Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Feb 1941, p. 5

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All persons having claims against the estate of THIOMAS THOMSON late of the Township of Markham, in the County of York, Retired Far- mer, deceased, who died at the said Township of Markham on the 24th day of August, 1940, are required to send details of the same verified (by affidavit to the under-mentioned Solicitors for the Executor,’ on or :before the 8th day of February, 1941, after which date the Estate will be distributed among the persons enâ€" titled thereto, having regard- only to those claims of which the undersign- ed shall then have received notice. All persons having claims against the Esltate of LEVI GODDARD, late of the Township of Vaulghan in the County of York, Farmer, de- ceased, who died} at the said Town- ship of thighlan on the 14th day of March, 1940, are required to send details of the same verified by affi- davit to the undersigned Solicitors for the Administratrix, on or before the 24th day of February, 1941, af- ter which d'ate the Estate will be distributed among the persons en- titled thereto, having regard only to those claims of which the under- signed! shall then have received notice. DATED this lst day of February, 194-1. All. persons having claims against the estate of Alexander Kerr, late of the Village of Richmond Hill in the County of York, Deceased, who died on or about the 12th day of December, 1940 are hereby notified to forward to the undersigned» on or before the 28th day of February, 1941, full particulars of their claims against the said' estate verified” 'by afrfid-avit. After the said date the Administrator of the said estate will distribute the assets of the said! de- ceased] having regard only \to claims of which he will then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and he will not [be liable to any person of Whose claim he sh-al'l not then have notice for the assets so distriâ€" buted' or any part thereof. SO’HDOOlL LIFE AND MUSIC Music as a subject of education ‘is very much in the air at present; ‘we meet it on all sides. I think it ‘is now realized that music is some- thing more than an: elegant accompâ€" ‘lishmernt â€" it is aflso a very valu- able mental and even moral. disci- pline, and! therefore we must ensure 'to our young people the best oppor- tunities possi'ble in the pursuance of their musical studies. Furthermore it is a. semfuous art and, as such, one of the chief means of human self- Dated at Richmond Hill in the ICounty of York this 24th day of January, 1941. Dated this 17th day of January, 1941. Somewhere in the back-waiters of our educational life there may re- main a few of those quaint surviv- al‘s of a past age who see nothing bud: the vocational side of education. For the most part, however, these highly exclusive traditionalists have {been s-haimed: inrto concealing- their prejudices, ana‘. betray themselves only occasionally 'by implications in some of their public utterances. Music, ’like every other subject, has its vocational side, but this~ as- pect most of our young folks may well be encouraged} to ignore until 'bheir yearning for a musical career (The folkzwimg article by Sir Ernâ€" est MaéMil'lan is not included in the Music Contest for school: children promoted 'by the Toronto Conserva- tory of Music, but is presented as an’ introduction. to the contest. The first mntexst questions wiifl appear ‘in next week‘s paper and will be Written: by Mr. G. D. Atkinson, leaId~ er of .Slmexibourne Sit. United Church choir in Toronto. In» the Eskate of Alexander Kem‘, late of the Village of Richmond Hill in the County of York, deceased. Schdbl Students Music Contest expressd on. THURSDAY,â€"S FEBRUARY 6th, 1941. Notice to Creditors WILLIAM COOK AND GIBSON, 912 Federal Building, 85 Richmond' Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor Notice to Creditors 85 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Solicitors for the Adlministratrix. Notice .to Creditors WILLIAM COOK & GIBSON OPENING