Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Feb 1941, p. 2

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the first of her war aims. / In the words of Churchill, the leader, Britain’s firs war aim is this: To be worthy of the love that has flown to Britain from the Dominions of the Crown across the broad ocean spaces and to preserve it. From time to time, the mischief-makers and the cynics have whined a bit and nagged at Britain. John Bull would- n’t state Britain’s war aims and his dog wouldn’t step one inch away from the Union Jack. Neither of them could be duped into taking their eyes from their adversary, no matter what cunning he employed to throw them off their guard. But now Britain has taken a few minutes’ breath- ing spell â€"â€" the first in 18 months â€"- and the first thing John Bull does is to state Britain’s war aims, or rather, Dictators may well worry when a mighty Empire’s war aim is love and its preservation. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, and Brit- ain so loves Christian democracy and Freedom and the rights of men that she will stand steadfast â€" soldiers and fisherfolk, parliamentarians, shepherds and typistsâ€"and with the support of sons and daughters over the seas she will suffer and die that children born today may be the free men and women of tomorrow. For such is the spirit of Britain, and such is the king dom which free men love and fight for, keeping love in their hearts and declaring it before the world. So did Churchill, broadcasting Britain’s first war aim to the world. In every broadcast presented to the Canadian peo- ple in the overseas service of the BBC, there is fresh evi- dence of this spirit of Britain, a spirit which Churchill lik- ens to the spirit of Waterloo, a spirit to inspire love and preserve it. Let us keep this spirit kindled, let us lend for Victory. This is a comparatively safe way of sabotaging War Effort. The Minister of Finance drew attention to it in his speech at Kingston recently and called upon the pub- lic to write him letters about any cases of wastage, of Government moneys, where there was evidence to prove it. The Minister’s request comes as a challenge to all patriotic citizns. It is a challenge, which if answered, gives an opportunity to each Canadian to help stop wast- age, and‘ defeat the Nazi rumour monger. Where do you think the defeatist rumours come from? In Whose interest is it to spread the false stories that the Government will repudiate its debts and won’t repay the money it borrows from you? Or that the Government is wasting money and is not deserving support? That the munitions work is being bungled, etc., etc.? RICHMOND HILL TAX RATE TAKES A DROP A tax reduction always is good news to the taxpayer. It is especially good news in war time when citizens are making: every effort to devote as much of their means as possible to war work. Therefore it is welcome news to Richmond Hill ratepayers that the municipal council of 1941 has struck the tax rate at 45 mills, three mills lower than last year. We commend the members of council for the view that in war time it is the duty of the elected re- presentatives of the people to make the tax burden as light as possible. No one wishes to see economy to the extent that necessary services suffer or needed repairs a‘e neglected, but we think there is general agreement that no large expenditures which can be postponed should be undertaken under present conditions. If they could throw a monkey-wrench into Canadian War Financing, it would be as good as blowing up a fac- tory, from the enemy‘standpojntn True, the masses of people in England have a deep incentive to provide every last available shilling for the war effort. Over there, they fully realize the threat that hangs over their freedom and_their homes. There are Nazi agents everywhere. The U.S.A. is full of them. We welcome them as tourists with open arms. They Sit beside you on trains â€" hotel lobbies, in street cars. Looking to the future Richmond Hill taxpayers can confidently anticipate a decreasing tax burden. The de- benture debt created to provide this municipality with modern schools and utilities is gradually being reduced and several debenture issues mature in the next six or seven years. It was a big load, but we are over the worst and there are better days ahead for the taxpayer. The declining tax rate should be a further inducement for the building of new homes here. We know of no better inducement to home building than a declining tax rate. Richmond Hill is in that class now as a municipality and we look for a speeding up in building here in the next few years. Even after discounting the vast difference between the population of Canada and the population of Great Bri- tain, Canada’s attempt to secure one hundred and twenty million in a year from War Certificate loans suffers by comparison. Canada has shown and will show that it is ready to sacrifice all for the retention of a free democracy. But it might not be out of the way to observe that if Canad- ians at the present moment were feeling- the shock of war as Englishmen are now, those in authority would be setting a War Savings objective