Newspapers, bankers, employers, service clubs, mer- chants, and thousands of other people are setting out both to sell war savings certificates and the idea that it’s time we all made some sacrifices. There is a great deal of money available; both among the working people and the more well-to-d‘o, that will be had through this effort, without endangering standards of living. And even if the standard of living were endangered, it still would be worth whileâ€"Printed Word. The government is to be commended for the amaz- ingly comprehensive plans which have been made for reaching all the earners of the nation, not merely the pluto- crats who normally have investment surpluses. There are, of course, workers and workers’ wives who now, for per- haps the first time in years have some funds with which to replenish linen cupboards. But even these people should be persuaded that, ‘while bombs fall on Britain, enabling our government to buy more rounds of .303 ammunition for machine guns is more immediately necessary than that the missus have a new sewing machine to replace the an- cient foot-power gadget inherited from Aunt Emma in 1909. FEBRUARY SALE February is to be the month when citizens of every class and creed, sex and political belief are uniting in an effort to get the mass of the public to buy War Savings Certificates. No matter what one’s beliefs or prejudices, so long as one is a Canadian and a believer in the cause, there can be no question that every dollar raised to swell the coffers of the government is a dollar which helps win the war. MAKING OUR HIGHWAYS SAFE Every effort to promote safety merits the support of every good citizen. Particularly commendable is the campaign against the hit-and-run driver, undoubtedly the most callous type of offender. Prison bare are altogether too generous a fate for the driver who will run down a fellow-human and drive off to leave his victim without even first aid treatment for his injuries. Attorney-Gen- eral Conant with commendable zeal makes a plea that any offence of this type be immediately reported to police by any witness. This is all to the good, but we suggest a greater deterrent to this and all other highway traffic violations is sure and stiff sentences for offenders. Too many after lengthy court cases go free. Stiff jail sent- ences for all, irrespective of any possible consideration of rank or fortune, will do more than anything else to make our highways safe. Join with the committee in your local community in putting over this February drive. Don’t wait until you’re asked, it’s your war, jump in and help. If you’re asked, don’t “pass the buck†or make excuses, put your effort and enthusiasm into this job like the gallant defenders of Britain and Greece. ~ ALL MUST HELP Every man, woman and child is now given the oppor- tunity of sharing in the great task of Victory. In a cause so great nothing that our country asks of us is too much. Some are called to serve in the army, the air force or the navy but this is a glorious privilege not given to all. In the financial support of our war effort all can help, ALL MUQ'“ HELP if we are going to win the war. Join with the committee in your local community in THIS IS VITALLY NECESSARY. At stake in the present war is everything that is worth-while in life. Our liberty, everything that makes life worth living. not only for ourselves but for our chil- dren and our children’s children depends on the outcome of the present struggle. We are faced by a ruthless and powerful enemy and are fighting against big odds. If Hitler should win this war nothing else matters. If Hitler is not going to win the war, everyone must pay the price of victory. Coasting along in indifferent complacency, “passing the buckâ€, “resting on our oarsâ€, sitting back to let someone do the work WILL NOT WIN A WAR. Victims of Nazi aggression are forced to give every- thing. Canadians noware asked to lend. German people and their slaves are FORCED to do without many necess- ities, not to mention luxuries or comforts, to provide money and material for mechanized warfare. It’s guns before butter. That is the Nazi way. Hitler sneers at Democ- racy. He Sneers at the idea of voluntary co-operation of free men as inefficient, out-dated, doomed. IS HITLER RIGHT? Can Democracy, can Canada, can Richmond Hill, can Vaughan, Markham, King, Whitchurch and North York Townships meet that challenge by