ARTICLE.BY‘ SIR ERNEST thMILLAN Archibald) M. Ke-rr, {by his Solicitor B. Bloomfield Jordan, 84 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario has become overwhelming, and their ability has demonstrated itselif beâ€" ‘yond dispute in the eyes of those best qualified to judge. ’For the ex- ‘cepticnalfly gifted, time should be allowed that their talents may be lderveloped to the full with as little loss as possible to their general eduâ€" cation. School music should -be one of their chief means of building in- telligent audiences for the future: Olf enabling thousands upon thou- sands of young people to form friendships with the great composâ€" ers; of sharpening their receptive and! anilytical‘ aural faculties, and of bringing keen joy into those leisure hours which, economists tell us, fu- ture years will bestow in more abun- dant measure. Music is not primar- ily somethian that you do â€"â€" it is something that you live, and! for that reason active participation in- music making for its own sake is greatlry to be desired. , Therefore, whatever place we give music in our educational scheme (and to deny it any place is simply to proclaim Ionesellf an ignoramus, not of music, but of education) it should not 'be given a grudginng admission and isolated from other subjects, ‘but be linked up with history, literature, languages, and even mathematics. Music should certainly not be ridden to death as this or that teaclher‘s individual hob'by, [but every teacher should realize that it is unnatural 'to ignore it. Why, ior instance, should simple arithmetical divisions be applied only to space and not also 'to time? Why should the rhythm of music not be associated naturally and at an early stage with the ac- \cenit of poetry? Why should the study of History ignore music or meglect the opportunities it presents of strengthening the historicall imag- ination? Think of the reality .of a geography lesson if each country were associated with one or two folk-songs! They often teach a good deal about imports and exports which are often dull to read“ aubOut. 'Sea-charnteys frequently tell us a good deal about cargoes! LookinE 'I'bacflc on my school days I can think ‘of no subject into which: some music might not with advantage have been 'inrfused. an ace Olf caps'izinig our whole civilL ization. Mamkind’s perceptive facul- ties for the finer things of life must, if they acre to survive, be given a chance to function, and! to function throughout the Whole community. The arts are emphatically not a lux- uny -â€" though, of course, they may become so. They are the natural expression of sensitive and cultivat- ed) human minds and‘ like religion are more fundamental than many of our cherished political and! economic in- stitutions. 2. Applications must ‘be made by the emf of the fifth: article through music teachers in the schools. Rural teachers may obtain application [forms by applying to the office of this paper. 3. Each article will contain six questions. Public School lplllpilrs may answer any three questions of each ‘series, High School pupils will be ‘r-equired to answer all six. Further information may ’be ob- tained from the following memlbers of the committee in change: In Lan- gsing, Mli‘ss Edythe Lewis; Willowâ€" Idale, Mrs. John Harrison; Thornhill, Miss L-oriJaine Davidson; Richmond Hill, Misw Lola Jones. One of the most tragic features of nineteenth century civilization was its indifference to music. The hard~headedl business man of the p'ast surrounded himself with a proâ€" tective wall against emotional exâ€" p'ression, andl relaxed only in rare moments; in those moments he was apt to become either maudilin or ex- cessively boisterous; frequently both. The seriows study of music was- con- sidered] something for l‘on'g-hhired foreigners and women. Neither Peoksnrifit‘ nor Bablbit hadl a place Mr suc'hr frills. Well, the whole world now knows where Pecksmififery lead. The treasons, stratagem-s and spoils of “big lbusiness!" have come within 1. Students attending High, Public and Separate schooTvs from York Mills to Richmond1 Hill are eligible. 