In days of war as in days of peace we pause to salute St. Valentine’s 'Day. Even in the stress of trouble and anxiety let us recall the tradition that the little god of love was once stung by «a bee and, in startled fright at n“ ........ n] “0Ҡtlrnhhnr‘ lm'q hnw and arrow and ran to :vv» n r v ‘. ~-.....c W‘, the unusual pain, dropped his bow and arrow and ran to his mother full of protest and tears. Aphrodite, however, merely smiled and told him that he, who was responsible for hurting so many people every day of the year, should have small reason to complain at a single wound from so inconsequent an insect. It is of little use trying to discover why the perilous day should ever have been associated with the unfortunate Bishop Valentine who. in the second century, was first chastised and then beheadedâ€"but February 14 is solidly entrenched in the hearts of the lovelorn as Lovers’ Day, and will probably remain so forever. One of the quaint customs that the Victor1ans Ilrmiy believed was the belief that the first boy that a girl sees on leaving her home must be her Valentine for the year. and would have the right throughout the ensuing twelve months to demand many a charming privilege. Some fearful ladies could not be persuaded to leave their homes on February 14 until they had found out be- yond doubt that there was no chance of an unwanted en- counter. As far back as 1754, we read of this maidenly anxiety: “We also wrote our lovers’ names upon bits of paper. and rolled them up in clay, and put them into water: and the first that rose up was to be our Valentine. Would you think it?â€"Mr. Blossom was my man. I lay a-bed and shut my eyes all the morning, till he came to our house: for I would not have seen another man before him for all the world.†The Eve of St. Valentine’s is favourable for love dreams! If a girl pins 3 bay leaf to the four corners of her pillow and one leaf in the centre, she will most cert- ainly find herself walking with her sweetheart in that fair land where the Sandman is King. . .At least our fair ancestors believed. and who would be so bold as to say they were wrong? “ - n11- ouva Vvusu n . v†Custom prompts us to celebrate our awareness of the “open secret†by pretty representations of hearts and ar- rows; though, alack, our modern sophisticated cards are not always just What_they should be. ,, _L -1-....-.n J..qu (“"an Jab-Iv "gun. can, -.,,, ,, But then, even Victorian Valentines were not always as kind as one could have wished. Here is one that must have caused many a tear to some maiden: Sit and stitch. from morn till night, For it’s all you are fit for. you ugly fright: You need never think to marry, for no man would incline To have a needle driver for a Valentine. An Elizabethan poet phrased it much m0] he wrote of his beloved: “Mv lips I’ll softly lay Upon your heavenly cheek, Dyed like the dawning: day, As polish’a ivorv sleek: And in your ear I’ll say, ‘Oh. thou bright morning-star! ’Tis that I come so far My Valentine to seek’.†LallilUU 71L uuuu All at “way The Canadian standard of living, whether high or low, depends on goods and services. Civilians must be pre- pared to sacrifice some of their living standards, if the goods and services they are accustomed to command are interfering with the ability of our factories to produce supplies for our armed forces. Printing more currency will not solve the problem any more than pasting a quart label on a pint bottle will increase its capacity. We must make up our minds to do without luxuries and even necess- ities, if the plant and men that produce them can be turned to war production. Machiavelli, a wiser Italian than Mussolini, in “The Princeâ€, delivered an able criticism of Premier Hepburn’s plan many years before he or Premier Aberhart were born. He said: “A prince therefore, before engaging in any enterprise, should well measure his strength, and gov- ern himself accordingly; and he must be very careful not to deceive himself in the estimate of his strength, which he will assuredly do if he measures it by his money, or by the situation of his country, or the good disposition of his people, unless he has at the same time an armed force of his own. . . .Neither mountains nor iakes nor in- accessible places will present any difficulties to any enemy where there is lack of brave defenders. And money alone, so far from being a means of defence, will only render a prince more liable to being plundered. There cannot, therefore, be a more erroneous opinion than that money is the sinews of war.â€-â€"Printed Word. Here is a quotation that has a familiar ring: “The British nation can be counted on to carry thrOugh to vic- tory any struggle that it once enters upon, no matter how long such a struggle may last, or however great the sac- rifice that may be necessary, or whatever the means that have to be employed.