Dated at Rilehmond‘ Hill in the County of York this 24th day of January, 1941. All persons having claims against the estate of Alexander Kerr, late of the Village of Richmond Hill in the County of York, Deceased, who died on or about the 12th day of December, 1940 are hereby notified to forward to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of February, 1941, full particulars of their claims against the said‘ estate verified ‘by affidavit. After the said date the Administrator of the said estate will distribute the assets of the said dcâ€" ceasedl having regard only to claims of which he will then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and he will not be liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice for the assets so distri- buted or amy part thereof. the Esitate of LEVI GODDARD, late of the Township of Vaughan in the County of York, Farmer, d‘ev ceased, who died at the said' Town- ship of Vaughan on the 14th day of March, 1940, are required to send details of the same verified 'by affi- davit to the undersigned Solicitors for the Administratrix, on or before the 24th dJay of February, 1941, afâ€" ter which date the Estate will be distributed among the persons en- titled thereto, having regard only to those claims of which the under- signed shall then have received notice. DATED this 1st day of February, 1941. In the Estate of Alexander Kerr, late of the Village of Richmond Hill in the County of York, deceased. G. D. Amkinson The usual dictionary meaning of the word “musician!†is “one who is skilled in the science or practice or musicâ€, and I venture to say tv‘im most people would: agree wit-I1 this and classify the musician as one who either corruposedl music, or who was a singer or a performer on some musical instrument. I have long felt that we should include under the heading of “musician!†not only those who are skilledl in: the science and practice of music, Vbut also those who are more or less skilled] in: the “listening†to music. As practically everybody likes music and enjoys listening to it, this would automati- cally include us all under the head- ing of musiciam. Let us pl'OoeedJ on this assumption and see how it works out. In classifying musicians we would 'fimyt of all mention the one who creates the music. We call h'nm the Composer. His mind, his personal;- irty, his musical genius, his expeniâ€" ence and .atural gifts enable him: to Here is the first contest 'in the series promoted by the Toronto Con- servatory of Music. Read' the art- icle and? keep it if you like. At the end of the seven narticles, one of which will be published each week, contestants will the required to anâ€" slwezr the questions in writing at an examination held in the schools. An- swers to the questions: are abvious after reading the article in connec- tion. Readk the rules below and watch for the contest article by Dr. F. S. Honwood, noted‘ lecturer and musician, in next week’s palper. Prizes to be donated by the Conâ€" servatory, Mr. Christopher Wo-od, Dr. Ralph Johnls, Dr. C. S. Dunning, The Iron Fireman Co., Elliott's Drug Store, Willowdale; Demrpsey Broï¬hb 91‘s, Dr. C. E. Hill, Dr. D. K. Mc- Ateer, Thornhill Hardlware, Thorn- hill.Bank of Commerce, and from Richmond Hill, Austin’s Drug Store, Cradgie’s Store, Davies Dry Goods, Jones Coal 'Co. and Brathlwaite’s Hardware.) School Students Music Contest THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13th, 1941 All persons having claims against St. John’s Branch A.Y.P. Oak Ridges are sponsoring MUSICAL CONTEST BEGINS THIS WEEK Wednesday, February 19th 85 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administratrix Notice to Creditors Notice to Creditors WILLIAM OO‘OKV & GIBSON YOU ARE A MUISI‘CIA’N In aid of British War Victims Fund Modern & Olde Tyme Dancing Lunch provided Come one and all and help support the worthy cause Archibald! M. Kerr, {by his Solicitor B. Bl‘oomifield' Jordan, 84 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario in the PARISH HALL, OAK RIDGES ANCE ‘ Sometimes these three types of (musicians are combined in different 'tways. Composers are often (not al- ‘lW‘ayS) goodl Peu't‘omner‘s, like Mozart, ilBeethwoven anti Liszt, and often great l{Performers are quite good! comlpos- ers, like Busoni and Rmbenste-in, and all are good] Listeners, of course. In closing, may I say again, we lane all musicians. If you are 3 Composer or a Performer, well and goodl. But if you are neither of these, don"t forget them; you are still a very important musician, and you tl'have it in your power to get rich ‘armd' <full Ileasure out of this wondâ€" remful art of Music. To