Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Feb 1941, p. 4

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Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill Tuesday, Mar. 4th, 2 p.m.,D.S.T. A McCORMICK-DEERING POWER FARMING ENTERTAINMENT Always Sure Gmd Value BIGGER AND/ BETTER THAN EVER DON’T MISS IT ' AND OTHER ENJOYABLE FEATURES Come and see the New “W” line of Trac- tors in action on the screen and on dis- play; also our new No. 9 mower with the Zero] Gears; also our new grain drills, cream separators & other farm machines When you go to a hatchery to order chicks this spring find out what they have done in a breeding way to better the quality of their chicks and compare it with Peelar’s. During the past season we had the honor of filling an order received by the Dept. of Agriculture, Ottawa. This order was from a breeder in the Orange Free State, South Africa for 6 pullets and 2 cockerels. These had to be outstanding birds with good breeding. At New York in the Central Egg Laying Contest com- peting against many of the most prominent breeders in the United States we had the high Barred Rock pen. At home this past season we made better records in R.O.P. than ever before. Qualified a larger per cent of birds with more eggs per bird. Order your Barred Rock Chicks from PHONE 571‘11 Men’s and Boys’ PAGE FOUR Phone 218w Phone 21w There will be a lucky number draw Ist prizeâ€"100 lbs. McCormick-Deering Twine 2nd prizeâ€"A McCormick-Deering Knife Grinder Be with us and have a good time Peelar’s R.O.P. Sired Barred Rocks You are assured of good value for your money when you deal with us. We handle only stand- ard lines, and we stand behind what we sell. FLOYD R. PERKINS WITH FREE SOUND MOVIES BUY HERE WITH CONFIDENCE C. A. PEELAR R J. CRAIGIE >’ Wearâ€"Men’s, Boys’ and Children’s Shoes and Rubbers WILL E HELD IN THE SPONSOR Richmond Hill MAPLE, ONT. Richmond Hill Moved by E. M. Legge, seconded by W. E. Barker. that this council hlervelby endorses the anpointiment of Dr. Locikihlardlt as Medical Health Otfficer for this t-xvnship, and that this council are entirely satisfied for him to continue his services as Medical Health Officer, in order to comply with the statutes and that the seal of the corporation be at- tached to this resolution. Carried. Moved by W. E. Barker, seconded by E. M. Legige, that this council appreciates the action of the County Council, especially our Reeve and Deputy Reeve, in appointing a resi- dent of Kim;r Township on the Au- rora High School Board. We re- spectfully request our representative lto try and assertain the wide margin in the cost per purpil attending Au- rora High School in: comparison to the High. Schools of York County. Carried. And) that he be further instruct- ed to render account of the same to Mr. Owram, And that the ‘seal Moved by E. M. Lagge, seconded ‘by C. E. Walkington, that the treas- ur-ea‘ be authorized to issue a cheque to the treasurer of the Town) of Au- rora, for the sum of $40.00, the same being account rendered for services of Aurora Fire Brigade at the home of Mr. Owram on Janu- ary 19th, 1941. _ 6E ‘t'inié Edi-ifiéitim be attached to this resolution. C.a1[ried. w ‘ Moved by E. M. Le'gge. seconded (by C. E. Walkington, the council in committee of the whole on accounts and 'biIls, W.7E. Bgnker_in_ the chair. Résolved flhat the. whok-‘hccowmt «be approveci and) paid and' that the Treasurer be hereby authorized to now issue his ord'er in payment for same to the parties for the amount set opposite their respective names, and) that the seal of the corporation «be attached