4. All contestants wiil be required to write this contest at examination centres which -'ill be specified later. 5. Answers will be submitted to judges appointed by the co<mmittee in charge of this contest. Decision of the judges will be final. Sunday, Feb. 9th. 11 a.m.â€"â€"+M»orning Worship. 2.45 p.m,â€"Sunday School. 8 p.m.â€"Y_.P.S. meeting. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH RULES Bernard O’Keefe, British War Guest and nephew of Mr. and Mrs. ‘0'. Patrick is improving satisfactâ€" orily since undergoing an operation for appendicitis recently. His parents have received word from Leading Aircraftman James Butler that he is now attached to a British Fighter Squadron on act- ice service in- the Battle of Britain. He is tbiltleted in a private house near the airdrromve and the third night he was there the house next door was wrecked by a bomb. He speaks very highly of the treatment given Canadians by the people of Britain. Mr. Albert Williams yf Moose Jaw, Sash, formerly of Edgeley, is visiting his sister Mrs. Oscar Wylie, C'lair-eville. Mrs. Alexander, Arnold Street, has arranged to have a Valentine Tea at her home Friday afternoon, Febru- ary 14th, from three to five o’clock. A silver collection will be taken and given to aid' the wonk of the Red Cross. - Everyone -welcome. ’ ‘ The Richmond; Him Presbyterian Y.P.S. will hold a Skating- Carnival Thursday evening, February 13th. The Presbyterian Girls? auxiliary wi-I'l hold the next meeting at the home of Miss; Eleanor Barker, on Tuesday evening, February 11th. Dr. Arch-er Wall-ace will give an illustrated lecture at the United Chmmh Tuesday evening, February 18th. H‘is subject: “Memories of the Motherland”. Mrs. J. W. Loveys of Toronto is a visitor at yhe Unitedâ€"Church Parâ€" svénage th-is wéek.‘ “ ' ’ ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Smith and year dld son Richard) arrived in Richmond, Hill lasrt Sunday from Australia acnd are visiting with Mrs. Smith’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will-y iam Tyndall, Roseview Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Smith were in Australia for the past two years, where Mr. Smith: has been engagedl in archi- tectural work for the West Australâ€" ian government. The home trip talk- ing five weeks was umevenrbful. They larmted at Los Angeles and’ came home via Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Smith agree that the Australians are a great people and are Whole.â€" hearted‘ and determined in their war effort. However they both are very glad to be back in Canada, esp-eclialh 'ly at this time when Japan’s amvb‘i- tions 'in the far east: cause con'sidl- reralble comcem and may have far- reaching effects in Australia. There will be a euchre in St. Mary’s RJC. Parish Hall‘ Thursday evening, demary 13th. Pilot Officer J. F. Heard\ who has been stationed at Rivers, Manitoba, this week took up new duties with the R.-C.A.F. in Ontario. RICHVALE SOCIAL CLUB Weekly Dance and Euchre is being held every Wed‘n-esxd’ay evening by the Ric-hvale Social Club in Rich- vale School, Stop 221A Yonge Street. Olde Tyme and Modern Dancing. Frank M. Falconer, C.N.E. Silver Medal‘ilst and his W-es¢on Legionâ€" aires off WesrbonI provide music. Eu- 'ch:re starts at 8.15 sham. Good prizes. Prize winners Last Wednesday evâ€" ‘envimg were: Ladies, Mrs. W. Norâ€" ‘ris, Mrs. Joe Tlayl‘or, Ember Morri- ‘som; gentlemen, G. Hues’dis, W. Nor- ‘ris, R. Hall. UNITED CHURCH WA. The regular monthly meeting of Lthe Women’s Association of the United Church will be held) in' the School Room on Tuesday, Fefbru‘ary lllthy at 3 pm. All' ladies: 'of the ILomgregaticm are invited] to attend. Talking PICTURES With Sir Cedric Hardwick and Nan Grey Added Shorts “THE INVISIBLE MAN RETURNS” MasonicHall Richmond Hill Monday, FEB. 10 Adults 25c. Social and Personal Bolt Your Doors! He’s on the Loose Again! THE uIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Children 150. Financial Statement. Richmond Hiil Red Cross Jan. 1, 1940, cash on hand: $ 221.10 Donations & Subscriptions 726.08 Bridge Club receipts . . . . . . 