listen well is a great achievement, and it needls 'I‘Ots if practice. Listen to good .mu- sdc. Find' out why it is good, and iwhy bad music is bad, and always (be what a friend' of mine calls an “imrpmvafloleâ€. ' The third, and} by far tl'ie largest class of musician, is the Listener, land! urely he is of great import- ance in the realm of Music. Wh‘at Ig‘oodl would rbe the works of our great Composers and the perform~ ance of them by our great Perfonm~ em if we did not hav.e Listemers to lappneciate and enjoy tfliem? So many “people do not feel that they are musicians unless they are Perform- ers. This is a wrong attitude ocf ‘mind. To be a: good List-enter reâ€" quires not only natural gifts, but also experience, intelligence «and good taste. One improves greatly as a. Listener as one nears more and 1more good! music, and is able to lilisrtem more and more intelligently [and app'reciatively. I'his class per- haps reaches its highest and most intensely cultivatedl stage in ’dh-e proâ€" ;fession-al musical critic. With him, [listening is a lbusiness, and his crit- ical faculties are very keen. But 2. Who is a great living com- poser? '3. Are there a great number of really great composens of music? 4. Does it require intelligence to ‘be a; good! Listener of music? 2. Applications: must be made by the end of the fifth article through ‘muvs-ic teachers in the schools. Rural teachers may obtain application forms; by applying to the office of this paper. . 1. What does it mean to be a musician? 5. Do you have to be a composer or a performer of music to really enjoy it. 3. Each article will contain six questions. Puibllic School pupiLs may answer any three questions of each ‘series, High School pupils will be Tequired to answer all six. 6. How can you improve as a listener ’00 music? 1. Students attending High, Pufblic and Separate schools from York Mil~Ls to Richmond Hill are eligible. Further imformati-on may ’be 0’0- tain-ed from the following members of_ the committee in change: In Lan- gsing, M‘iiss Edythe Lewis; Willowâ€" Idiale, Mrs. John Harrison; Thornhill, Miss Lorraine David-sow; Richmond Hill, Miss Lola Jones. numder because creamve- genius have in any art. The second) class of musician I 'would‘ mention» is the Performer. This class is' mulch larger, of course, and inch‘dles all who play the piano, organ, violim, or other orchestral’ in» ‘5It1'urme'nts, singers and conductors (for after all, they really play on Chart greatest of all {musical instru- lm-emts, the orchestra). The P-er- lforvmers may have great internaâ€" tional concert reputations, like Hofâ€" ‘mamun or Pademewski, or they may ‘just be folk who sing a little or 'play a: little for their own pleasure and} the pleasure it may give to Iothers. :we can all exercise this faculty, and‘ improve and elevate our good taste and appreciation. 4. All contestants will be required to writ-e this contest at examination centres which .'ill be specified later. 5. Answers will ‘be submitted to judges appointed by the committee in charge of this contest. Decision of the judges will be final. find an expression in music, which he writes irolwnv thmuvgh the medium of our musical notation. One of the greatest living examples» we have of this class would (be Jan Sibelius, the Finnish ccmpoaar. Naturally, this class of musician is the smallest in nurrl‘aer Ibecause creative genius is QUESTIONS RULES I (Mrs). W. Wellmanv and Bruce o-f Ozmemmee are visiting friends in the village this week. A dance will be held in the Richâ€" mond‘ Hill High School, Thursday ev- ening, February 27th, the entire proâ€" ceeds to 'be d-onlatetfl to the British War Victims’ Fund. Max Boag’s or- chestra will provide mrusic and re- freshments will .be served. The event is sponsored by a local committee who invite the cooperation of all] interested in conitri‘burting to this very worthy cause. The committee sponsoring the event are: J. R. Her- ring-ton, T. H. Trench, J. A. Green-e, R. D. Little, D. M. Chammey, J. E. Smith, Mrs. J. R. Herrinugiton, Mrs‘. J. E. Smith, Mrs. D. M. Chamrnlefy, (Mrs. H. J. Mill‘s, Mrs. J. A. Green-e, Wilson Beresford this week re- ceived' an interesting letter from Lance Corporal Gordlon Armstrong, formerly of Richmondl Hill now serv- ing at rth-e R.