Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Feb 1941, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT 311'. I'e‘.'_ at the last meeting of the North Yr i‘k Society lit'ld 1; Here was guest speak' 1' You are assured of good value for your money T- when you deal with us. We handle only standâ€" ard lines, and we stand behind what we sell. I!ert;cti.tural dale. Splendid slides \NUI'L shown of the wrll known galdtn of Mr. F. inner: and a detailed explanation of the garner. 'n its various stages was e'iytn by Mr. Bone. all of which was erâ€" BUY HERE WITH CONFIDENCE R J. CRATIGIE Men’s and Boys’ Wearâ€"Men‘s. Boys” and Children’s Shoes and Rubbers 'J'rtatly 111,‘l’ft'iai(tl and much ioyid by the members ct" the North York society. Many 11“0]11e from Thornâ€" hill Prtrliyttiian Church will be enâ€" tertained at a delightful Valentine party to be held Friday evening. I’t‘bruary l-Ith at the home of Miss.s Ella and Hazel Welsh. The W.A. of the Church met on Tuesday in the Sunday School room. young Phone 218w Richmond Hill Presbyterian At the Iightful solo was rendered by Miss Ada Mizen, after which a dainty tea was served. The funeral service of the late Eliza Win‘cth, beloved wife of Hiram A. Connell who in her passed away at: her residence Tuese day, Feb. 4th was conducted at the Thornhill United Church on Friday afternoon by Rev. E. A. Currey and Rev. R. E. Morton. Mr. FloydI Dav- ies: presided at tihe organ. The de- ceased was a member of the church for the paist numlber of years and an active memlber of the Women‘s Association, which organization at- tended the service In a body. She is survived by her husband] aan‘ daughter Mrs. N. L. Morton of Thornhill and several grandchildren. The interment took place at Queens;- v'i'lle cemetery. Mrs. Cappy of New York, a sister of Mrs. Redmans. has been spend- ing a numb-er of days with her. On Thursday, February 20th the Women’s Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. B. Heslop at 2.30 pm. The speaker will be Mrs. W. Fitz- gerald andI her subject “The His- tory of Thornhill from its beginning up to 1820". Mrs. Fitzgerald has spent many months interviewing descendants of the early settlers and readingr all the available history of this district and her address prom~ ises to be interesting and educa- tional. Anyone interested in this subject is welcome to come along as a guest of anyone of the mem- ti Baby Chicks Get the Right Start on Master Chick Starter There is no doubt about it! Baby chicks get off to a flying start when you feed Master Chick Starter. It’s built right! MASTER CHICK STARTER is built on a GRAIN BASE made up of choice granular ground whole grains. The feed has plenty of body and not too much bulk! MASTER CHICK STARTER is VITAMIN FORTI- FIED! A wealth of Vitamins “A” and “D” are supplied by a PRODUC’I‘IVE LEVEL of Cod Liver Oil Concentrate. ' Be sure to have a supply of MASTER CHICK STARTER on hand before your 1941 chicks ar- rive. W. R. DEAN THORNHILL, ONT. WE DELIVER TELEPHONE 54 «9mm. Special Service to Farmers OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE NEW Seed Cleaning Plant _AT_ Woodbridge Farmers Co. Limited WOODBRIDGE Tuesday, Feb’y. 18th 1.30 P.M. STANDARD TIME Representatives of the Ontario Department of Agriculture will give demonstrations on Cleaning and Grading Grains, Clovers and Grass Seeds. Brief talks on Seed Cleaning, Seed testing, and Seed treating. Have you seed for sale? Will you require seed? If so take advantage of this opportunity for buyer and seller to meet. Have you any problems in connection with field crops? Are you interested in greater yields? Come out on Tuesday, February 18th and help make the after- noon a profitable one. WWO...” Woodbridge Farmers Co. Limited WOODBRIDGE THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO in , North York Township Hall. Willow-l T.I afternoon, close of the business mtetirer a de-‘ 77th year . f: 1 $114.27; -Thornhiil District News rers oil the IT‘IstiItite. The Federated \Von.