democratic methods? February is War Savings Pledge month and we can give the answer. The answer must be in ACTION not words or wishful thinking. SAVING AND LENDING IS VITALLY NECESSARY Canada is making a wonderful contribution to this war, but if it is to continue money must be provided to buy tanks, planes, ships, guns, supplies and equipment for our fighting forces. THE JOB OF EVERY CITIZEN, NOW, IS TO SAVE AND LEND to provide the materials which will hasten victory. THIS IS NO FAIRY TALE, The appalling indifference of many people to the ex- treme gravity of the war situation is the most discour- aging feature on toâ€"day’s horizon. An example is the re- luctance of many to make any effort in necessary war work which means sacrifice of comfort or convenience. Volunteer leaders in the present campaign to enlist every citizen as a regular war saver are met with more excuses than offers of help. The chairman of the voluntary com- mittee of citizens representing the district including Rich- mond Hill, Vaughan and Woodbridge has spent hours en- deavouring to secure someone to take the lead in various districts. Let’s face the facts â€" this kind of an attitude WILL NOT WIN A WAR. J. Eachem Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Subscription $1.50 per year -â€" To the United States $2.00 Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District Advertising Rates on Application. TELEPHONE 9 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RIGHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING 00., LTD INDIFFERENCE WILL NOT WIN A WAR PAGE TWO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6th, 1941. EVERYTHING IS AT STAKE IN GERMANY IT IS FORCE “THE LIBERAL†Established 1878 “And, dear God, please send| the beautiful snow to keep the little flowers warm throuth the winter.†block ofcf!’ Tho I that thtil‘lu†And perhaps there is more to this one than appears on the surface: Little Elaine had surprised her mo- ther with this pOStscript to her usual bedtime prayer: her keep so quiet?†“He thed," replied‘ the little girl solemnly, “hie thaid, ‘You little brat, if you don’t th'ut your mouth and behave yourself, I’ll knock yOur Climbing into ‘bed, she confided to her mother: 0n the way home the mother said: “And what did the lovely photogra- pher say to mother’s darling to make A mother took her child to the local photographer. The child was restless and fidgety and) the mother could not keep her quiet. It became exasperatinug. All three were worn out. Finally the photographer as‘k- ed the mother if she would leave the room, telling her that he thought he could quiet the childl and' that he had‘ a way of his own with children. The mother left. All was quiet in the inner room. In a few minutes the picture was successfully taken and] the child came out smiling. sooth: This! chasm that has 'been nought to me, To that fair-headed youth may a pitfall: be; - He, too, must cress in the twilight dim; I Goodl friend, I am building the bridge for him.†I And1 now for a few sparkling bits of humour: tide?†The builder lifted his old‘ gray headâ€" “‘There followeth‘ after me a youth Whose feet must pass this way, for- Did‘ you ever sit down to write a Letter, and then find yourself at a Loss for something to write about? The most d’iï¬icu'lt part of letter- writing, or for that matter, any kimd of writing, is the ‘getting started’ pailt. If that 'be true of writing, it is equally true of all’ labor, manual and mental. In groping aroundl menu tally, and in searching through books of different kinds for a ‘bit of in- spiration with which to start this latter, the following gripped out at- tention and‘ seemed to be worthy of passing along, so here it is: near, “You are wasting your strength with building here; Your journey will end with the endl- ing day; You never again] will pass this way; Why 'build you this bridge at even- TEN THINGS TO DO . Do good! to all. Speak evil of none. Hear and) know the facts before passing judgment. 4. Think before speaking. 5. HoldI an angry tongue. 6. ‘Be kind“ to the idlisl‘res‘sie‘d‘. 7. Ask pardon for all wrongs. 8 9 CID-[OH . Be patient toward everylbodly. . Stop the ears to a tale-bearer. . 10. Dis-believe most of the ill reports concerning friends, neighbours, and people in general. , Three is a verse in .