Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Feb 1941, p. 4

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our and sownd: will include beauti- ful scenes of Algonquin Park; Mus» kolaa. in autumn; the first engineer; the wild’ bearver at work; Royalty visits Canada, and others. These were taken and are being‘shown by Mr. Staples of the Staples Studio, Huntsville. The teach-ens: and pupils have designed large postens and tickets and! are doing all they can to encourage attendance. Your gen- erosity is solicited. The hall has been dionated for the occasion and so the pnoceeds will go into the British War Victims Fundi. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ridden have removed to Maple where Mr. Ridâ€" d‘efl will be emxp’loyed on the Math-e- son estate. They will reside in new home No. 3. The first public opportunity to patronize the Telegram British War Victims Fund. in King City will fall on Thursday, February 6th, 8 pm. MchonaM & Wells Hall un- der the auspices of King Public Sch-001. Moving p-isctur-es, all in col- Master RlOSS Rawhings celdbrated his 7th birthday last week and was host to several friends. (Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Walker of Kimgh-orn were tenderedl a commun- Mr. Jamesi Patton was honored on his birthday on Sunday, Februâ€" ary-2nd", when the family, grand- children and Miss Betty Day of Toâ€" ronto all gathered :fior a dinner part‘y. NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS 8.8. No. 24 VAUGHAN Richvale Take Notice A regular School Board meet- ing will be held on the first Friday of each month. S. MacPherson, Sec.â€"Treas. Listen :0 “The Shadow"â€"GFRB, Tues., 8.30 p.m., OKOO, Tues., 9.00 p.m., GFRC. Thurs., 8.00 pm. Harold W. Mortson 11 CENTRE ST. WEST CHARLES GRAHAM MASSEYâ€"HARRIS AGENT Farm Implements, Machinery and Repairs . Beatty Farm Equipment Telephone Richmond Hill 93 It only takes one ton of ‘blue coal’ to prove to you that it’s the greatest heating value money can buy. For cleaner, better heating at less cost, order ‘blue coal’ today. When you go to a hatchery to order chicks this spring find out what they have done in a breeding way to better the quality of their chicks and compare it with Peelar’s. During the past season we had the honor of filling an order received by the Dept. of Agriculture, Ottawa. This order was from a breeder in the Orange Free State, South Africa for 6 pullets and 2 cockerels. These had to be outstanding birds with good breeding. At New York in the Central Egg Laying Contest com- peting against many of the most prominent breeders in the United States we had the high Barred Rock pen. PHONE 571'11 At home this past season we made better records in R.0.P. than ever before. Qualified a larger per cent of birds with more eggs per bird. Order your Barred Rock Chicks from Peeler’s R.O.P. Sired Barred Rocks PAGE FOUR I. D. Ramer & Son PHONE 10 THE ELEVATOR RICHMOND HILL Successor to . A. PEELAR “,4. On Sunday afternoon, February 2. Rev. D.ou.g1‘aG Davis was presented with a handsome “Geneva Gown” by the Dramatic Club anci choir of Las- kay United Church. Mr. Davis wore the gown at the afternoon service. A short time ago Mrs. McCalium of King presented the choir with choir gowns, so everything is complete and a credli'taible addition to the chumh appointments. Ry presentation at Laskay cencly, receiving two ( chairs. Ptes. Jack Ball and Les Kerr, Three Rivers, Que" spent a hong week-end at their homes at Evers- King United Fanm-ers elected off- icers at Temperance'vil‘le School last week. Leonard Glass, president; Ray Jennings, 15ft vice-pres; Roy Fol‘l- iott, 2nd vice-(prea; W. E. Bar‘ker. sec.