to this resolution. Carâ€" RESOLUTIONS McVed by W. E. Banker, seconded by E. M. Legge, that the treasurer be authorized to issue a cheque to the treasurer of the County of York (W. W. Gardvbouse) for the sum of $53.37, the same being King’s share of Hospitalization for the month of December 1940, and that the seal of the corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. Thos. MacMurchy, Reeve. Canadian Bank of Commerce. Comm. on Tax Collections, $19.50; Can. Bank of Commerce, Aurora, Comm. on‘ Tax Collections, $30.75; George Macd-enald & 00., office sup- plies, $5.30; Nobletoni Postmaster, 3'00 stamps, $9.00; Maurice Hay- ward, constable services, $8.35; Gus Farquhar, constable services, $12.20; J. H. Sutton, rent meeting Feb. lust, $5.00; C. H. Ross, stamps, $3.00; C. H. Ross, tax collections, $3.89. "Relielf'A'cc'ount, s71.54;' Road Vou- cher, $617.08. .. RICHMOND IIILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Fo.lett, B.D. Pastor Sunday, Feb. 23rd 9.45 a.m.â€"Sunday School. All de- partments. L1 a.m.â€"â€"Pmb1ic Worship. 7 bumsâ€"Vesper service. Great hymns and‘ hymn writers of the Chris- t‘an Church. “Fanny Crosfby”. The pastor at both services. In"- spiring mwsic and! a cordial wel- come at all services. Come and bring your friend's. mon. 2.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 pam.â€"Evening Prayer and Ser- ried. And‘ that our Township constables [be mquested to keep a shavp look- out for all such minors carrying firearms. Carried. RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon. L.Th. 4 Markh am Road Sunday, Feb. 23rd Quinquages‘ima 11 a.m.â€"â€"Morning Prayer and Ser- mon. Feb. 26, Ash Wednesday, 8 pm.â€" Community Service of Prayer and Intercession in the Anglican Church. Speaker, Mr. W. Cole- man of Wyvcliffe College, Toronto. A.11 invited to join‘ us. King Twp. Council February Meeting Moved by E. M. Legg-e, seconded (by L. B. Goodlfielllow, that this coun- cil herelby places itself on record as being unalteralbly opp05ed' to the practice of minors carrying firearms witihin thris Municipality (children under 16 years) and that .this reso- lution: be published in: the local pap- ers, nequestimg all minors to govern themselves accorifinglx._ â€"“1\"Iwo-\;é(‘i-fl)va:IMQ Legge, seconded by W. E. Barker, that our Solicitor and czlrerk be and‘ arg hereby instru‘ct- RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sun-day, Fe‘b. 23rd 11 a.m.â€"Morning Worship. 2.45 p.m,â€"Sunday School. 8 p.m.â€"Y.P.S‘ meeting. led‘ to prepare a Building By-law for this municipality in order that this coumcil may have some control over various shacks, e’bc. now being built in this township and that the seal of the corporation 'be attached to this resolution. Carried. (Moved by E. M. Legge, seconded rby C. E. Wabkington, that in the matter of assessments in flhe future for this municipality, this council will not recognize any asseys'ment for less than an amount of $100.00. And that our assessors be furnâ€" ished] with a copy of this resolution for their retference. And that the seal of the corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. Movecl by E. M. Legge, seconded \by W. E. Barker, that M. A. Wilson be paid! the sum of $72.00 for sheep killed! by dogs as per sheep valuâ€" atgé‘s certificate now on file. Car- r] . ,B.;°Cc;mmunity Service in St. Mary’s Church on Ash Wednesday at 8 o’clock. Everybody wehcome. ST". M ARY’S CHURCH (Anglican) THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO ‘sig'n‘ing, remodelling and alterating. Mrs. N. R. McIntyre, Centre Street, TI‘hom-hi‘ll. WIED., MlAiRJOH 