†Who said this? Was it Pitt, for example? Or Win- ston Churchill? No! It was written by an Austrian, Adolf Hitler, in a book Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RIGHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING 00., LTD J. Eachern Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Assoeiation Subscription $1.50 per year h To the United States $2.00 Covering Canada’s Best Suburban Di§trict Advertising Rates on Application. TELEPHONE 9 led Mein Kampf. PAGE TWO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13th, 1941. ST. VALENTINE’S DAY “THE LIBERAL†int customs that the Victorians_f_irmly WHO SAID THIS? UNPRINTABLE Alameda Dispatch, Sask. more aptly when Frcm the earliest time, milk has‘ been one of the most highly esteem- ed! of commodities. Ancient languages teem with references to it. I do not , at the moment rememlb-er the cunei-l form word for milk, but I know there is one and it has often been come across in inscriptions. Re- seariches a few years back have shown that the ancient Egyptians were very fond of milk puddings. There is a vely complimentary re- ference to mik in the ninth, or per- haps it is the tenth book of the Odyssey, and instances might rbe multiplied in» Hem-er â€" that is to say, I can think of one other ex- ample, and as I am not sure whethâ€" er it is in Homer or Virgil, if either, I con-tent myself with a mere pass ing reference. Poets have always relied! on milk for some of their most effective metaphors, and in our common speech we always seem to ref-er to milk in. terms of respect. The highest compliment you can play to anything is to say that it is the cream of this or that. It is true that we do not compare people or things to their advantage, with milk and water, rbut that is only a just protest against diluting any sound beverage. Other fluids, excellent in ‘themseliveis, instinctively pay tribute to milk. I should! have tlhought, my- self, that sherry was a nobler ess- ence than millk; yet I can recall once noticing that a very discriminating firm of shtiprglei's in England descrilb- ed one of its nest delectable sher- ries as a Milk. I have often wished that all dairy products were of the same quality. Volumes might be written, and probably have been written, upon the uses to which milk maylfbe put. There are so many that one would have supposed them to be exhaust- ed. But we learned from the Enig- lish newspapers of some seven or eight years ago that there is a new. and an. important use for milkâ€"at spiritual use. It is, we were in- formed! at that time, an admirable basis for matrimony. It seemed that that year’s winners of the tradition- al Dunmow Flitch revealed that their connulbial success had been founded largely on milk. When not engaged in singing- duets with/ his wife, the husband supplied a whole rural district with milk in a manner which won him universal esteem. He and; his wife attributetl the qualities which won them the famous “Flitohi†to lier long intimacy with milk. It has a refining, a softening influâ€" ence. Not for nothing has milk been associated with human kindness. A man who every morning supplies hundreds of household‘s with this .pure, innocent, quintessential neceSSâ€" ‘ ity of life is hound to take a benevo- lent view of human nature. Less cocktails and more milk, and homes wouldl he happier places. In view of these valualble properâ€" ties of milk, it is gratifying to re‘ me'rrlzer how wide is its appeal. What would you say, at a rough guess, was the most popular bever- age among the teeming millions of the United States during that coun» try’s period! of “It’s Most Noble Ex- periment?†No, it was not wood»- alcohol or sulphuric acid. No, it was not iced‘ water. No, it was not the polychrcmatic, corrodinug flatul- ences of the soda-fountain. It was unquestionably Mâ€"I-Lâ€"K. Millions of gallons of milk went every day to making the thaw and sin-ew of the American nation. Hence the precedent for the Progress Clubs and Welrfare Societies of our pres- ent-day Canada, in their regular distribution of Milk in potent quan~ tities to» our own submerged “Three- Fiifthsâ€, or is is “Four-Fifths". Milk was not a food ‘for 'babes†during that period in Ithe land to the South of us; at one time, you could see, all over Amlerica, big, strong, virile men, men whose tnvoâ€"fistedness and redâ€"lbloodedness and hardlâ€"bittenness was beyond suspicion, lingering fondly over a glass of Milk as more gross persons in other countries will linger over a pint of bitter or a drop 0’ something to keep the cold out. Personally, I deprecate Milk in these quantities, and if I indulged in it as intevmrperately as some one- time American galactomaniacs whom ‘I have seen in ’their- cups, I should ‘be afraid of converting my digestive organs into a kind of chronic jun‘ket. But I will say this for what was once the American national Vic-e, that it was very good stuff of its kind, better and cheaper,‘for in- stance, than one commonly obtained in England. It may not have been very good for the figure, but it was most decidedly richer in cream con- tent than the British species. That is why you can