-treas.; directors, Willbe'rt Jenn- ings, C. E. Walkington, H. McQuan- rire, Scott Bova'ir, Clayton Beynon. A surplus of $173 showed‘ on» finan- cial sheet, with. $1000 of business transacted inv 194m l-ey On Thursday £ollowing Prayer Service at King United. Church Dr. and Mrs; Mullett, recently returned missionaries from West China, will address the Y.P.U. at their regular missionary night. All are welcome to .attend the special evening. ‘Schomberg Library Board held its annual meeting electing E. Smith as president; secretary, Mrs. G. Sholts; librarian and treasurer, Marjorie Barley; drirectors, E. Smith, C. Mor- rison, Mrs. Kay F. Cantellon, Mrs. Mklean. M. Burlln-g. OIftficers elected at King City ce- metery annual meeting on Jan. 25 are as: follows: L Scott, president; Marshall MtMurchy, vice-pres; Wal~ ter Roflh‘ng, sec; 'Olirver Sturdy, treas.; Directors, 0. Sturdy, F. Wil-x 1173;, A. McClure, E. Bone, C. Dice‘ mam, M. MwMurch'y, D. M. Ross, [Mervin Wilrsonv, implement agent, was elected as third member to the Commissioner's Board- for Police Vilflage of King on January 315$. Thos. Ezamd), W. Badger. It pays to “Ads”. MAPLE, ONT. A. B. Wells, L. Scott, use Liberal Classified Laskay Hall re- two occasion-a! I0 On Wednesday of last week, the York County Holstein Club held its annual meeting in Richmond Hill with most of the business being transacted; in the morning. Presi- dent Geo, W. Henry of Todmorden presided and: reported on: the year’s activities, including the annual banâ€" quet, field day and) the Black and White Show at Markham Fair. He pointed! out that the Directors had held! ten meetings during the year and the paid-up membership of 106 was about twentyâ€"five inI excess of last year’s: high record. Holstein Breeders Annual Meeting Clufb Fieldhn-an, Jos. Darlington of Todmorden, reported a very marked' increase in sales during the past year and pointed out that 919 h-erd of Hohsteins hath been; bl-ood' tested‘ under the new policy of the Canad- ian Association. Fedleravlly-listed’ cliean herds had increased from 26 to 40 and 120 herds had] been testedI under the area scheme in the Schem- ber'g district. About 80 Holstein herds are under ROI. test in York County. Sela. ‘Trea‘s. E. F. Ramsay of Sha- ron reported< a substantial increase in the ‘balance as comparedi with 1939, after having- s«ent a cheque for $25.00 to the British War Victims' Furnd. Geo. C. Jackson of Downs. vierw, 4th Vice Pres. of the Can. Holi- stein Association, outlined the work of the parent association: and urged memibens to attend‘ the annuat meet- ing at Toronto on Feb. 5th. WOMEN’S INSTITUTE The regular meeting Off the W0- lmen’s In‘stfitute will be held in the Municipal Hall- on Thursdléy, Felbruâ€" (ar'y 13th, at 3 p.m. ’Ilhis will be [grandmother’s day with- Mrs. A. L. il’hixppvs and Mrs. O. L. Wright in charge of the meeting. Roll call, “Cut-e sayings of chdld'ren‘". onsbe‘sls, Mrs. R. S. Cooper. After lunch, Mr. N. J. Thomas of the Ontario Agricultural College gave a very interesting and enlight- ening address on pasture improve- ment recommending avoiding where possible, lorw szwamypy pastures which are low in feed value; breaking up, cleaning and re-seeding old‘ pastures where land is tillalble; using seed, mixtures with a variety of hardy grasses that will survive with altf- alzfa to reduce bloating. He recom- mended six or seven lbs. per acre of orchard: or brome grass as these grow well on through the season where