51th -â€" Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain, etc. the property of George Jarrett, E. half of lot 21, con. 4. Vaughan, Village of Maple. Sale at 1 pm. J. C. Saigeon, auctioneer. THIURS., MARCH 6â€"Auction sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain, etc., the property of George Baker, W. half of lot 13, Con. 2, Vaughan. Two miles north of No. 7 Highway. J. Carl Salilgeon, Auct. EXPE‘RT DRESSMAKING, dress d|e- TUEJStD-AY, FEB. 25â€"Auctiom sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain, Roots, Threshing Machine and Tractor, the property of Daniel Don- eral, E. half Lot 19, Con. 5 North York Twp., 2 miles north of Wilson Ave. No reserve as farm is rented. Terms cash. Sale at 12.15 Standard Time. J. Carl Saigeon, Auctioneer. HOUSES Raised and Moved. Phone Thornhill 73. t1 ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering. cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G- VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. WEI), FEB. 26thrâ€"chtion sale of Valuable Farm Property, Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain, Furniture, etc., the property of Levi Goddard Estate, Lot; 12, Concession 5, Vaughan Township, 11/2 miles north of No. 7 Highway, north of Edgelley. Sale at 12.30 Standard Time. J. Carl Saigeon, Auctioneer. sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain, Furniture, ebo., the pro- perty of the Estate of the Late Herbert Stephenson, Lot 18, Con- cessiom 6, Markham Town'shi , one mile north of Unionvville. I‘Tl‘erms: cash. Sale at 1 p.m. S.T. No Re- serve. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. sale of Antique Furniture and other Household Goodlsv, the property of John sther, comer Dund‘as & Burn- theme Road, at Is:1imgton, No. 4930 Dundas Street. No reserve as Mr. Ushier is giving up heusLelkeeping. Terms cash. Sale at 1.30 D‘.S.T. J. Carl Saigeo‘n, auctioneer. SATURDAY, MARCH 8th â€" Auction- COMMUNITY SERVICE OF PRAYER The next Community Service of Prayer and: Intercession will be held on the first day of Lent, eommomly called Ash Wednesday, in the Angliâ€" can Church. Durirug Lent we hope to have a special speaker at these Wednesday evening services. The smeal'er for next Wednesday will be Mr. W. Coleman of Wycliffe College Toronto. Mr. Coleman is a young man with a special message f0; young people. It is hoped that many of our young people will be present. sale of Jersey Cattle, HorSes, Im- plements, Furniture, etc., the propâ€" erty of John J. Lees, Lot 35, Con. 3, Markham, n-ear Gonmley station. No reserve. Terms cash. Sale at 1 o’clock. A. S. Farmer, Auctioneer. sale of carpenter’s tools and several other articles, the property of the estate of Frank Smith, Highway No. 7 at Ed-geley. Termrs- cash. Furth- er particulars in next week’s- issue. J. C. Saigeon, aumtioneer. THURSDAY, FEB. 27th â€"â€" Auction SATURDAY, MARJCIH ISLâ€"Auction: WEDNESDAY, M»AR. 12thâ€"Public auction sale of farm srtook, imple- ments, etc., the property of Robert Carson, east hvaulrf Lot 21, Con. 1, North York Township, 114 miles east of Newtonlb‘rook. Terms cash. J. C. Saigeon‘, auctioneer. SAITUIRDAY, M‘ARC’H lstâ€"Auctrio-n scale of Holstein Cattle, Case Tracâ€" tor, Threshing Machine “New Fav- orite", Pigs, Lmjplements, Hay, Grain, Roots, Eta, the property of E’gibert Avis-on, Lots 22 and 23, Concession 4, Markham Township, south of Vicâ€" toria Square. Terms cash. Sale starts at 12 o’clock ST. A. S. Far- mer, auctioneer. THURSDAY, MAJROH 20â€"Aucjjon sale Farm Stodk, Implements, Hay and Grain, the property of Mrs. L. Boston, Lot 29, Con. 