Next Wedmesdny’s social event Willa take the fonm of 21 15c, Euchre in Richevabe School starting at 8.115 sharp. GOOdJ prizes. Prize winners last Wednesday ev- ening were: Ladies, Esther Morri- wn, Mrs. Frank Harrison, Jeam Anme'tte; gentlemen, Mrs. P. Sépiarkes glayimg as gentleman, Melvin: Shy» let, Roy Bentley. BIRTH RElARDOINâ€"In Richmond Hill on Thursday, February 13th, to Mr. and Leslie J. Reardlon, a daughter (Constance Angela). DIED COIIJIJIN, George D. â€"â€" At his late "esidlence, Richmond Hill, Saturday, February 8, 1941, George Dalgeftty Collin, lteloved‘ husband) of Ann- Thus»â€" :elll, in his 62nd' year. The funeral was; held from Wright amd.‘ Taylor funeral home, Richmond Hill, on Tuesday, February 11th. In~ bez'me‘nt followed in Ritchxmomi Hill cemetery. ‘ ' WAR sï¬iï¬Ã©Ã©ï¬bmva Day 139 Richvale Take Notice A regular School Board meet- ing will be held on the first Friday of each month. S. ‘ MacPherson, Sec.-Treas. NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS 8.8. No. 24 VAUGHAN Feeds, Concentrates and Tonics for Farm Stock Poultry Buy Mashes built up and improved for nearly twenty years RICHMOND HILL, ONT. RICHVALE SOCIAL. CLUB THE MILL Whpn you go to a hatchery to order chicks this spring find out what they have done in a breeding way to better the quality of their chicks and compare it 'with Peelar’s. During the past season we had the honor of filling an order received by the Dept. of Agriculture, Ottawa. This order was from a breeder in the Orange Free State, South Africa for 6 pullets and 2 cockerels. These had to be outstanding birds with good breeding. At New York in the Central Egg Laying Contest com- peting against many of the most prominent breeders in the United States we had the high Barred Rock pen. At home this past season we made better records in R.O.P. than ever before. Qualified a larger per cent of birds with more eggs per bird. Order your Barred Rock Chicks from PHONE 57r11 Peelar’s R.O.P. Sired Barred Rocks PAGE FOUR Phones: C. A. PEELAR Evening 82w Mr. and Mrs. John Cairns cele» Torated their 60th wedding annivers» vary on- Sunday, February 9th. They received congratulations from many (of their friends and neighbors “both ‘on Sunday and Monday. They were , 'joinredi on Sunday by immediate fam- ‘ ily members, among them ML Thos.) Cairrs, a brother, and Mrs. William’ Green, a sister, from Aurora. M12, Thomas Cairns is in his 92nd year. while the host is 296 and his goodil wife is 82 years: old. Mr. and Mrs. ‘Cairns have two children, Lena at home and Jim on the farm. There are friive grandchildren. I The couple have not the best of health but are able to be about an& enjoy their fniends?’ company. They are most, hospitable andl kind, and their comr‘ fortalble home is always open With a warm greeting to all who come. Mr. and Mrs. Cairna famed for many years at Eversley. Until re- cently, Mr. Caims walked daily to ithis son’s farm on the fourth of King , hellpin'g' 'hyim rirn various kinds of work. In the Winterrcutting mood' in the bush was one of his favour- ite pieces of work. Mrs. Cairns is? an expert at needlework and knitt- ,dng. There is always a handsome, quilt in the frames, many of these finding their way into the mission- ary bale of King United‘ Churchfl Mr. and Mrs. Cairns are ardent members of the United) Chumh. Mr“ Cairns has always upheld support and attendance of the church. They have deemed