timothy does not. Controlled pasture adds to the productiveness by not cropping too closely nor yet allowing an excessive growth. Last year; .Nvith such succulent growth, some out their pastures to make molasses silage and thus prevented the growth getting ahead of cattle. The following dilectors were elect- ed! by )ballot: Roy Barker, Woodr- brid'ge; Cameron Boake, Downsview; ’Archie Cameron, Woodlbridge; Jos. Darlin'gton, Todrmorden; Rankin Kel- lam, Weston; S. B. Watson, Aginâ€" court; J. S. Watson, Woodlbridvge; Thos. Kelly, Schomiberg; Leroy Liv- ingston, Woodbridlge; Leryli Turner, Stouflfville; Datvid‘ MC‘Kie, King; Frank Ramsay,- Sharon; Earl Rise- borough, Elders Mill‘s; Russell Sni- der, Kleimburg. Afi the Directors" meeting which followed, the following officers were elected: President, Roy Barker, Woodlbrid-ge; Vice-Pres" Archie Calm- eron, Woodbridge; Sevc.-Treas., E. F. Ramsay, Sharon. It was decided to hold the annual banquet in March as usual and if possible in A-gincourt this year. HALLS g SE V 5757/55 Cold weather is a severe test for any gas or oil. Hall’s Service Station gas vaporizes instantly and Hall’s oils flow freely at even low temperature. This of course, means quick starting and no cranking for you, Mr. Motorist. Let us serve you. “Be Ready With Reddy Power” guyâ€"uu UMUV OPPOSITE ORANGE HOME MEET THE HAPPINEQS TWINS THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Stressing the value of friendship, 'seltf-saliesman's‘hip and. personality, Mr. J. W. Lamr’ence,‘ Sales Director of the Borden Milk (30., gave a fitt- ing address at the closing banquet of the Unionvil‘le Short Course on Friday evening last. Mr. Lawrence spoke in novel‘ fashion and his speech was as fitting to old) as well as young. , Mr. W. M. Coekiburn acted as toastmaster and) made everyone .much .at home with his hnucmlorous touch. One of the most talented soloists' to ‘appear in York County in‘some time in the person of Mrs. J. Denisxon, formerly with the B.B.C., gave sev- eral deldgh‘tzful‘ numbers. Unionville Short CourseCloses With Successful Banquet Toasts included one to the “Ho-me- ndakers”, proposed! by Ray Tifrfany o<f Mi‘l'liken‘ anvd‘ respondedl to by Mrs. Betty Mactklin of A‘gincourt; one to Lthe “Heartbreakers)", proposed by Ida Reesror of Mafkheam amt re! stpxonded to Fb‘y Mr. Jack Macklin of ’Agincourt; one to the staff by Miss Dorothy Stiver, Unriorwill‘e and! re» sponded) to by the instructresses, [Miss Petty and Miss‘ Hamilton, both ‘of Toronto. Dick Hilvliard, Assistant Representative, voiced1 a. few words of thanks to all those helping to make the short course such a sme- CBSS. Caterers for the evening were the Um'onvil‘lve Women’s Institute. Auld Lang Syne and the National Anthem brought the evening to a cllose. MONDAY, FEB. Nthâ€"Auction sale of stock, immbemen-ts, etc, the prop- erty of Howard B. Longtfield, E. hakf lot 2, Con. 3, Township of East Gwil- limlbury. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. J. H. Prentice, Auctioneer. 11 a.m.â€"wa1ic Worship. Sermon sufbject, “Standing the Test". 7 p.m.â€"An evening with the- great hylmns of the Christian: Church. No. 2, “Just as I am.” Inspiring music by choir and; congregattiom at ' 0th norninlg and evening wor- ship. You and your friends cor- dially imvited. “A Sunday well spent brings a week of contenfc". Come and Share our services with us. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D. Pastor Sunday, Feb. 9th 9.45 a.m.