‘the Bible which speaks of seeking out one’s own sall- Vation; every time it comes to mind, there also comes to mind a short poem which was given during the course of a sermon by Rev. J. C. Cochrane While he was pastor in Newmarket over twelve- years ago. If you know the poem, so much the better, but if not, your present ac- quaintanceship with it will do you no harm. “To every man there openeth A way, and ways, and a way, And the high soul climbs the high way, And1 the low soul gropes the low, And, in (between on the misty flats, The rest drift to and fro. But to every man there openeth A High way, aml a Low, And every man decideth The way his soul shall go.†Another poem, given by the same minister, now Superintendent of Missions in Northern Ontario, and who will be with us both morning and evening of March 23rd, may [be More familiar to the readelxs of this etilumn; in any case, it will well bear repeating, and! it is as follows: THE BRIDGE BUILDER An old man, going a lone highway, Came at the evening cold] and‘ gray To a chasm which was flowing a slul- len tid-e. I The old man “(gassed in the twilight dim, The sullen stream had‘ no fears for him; But he turned when safe on: the other side, And] built a bridge to slpanl the tide. “Old manâ€, said a fellow-pilgrim The Parsonage, Thornhil'l, 0x112, Mondlay, February‘3rd, 19441 Dear Friends:â€" Thornhill United Church News THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO The following were elected as 1941 officers when the Emery Women’s Association held their annual meet- ing in the church: President, Mrs. W. 0. Duncan; lst Vice-President, d-ent, Mrs. E. Castator; Secretary, dnent, Mrs. 9. Castator; Secretary, Mrs. L. Ella; Corresponding Secre- tary, Miss Ida Love; ASst. Corres- ponding Sec., Mrs. G. Love; Treas- urer, Mrs. F. Usher; Pianist, Mrs. Harrison; Asst. Pianist, Mrs. J. Devins; Devotional Conn, Mrs. Duck, Mrs. Wilson; Sick Com., Mrs. Wile son, Mrs. N. Riley, Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. G. Lund, Mrs. E. Castator, MrS. A..Goddard, Mrs. F. McClure; Mis- sionary Com., Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Muir; Social Comi, Mrs. F. Chap- man, Miss R. Rowntl‘ee, Mrs. A. Peelar; Mrs. W. Rowntree, Mrs. F. Peelar, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. R. Peelar, Mrs. Aitcheson, Mrs. E. Lauder; Auditors, Mrs. Lockhart, Mrs. N. Riley. What are “the Doldrulms?" When we speak of a person being “in the doldrums†it means that he is in low spirits. The expression arose from the fact that there is a part of the ocean' in the Equatorial» belt which suffers from calms or light, bafflimg winds. They are not of much acc‘ourmt to shipping nowaâ€" days because a steamer can proceed regardless of them, fbut: in the days of a sailing vessel a boat might be stationary for weeks on endâ€"hence the expression. A teacher in a Japanese girl’s school was asked, “Do you receive only pretty girls,â€. The questioner was told that they took all who came. “But they are all pretty.†“We teach them soulâ€"culture,†was the only explanation. “Well, I don’t “That’s the time I fooled Him; I want Lhe snow so I can go sleighrid’- ing' with my new sleigh.†There is the story of an old Lan- caéhire woman, dreadfully crippled with rheumatism, who used“ to hob‘ble to church on two sticks. It was. a painful, toilsome, slow ord‘eal which most of UIS would not have the cour- age to endure. One day a friend, who many time-s' had watched her holblble to church, alSlKed, y“How do you manage it?†She replied, “My heart gets there first, and‘ my old legs follow on after." If- our heart goes into the church first, our enerâ€" gies, prayers and gifts will soon follow. want my daughter +o become a Chris- tian, but I do want her to get that look on her face.†A fime testimony to the influence of the love of Christ. Christ was ‘placed midmmst in the worlldl’s history; and in that-central position he towers like some great ‘Everest’ to heaven â€" the farther slope stretching backward .toward creation, the hither slope toward the consummation of all things. The ages before look to Him with pro- phetic gaze; the ages since behold Him by historic faith; by both He is seen- seen in common as the brightness ‘of the Father‘s glory, and the unspeakable, the most signifi- cant, the most eflfectual, the most amazing and‘ wonderful gift of God to the human race. “Behold the Lamb of God, which talketh away the sin of the world!