‘C.A.M.lC. in England. iMDS. Lloyd Foobe who was inr- jured’ by a fall at the arena las't Saturday nd‘g9ht is making favora’blxe progress, and we are pleased to re- port it is not expected that her inâ€" juries are serious. Mr. J. Berestfordx, Ar'irold’ Sheet, Richmond Hm, was ‘bereaved last week in the passing on Friday, Feb. 7‘th of his brother Samuel Beres» ford, 1 Hocfken Ave., Toronmo. The funeral was held Monday afternoon. Dr. W. J. and! Mrs. Maison, Dr. James L. and Mrs. Lanlgsmatff stenrt several days the pals’t week at Mt. Trembland: Lodge, Lac Mercie‘r, Que. Mr. Harold M099 of Toronto, who along with eleven o‘thers met death in. the air-liner crash at Armstrong, Onrtario last Thursday, was . broâ€" “theraim-Ia'w of Mrs. Richardl Ed'- munds, Richmond Hill. The Ladies" Auxiliary of Royal Black Preceptory No. 96, Toronto of which Mrs. W. Sayers of this village is the president, turned in $65.00 this weelk to the British War Victims Fund. This is the second d-onIaJti-om made by the auxiliary. 'Pwen'ty members of the Red] Cross who volunteered| as hostesses for the month of February have contributed! a round of delightful social even/cs in the village this month. . lMisses Frances; and Elizabeth Brown wish to express their sincere thlanfks: and appreciation for mamy acts of kindness, and- messages/ of sympathy received from friends, meig‘flbons and relatives since Fran- ces Brown’s apainlfu]: accident three weeks ago. Richmond Hill Preslbyrterian Y.P.S. are hodding‘ a Skating Carnival at the Richmond Hill arena tonighrt (Thursday). CARD 0F THANKS ers. G. D. Collin and family wish to thank the Veterans for their sym- pathy and kindness in acting as pallbearers at the funterah of her late husband. Mrs Talking PICTURES Mr. Roscoe Cauthe‘rs of Preston, formerly of Richmond Hill, called on friends in‘ the Vi~11‘age Wedhesd'ay morning Rexall 3llsrt Birth-day Sale is now on at Scotchtmer’s Drug Store, Rich- monvd' Hill. 'Miss Mollie Ferguson of Toranto Sipemrb the wueerâ€"en‘d' with Miss Madge Sayers. Masonic Hall Richmond Hill Adults 25c. Monday, FEB. 17 Swim; and Personal G. H. Glernn, Mrs. R. D. Little, 0. L. Wright. CARD OF THANKS A VARIED AND ATTRACTIVE PROGRAM AT 8 p.m. D.S.T. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Chil'dren 15c. No. 2 A.F.W., R.C.O.C. Letters of thanks ’also have been received from: Douglas Gilbert, Newfoundland]; Jack Collin, New Brunswick; W. B. Cooke, England; E. A. Good‘e, Aldlers-h-ot; S. J. Hunt, England; Jack Daunt, Engl‘andl; William Carr, Engl‘and’; Thos. Bales, England; William Bawen, England; Don Graham, England]; F. G. Dyke, England. A very successful Euchre was held by Richrvale Branch of the Red Cross last week for which the Branch Wish 'to thank all those who donated prizes. RICHVALE RED CROSS BRANCH T. H. Lines. Saturday, Decemfber 21, 1940 Dear Madam:â€" I wish to take this opportunity of thanking you a thousand times for your lovely Xmas box. I received it this morning- all intact and; I sure was both delighted and surprised. It was lovely, and being in hos-pita] as I have been for the last two months as a result of a motorcycle accidlent; thing-s lriuke that sure brighrben up what would otherwise be a very- dull and blue Xmas. I suppose you have plenty of snow over there now. As yet we have had none here. It has been quite bright and fairly warm and it seems very hard to believe Xmas is only a few days away. We are getting plenty of action here what with air raids and1 'bomlbings, but khe remark- alble spirit and courage of the peo- ple in this country is certainly to be marvel‘led at. They don’t know the meaning of the word quit and' “this kind: of courage and) spirit will never fail to win through. I hope I shall soon (be back in Richmond Hill to thank you all in person. BOYS OVERSEAS EXPRESS THANKS The following letters express thanks to the Richmond Hill‘ Red Cross of Christmas parcels: H.M. 151; Canadian Division, Decemlber 15th, 1940. Dear members. of the Red Cross: I received your very nice parcel yesterday, it arrived safe and sound and was very much appreciated. The weather here is very mild at pre- sent, not much like the weather in Canada, quite a lot of rain and green field's everywhere. I must say goodnnight now, thank- ing- you again and hoping to be back with all of you again real soon. Yours sincerdy, Clare Paxton, B94388, hvcld! 14th Don’t forget the Sleigh Ride on Thursday, February 20th at 8 pm. heldJ uner the auspices of Richvale Red! Cross. Refreshments and‘ music afterwards im the school. Saturday, February 22, Mrs. Jerry- ‘Sxmith, Yomge Street, will hold a sale of homemade marmalade and ibuns. Entire proceeds for Redj Sunday, Feb. 16th 11 a.m.â€"Morning Worship. 2.45 p.m,â€"Sunday School. 8 p,m.â€"-Y.P.S. meeting. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D. Pastor Sunday, Feb. 16th ’ 9.45 a.m.â€"Sunday School. All de- partments. 11 .a,m.â€"â€"4P'uiblic Wo'rsh'ip. “Life’s Compensationsâ€. 7 p.m.