â€"Sunday School. All de- partments. ‘SAT., FEB. 15 â€" Auction Sale of 'Farm Stock, Implements, Furniture, ‘e’oc., lot 2, con. 2, Sealiboro Huff 'corn‘ers, the property of Harvey ‘Dunm. Sale at 1 pm. S.T. Terms 'cals‘h. No reserve. J. H. Prentice, auctioneer. TUESDAY, FEB. 25â€"Auction sale of Farm Stock, Implements», Hay, Grain, Roots, Threshing Machine and Trader, the property of Daniel Donâ€" era], E. half Lot 19, Con. 5 North York Twp., 2 miles north of Wilson Ave. No reserve as farm is: rented. Terms cash. Sale at 12.15 Standard Time. J. Cari Saigeon, Auctioneer. WED., FEB. Nthâ€"Auction sale of farm st0ck, implements, hay, grain, furniture, the property of John Mc- Gihlivray, PM 31, con. 7, Vaughan. Sale at 1 p.m. Standard Time. Terrms cash. No reserve as owner has rent- ed farm. J. Carl ‘SaigeOn, auct. WED” FEB. Withâ€"Auction sale of Valuable Farm: Property, Farm Shock, Implements, Hay, Grain, Furniture, etc., the property of Le'vi Goddard Estate, Lot 12, Concession 5, Vaughan Township, 11/2 miles north of No. 7 Highway, north of Edgel‘ey. Sale at 12.30 Standard Time. J. Carl Saigeon, Auctioneer. WIED., MLARCH 5th: ’â€" Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay. Grain, etc. the property of George Jarrett, E. half of lot 21, con. 4, Vaughan, Village of Maple. Sale at 1 «pm. J. C. Saigeo-n, auctioneer. THURS, MARJOH 6â€"Auction sale of Farm S‘tocvk, Implements, Hay, Grain, etc., the property of George Ba‘ker, W. xhalfi‘ of Lot 13, Con. 2, Vaughan. Two miles north of No. 7 Highway. J. Carl Sasigeon, Auct. 990.6M6”0000OOWOQQOQOOMO”W”QQOQ§OOO0W0? 9MMOOOQOOONWOOOOmewOWWWO are from blood-tested and specially mated flocks on our own farm Price List on request SHERINDALE FARMS, Phone 122, Woodbridge, Ont. (On Highway N0. 7 east end of village) ‘ Sale Register SHERINDALE CHICKS rronto, Hy. 8102. YBATH, five ‘foot, with fittings, square, and may be built in mm Make offer to 403‘50udan Ave., To- BRI‘CK H‘OUlSE, Que-enwille, seven- ‘rovoms, sm‘avll 'barn, 1/2 acre lot, $2000. Apply Box 91, Liberal Off- 1933 FORD COUPE, rumble seat. Arpply phone 55, Richmond Hill, or David! Hill Co. Ltd. CHILD’S CRIB, large size, good‘ as new, cheap. Ajpply P. I-ngles, Jeff- erson, Ont. HORSES, $35.00 to $75.00 for quick sale. Leechlwood Fanm, RR. No. 2, Gormley, 21/2 miles east of Therm- hil-I, 1 mile south of No. 7 Highway. No. 1 KATAJHD‘IN POTATOES, als-o Seed! Potatoes. Apply Summfit Farm, -lst farm south of Summit Golf Club, 25 CHOICE LEGHOR‘N PULLETS. east side Layinu; also Red Cooker Spaniel pups. C. B-owenbamk, Stop 17A Yonge Street, Thlomhill. TWO HIORS'ES, 1 about 18 hand-s, a real good work honse; 1 chunk ex- cel‘lvent for market gard‘en work. Priced reasonably. Ap‘ply Samuel Winger, phone Maple 1062. on Radios, Refrigerators, Ranges, Frigidaire Milk Coolers and DeLaval Milkers. We still have a quantity without the new 25% tax. “Act quickly". Trades accepted. B. R. Leech, Toronto Radio & Sports, Ltd., 241 Yonge St., Toronto. (R.O.P. SLRED CH‘IC'KS make you {more money. Doncaster White Leg- uhom chicks are sired) by R.O.P. males. Big eggsâ€"Large birdbâ€" [High quality at reasonable prices. Free catalogue. Donnaster POul-try [Fax-m, Leo Bevan, Prop., Box B, YI‘homhill, Ont. ~ SPECIAL NO’I‘I CEâ€"SAVE MONEY FOR SALE OR RENT 7 ROOMED HOUSE, 18 Elizabeth St., for sale or rent, hot water heat- ed, large fire place, two halls, sun room. Possession February 1. Ap- ply 15 Centre St. 113., phone 38 Rich- mond Hill. 100 ACRES, Markham Township, good land, buildings, water, etc. 10 acres fall wheat. Land in good state of cultivation. Apply Box 110 Lil - eral Office. SAVE TIME by contacting the Big-:1 Chick agem: here. They