it their special privi- lege to promote the interests of the Christian church. ‘ Mr. and' Mm. Wm. Carson wob- servetfl their 38th wedding anrnrivers» ary on- Monday, February 10th. Forty dollars was the proï¬t real- ized: from the movie pictures sponh‘ sored! by King Public School in aid of the British War Victims Fund on ‘ Friday last in MdDonald' & Wells’ hall. The pictumes,_works of art,‘ taken and shown by Mr. Staples of King City News Items MAPLE, ONT. Huntsville, were exceptionally fine and interesting to all. The scholars sang several numbers accompanied on the piano by Miss Patton. Miss Dennis, principal, expressed, app-re- ciation of the hearty community re~ On Friday evening NON-Eton W‘o- menr’s Institute are sponsoring a monster Valien-tlinrev masquerade dance in aid of British War Victims. A bandlsome quilt, Dresden Plate pat~ tern, will be given to the holder of the lucky numlber, the gift 20f Mm. Jcohrn- Boak. Extensive preparations have been made for the event. sponse new cases have developed as care- ful supervision has (been exercised by Medical Health Ofï¬cer Dr. A. F. Kay.‘ ' , uSch‘omlberg schools opened) on» Feb. mt)», following a Week's closure due to four cases of Scarlet Fever. No On Wednesday, Feb. 12 leydtown community held a euchre at the school. On. Wednesday" Feb. 12 Eversley WA. held a St. Valen'tine Social at the home of Mrs. J. Back. Oak Ridges» Red) Cross Branch have been commissioned‘ to suxppl‘y 50 pyjamas for urgent Red Cross needs. Mr. R. F. Harper who has been; in is able to be on duty at, King station. Ora Saturdlay, Fébruary 15th, the C.G.I.T. of King Unéted Church will hold an afternoon tea, 3 to 5 p-.m., in- the church basement, proceeds for spacial use. The violent snow ’and wind‘ storm over the week-end prevented several township churches from holding ser- vice on» Sumd’ay. The plow was wovkâ€" ing feverishly but lanes were block- On Saturday, February l‘th, the Ladies? Class of Schlomberg United Church wilh hold their annual tea at the church. Evensbey‘ Presbyberian con-grega- tion held its annual church meeting- at Mrs. Gellatly’s last week. Credit ‘bala-nces were reported in- all deâ€" partments and a healthy and pro- gressiVe spirit manifested» in all branches of the church life. 1940 has been one of the best in receth years. Sunday School, Mission Band; W.A., W.M..S., Y.P.S. and general‘ church management all gave inter- esting reports. Rev. Mr. Burch was 'the chairman. Miss Edith Bovair was re-a'ppoinrted as Sunday School superintendent Misses Jessie Ge11~ atly and Frances Ross as organrisvts. ed) andl sidewalks impassable. Lasâ€" kay, Stran-ge., Teston, West King Potta‘gew'lle and Snowball churches all remain-ed closed. Eversley and King held evening services. Mr. Bob Manning, MA., Knox College, To- ronrto, preachedl for Rev. M. E. Burch on- Sunday at Eversley. WITH THE BOY SCOUTS At the meeting last week P. L. Derelk Andrews was promoted Troo‘p Leader. Jaok Taylor, who is Sports Captain; Albert, Clark and Buddy Bowen: all passe-Lil the Tender-foot Test. Two boys who had: been away from Tro-op work for some time re turned ‘to the mvembelshlip. Every member of the Troop now has: a copy of second class work, and it is hoped- that good progress will be made towards raising each boy to this class. Troo'p Leader Andrews, with Pa- trol! Leaders Baker. Newton, Bowes -o. o ._., -..- VV.....