Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Feb 1941, p. 5

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Masonic Hal] Richmond Hill Monday, FEB. 24 As a successor to Haydn, Beethov- en was ‘borfr in Germany in 1770. He'allso lived in Vienna, and is com sideredf by many people to be the greatest of all musicians. He he- came deaf quite early in life, and many of his best compositions were Talking PICTURES Adults 25c. After the death of Handel and Bach, two other musicians carried! on the wonk of musical composition. These were Haydn and! Mozart. They were both Austrians, and rboth lived for some time in Vienna. Haydn was born in 1732 and lived' to -be seventyaseven, while Mozart was born in‘ 1756 and dial when he was only thirty-five. Haydn was robu'st and) happyâ€"fond: of playing pranks, even in some of his music, 'but Moz- art was more serious and delicate. He was also very poor, which per- haps brought about his early death. Both men wrote symphonies, besides inventing a new type of music known as string quartets, written for four stringed invstru‘me'ntsutwo violins, a vila and a viola and a Violoncello. A viola resemlbles a violin but is somewhat larger, and has a lower compass of notes, while the Violonp cello is a very large violin‘ which is held against the knee while being played. The first great composers of the eighteenth century were Bach and Handel, Who were 'both born in Ger- many in 16815. Bach spent most of his life as a church musician in Gerâ€" man cities, and wrote many cantatas for chumh services, fbesides organ! fugues and sona‘tas, and works for the orchestra and' the clavichord. His music is not always easy to under- stand, and] certainly is not easy to play, but as goodl music it has never (been surpassed. Handel left Germany when he was a young man, and spent the remainder of his life in England, where 'he was very popular as a composer of operas and- oratorios. (Operas are plays or dramas set to music, and- oratorios are sacredi stor- ies set to music. Handlel was' very fondl of the harpsichord, and wrote much music for it, including some variations which later writers have named the “Harmonious Black- smith”. Here is the second cortest in the series promoted by the Toronto Con- servatory of Music. Read the ar;-. icle and keep it if you like. At the end of the seven articles, one of which will be published each week. contestants will be required to an-’ Slwer the questions in writing at an; examination held in the schools. Ar.- swers to the questions are obvious after reading the article in connec- tion. Read the rules below and Watch for the contest article by Christopher Wood, Music Critic and Editor of Canadian Music MagazirTe and musician, in next week’s paper. SOME MEN WHO HAVE MADE MUSIC Dr. F. G. Homood written after he was totally deaf. He wrote nine famous symphonies, and ccmpcsiticns for piano, violin and string quartet, as well as an opera and an oratorio. He always carried a sketch book with him on his walk- ing jouineys, in which he recorded the themes that occurred to him, and which were later used in his Compositions. Another musician who lived in Vi- enna was Schubert. He was how in 1797 and died! when only thirty- one. He, like_Mozart, was povertv stricken, and was forced to sell many of his best compositions for a very small amount of money to keep him~ selJf alive. His melodies have never been excelled. In 1809 two composers were born Strange. to say, very few women â€"'Chopin‘ in Poland and Mendelssohn have become famous as composers of music. Most of the goodl music I in Germany. Chopin's music is writ- to which we listen was written djurâ€" 'ten chiefly for the piano, on which ing‘ the last two centuries. Before he was an excellent performer. Most 1700 most of the instrumental music .piano players are able to play some was written for the harpsichordslof hiis wartzeS, nocturnes, ,mazupkas and' clavicordls, viol’s and lutes. The l or polonaises. The last two men~ haI‘PSiCh-Ol'd resembled a small Pian0, tioned. are Polish dances. Chopin was but its tone was like that of the fdielicate and spent much of