get anywhere on the political 'rthea'tricals. I think it can: be generally conceded that once an everyday comimod’ity becomes an 0b- jectof the derogatory influences of a certain type of politician, its fu- ture usefulness and†benefit is a mat- ter of grave suspicion. MR. AND MRS. HOL-LINGSHEAD MARK 50TH ANNIVERSARY Descendants of two pioneer York County families, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Hellingslhead on Tuesday, Feb. '4llh‘ celebrated! their 50th wedding anniversary at their home on 8th Avenue, Woodlbridge. Both are des- cendants of English families but their four grandparents were all born in Canada. er. Hollingshead, 77, builder and carpenter, usid‘ent here for 17 years, has been responsible for erectiOn of many structures in the town. For four years he'served as councillor, completing his last term of munici- pal office about 5 years ago. Prior to living in Woodlbridge the couple had lived at Kleinlburg since their marriage in 1891. Mrs. Hol‘lings‘ head, in whose home on the 10th of Vaughan the wedding tack place, 'was the former Margaret Wood. Her parents were the late Mr. and Mrs. George Woo-d. er. Hollingshead, horn in King township near Nobleâ€" :ton, was a. son of the late Mr. and -Mrs.- Robert Hollilnugshead. At home for the celebration Tues- ltl‘ay were their five children, Mus. Albert (Reta) Watson, Toronto; Mrs. Howard (Mary) French. Torâ€" onto; George of Hamilton; William, foreman of Woodlbridge district Hy- dlro linesmen, and] Vera, operator at the Woodlbriduge telephone exchange. Also there were their five grandâ€" children. Old lady to postal clerk: “I’ve put a three cent stamp on this letter. Is it enough?†Clerk: “It is one cent too much, madam.†Old lady: “Oh, dear, I do hope they won’t take it too far, now.†Buy Canadian, Buy BritiSh, and Help Win the War. LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO “ ABOUT MILK (A Dissertation On A Specious Subject) (By Ted Ridge) Three times a day each animal slides on to the platform, is bathed and milked loy machinery, and slides oflf again when the circle is complete, While the milking appliances are automatically sterilized and the milk is automatically measured and reg- istered. These [benefactors of the human race never go out of doors, and are fed‘ on a highly concentrat- ed] form. of chemical food. “Sic vos non vobis!†which, for the uniniti- ated, is interpretedâ€"“thus you toil, but not for yourselves!" If I had to minister to the thirst of a great nation, I think I’d) rather be a boot- legger than a cow. Despite its reputation and. its use- fulness, I am sorry to see that milk has been getting into rbad odiour. I do not refer to all this .ack of facile i'ty in certain regions for pasteur- izinlg or “paralyzing†it, but to the fact that there has been considerâ€" able dissatisfaction about the price of milk. An esteemed contempor- ary of ours complains bitterly that everybody is benefiting by milk ecx- ‘cept the “producerâ€; he only gets a consider-ed pittance per gallon for his milk, and he has to bear all sorts of bruinitsLâ€"“h-e has to grow his own feed', he has to calve down his cows at correct intervals, he has, 4 _._,.“._ _, Banks. .Delegates named to attend ses- s10ns of the Provincial Horticultural 'Soc1ety annual later this month were Mrs. Duncan, Mrs. Cameron, Miss M. Wallace, G. H. Maxey, Mrs. Smith, Major Mackenzie. _Thue Peel County Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insurance Company held‘ their annual meeting last week. Officers and directors of the company were 'all reâ€"el‘ected. More than 100 resi- dents of Peel attended the meeting. 'It_was revealed that $45,417 was loaid out in fire losses during 1940. Total cash neceipts of the company *were listed' at $127,103. Assets were $224,548 and liabilities the same fig- ure. " WESTERN SPECIAL BARGA From all Stations GOING DAILY FEB. 15 Return Limi TICKETS GOOD 1N COACHES at fares approxir TOURIST SLEEPING CAR: per mile STANDARD SLEEPING CA per mile Cost of accommodation i DAI‘PIAI‘JI‘ (‘ILI'DI‘VFM on: occasion, to buy his feed’ in the open: market, risk disease of his animals and generally contend with adNe-rse lalbour and weather condri bionqs.†This is regrettable, 1but what about the real producer? I should have thought that the ileavl producer was the cow. Nobody ever seems to think of hen, nobody minds what she is getting per gallon. It seems 'to me that all svhiel is getting is a very hard‘ and) thankless life of it, and‘ that she is a shamefully unri- oogni‘zedl pulblic servant. Again, as ’to Milk, itself, it is to the hoped that its popularity will not have 1been impaired: by its re- c-enrt glorification- as a subject for political thea'tricals. I think it can be generally conceded that Once an everyday commodity becomes an ob- jecto'f th-e derogatory influences of a certain type of politician, its fu- ture usefulness and†benefit is' a mat- ter of grave suspicion. carp-en.ter, :us‘id‘ent here for 17 years, has been responsible for erectiOn of many structures in the town». For “four years he'served as councillor, completing his last term of munici- pal office about 5 years ago. Prior to living in Woodlbridge the cowple had lived at Kleinlbul'g' since their marriage in 1891. Mrs. Hol‘lings‘ head, im whose home> on the 10th of Vaughan the wedding tack place, 'was the former Margaret W.ood. Her parents were the late Mr. and Mrs. George Woo-d). er. Hollingshead’, horn in King township near Nobleâ€" :tonr, was a. son of the late Mr. and -Mrs.