85.5'5 Leap Year Dance receipts 119.05 Permanent Wave Draw ne- The Society is endeavouring to raise money during the next six Weeks by a "talent" method. It is hoped that as many as possible will try to take part in, this project. For further informationl please contact Mrs. Duncan Ch-amney, convenor. By courtesy of the Davies Dry Goods store there will' be on display in their window over the week-end, two afghans made by members of the Richmond Hill Red‘ Cross So- ciety. Since aifghianvs are urgently needed for use on submarines any persons having on handl scraps of 4-ply wool are asked to knit them into 6-inch blocks and turn them inrto the Red Cross Room where they will be made into afig‘hans. receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Talent Bags receipts . . . . . Tag Day receipts . . . . . . . . S’alie of work, use-d stamps, plies Lea/p Ye'ar‘ Dance expenses. Purchases of wool and' sew- ceiprts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baking Sale receipts . . . . . Richmond Hill! Fair Booth Donations in kind ing materials . . . . . . . . . Purchases of supplies . Richmond Hill Agricultural Society, rent of booth May 24th: . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rents of Masonic Hall, Glee Special Fab} Campaign Canadiam Red Cross . Canadian Red Cross Sup- Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Printing amd Stationery Sundry expenses . . . . . . . . Postage for ovevseas boxes, stamps, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . Donations in kind 2594.88 Cash in bank, Dec. 31, 1940 835.04. mWith {The Scouts At the Court of Honour meeting of Troop held‘ at the conclusion of the regular meeting, January 23rd, the continued absence of Patrol Leaders Derek Andrews and‘ Alex Paterson without notice officially to the Scout/master was accepted a; evi- dence of their desire to resign from the Troop. It was decided that tem- porarily no Troop Leader should be appointed, as the Troop would con- tinue to honour Ted Healey in this capacity. The following promotions and- acting appointments were made. To be second of Wolf Patrol, A/Sec- and) Bill Bowd'ery. To be A/P.L. Ly'nx Patrol, Second, Mel Newton. To be A/P.L. Beavver Patrol, A/Sec- 0nd Jack Simser. To be A/Seconvd Lynx Patrol, Scout Jim Barker. To be Troop Scribe, P.L. Dick Baker. To Poe Troop Treasurer, Asst. Scout- master A. Bull; To be Captain of hockey teams, Scout Jack Taylor. A competition is to be conducted during the six months January to June through the North Yonge dis- trict- of the Boy Scouts Association to pick out the two *best Scouts. Alvl boys can compete in this competi- tion. The best all roundv Scout from the Troop will \be selected in June to attend: the final test when one lboy from each Troop will attend. A Patrol) Leaders? conference and training course is to be held‘ by Boy Scouts Association 211' day on at Sat- urday in February. AlL Patrol Lead- ers of the Troop have signified‘ their intention ‘to attend. RED CROSS NOTES 37"”: SKATING CARNIVAL Tuesday, Feb.ll NOVELTIES and PRIZES SKATING 8 RM. TICKET 25c. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN Y.P.S. EXPENDITURES .$1165.50 $3613.76 $3613.76 34429.92 188.84 2.31 1798.02 1025.47 66.39 3429.92 147.08 135.53 115.50 183.84 1‘5 .65 64 :05 4.00 19.84 2.80 29.16 8.00 As you are well‘ aware the battle for Canada is :being fought in Eng- land. Our soldiers, sailors and air- men are in the thick of the fight assisting in the struggle to preserve your freedom. They need our full- est support. The most effective manner in: which you can assist is by your regular lending to Canada through the purchase of War Sav- ings Certificates. In the near future vWar Savings worker's will call on you to give you the opportunity of emlisting as regular war savers. The need: for funds to finance our war erflfort is tremendous and- urgent. It is your patriotic duty to contribute to this purpose regularly and» to the limit of your ability. This you