can quote prices, take your order, see to de- livery when: you wish. You take no chances with Big-4 Chicks. Can- adian Approval; breeders bboodltes‘tâ€" ed. “Best chicks I ever haw on' 20 year’s pou-l'trykeepmg,” writes a cus- tomer. Wesley Clank, Gorml-ey, phlome Richmond Hill 471'4. EXPERT DRESSLMACKJING, dress deâ€" ‘sig‘m'ng, remodelling and‘ alterating. Mrs. N. R. McIntyre, Centre Street, 'Thornhill. HOUSES Raised and Moved. Phone Thornhill 73. t1 upholstering. cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs. Day 139 RATESâ€"Five lines or less: 25 cents for first insertion and 16 cenh for each subsequent insertxon. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extu each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. ' THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT Classified Advs. MISCELLANEOUS Feeds, Concentrates and Tonics for Farm Stock Poultry Buy Mashes built up and improved for nearly ‘ twenty years RICHMOND HILL, ONT. THE MILL FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE Phones: Evening 82w THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6th, 1941. Have you considered using Canad- ian Coal. We carry an excellent grade of Alberta for stoves or furnaces. Phone Jones Coal Campany, Rich- mond Hill 188. ‘6 ACRES, fan plowed, lével‘ Land, frontage on Bayview. L. F. Bagg, \Lot 15, Con. 2 Markham Township, phone Richmond Hilxl 4612. HOUSE to rent on Centre Street. Apply Rustic Inn. APARTMENT with modern conven- iences, electric- range, 'hardwoodai floors. Apply Liberal Office.’ COMFORTABLE SIX ROOMED HOUSE, water, electric, good gar- age. Apply I. D. Ramer, Richmond Hill. ‘Yonge Street north, all conveniences, garage, hen, house. Possession fimt bf March. Apply to John Mc’Leam 21 Church Street, Richmond Hill. lS-IX ROOMED BRICK HOUSE, 112' ‘FARJMS and Villlage Pr-opent’y for sale or exchange for City (properties._ -Box 91, Liberal Oftfice. \Y‘OU‘NG GIRL for general house- rwork, one in family, $15.00 month. ‘Mrs. Grantham, phone Thornhill 71. ITWO EXPERIENCED farrm Lands- 'w‘ant work. One married and one bingle. Apply J. Forsymhve, Oak ’Ridges. MAN’S SILVER WRIST WATCH on: IUSED ST'IFF' TOOTH CULTIVAT- house to accommodate three to five lhundred) hens. Rent or buy if terms ‘reasonable. May or before. Adver- 'tise Box No. 1, Milh'ken. Saturday last. Reward. Bud Jones, Richmond Hil'}. OR, 11 tooth. Must be in good: con- ditions for cash. W. McKay, phone ’Stouffville 5212. MLAN with some fam experience, will millk and do chores for month or six weeks for $8 per month and board. Apply Box 199, The Liberal. HOUSE WANTED with poultry FO‘R HOUSEWORK in Richmond Hill, in home with all modlem com- ven‘iernces, detpe'ndaible young girl, to live out. Experience not necessary if willing to learn. Apply Box 115, The Liberal Ocfifice, Richmond) ml]. HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Country girl between twenty-{five amd thirty for light housekeeping, good plain cook, nreat, take full charge, all coun- try conveniences, Protestant. Must have good: references. Apply Liberal Office. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) Used Cars 1939 MERCURY TOWN SEDAN a \Vhite Wall Tires and Heater. Small Mileage. 1939 FORD V-8 TUDOR _â€" Small mileage. Excellent copdfltion. 1931 BUICK SEDAN â€" A nice car 1935 PLYMOUTH COACH â€"- Thor- oughly reconditioned, new tires. Little Brothers FORD AND MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174 TO RENT WANTED $925.00 $725.00 $395.00 $195.00 LOST

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