- Robert Hollilngshead. At home for the celebration Tues- lzl‘ay were their five children, Mrvs. Albert (Reta) Watson, Toronto; Mrs. Howard (Mary) French, Torâ€" onto; George of Hamilton; William, foreman of Woodlbridge district Hv- dlro linesmen, and] Vera, operator at the Woodlbriduge telephone exchange. Also there were their five grandâ€" MR. AND MRS. HOL-LINGSHEAD MARK 50TH ANNIVERSARY Descendants of ’UWD pioneer York County families, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thiur I-Lolh'ngs'head on Tuesday, Feb. '4llh celebrated! their 50th wedding anniversary at their home on 8th Avenue, Wooderidge. Both are des- cendants of English families but their flour grandparents were all born in Canada. Mr. Holliingjslheaï¬, 77,â€:builsder and 0M lady to postal clerk: “I’ve put a three cenvt stamp on this letter. Is it: enough?†Mrs. W. 0. Duncan was re-elected president of the society; Mrs. H. N. Smith and G940)"ng H. Maxey became 151: and 2nd vice-presidents respectâ€" ively, and Major Mackenzie was re- e‘qected secretary-treasurer. Direct- ors appointed were Mrs. A. B. Cousâ€" ins. Dr. G. D. McLean. Miss Lily ‘Bell, Miss L. McNeil. Mrs. Garfield Farr, Arthur Banks, Mrs. J. H. Kidd, JMrs. Archie Cameron, Miss Mary Wallace, and! Al'vin Roblb; Auditors, J. A. Fraser and) N. Geo. Wallace; HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY HOLD ANNUAL SESSION Hoping to re-establish Woodl- bridg‘e’s annual flower show, after a lapse of 3 years, members of the Horticultural Society, in annual ses- sion at the Town Hall last Friday, decided to call another session in a few d‘ays for further discussion of the project. Secretary-treasurer Major A. A. Mackenzie reported goocl work 'haii? been accomplished in 1940 disitributJ2 ing plants: and seeds. encouraging tree planting, and) caring for flower beds at Woodfbridlge‘s War Memorial Park. He declaredl a work to be un- dertaken immediately is the install- ation of water supply pipes to the summit of Memorial Park hil'l. Hï¬s treasurer‘s report showed' a favourâ€" able balance and the meeting later voted? 325 for the British War Vicâ€" tim's Fundl. Pulblic improvements Committee, A!- vin Robib, Major Mackenzie, Art'hur 'It was revealled' that $45,417 was maid out in five losses (During 1940. Tots} cash neceipts of the company *were listed' at $127,103. Assets were $224,548 and liabilities the sangg fig- ure. The Feel County Farmers? Mutual Fire Insurance Company held‘ their annuals meeting last week. Officers ‘and directors of the company were 'all reâ€"eX‘ected. More than 100 resi- dents of Peel attended the meeting. gBEST BY TEST FAIRBANK FEEDS per mile Cost of accommodation in sleeping cars additional BAGG’AGE CHECKED. Stopovers at all points enroute going and returning. Similar Excursions from Western to Eastern Canada During Same Period Tickets, Sleeping Car Reservations and all information from any Agent. ASK FOR HAN‘DBHL CANADIAN NATIONAL GOING DAILY FEB. 15 - MAR. 1, 1 Return Limit â€" 45 days TICKETS GOOD LN 7 THEY’RE HERE CITIES SER VICE Bonded Batteries WESTERN CANADA SPECIAL BARGAIN EXCURSIONS OOACï¬ES at fï¬Ã©s approximately 1%c. per mile TOURIST SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately 1%c. per mile . STANDARD SLEEPING CARS at fares approxxmately 1%c. A COMPLETE LINE OF POULTRY, DAIRY AND HOG FEEDS AND CONCENTRATES This new “M' finest quality can buy. HAVE YOUR BATTERY CHECKED BY US TODAY AND PREPARE FQR COLD WEATHER AHEAD. Our Service Department has the best and latest type of CHARGING and TESTING Equipment. Our Staff is thoroughly trained to give you Efficient Service anywhere in this district. CITIES SERVICE STATION 29 Yonge Street 2385 Dufferin Street, Toronto, KEnwood 6805, or Wesley Clark, Richmond Hill, telephone 4704 Motorists! We wish to announce That we now have a complete stock of the new CITIES SERVICE BONDED BATTERIES 1is new “MILE MASTER†Battery gives you the From all Stations in Eastern Canada MEL. MALTBY FAIRBANK FEED CO. 7 YEARS SAME LOCATION THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13th, 1941. and longest service guarantee money SHEPPARD & GILL L UM B E R Harold W. Mortson 11 CENTRE ST. WEST Fanm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Beatty Farm Equipment Telephone Richmond Hill 93 WE'RE THINKiNG now AS LIKE A5 N0] -- A TALK WITH US MIGHT HELP Buzm A LOT" CHARLES GRAHAM MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT COMPANY . 1, 1941 inclusive RICHMOND HILL Successor to Phone 12 T16