may do through the purchase of War Sav- ings Certificates by mean‘s of the Bank Pledge or Honor Pledge. Kindly receive the War Savin-gs workers as you would wish to be received Were you in: their position. The workers give their time volun- tarily as part of their war work. Your very hearty coâ€"operation is anticipated. VALENTINE GREETINGS BY TELEGRAPH Time marches onl: Seems bun: yes- terday th‘a't rthe penrny valentine, With-hits: funlnry I‘ace and) frills, was quite the thing. Not so to-day. Val- entines have been modernized. Now W‘s ,Valecn'rtine Greetings by tele- graph, “as modem as tomorrow”. ‘Exeptionally low rates, both for do- tmestic and cable greetings. Phone Canadian National Telegra‘phs for their list of fixed texts, suitable for this occasion. To the Citizens of Richmond Hill Entitled Christian Science: Its Assurance of True Guidance to Men by GEORGE OHANNING, C.S.B. Paris Auto Supply AUTO WRECKERS J. P. WILSON, Chairman War Savings Campaign Committee 41 Chatswvorth Drive (near Yonge Street) on Sunday Afternoon, February 9th, at 4.00 o’clock of San Francisco, ‘C‘ahlfqmia Member of .the Board) of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. RICHMOND HILL, Ont. 600 x 16 Tires, 30,000 mile type, reg. $15.05 . . $12.20 (500 x 16 Tires. 25,000 mile type, reg. $11.35 . . $10.00 Other sizes also reduced Tire Pumps, reg. 85c., now Reliners all sizes (car) Ford 1935-36 Radiator Grilles, reg. $12.00 $9.50 1 gallon motor oil for your old battery 20% reduction on Mufflers and Oil Pipes, Exhaust Pipes, Gaskets and Fan Belts “ THE NIGHT TRAIN TO MUNICH ” SHOWS START AT 7.30 P.M. AND 9.30 P.M. D.S.T. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY,’ FEBRUARY 12 - 13 TYRONE POWER - LINDA DARNELL in Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist, Toronto Cordially invites you and your friends to attend This Lecture will be radiocast over Station C.B.L. TODAY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6 REX HARRISON - MARGARET LOCKWOOD in MONDAY & TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10 - 11 JOAN BENNETT - FRANCIS LEDERER in FEBRUARY SPECIAL SALE FRIDAY & SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 - 8 WM. BOYD - RUSSELL HAYDEN in JUDY CANOVA - ALLAN MOWBRAY in “ STAGE COACH WAR ” “ I MARRIED A NAZI ” CHRISTIAN SCIENCE “ BRIGHAM YOUNG “ SCATTER BRAIN ” CHURCH AUDITORIUM (Doors open at 3.30 o’clock) a FREE LECTURE on The annual meeting of the con- gregation of Tesrton Ch‘uI'Ch was well attended and’ foE‘owing a goodi sup- per was the procedure to the busi- ness of the church. The pastor rev cord-ed 11 marriages and‘ 11 funerals during the year on this circuit. The attendance at the church services was most encouraging, although many of the youmg people now Work- ing in the city, it is a pleasure to see them returning for Sunday ser- vice. William Windas and' Cecil Heise were ei-ectedj to the Board of Mam- agers. Forrest Oliver and Ernest Carson were elected to the Board) of Session. Miss Mary'Carson was appointed Superintendent of the Sunday Sch-001 and] a special effort is being- made to stimulate this .work. Wesley Clankston was reappointed Chm-ch Treasurer and' Wl‘l Peterman is Treasurer of the Mission Fund‘s; The mortgage on the church has been. reduced to $400 and it is hoped: to liquidate this very soon. There is no record here of the war activies; but the women are cease- less in their knitting amdl sewing. AM their war work is through the W0- men’s Institute and Red Gross: or- g-amizations. The total sum of monies raised by the various organizations was $1600 and this represents an immense amount of time and. labor from a small' group of enthusiastic pe0plée. A hearty vote of appreciation was extended to the minisrter, Rev. Doug‘- Ias Davis. *3 BIRTH EARDING â€" Elmore and Bertha Harding Wish to announce the ar- rival of a. baby sister for Dorothy Mae at Richmond} Hill on- T‘I‘idjay7 January 315t, 1941 (Bafibara. Gail). TESTON UNITED CHURCH 1940 REPORT PAGE FIVE PHONE 86 52c. 70c.

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