†AndJ so, till next week, goodrbye. Sincerely, Your Minister Why Have Silver Coins a, Mill‘ed Edge? In‘ olden days coins were not nice- ly centred, and the edges were often rough. As a. result, people used to cl'ip tiny’pieces off them for the sake of the metal, especially gold and silver coins. A- little clipping made no apparent difference, but when a coin. had‘ passed through many hands, its value grew consider- ably less. To stop this practice, a milled edige was provided, and thus the least attempt at clipping was, instantly evident. And! with: the following thought as regards the centrality of Christ in the hife of man, we will close for this time, looking forward to being with: you again next week: Why Do We Speak of “A Pig in a Poke?†This exï¬ression is used to describe a hasty bargain in which the buyer is disappointed. This is a‘ refer- ence to a. common practice in the old: days. Sucking pigs were taken to market in sacks, or pokes as they were called, and sometimes a cat was substituted for the pig and only discovered) by the hasty ‘buyer when, on reaching home, he opened‘ the sack. Poke, an old word for a sack, is 'b-elieved to The allied with the old‘ English pohha, a poulch or bag. DO YOU KNOW ? EMERY Weeklies on the Air 3 Yearf Just a year ago this week, Andy Clarke, CIBC newscaster, started his weekly broadcasts over the Ontario network of the CBC under the title “Neighnbourly News From the Week- liesâ€. It wasn’t without a certain amount of fear and: trepidation that the CBC undertook to introdxuce an entirely newsr program, featuring the homey interesting items appearing each week in the weekly newspapers of the province. From the first broaticast the program was a suc- cess, and! the trial period proved/ that the people of Ontario liked to hear of the! happening-s in the small communities of the province. The program was placed on a perman- ent basis and now it has completed its first year. It is not the txy-pe of program which one would expect would draw fan mail and‘ yet Andy Clarke has had plenty of fan mail, and] from the comments received by newspapers acress the province, the program has a very lSJ‘ge follow~ inig. Probably not the least surpris- ed‘ at the success was the CBC itâ€" self. Now it has been decided! to extend) the [broadcasts and regional additions of Neighibourly News are 'being broadcast in other sections of Canada. The featuring of the weekly press on the air is important because the weekly preSs wields a tremendous influence across Canada. Few people realize it, but it is nevertheless true, that rural voters elect more mem- bers of the House of Commons and more Members of Provincial Legisla- tures than do residlents of urban centres, andl in: that way rural vot- ers have much: to say about the manner in which the nation is gov- WOOOMWWWWW ASK FOR HANDBILL Cost of accommodation in sleeping cars additional BAGGAGE C‘HECKED. Stopovers at all points enroute going and returning. Similar Excursions from Western to Eastern Canada During Same Period Tickets, Sleeping Car Reservations and all information from any Agent. THEY’RE HERE CITIES SER VICE Bonded Batteries CANADIAN NATIONAL (Brampton Conservatcrr) From all Stations in Eastern Canada GOING DAILY FEB. 15 - MAR. 1, 1941 inclusive Return Limit â€" 45 days TICKETS GOOD IN COACHES at fares approximately ll/sc. per mile TOURIST SLE'EPING CARS at fares approximately 1%c. 29 Yonge Street HAVE YOUR BATTERY CHECKED BY US TODAY AND PREPARE FOR COLD WEATHER AHEAD. Our Service Department has the best and latest type of CHARGING and TESTING Equipment. Our Staff is thoroughly trained to give you Efficient Service anywhere in this district. Motorists! We wish to announce That we now have a complete stock of the new CITIES SERVICE BONDED BATTERIES This new “MILE MASTER†Battery gives you the finest quality and longest service guarantee money can buy. WESTERN CANADA SPECIAL BARGAIN EXCURSIONS , , 7- ..‘x__ï¬v"vv-7, ..,..â€"- per mile STANDARD SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately -1%c. per mile MEL. MALTBY 7 YEARS SAME LOCATION CITIES SERVICE STATION THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6th, 1941. emed. There is nothing more re- presentative of the rural people than the weekly press, and] for that rea- son, the weekly press likewise is an increasingly important factor in the nation. SHEPPARD & GILL L U- M B E R WE'RE THINKING NOW AS LIKE A5 NOTâ€"- A TALK WITH US MIGHT HELP COMPANY RICHMOND HILL Phone 12 T16