‘ 11's 'i~titu?1.\', of t'Linada have undertaken in equip a ward in the Canadian Red (‘ross ‘hospitxil Ergland‘ and a («Nation will be takin at this n xt meetin_r for this purpose. in >17t't‘IJI The large L'l't\\'(l> r ho gath red at the Lawrence Memorial Ilal'. Thu“<~ (lay and Friday evening's 1w \ure Well 1't\\':11'il(",l with a splendid ti:- tertztinment by the ehildrtn oi" the publ‘e :elioel in their rptrit‘ia “The Iiriiicess of Puppylanrd". The fine programme numerous parts, Spanish. Scotch and Swedi-h all which \\ ere cxcellertly drne by the \il‘o Iit’tll consisted of selo drums. of youri’: pert‘einnrs hayi- idiligtntly training for the past num- ber (1' months. An outstanding feature of the e\'- trained by Miss Kirby and conductâ€" ed by Miss Susan Swaibey, who we might. add had all the technique to ‘be found in any band mistress. They were real charming in little red and black hats and real melody was pro- duced by these somewhat odd but very entertaining instruments. Candy was sold ‘by the pupils be- , tween acts and haltf of the total pro- ‘ceeds realized: from the two evenâ€" ings] performances will be used for war purposes. At the close of the program Mus. Pherrill thanked all those who had' theliped so willineg to make this afâ€" fair such a huge success and parti- cularly Mrs. Hickson for the great amount of time expended by her and Miss Beverley Bourne presentâ€" ed Mrs. Hickson with .a. lovely bouâ€" quet of roses, and‘ the evening close edI with The National Anthem. .Mr. N Findlay of Kirkland Lake will be spending next week with his folks while he is participating in the Toronto Bonspiel. Mr. and Mrs. A. Brillinger, Mr. and Mrs. C. Brillinger and Jimrmie of Weston visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. Short of Toronto on Sunday. The following is a correction in the annual report of the Thornhill branch of the Red‘ Cross published last week. The total receipts should have read 32452.71. The Junior Red Cross will meet on Tuesday evening, February 18 at the home of Jean: Brillinger. The regular monthly meeting of the W.A. of the United Church was zheld‘ on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Bert Orke. Thornhill Library Associatibn The annual meeting of the Thorn- Ihill Library Association was held on 1Tuesday evening, February 11th in the library room in the Public . . . ar *. *enmg was the Junior Rhythm Bandl y Notice to Creditors IN THE ICSTATIC 0F JAMES A. IIESIAII‘. lute «it \Vil. \\";i‘.v-. Town-in}. «L N iiih Yuk, Retard I’ziriier, deceased. All 1)L'1‘Sl)f‘.> having" claims against the estate of Janus .\. IIleop, late ‘1’ \Villowi’ale. Town-hip of North York, Ietired Farmer, who died on or about loth day of Sept.:m‘>er. 1010. tl‘t‘ hertby notified to forward to ItIIL' undersigned executors of the last will of mild James A. lleslop, in or before ZAt-th day of February. =1f’41. full particulars of their elain‘s against the said estate duly pF-ovon. A't‘ter 24th 1“evbruary. 1041. the undersigned executors will disâ€" said bmirg regard only to the claims of which the executors shall then have, i . notice. DATED this 10th day of Febru- 1941. Burton Alonzo Heslop, Yonge St.. Thornhill, Township of North York and Everett Cox, of VV'illowdale, Town- ' ship of North York, the executors‘ of the. last will of said James; A. Heslop, PER Alexander MacGregor, K.C., 614 Confederation Life Building, Toronto, Solicitor for said executors. Be “the man behind the man be- hind the gun‘" by pledtging to buy War Saving Stamps and Certificates regularly. '1" il L'RSDAY. I: tribute the assets of the said estate. ICBRI'ARY 13th. 1941. Notice to Creditors EF'I‘A'I‘I’. (11’ JOHN ROB- ’ _.\‘- .‘IlICl 1.. late of the 'I'boriih II. of Surgeon, de~ ’i'lili 5: \';.:;.u-e York. ceased. (‘eunty Veterinary All haying claims against the estate of John Robinson Camp- bell. late of the Village of Thomâ€" hitl. (‘ounty of York. Veterinary Sington. \\ ho dried on or about 28th day of August. 