much higher than one hundred and twenty million dollars a year. _ In ctherAwords, the wage earners of old England are contributing a total mighty close to the total loaned by citizens of means, and corporations. And Sir Robert made an interesting comparison when he revealed that subscriptions to large loans during that period of fifteen months was eight hundred and seventy- five million pounds. SAVE AND LEND FOR VICTORY In talking to Canadians from London recently, Sir Robert Kindersley gave this country startling informa- tion about the way Great Britain has carried out a War Savings Program since the start of the war fifteen months ago. The President of the National Savings Committee in England stated that in these fifteen months the small man has saved through saving certificates, defence bonds. savings banks and a few odds and ends, the sum of six hundred million ‘pounds â€"â€" almost three billion dollars in Canadian money. Advertising Rates on Applicat Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RIGHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING C0., LTD J. Eachern Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Subscription $1.50 per year N To the Unitcu States $2.00 Covering Canada's Best Suburban District PAGE TWO ‘fHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20th, 1941. DEFEAT THE DEFEATIST “THE LIBERAL” AND TO PRESERVE IT” TELEPHONE 9 In reality, no meat is more ‘dc- cent” than the products of the BIG. Ham, for instance, is the only form of meat which approaches the aes- thetic. Most meat has a regrettable halhrit of looking painfully dead: but a slice of ham, blushing pin-kily and coyly upon the plate, almost per- sruadies us to forget that we belong to tlhe larger carnivera. So also with BlAlC|OlN. A rasher of streaky shows a perfection of pattern which ap- peai‘ls to the eye no less than the 'palate. This has not ’been under- stood, in the .past, on‘ the Continent of Europe. Bacon in backward coun- tries goes by the blunt, unlovely name of “Lard”, andI when produced at all, which is rarely, consists of small sections of fatty substance of a drarb cadaverous hrue. This Shows a characteristic misunderstanding of the British temperament, which in (this and 'many other matters con- cealls beneath an apparently Phil'is- tine virility a genuine delicacy of taste. It is floeyond question that the British Empire could‘ never have (been what it is except upon the im- pregnaible foundation of BACON. I should not go as far as to say that I approve of all tastes in Bacon. It may lbe odd of me, ‘but I prefer a form of bacon which contains some traces, however faint, of bacon. The mind‘ which conceives bacon as an expanse of adipose matter unrelieved lby any oasis of meat is a mind which where sung~ “My heart, my heart is like a fry- ing-pan, with sausages, sro fair!” The matutinal British heart warms; and throts at the very thought of a frying-pan. Whatever the dtisvcourâ€" agements of yesterday, the Britisiher â€"Jparticul‘arly if he be of English origin and upbringing â€"â€" wakes} and sizzle-s at the thought of B A C' O N. Fatty food may be violently indi- gesrti'ble in the morning, but even the dispe-ptic thinvlw indie-mita'bly, as he wakes, of the positive, compara- tive, and‘ iuiperlative of breakfast, which are rash, rasher, rash-est. Baâ€" conl has moved' eome out the happiest 10f British lyricists to their highest ecstasies» For example, when that renowned Londkmer, Mr. A. P. Her- Ibert wakes up in' a hearty mood, feeling that he can condone even the grievances and‘ scandals of the man- riage market, of what does his heart instinctively sing? Hear him Chortl- ing his joyâ€" ‘ “Now blest be the Britonl, his beexf, Crisp Bacon, And let there he Eggs!” It is this spirit of breezy chall- enge, of sturdy independence, that Britons, the world ever, have defied the opinion of less masculine human- ity. The PIG has not been a'popu- lar figure in- natural history. His monosyllasbic conversation, his some- what lax views of personal hygiene, have made a bad impression. Most consistently, he has been condemned for dioinvg, free of charge, what his critics do, at great expense, at fash- ionalblie spas andl health resorts â€"â€" namely, taking much baths. Large sections of humanity have laidl wholly undeserved‘ ban upon him. Millions of deluded' men would go to the stake rather than consume one morsel of him. How untf»ai1'!â€"â€"all because his looks are against and! he has an unâ€" fortunate manner. and his rbeer, And) all the strong waters that keep him in cheer; But {bk-st beyond‘ cattle and: blast be- yond kings Is the brave British breakfast of Bacon andl Eggs! “0 breakiasrt! 