his life harp. The clavichord was really aiin the island of Corisica. Mendels- smafl-sized piano with a very del-i- sohn was very happy and this spirit cate tone. The viol had six strings, ‘shows itself in his music. Many of and! was the forerunner of the vio- : his compositions are well-known. and lin. The lute was a pear-'s'haped inâ€" , there comes a day in many People‘s' sitrume'nt with many strings, not un- lives when they march down the like our mandolin. ichurch ai‘sle to his Wedding March. School Studenis Music Contest THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20th, 1941 ADDED SHORTS 8 p.m. D.S.T. Children 15c. A quiet but pretty wedding took place at Newtonlbrook United» Church Parsonage last Satu‘rd‘ay at 4 p.m. when Miss Vera May Moore, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Moore of Toronto became the bride of John Bur‘bidvge, second! youngest son of Mr. David Bimbidge of Steele’s Ave. East. The bride wore a becoming Cblrue costume with matching accessâ€" ories and was attended by Miss J. Byers of Toronto. Mr. David Burâ€" bid‘ge, brother of the groom, was lbest man. Only the immediate rela- tives were present. The happy young couple will reside in- Toronto. ATTENTION TEMPERANCE WORKERS On March: 7th the North York Temperance Federatiorn will hold their, regular convention and Orator- ical contest at Wesley United» church, (4 miles east of Aurora on 4th con- cession). Committees meet at 3 p-m.; business session of convention at 4 p.m.; sup‘per at 6 o’clock (35 cents per plate). Evening meeting for contest at 7.30 p.m. All times are Standard. A Euchre and Dance under the auspices of the Vellore Sr. Institute will! be held in the Hall at Vellore Friday, February 215’s at 8.30 pm. Gilliam’s orchestra. Admission 350. Lunch provided. The Rexall Birthday Sale ends Saturday, February 22nd. Buy your Drug remedies now and save money. Scotchmer’s Drug- Store. Tell your friend's and come and heLp make this convention a success. VELLORE El'CHRE AND DANCE 6. Write a short essay on the mu- sic of the past two centuries, men»; RICHVALE SOCIAL CLUB tioning four important comlposers for A Euchre and Dance wiLl be held There are many hundreds of oth- er musicians who cannot be mention- e<Â¥ here, but everyone should know something about those who have written the music we like best. Questions on Above Article 1. Give the names of any six music composers who lived! after 1700. 2. Name the instruments of the string quartet. 3. Name four musicians who lived for some time in Vienna. 4. Name four instruments that were in» use before 1700, and name the instruments that now take their place. This story would} not be complete without the mention of England‘s greatest composer, Sir Edward ELgar, whodied only seven years ago. Elrgar was Mas¢er of the King’s Music, and julst before his death: wrote a set of pieces of descriptive music known as the “Nursery Suite" for the Princesses Elizabeth and‘ Margaret Rose. Elgar was almost entirely self-taught, and wrote music for many importanrt occasions. .5 What great English composer was knighted) by the King for his mwsical services, andl became Master of the King’s Music until his death in 1934? the orchestra sic is highly intellectual; Tch‘aikow- vslki, a Russian who wrote many very popular wonks for the orchestra; Lils'zt, the great Hungarian pianist; and Wagner, the originator of a new kind of opera called! music drama. Schumann was born in 1810, and besides: \being a good pianist and‘ a compose-r, was also a writer on mus- ical sulbjects‘. His wife Clara was anso a good pianist and) was able to carry on his wonk after his death in- an 3537le at the age of forty- siix. He wrote many beautiful songs, some symphonies and grouptsi of piano pieces. Other composens who lived' after Schumann were Brahms, a xfathler aulstere German composer whose ma;- In 1809 two composers were born â€"'Clvopin‘ in Poland‘ and Mendelssohn in Germany. Chopin‘s! music is writ- ten chiefly for the piano, on which he was an excellent performer. Most piano players are able to play some Another musician: who lived in Vi- enna was Schubert. He