Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Feb 1941, p. 3

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Alexander MacGregor K. C. Barristers, SuIiritors. etc. Officeâ€"711 Dominion Bank Building, Ionthwest corner of King and Yong“ Streets. Toronto. W. B. Milliken, K.C. H. A. Clark, K.C. E. E. Redxmau. K.C. W. P. Mulock,K.C. A. Cameron MacNaughton, KC. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC 614 Confede‘ation Life Bldg. Toronto Phone: Office EL. 029 Rec. MO. 2866 Office 229 Banjs-‘bers, Solicitors. etc. Wm. Cook, K. C. Ralph B. Gibson, K. C. J. A. Gibson Toronto Office: 912 Federal Bldg. 85 Richmund St. West. Richmond Hill, Thursday forenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate - vuu- _-_-- Iln‘lmediatelgrv North of Mésonic Hall Phone 87 â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Office â€" 18'Toronto Street Phone Adelaide 5877 \Batfister. Solicitor, Notary Public Room 66. 18 Toronto St.. Toronto Phone Adelaide 5877 Residenceâ€"21 Hollywood Ave. La! ing. Ont. Wino dale 308 Thirty Years Experience Formerly with] Heintzman Company Lehve Orders at Amtin’s Drug Store R‘nhnmnd Hill From the Toronto Conservatory of Music, will accept a number of pupils E Piano, Organ and Theory. 'chmond Hillâ€"Tgesdav and Friday MRS. MYLKS INSURANCE LIFE, FIRE. ACCIDENT. SICKNESS PLATE GLASS, AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY, GUARANTEE BONDS SPECIAL RATES T0 FARMERS C WOW WMO””OOW VOL. LXII. ?. Bloomfield Jordan BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc. 84 Yonge Street Ricnmond Hillr BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Richmond Hill Every THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yonge Street BARRISTE-R, SOLICITOR, FTC. 42 Yonge Street ' RICHMOND HILL ON ALL CARS TARIFF & NONTARIFF 00’s A. G. Savage Richmond Hi}! Policies issued through this affine covering- Farm Property â€"Private Dwellings and -their contentsâ€"Automobile â€" Plate Glassâ€"Residence Burglary, etc. Claims Settled Promptly R. H. KANE TINSMITHING FURNACES - PLUMBING ‘ HEATING Septic Tanks Installed Pumps Barn & Stable Equipment 74 Yonge Street, 1924 General Insurance Richmond Hill Telephone 87 Mulock, Milliken, Clark & Redman Walter S. Jenkins George W. Cross Piano Tuner OFFICE HOURS 9.30 to 12 â€" z to 5 Evenings by appointment Telephone:' 3 229 Residence 148 Adelmo Melecci Cook & Gibson Campbell Line J. R. HERRINGTON T. C. Newman INSURANCE BARRISTER McKinnon Building 19 Melinda StI‘Eet Toronto, Ont. MUSICAL Old Post Office Richmond Hill Telephone 186 INSURANCE WANT ADS COVER AND DISCOVER A MULTITUDE OF NEEDS LEGAL Phone 924Map1e 82 1941 The president callled.‘ his office manager in: and thrust a letter un- dler his nose. “Look at that! I thought I told you to engage a new stenognarpher on the basis of her grammar". The office manager look- ed startled. “Grammar? I thought you said glamour." Va-lenxtine Hitler might send Mussolini: “Dear Mussy, even for wop you are a flap.” "mi; W; .1. WILSON OFFICE HOURS â€"â€" 9 - 12 am. daily Tues., Thurs. & Sat. Evenings~6 - 8 Telephone 24 Nights 147 Gorimlrey, Ont. Phone Stouff. 7312 3 miles east of Yonge St. SPECIAL NURSING CARE Graduate Nurses Reasonable rates. $35 month and up Quiet and Bright Private, Semiâ€"Private and Ward Office Hours 9 â€" 11 a.m.; 6 â€" 8 pm. QR. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFF (Woman and Children) Office Hours 1 - 3 [3.111. J\ppointments made Phone 100 """" 1311.3. P. WILSON OFFICE HOURS â€" 1-4 pm. daily Mom, We} & Ffi._§y_egitpgvs 6 - 8 MAPLE Centre St. E: 122 Yonge St. ' Richmond Hill DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFI" AUCTIONEER Licensed Auctioneer County of York Auction Sales conducted on short J. H. Prentice, 415 Balliol St. K. C. Prentice, Markham Toronto, HYland 0834 We are prepazed to conduct sales of every description. Farms and farm Itock saies a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. AH sales at- tended to on shortest notice and con. ducted by the most approved methods notice and at reasonable rates Richmond Hill Phone 923. AUQ’I‘IONEER MAPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates Drs. Wilson & Wilson Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Insuranceâ€"Life, Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass, Burglary, Guarantee Bond-s, Accident Etc. C. E. Walkington AU‘C'I'IONEER INSURANCE KING CITY R0. Phorm KING 42r3 YONGE A-ND ARNOLD STREE PHONE ’70 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO FIRE â€" AUTOMOBILE â€" LIFE Tomorrow is St. Valentx‘ne’s Day Prentice & Prentice V Office Hours 9â€"10 a.m.. 12â€"2 & 6â€"8 pm. and by appointment“ Dr. S. W. Armitage M.D.V.V.S. VETERINARY SURGEON KING AND MAPLE V.S., B.V.Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON MAPLE, ONT. Bank of Commerce Building Office Hours: 10_ Dr. M. J. Quigley Dr. R. A. Bigford Brookside 'onvalescent Home AUCTIONEERS Dr. W. J. Mason Drs. Langstaff u...» .- JAME‘S" ' hf ’LAN’GSTA FF J. Carl Saigeon J. T. SAIGEON & SON VETERINARY R. H. KANE G. I. Roberts Telephone King 2300 MEDICAL GENERAL NEWS AND VIEWS AUCTIONEERS DENTAL Telephone 80 THORNHILL DENTIST DENTIST D ARNOI Insurance Phories: NBLD STREET Richmond Hill Willowdale 418 a.m. Phone 3 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13th, 1941. uLa-s-t Saturday Ontario got a taste of a real winter (blizzard. Roadis through-out the district were badly ‘blocked burt were soon- opened. Don’t talk sob-stuff about symâ€" pathy- for war eftflort and at the same time recfuse to make any sacrifice for war work. To :refonm a man, you must begin at his grandmotherfiVictor Hugo. February is pledge month for war sgarvinvg-s. Back up your talik With a little sacrifice for the war effort. Don’t put things; off â€"- put them over. You won’t have to worry afbout bombs crashing into your home, if your cover your roof with a thin layer of War Savings Certificates. They make excellent protection. A young lady asll-red on a quiz prxoâ€" gram: alhout Lin‘dlb-eirg-h. She replied “Lindbergh is a rank smelling Ger- man Chaslse”. Shve didm’t get the d‘C'lllaT but we claim she was entitledl to a dodble award. We’ve heard of rats eating news- papers, but it smms that the rats of Charleston, S.C., read them ‘be- Lfore they eat them! At any rate, immediately after the town news~ papers announced that the city health department was about to launch an- eradication program (to exterminate rats), five persons were [bitten by the rodents! If you can’t win, make the fellow ah'eadl break a recard. What did‘ one eye say to the oth- er? Donl‘t look now, 'but there’s something lbetrween us and it smells. C-hua'chil‘r’vs speech last Sunday, was typti of the spirit of Britain: The same spirit should be evidenced in Canada with a generous response to the February drive for War Sav- Talk is cheap but savings pledges really talk. ings When you are shivering with the cold and your teeth are chattering, let your thoughts stray to the little gold mining town of Manble Bar, in Australia â€" and forget your troubles. For the past 110 days in a row, the maximum temperatuure there has been over 1-00 degrees of heat. Even the town swimming pool has long since dried) up. A nurfie in a Maryland hospital coul‘d’n’t Ico‘nvvinne her colleagues of the truth of her claim that a young- Astelr had swallowed a toy‘ airplane. ‘Becomin‘g annoyed, the nurse thought she’d! show them, and‘ demonstrated with a teaspoon â€"â€" and accidVemtally swallowed! it. Now bo¢h youngster and nurse are under the same doc- fiof's care. The long arm of coincidence stretched out in a number of queer cases recently. In Salt Lake City, "Utah, Mrs. F. W. Clements has four sonsâ€"and each of them has been (badly hither): by a. different dlog dum- img the past month. Ohio comes in- to the news with five brothers all becoming fatherrs within a few months. California, not to the outâ€" done, reveals the story of Mrs. ‘Thurlow Partuee and} her four sistens â€"each of them became a. mother otf a &aughter within thrree month-s... Families sticking tog-ether. The first man to plougih a fur- row on what is now Th‘orncliffe Race Track o’bserved his 90th birthday Saturday, Feb. lst. He is Peter Aitlchisonv, pioneer lumlberjack and farmer, who five years ago retired to live at Pine Grove, a mile north of Woodlbridlge His 8 children and 19 grandchildren gathered during the weekâ€"end to quietly celebrate his birthday. Mr. Aitchison was born at Precious Corners, near Cobourg, and his early life was spent in such big logging centres as Muskoka, Gore’s Landing and Rice Lake. Lat- er he fanmed at Grahamsn/ille, Edge- ley and near Woodlbridlge. Last De- cemiber 9th Mr. and Mrs. Aitchison celebrated their 55th wedding anni- versary. Mr. Aitchison still en‘jOys good health and) frequently enjoys a walk to Woodlbridlge. You can heLp win the war by buy- ing war savings stamps. The following officers were elexct- ed (by the Board of Education on Monday: Chairman, J. N. Boyle; Sec-Treasq J. A. E. Srwitzver; Com- mittee, F. McConaghy, J. H. Sand- erson, George McDonald. Mr. Isaac Crosby was elected1 a member of the Pulbl‘ic Lilbrary Board. The “Witdh'” Carnival in the rink last evening under the auspices of the Fire Brigade was a' unique alfâ€" fair. Every arrangement previously made was carried out to the letter, the only disappointment 'being in the small attendance. This was not sur- prising however, as the weather was frightfully cold‘, and the roads in many places were almost impair:- a‘blre. 