0 breakfast! The meal of my heart! Bring porridge, brimg sausage, bring fish for a wart, Bring kidm-eys and! mushrooms and partridges’ l'egs, But let the foundation be Bacon and Eggsâ€" THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO But, on the other hand, I hold that *bacorn should retain some mea- sm‘e .of its identity. I deprecate the confusion which exists in the minds of many cooks between; a fried' rash» er of bacon and a chip or flake of charred' charcoal deposit. Pastry may be “short”, but bacon should not be I do not umdersxtanod. To my think- ing, the Pig’s obesity is its least at- tractive feature "in life, and! I prefer not to dwell upon it in death. “short”. Bacon is, of course, fry- alble, but it should] not be friable. “ About Bacon and Eggs “Bacon and Eggs, Bacon and] eggs; Sing of Bacon,- Red! Bacon, Red) Bacon and! Eggs “Bacon and Eggs, Bacon and Eggs; Bring on Bacon, smirited rhymster has some- (AN OLD HOUSEHOLD STAND-BY) (By Ted Ridge) The rashei' which disintegrates into a thousand fl‘lnty fragments at the touch of the fork is to he deplored, and! is all too common. As for EGGS) what can be said of tlhem that can add‘ one whit to their unique position in the culinary vwoai‘ldl? Proverlb‘ia] wisdom has it, with unquestionable accuracy, that nothing in the world: is so sure as that eggs are e‘ggizl. It is extraor- dlinval'y â€" when: you look into it â€" the alarming dependence of the hu- man race upon the d‘omestic cow. The hen is even in a stronger posi- tion. Its: contribution to civilization is utterly and eternally beyond imi- tation. If all the King‘s horses and all! the King’s men cannot cure a broken; egg, so all the King’s chem» ists and all the King‘s factories can.- nJot produce a synthetic egg. What: other product of nature has 150 fired! the imagination f the cook? There a thousand” ways: of cooking eggs, and each .one produces a dish which is as nourishing as it is tooth- some. The egg has a. beauty of its own, too. Have you ever noticed the strong resemblance between the setting sun) and a poac’hed egg? Anrdl yet, what should' we do with»â€" ourt it? It accompanies; us from the cradle t0; the 'rave. Babies wax fat upon it; am“ grand’mothel‘s suck it. ‘ Well, for our part, for our “break- (fast we shall have our eggs fried in honest bacon-fat or “dip” â€"â€" as it is known to the younger melmlb-ems of older communities. Bacon and- eggs have made the ibon-e and thaw of Britishecrs the world over; and' so long as bacon continues to be~cured, it matters little which of our na- tional ills remain uncured. Willowdale, Ont, February 6hl'1, 1941. The Woman’s Ass'ociatiOn met Last Thursday afternoon: at the home of Mrs. Thomas Street. Mrs. A. W. :Gallbraith presidled‘ and the devotionâ€" al was conducted by Mrs. Halbe‘rt. .Arrangemems were made to hold the annual! Irish Supper on Thursday, March 13d». During the afternoon the melmlberw quilted} two quilts for the Red} Cross. Mr. Reid Brulm'well has bought a farm at Victoria Square andJ expects 'to move some time in March. We are sorry to Lose Mr. and Mrs. Brumâ€" Will, Gordon and Jean from our mid's't. Rev. A. H. and Mrs. Halbert at- tendledl the wedding of their’ niece at Allismoni Last F-ridlay. The regular sewing meeting for the Red Cross will be held Thurs- ‘day, Feb. 201210. at t‘he home of Miss "Erdma Street at 130 pm. Earl Haig Collegiate Institute inv tend: holding an Olperetta on March 6th, 7th and‘ Sfih. . The N-ewtonfbrook United Church Choir held a skating party on the schoof rink last Friday evening and all report a fine time. They were iaftemwardis entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Duggan- Jr. Newtonfin‘ook United Church Sum- day School is holding a Temperance Oratorical Contest on February 23. It is' expected a number Olf contest- ants will be taking part. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. New cele- Tbrated‘ their 2I5t‘h wedid’ing annivers- ‘ary on Wednesday, February 12th. 'We extend: to them heartiest con- gratubations. NEWTONBROOK DOMINION DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OTTAWA RICHMOND HILL, Ont. 600 x 16 Tires, 30,000 mile type, reg. $15.05 . . $12.20 (500 x 16 Tires, 25,000 mile type, reg. $11.35 . ., $10.00 Other sizes also reduced Tire Pumps, reg. 85c., now . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52c. Reliners all sizes (car) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70c. 20% reduction on Mufflers and Oil Pipes, Exhaust Pipes, Gaskets and Fan Belts Ford 1935-36 Radiator Grilles, reg. $12.00 $9.50 1 gallon motor oil for your old battery Honourable James G. Gardiner, Minister. District In‘ c/o Homo cultural Cc on part of the farm where potatoes have not been grown before. Produce bigger yields of potatoes ; z : that are more uniform in size, smoother, cleaner, of better quality than those grown from ordinary seed stock and avoid many of the losses that result from disease. Grow potatoes that will grade Canada No. 1. Good seed potatoes cannot be selected by appearance alone â€" The best assurance of getting good seed is to buy Cana- dian Certified Seed Potatoes. Ask the District Government Inspector, Plant Protection Division, for full information and list of nearest distributors. LANT Canadian Certified Seed Potatoes in clean landâ€" nn hart of the farm where notatnes have not been arisAutOSupply AUTO WRECKERS INSPECTOR FOR ONTARIO AGAINST DISEASED POTATO cnnps/ Marketing Service FEBRUARY SPECIAL SALE ‘pectcr. Seed Potato Certification xltural De rtmcnt. Ontario Agri‘ “age, Gue ph. Ont. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20th, 1941. PHONE 86

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