1040, are hereby notified to forward to the under- signed executrix and eXOL’umr of the last wzll of the said john Robinson Cantibell, on or before 24th day of Fobruary. 1941. full particulars of their claims against the said estate duliy provcn. After said 24th day of Febmary, .1941. the undersigned cxecutrix and] executor will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard onin i‘to the claims of which the execu- trix and executor shall then have "notice. DATED this 10th day of Febru- ary, 1941. Jennie Murray Complbell, of Thornhill, widow, and Robert George Campbell, of 1042% St. Clemens Ave.., Toronto, man- ager, executrix and executor of the last will of said John Rabin- tsoru Camp-held. BY Alexander MaciGreg-or, KiC., 614 Confederation Life Building, Toronto, Solicitor for said- execu- trix and executor. persmis i BIG DANCE and EUCHRE » Come and help the British War Victims Fund BILLY HOLE AND HIS LIVE WIRES LAWRENCE MEMORIAL HALL, THORNHILL Wednesday, February, 19th Under the auspices of L.O.L. No. 91 Refreshments Euchre at 8.30 sharp Admission 506. Auto School. Usual reports presented and filed. Receipts for year, $144.85; ex- penditures, $152.82; ballance on hand $211.17. Expended for new books, sundries and services, $316.55. Officers and directors elected for 19141 are as followisi: President, Mrs. J. A. Thompson; Secretary, Mr. J. E. Francis; Treasurer. Mr. N. L. Morton; Purchasing Com., Mrs. J. A. Thompson, Mrs. T. Teasdale; Di- rectors: ‘Mrs. O. 1C. James, Miss H. \Vells‘h. Mrs. J. A. Thompson, Mrs. T. Teasdale, Mrs. Hioksoners. Fitzgerald, Mr. J. Neil, Mr. N. L. iMorton, Rev. J. H. Colclough, Mr. J. E. Francis, Mr. C. W. Longley. THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH A Friendly Place to Worship Rev. Eldridge A. Currey, B.A., B.D.. Minister 10 a.m. â€" Sunday School. Lesson Topic, Jesus teaches forgiveness and gratitude. Golden Text, “Be ye kind one to another, tenderâ€" hearted, forgiving one another, gave you.”'Ephesians 4:82. 11 a.m.â€"Morning Worship. Subject, God. punâ€"Evening Worship. To be conducted by the Young People. The Young People will be glad to have you worship with them on this occasion. 8.15 p.m.â€"Fellowrshiip Period. Topic. Who was Jesus Christ? Come and the with us: in the fellowship of this hour; we bid you welcome. Service of Intercession Tuesday, February 18 in the Anglican Church “Pnayer is an offering up of our desires unto God, for things agree- able to His will, in the name of Christ, with confession of our sins, and thankful acknowledgment of His mercies.” ~ \Vestminster Caetcrhism. “L0. I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.”â€" Matthew 28:20. â€"â€" r-v l Do you want to be a hcwer of German for at least ten genera- tions? If not. help to prevent it by buying War Sayings Stamps and? Certificates. even as God also in Christ for-1 wood and a drawer of water for the ‘ *4 ' , Parts 6189 Yonge St. Stop 12, Zone 8-218 l SPRINGS GAS THOMPSON PRODUCTS PISTON PINS â€" KING PINS â€" VALVES EXCHANGE REBUILT MOTORS EXCHANGE REBUILT GENERATORS & STARTERS EXCHANGE REBUILT CARBURETORS AND EXCHANGE REBUILT REAR END UNITS EXCHANGE REBUILT TRANSMISSIONS PISTON RINGS â€" FIVE DIFFERENT MAKES BRAKE LINING â€" 2,000 FEET IN STOCK Mufflers, Tail Pipes and Exhaust Pipes for every ’ Car and Truck on road “IF IT’S FOR CAR OR TRUCKâ€"WE HAVE IT” We Deliver Anywhere “Tony Saves You Money â€" GRILLS PUMPS ” Ill-E: coLo‘un __'GIIAI1ANT_EES_VIHEV ouALm Try fblue ooal’. Let it prove in your furnace why thousands say it s the greatest heating value money can buy. PHONE FOR A TON TODAY I. D. Ramer & Son PHONE 10 THE ELEVATOR RICH MON D HILL Listen to “The Shadow"â€"GFRB, Tues, 8.30 p.m., OKGO, Tues., 9.00 p.m., OFRG, Thurs, 8.00 pJI.

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