° -..... lTrao‘or, the property of Daniel Don- eral, E. half Lot 19, Con. 5 North York Two, 2 miles north of Wilsor; Ave. No reserve as farm is rented. Terms cash. Sale at 12.15 Standard Time. J. Carl Saigeon, Auctioneer. WED" FEB. 26thPâ€"‘AUICtiOn sale of ‘Valuable Farm Property, Farm Shook, Implements, Hay, Grain, Furniture, etc, the property of Levi Goddard Estate, Lot 12, Concession 5, Vaughan Township, 11/2 miles north of No. 7 Highway, north of Edigeliey. Sale at 12.30 Standard Time. J. Carl SaigeOn, Auctioneer. Troo'p Leader Andrews, with Pa- trol! Leaders Baker. Newton, Bowels and) Simmer will attend the Patrol Leaders; Conference in: Th-ornxhill on Saturday, February 22nd. This is the first conference to be held in this district, and will be under thé direc- tion of Field} Secretary Edgar J (mes. It is the wish of Scout I‘Ieadqmu-tz~ ersr that services; of Scouts shall be calledl for im comuection with War Work. Irf the Red: Cross, 01- War Savings Committee, or any other organization emgaged in war sewice requires boys for message work, they ape requested to courtact A.S.~‘M. Bull at Brat/hwaibek. Miss Adel‘la Lawson of Toronto visited her sister, Mrs. Howard Neill over the week-end. Rev. D. G. Davis and! Mrs. Davis visited! her mother Mrs. Boyce of Bol’ton on Sunday. The Auxiliary of the W.M.‘S. will meet next Tuesday, February 18th at 2.30 pm. at the home of Mrs. C. 07. Bales, Avondale Ave., Lansing. The ladies of the church and com- munity are cordially imvibed‘ You could give it all away and: still be money ahead. Canada asks) you to len-di it at a: little over three per cent interest with the best sle- curity in the world. Pledig‘e to buy War Savings Certificates and‘ Stamps. ‘ With The Scouts NEWTONBROOK THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO COUNCILLOR W. L. CLARK of Markham TOWH'E‘hiiip, ellected‘ Znid‘ viceï¬prcs/idlern't of the Ontario Plow- meni‘s Association, at the annual meeting in Toronto this week. ‘sig‘n’ing, remodemng and alterating. Mrs. N. R. McIntyre, Centre Street, Tl‘homhill. EUCHRE AND DANCE AT VELLORE A Euchre and Dance under the auspices of the Velmore Sr. Institute wil’l be held in the Han at Vellvore Friday, February 21st at 8.30 pm. Gillialmys orchestra. Admission 356. Lunch provided. You, too, can serve and‘ same by buying War Saving Certiï¬cates regâ€" ularly. EXPERT DRESSIMALKING, dressv dc» ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs. upholstering. cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. 'Farm Stock, Implements, Furniture, 'e’ucq 10$ 2, con. 2, Scanbom Huff ‘comers, the property of Harvey ‘Dunm. Sale at 1 pm. S.T. Terms bash. No reserve. J. H. Prentice, auctioneer. sale of farm stock, implements, gnam, etc., the property :of Fred eright, Lot 40, Concession 1, Etobi- coke Township†11/2 miles west of Thistle‘qown. Termb cash. Sale at 1 o’clock S.T. Manning Mcvaen, Auctioneer. TUESDAY, FEB. 25â€"Auctioxn sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay. Grain, Roots, Threshing: Machine amfl Trader, the; property of Daniel Don- ei‘al, E. half Lot 19, Con. 5 North York Twp., 2 miles north» of Wi150n Ave. No reserve as farm is rented]. Terms cash. Sale at 12.15 Standard Time. J. Carl Saigeon, Auctioneer. HOUSES Raised and Moved. Phone Thomhill 73. t1 WEDNESDAY, FECB. lathâ€"Auction SAT, FEB. 15 â€" Auction Sale of WED., FEB. Nthâ€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, furniture, the