4, Markham. Terms cash. A. S. Farmer, aucâ€" tioneer. THURS, MAR. 2'0â€"Extensive auc- tion sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, roots, etc., on lot 30, con. 3, Pickering Twp” Cherrywood‘, the property of Geo. T. Davidson. Sale at 12.30. S.T. No reserve as farm is rented. J. H. Prentice, auc- tionleer. THURSDAY, MARCH 1§â€"â€"Au£ti(m SAT., MA'R. Ziaâ€"Auction sale of farm stock, inflplerrn‘enrtsn, furniture, hray, grain, ebc., lot 15, con. 8. Whit- church, 3 miles north of Ringwood‘; the property of J. L. Hollinger. Sale at 1 p.m. S.T. No reserve, giving up farming. J. H. Prentice, auct. WED, MAR. 26â€"Auction sale of the entire lot of high clas‘s- furni- ture, rugs, dishes, (flairy utensils, tools- and numerous other articles, lot 30, con. 3., Pickering ’I‘Wp., the property of Geo. T. Davidson». Sale at 1 pm. S.T. No reserve. J. H. Prentice, auctioneer. MISCELLANEOUS Sale Register I3 LARGE WHITE RABBITS, Ap- GOOD YORKSHIRE HOG, 250 lbs L. Chapman, Langstaff. OVERSTOGKED, MUST SELL. 1 Holstein cow due to freshen; 1 H01- stein cow due to freshen March 15$; 6 pigs) eight weeks,- 2 geldings- ris- ing 3 years; 1 filly rising 2 years; 1 Percheron mare 7 years. C. E. Walkington, King, phone King 4213. 3 GOOD WORK HlOIRtSEES. Apply 6 GOOD SHIO‘A’DS around] 60 tbs. H. Sulmrmerfeldvt, Lot 23, Concession 6, Markham. KITCHEN RANGE, ivory and‘ green, nearby new. Apply Reg. Baker, Oak Avenue, Richrgale. O‘AK DIleNIG SUITE, 9 pieces, in good condition. Apply 39 Richmond Street, Richmond! Hill‘. ings, owner considserinfg r'etirinlg‘. Box 151, Richmond Him, telephone 229. AYBSH:IRE BULL, registered, ris- ing 3 years. Apply Jac‘k Edwards, 4th Con. King, 211/2‘ miles north of King- City. ‘rooms, GOOD WORK HORSE 4 years old, well broken, $75.00 for quick sale. Also fresh cows and’ spring-ers. Leechrwood Farm, RR. 2 Gormley, 211/2 miles east of Thomhill, 1 mile south of No. 7 Highway. Walter Paxton, Bond Lake. EJQCIErLLE-NT FARM, good build- ply Taylor’s Radlio Sales and- Se}- vice, 127 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, phone 226. SEVERAL YORKSHIRE SOWS with 10 to 15 litters, also incoming Sows, and a rvumfber of 7 to 14 weeks old) Pigs, all in A1 condition. Baled) Straw, Hay and D‘u‘oks. I. K. Ken- nedly, Steeles and Bathursdz, York Mills. Ph-one Elgin 8636. 8‘0 YEARLINIG HENS $1.00 each if taken all together or $1.25 singly. Mrs. J. Warwick, Hunt Lane, phone Richmond Hill 1371‘5. TWO ‘SlOW‘S with: first litters, one of 7, and one of 10, .in excellent shape. Apply 42% Steele’s Avenue East. DAY OLD LEGHORN‘ .COCKE‘R'EL CIHFICKS, $1.50 [per hundred. No d‘eltivery. Order early. They make excel‘lenrt capons. Wm. Vandenbent, RR. 2 Gormley, phone Th rnhill 1821. 0 ; ) SPECIAL NOTICEâ€"SAVE MONEY No. 1 KATAHDIN POTATOES, also $2 000 on Radios, Refrigerators, Ranges, Frigidaire Milk Coolers and DeLaval Milkers. We still have a quantity without the new 25% tax. “Act quickly”. Trades accepted. B. R. Leech, Toronto Radio & Sports, Ltd., 241 Yonge St, Toronto. Seed! Potatpes. Apply Summfit Farm, lst farm south: of Summit Golf Club, east side. BRICK BROODE‘IR STOVE, Feeders, 2’7 Leghorn Hens. W. Thompson, Mark- ham Road, Langsrtaff, third house from Yon-ge Street. TWO HORSES, 1 about 18 hands, a real good work honse; 1 chunk ex- cellent for market garden work. Priced reasonably. Apply Samuel Winger, phone Maple 1062. lR.O.P. SLRED CHIIC‘K‘S make you rmore monesy. Doncas-ter White Leg- horn chicks are sired by R.O_P. males. Big eggsâ€"Large thirdlyâ€" [High quality at reasonable prices. {Free catalogue. Doncaster Poultry \Farm, Leo Bevan, Prop., Box