-â€"Ve‘5(per Service. “The great Hymns of the Christian C‘hui‘ch'". “Sun of My ’Soul‘â€, third in series. The choir wiil render inspiring music at an services. A hearty wie‘Dcome awaits you at our church. Come and bring your friends. Wednesday evening, Community Prayer Service in Presbyterian Church. at 8 o’clock. 4 Markham Road ‘Sum‘day, de. 14 Sexagesima 11 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer and Serr- mom. 2.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School 7 panâ€"Evening Prayer and Ser- mon. Names of our men in the Forces will be read: and we shall pray for them. Wednesday 8 p.m.â€"â€"~‘Comrmu.nity serâ€" vice of prayer and intercession in the Presbyterian Church. All in- vited. » 1'0 55 Rector: Rev RED CROSS NOTES Mrs. Alexander o‘me RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH :‘g‘ a tEa on Friday, Febrwary from 3 to 5 Ip.m. im aid of the Cross. Collectibn. Everyone ST: RED CROSS RED CROSS TEA RICHMOND MARY'S (Anglican) Yours sincerely, Arnold Street, is CHURCH Wrixon Road SALE HILL : our enumn. - friends. Community Presbyterian L.Th. ,1 The Canadian Red Cross, 3' Richmond Hill High School, 3| United Church. ‘Dear Friends:â€" Thank you very kindly for the r lovelly parcels recently sent, to my 1 son, Sidney. The parcels reach-ed 1, their destination, somewhere in Eng- i land, on Christmas Eve and were very Wa'rmly received and appreciâ€" | ated. ‘Sid’ney has written letters of acâ€" knowledgment amf thanks to you all, which I expect you have received, or will receive very shortly, ‘but I would like you all to know that I greatly appreciate your kindness to him. Sincerely, JOSephine Huét. MR. AND MRS. JOHN BAKER CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Residents of Richmond: Hill for the past 17 years, Mr. and Mrs. John Baker last Wed’me'sdbuy evenling- celeâ€" lbrated their 45th» wedd‘inng annivers- ary art the home of their daughter, Mrs. Edgar Amm‘img. Mr. and! Mrs. Bla-ker have five children, 3 d’aughbe'ns and 2 sons, also 8 gmndchdldmen. All were pre- sent but one son Lloyd and famin of Markham, and a number of other members of both Mr. and: 'Mrs. Bakâ€" er’s family attended. During the evening 3 grandchild;- rem prede the bride and groom of 445 years with: a number of lovely gifts, after which Mr. and Mrs. Baker expressed! their appreciation: in a few well’ chosen words. A Valentine dance will be held in Maple Concert Hall, Friday, Febru- ary 14th. Gillam’s orchestra, Ernie Evans, floor manager. Admission 250. Under auspices of Hall Execu- ‘tive. SpecialPrices duringSale Feh.13 to 22 F. G. Scotchmer Rexall Store REXALL DRUG STORE 3lst Birthday Sale EXPRESSES THANKS 2:2 Hunt Avenue, Richmond‘ Hill, OnIt., January 28th, 1941 Phone 71 The Rexall Drug Store gives you the finest quality at lowest prices FRIDAY & SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14 - 15 BING CROSBY - MARY MARTIN - BASIL RATHBONE in “ Rhythm on the River †DANCE AT MAPLE You go direct to downtown you travel by motor coach. If you have not received our list, call at store Take advantage of these money saving prices SHOWS START AT 7.30 P.M. AND 9.30 P.M. D.S.T. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19 - 20 MONDAY & TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 17 - 18 LORETTA YOUNG - MELVYN DOUGLAS in “ He Stayed for Breakfast †TODAY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13 “ Brigham Young †With TYRONE POWER - LINDA DARNELL JOHN GARFIELD - BRENDA MARSHALL MARJORIE RAMBEAU in “ East of the River †-â€" ALSO â€"~â€" DICK POWELL - ELLEN DREW in “ Christmas in July †OLD BOYS AND GIRLS EUCHRE AT THORNHILL Thorn'hill Old‘ Boys and Girls will hold a Euchre om Tuesday evening, February 18, commien‘cin'g at 8.30 o’- clock in- Findlay’s Hall, Thornhill. Good) prizes. Proceed-s: in aid of Br'-ti;s‘h‘War Victims Fund. Come and) help the cause. Admission 25c. The next Euchre in, the series will be held in the Lodge .R00ms, Ma- sonic Hall, on Thursday, February 20th. Good prizes; A welcome to all. St. John's Bran'ch of the A.Y.P.A., Oak Ridges, are sponsoring a dance for British War Victims Fund) Wedâ€" nesday, February 19th, in the Par- ish Ham. Modern and oldxé tyme dancing. Come one and all and hei‘p support the worthy cause« i ORANGE EUCHRE At the enable sponsored by the Orange Lodges on Thursday of last week prizes were won by, Ladies, Mnsf. S. McPherson, Mrs. K. Shields, Mrs» Cli’ff Ciark; gentlemen, W. Bon-e, W. R. Anderson, A. E. Patton. Toâ€"Nite, Feb. 13 CARNIVAL NOVELTIES and PRIZES SKATING 8 RM. TICKET 25c. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN Y.P.S. SKATING OAK RIDGES Richmond Hill PAGE FIVE in every town enroute when you travel by motor coach.