property of John Mc- Gil’liway, Pot 31, con. 7, Vaughan. Sale at 1 pm. Standard Time. Tenms cash. No reserve as owner has rent- ed farm. J. Carl ‘Saigeon, auct. THURSDAY, F‘EIB. 27th â€"â€" Auction sale of Jersey Cattle, Horses, I‘m»â€" plements, Furniture, etc, the propâ€" erty of John J. Lees, Lot 35, Con. 3, Markham, near Gonmley station. No reserve. Terms cash. Sale at 1 o’clock. A. S. Farmer, Auctioneer THURS, MARCH 6~Auction sale of Farm Stock, Dmple‘ments, Hay, Grain, 9150., the property of George Baker, W. (halif of lot 13, Con. 2, Vaughan. Two miles north of No. 7 Highway. J. Carl Sadgeon, Auct. WED, MARCH 5th :â€" Auction Sale of Fam Srtock, Ir‘nplem-emts', Hay. Grain, etc. the property of George Jarre‘rtt, E. hallf of lot 21, con. 4, Vaughan, Village of Maple. Sale at 1 pm. J. C. SaigeonY auctioneer. .3090«muooo«owuooomouoooownoowwgo are from blood-tested and specially mated flocks on our own farm Price List on request SHERINDALE FARMS, Phone 122, Woodbridge, Ont. (On Highway N0. 7 east end of village) OWWWWOOOWW MISCELLANEOUS Sale Register SHERINDALE CHICKS ‘8 SOWS due in Apuil or will exâ€" pchan‘ge for butcher sowa Telephone l-Riohmond mm 4522. u PIGS six weeks ova-f’w. Pom-ill, Elgim Mills FUMED OAK BUFFET, $10; Fumy ed Oak dining- table, $5. Box 26, Liberal Office. 3 GEESE and) 1 Gander. J. H. mm iott, phone Richmond} Hm 4611. 11 OHUNKS. Apfply Mrs._H_o_‘gvavdl SEO'W AND 9 FIGS eight wee‘kg old. H. G. Udall, 453 Steelres Ave. East, RR. 1‘, York Mill‘s. DODGE OOUPE newly overhauled and new tires, masnmaxble, Apply 29 Yonge Street. RichmondI Hill. 'ro-oms, $2000. 'AYfRISHIRLES, one pure bred and: one graJdJe, due February 24. Herd fully accredited and) blood tested. Norman Giffen, Edgeley P.O., phone wa'I-e 741‘13. No. 1 KATAH‘DIN POTATOES; also Seed Potatoes. Apply Summï¬t Farm, -lst farm south of Summit Go‘Jf Olufb, east side. TWO HORSES, '1 about 18 hands, a real good work home; 1 chunfk ex- cellent for market garden work- Pricred reasonably. Ap’ply Samuel Winger, phone Maple 1062. fmore money. Doncaster White Leg~ horn- chicks are sired" by R.O.P. zmxales. Big eggs~Larg~e birds-â€" [High quality at reasonable prices. Free catalogue. Doncaster Poultry lFarm, Leo Bevan, P1'op., Box B, 'I‘hom‘bill, On't. 18 FIGS seven weeks! old; 1 saw with 6 pigs three wee-ks old'; 1 slow just; brad. P‘aul Kunce, 11/4 miles east of Th-orn‘hi'l'l, second! house east of Bayvievw on GreenJ‘ane. cenrt tax on: electrical equipmth by buying from us. Stoves, Refrigerv amps. Washing Machines and equipâ€" ment. Agent for Beauty Water Sy‘sh tem aluipmemt. ALWays- bargains: in \g-ood.| used radlios. rYerrex Ehecâ€" tric, Yonge St, Richmo‘nd Him. BRICK ice. DAY OLD LEGH‘O‘RN COOKEREiL CHICKS, $1.50 [per hund‘Te-d. No delivery. Order early. They make excellent capons. Wm. Vandernbe'nyt, RR. 2 Gormley, phone Thornh'ill 1821. ‘2 GOAL BURNING BROODER 'S’DOVES; 1 hot water inmnba‘tor, 450 egg; 1 wheelbarrow, and! a quantity poultry netting; 40 ixon posts. A5)- pï¬y Harvey, Bayview Avenue, Thom» hill. on Radios, Refrigerators, Ranges, Frigidaire Milk Coolers and DeLaval Milkers. We still have a quantity without the new 25% tax. “Act quickly". Trades accepted. B. R. Leech, Toronto Radio & Sports, Ltd., 241 Yonge St., Toronto. CR.O.P. SIRED CHIIC'KS make you YOU CAN STILL SAVE 25 per OVYERSTOOKEID, MUST SELL. 1 Holstein cow due to freshen; 1 H01- stein