B, TI‘hornxh‘ill, On’c. FOR SALE OR RENT 7 RIOOMED HOUSE, 18 Elizabeth St., for sale or rent, hot water heat- ed, laBge fire place, two halls, sun room. Possession February 1. Ap- ply lrsiggntre St. E., phone 38 Rich- §nEmd Him Buy Big-4 Chicks on the sayâ€"so of hundreds of customers who come back year after year. Their experi- ence should‘ help you. Canadian Ap- proval hatchery; breeders bloodtest- ed. Our agent here Will ‘be glad to ad'vise you â€" quote prices â€" take your order â€"â€" see to delivery. Wes- ley Clark, Gormley, phone Richmond Hill 47r4. It pays to use Liberal Classified ((Ads’y‘ OQO”WOW”WW9' MWW‘ RATESâ€"Five lmes or less. 25 cents for first insertion and 16 celitl for'eac‘n subsequent Insertion. Over 6 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. mus IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT Classified Advs. are from bloodâ€"tested and specially mated flocks on our own farm Price List on request SHERINDALE FARMS, Phone 122, Woodbridge, Ont. H‘OU’SE, Queensrv‘ille, seven small 'barn, 1/2 acre lot, Apply Box 91, Liberal Off- FOR SALE (On HighWay No. 7 east end of village) SHERINDALE CHICKS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY.» 20th, 1941. l INDIVIDUALLY PEDIGREED. R.‘O. IP. COCKERELS from high record ilhensl, blood te-svted, lairgie strong- rbind‘si. Low price including 3 gen- eration pedigree. Wm. thd-erbemt, R.R. No. 2 Gormley, phone Thorn Ih-ill 18-21. ' Have you considered using Canad- ianrcoal? We carry an excellent grade of Alberta for stoves or furnaces. Phone Jones Coal Company, Rich- mond Hill 188. Wonge Street north, all conveniences, garage, hen house. Possession first bf March. Apply to John McLean, B1 Church Street, Richmond Hill. SIX ROOMED BRICK HOUSE, 112 HOUSE to rent on Centre Street. Apply Rustic Inn. APARTMENT with modern conven- iences, electric range, hardwood floors. AppLy Liberal Office. FARMS and Village, Pr‘opent’y for sale or exchange for City properties, ‘Box 91, Liberal Ofiice. WIANTED TO BUY 1 GANDER. Don Archibald, Ehgin Mills, or tele- phone 127 Richmond Hill. Notice is hereby given: that Alex- andler Little and Rdb-ert D. Little. who formerly carried on as partners the business of Ford Sales and Ser- vice Agents and! Garage Proprietors at Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, and Main Street, Weston, have termin- ated their partnership as of Janu- ar): 1, 1941. The Ford Sales and Service Ag. ency, Located on-Yonge Street, Rich- mond Hill, will be continued under the style and firm name of LITTLE BROTHERS under the exclusive pro- prietorship of Robert D. Little, on and after January 1, 1941. The Ford; Sales and Service Ag- emcy located on Main: Street, Wes- ton, will be continued under the style and firm name of LITTLE BROTH- ERS under the exclusive proprie'bor- ship of Alexander Little, on and; af- terflJanuary 1, 71941. Richvale Take Notice A regular School Board meet- ing will be held on the first Friday of each month. S. MacPherson, Sec.-Treas. Used Cars (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) 1939 MERCURY TOWN SEDAN - 1939 FORD V-8 TUDOR â€" Smgu 1931 BUICK SEDAN â€" A nice ca} 1938 FORDrV-8 TUDOR a Large 1930 FORD TUDOR â€" Thou'ovughl; recnmditidned. Little Brother; FORD AND MERCURY " SALES AND SERVICE RICHMOND HILL PHONE 171 NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS 8.8. No. 24 VAUGHAN White Wall Tires and Heater. Small Mileage. mi Pea ge. Excellent comde Trunk. Heatefl. Very Nide. $925.00 $725.00 WANTED $585.00 $165.00 $195.00 T0 RENT NOTICE

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