment committee, Mrs. Mast- A meeting for knitting will] be held at the home of Mus. A. White Wednesday, February 12. Everyone welcome. A eu'C'hl'e will ‘be held at the home of Mrs. Destury Febru- ary 18th at 2 pan. The qufltt d‘raw has been postponed unfitil Feb. 13th. Draw to be made at Davies Store. BITS Savings N0. 32.

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