'Ilhe rink ~was appropriately decorated for the occasion with ev- ergreens, black cats, owls, dragon's, etlc., and everything had a weird ap- pearance. In the centre of the rink was the witch cave. In. the centre of the cave was erected a Large cal- dVron, hung ona tripod, under which was a flaming firevplacre. Here the witch broth: was made, and this pr0vâ€" ed" a. refreshing drink, flavored“ as it was with ,--n-a:kes and' toads. Around the fireplace the witches and their escorts danced, singing in their sim- uous course the couplet: Dowble, doulble, toil and trouble, Fire burn and) caldiron Lbu‘bible. The :chool attendance at Velllore the past few days is smaller on ac- count of the_qolti‘ weather and snow d=ri-fts. It rbe a good idea for the teacher, Mr. Percy Keffer, to funnish‘ himself with a pair of snow- shoes. From our Issue of Feb. 14th, 19-01 The many friends (â€"2 Mr. and Mrs. Amos Wright sincerely sympathize with them in the loss of their little girl Alene at the age of 5 years. This ‘part of the program‘ closed with a. ‘drill. A11 slkatem then_ took the ice and' had an enjoyable time. York County Council session donated $25.00 momd Hill and: Yonxge cultural Society. King counlcill met on: the 24th ult., and made grants for gravelling roads to the amount of $1,100. A recent nvL‘mtber of the Rocky Ford] Tribune, 01‘ Colorado, contains a lengthy account of the marriage of Mr. James Francis Legge, eldest son of George Legge Esq. of Jeffâ€" erson, to Misls» Wilma He‘ntchel of Rocky Ford THIRTY YEARS AGO From our Issue of Feb. 9Uh. 1911 The frieniily match played here'l Thursday evening between Egling- ton and Richmond‘ Hill‘ hockey teams was clean and! fast. The home team played‘ great combination. Burnett maid‘e goodJ in goaln and‘ Boyle playL edJ well on point. Both of these play- ers are new ones for the team. The score at the close was Richmond Hill 9, Eglin-gton 4. The teams 1in~ edl up as follows: EglingtOn-: M’c- Kendrry, goal; Vernon, Reid, Shac'kle- ton, Gordon, Whaley. Richmond Hill: Burnett, goal; Boyle, Naugh- ton, Fairie, Brown, Tyndlall. On account of the storm Which Elfiocked‘ up the roads Mr. Frank Graham’s auction sale, lot 24, con. 2, Markham, was postponed for one week. ‘ WAY BACK IN THE LIBERAL FILES The regular monthlv meeting of Edigel‘ey W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. Nelson Peeler on Thuusday, January 23rd, with Mrs. E. Stongy president, in the chair. The state- ment ‘Faith on- God'” was discuss-ed in a talk by Rev. Fodder, a poem was read by Mrs. Espey, Mrs. A. Bag contribgt‘ed! a piano. 5010. and a paper entitled “Reaching Out," wag given Ibv Miss- Helen Newton. A sale of toilet articles, donated" 'by Mrs. C. Peeler, and the customary social hour completed? the meeting. The Decemlber and January meet~ ings of Edlgeley Women’s Institute were held at the homes of Mrs. P. Usher and Mrs. E. Phillips; respect- ively. In- Decemlber, Gladrys Smith and Helen Newton gave introduct- ory lessons on the local leadership work “lMeat Cooking”. A large bale of clothing, valued at $85.00, was packed and forwarded to the Inter- national Women’s League. Elma Whitmore, Legislation conrven- er, who was in charge of the Janu- ary meeting, secured as guest speak~ er, Mr. W. J. Laws-on, M.A., L.L.B. He smoke on laws relative to women, Upon request, .and in her charming way, Mrs. Lawson told of 'her visit among the people of the Vali Islands in the East Indies. A second part of the “Meat Cooking” course was given by the Leaders. FORTY YEARS AGO EDGELEY at the recent to the Rich- Street Agriâ€" W09 OOQQOOOWWWW he third. American girl to become Queen of Banff’s Win- ter Carni‘val‘, Miss Catherine Betts, of Spokane, Wash” was selected to reign over Western Canada's great winter sports festival, be- cause of her good sportsmanship. natty attire and proficiency at ski-ing, snowshoeing, skiâ€"joring and skating. “Queen” Catherine's first official act was to proclaim that the dates of this year’s carni- val at the mile-high resort would be from February 13 to 16. Banff Queen O'fcfice Kingsdale 4812 iichmond Hill Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at FHORN HILL AND UNIONVILLE Yerex’s Electrical ON ALL MAKES OF RADIOS BY CERTIFIED RADIO TECHNICIAN TUBES TESTED FREE FREE ESTIMATES RADIO LOANED WHILE YOURS LS AWAY Ernest W. Hunter CH AR'I'ERED ACCOUNTANT 26 Yonge St. SINGLE COPIES 5c. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE RADIO SERVICE Wright & Taylor FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE 57 Bloom St. West, Toronto, Ontario Phones: BUSINESS Residence Hargrave 0795 Phone 242 No. 33.

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