cow d’ue to freshen March 154:; 6 pigs eight weeks; 2 gel‘dï¬mgs risâ€" ing 3 years; 1 filly ï¬s'img 2 years; I Percheron mare 7 y-ears‘ C. E. Walking'ton», King, phone King 4213. SPECIAL NOTICEâ€"-SAVE MONEY “Big-4 Chioks have done exception- ally wellâ€"~38 cookerels averaged 71/; libs. eachâ€"ordering 300 this- year,†writes a customer. You can save time by contacting our agent hem, who can quote prices, make- your orâ€" der, see to delivery when you wish. Canadian Approval; breeders Mde tested. Order soon. Wesley Clank, Govmley, phone Richmond Hill 47r4. FOR SALE OR RENT 7 ROOM‘ED HOUSE, 18 Elizabeth St, for sale or rent, hot water heat- ed, large fire place, two halls, sun room. Possession Februaly 1. Ap- ply 15 ggntrre St. E., phone 38 Rich- Enbnd Hill Unitï¬h, Edgeley, phone Maplem'2'970 RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 ceflta (or eac-‘n subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per lane extu each insertion. II" CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT Classified H‘OU‘SE, Queensï¬lle, seven small 'barn, 1/2 acre lot, Apply Box 91, Liberal Ofrf- FOR SALE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13th, 1941. ABOUT 3 TONS of goocfl loose Hay, bargain at, Nursery, also 2 ton Chain How: perfect condition. York Nurs~ eries, IlU. 7667. ICE cut and: delivered b‘o ice houses. For price phone Slbouxffvilnle 4220 or write Percy A'slh, RR. 2, Aurora, Willcox LaJke. GOOD WORK HORSE 4 years old', wel‘l broken, $76.00 for quick sale. Levechwood Farm, R.R. 2 Gormley, 2W2 miles east of Thor-mhill, 1 mile south of No. 7 Highway. INDIVIDUALLY PEDIGREED R.0. P. COCKERELS from high record hens, blood tested, large strong Ibir'd's. Low price including 3 genâ€" eration pedigree. Wm. medet’bemt, R.R. No. 2 Gomlley, phone Thom- hill 1821. ‘6 ACRES, fan plowed? level‘ land, frontage on Bayview. L. F. Bagg, \Lot 15, Con. 2 Markham Township, phone Richmond‘ Hill 4612. Have you considered using Canad- ianr coal ? We carry an excellent grade of Abberta for stoves or furnaces. Phone Jones Coal Company, Rich- mond Hill’ 188. HOUSE to rent on Centre Street. Apply Rustic Inn. APAR'DMENT with modern conven- iences, electric range, hardwood floors. Appl-y Liberal Office. SIX ROOMED BRICK HOUSE, 112 ‘Yonge Street north, all: conveniences, garage, hen. house. Possession first 60f Mamh. Apply to John McLean, 21 Church Street, Richmond Hill. HOUSE. WANTED with poultry 'house to accommodabe three to five hundred hens. Rent or buy if terms 'reasonable. May or before. Adver- 'tise Box No. 1, Millikan. COMFORTABLE SIX ROOMED HOUSE, water, electric, good gar- age. Apply 1. D. Ramer, Richmond Hill. FEMALE HOUND, (black and tan, found} at Maple this week. Owner may have same by paying expenses. Apply Liberal Office. RELIABLE GIRL for general house- work wansted immediately. Apply Mrs. J. O. Plbxton, 7 Beechwood Avenue, York Mills R.R. 2. MONEY FOR MORTGAGE wanted. Apply mornings to Miss Connor, Hum: Lane, Stop 24 Yonge Street. FOR HOUSEWORK in Richmond mm, in home with 3.1} mod‘em com- vendences, dependable young girl; to live out. Emerience not necessary if willing to learn. Apply Liberal Otï¬fice. FARMS and Vill’age Pr-opent’y for sale or exchange for City properties. Box 91, Liberal Ofï¬ce. BUY \NAR SAVINGS Certificates REGULARLY Little Brothers FORD AND MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174 WANTED T0 RENT FOUND