was born in 1797 and died! when only thirty- one. He, like‘Mozart, was poverty stricken, and; was forced" to sell many of his best compositions for a very small amount of money to keep him- self alive. His melodies have never been excelled. ing journeys, in which he recorded the themes that occurretfl to him, and‘ which- Were later used in his compositions. wrote nine famous symphonies, and ccmpositions for piano, violin and string quartet, as well as an opera andl an oratorio. He always carried a sketch book with him on his walk- N EWTON BROOK The Inter-school basketball sche- d’ule has been drawn up with only three teams competing. Newmal‘ke‘t has d'ro‘pped out leaving Aurora, Pickering and Richmond Hill. Rich- umond Hill has played‘ two games, winning from Pickering and; losing to Aurora. MARRIAGE PHILIPSâ€"WHITE â€"â€" At St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Toronto, Wednesa day, February 19th, Phyllis Mary White, daughter of Ml‘. and‘ Mrs. W. 0. White of Yongehrurst Road, to lVVil‘liamn Philips? of Cornwall, Eng- and. A Tea Dance sponsored by Third Form was held lasrt Friday and the proceeds of $5.00 will] be sent to the British War Victims Fund. There will be no commencement this year hut in place it has been suggested that a dance be held. Aurora girls pl‘aved' here Tuesday and won both junior and senior games. They have no schedule for there are only two teams in the league, so they will} confine there- selves to exhibition games. ;18, 1941, «by Rev. H. R. Frey, Ayl- mer, Ont, June Edith Fenrwick, daughter of Mr. Wm. Feanick and the late Mrs. Femwick of ,Owen Sound, Ont., to Graham James Ellis, son of Mr. James C. El‘lIis and‘ the late Mrs. Ellis of Richmond Hill. WEDDING ELLIS-FENWICKâ€"On» Tues ., Feb. next Wednesday evening, February 26th by the SociaL Club in Richvale School, Stop 22A Yon-ge Street. Olde Tyme and‘ Modern Dancing. Frank M. Faiboner and his Weston Legionaires of Weston will provide mwsic. Euchre starts sham) at 8.16. Good prizes. Money raised for Cig- arette Fund for Local boys overseas. SEND NEWS IN EARLY Every week we have to leave out interesting news items because they reach us too late for publication. Send news in as early in the week as possible. If an event happens Saturdlay or Monday pleiaee d‘on’t wait until the next Wedrnesd-ay or Thursday to send} it in. We are well equipped to handle last minute news and announcements, but events three or four or five days old, and am- noun-cements of coming events do net come under this heading. Your co- operation in this regard will be ap- preciated and! will result in a more newsy home paper. A congregational social will ‘be held in the basement of the Angli- can Church on Tuesdlay next at 8 p.m. All members and friends are invited to come anal meet others and spend a social time. Mr. H. Wat- ford of Silver Stream Farm-s will] entertain the gathering with some of his wonderful moving pictures taken in all parts of the world. Re- freshments will be served, and a collection will be taken for new Hymn and Prayer Books. ST. MARY‘S ANGLICAN CHURCH SOCIAL EVENING TUES- DAY NEXT The Liberal specializes in Farm Sale Printing and Advertising. If you are thinking- of having a. sale consult ms, and be assured of the best adrvertising at a reasonable c0911. For sale bills and sale bill adver- tising, consult The Liberal. Very Special price on Gluten Meal mflf car. Car to arrive in a few davs. Phone your order now at the Ele- vator. I. D. Ramer & Son, phone 10 Richmond! Hill. A Hot Supper wil’] be held in the United: Church School Room by the Women's Asvsociation, Tuesday, Feb. 25th, at 6 DH”. until all are served Price 25c. Come and! bring you family and: friends. A successqu Euchre was held at 'St. Mary’s Parish Hall on Thursday, 'Fe‘b. 13th, in aid of the Red Cross. Prize winners were: Laduies, Mrs. M. Kroetsch, Mrs. J. O’Neil. Miss E. Deferrari; gentlemen, Mrs. McWiI- liams and Mrs. J. Young p'laying‘ as gentlemen, Mr. J. Ellis. Door prizes were won by Miss A. Burnett and Miss M. Hayden. On Sunday, March 2. Mr. L. Self will show slides on Mission Fields in Westernl Canada at 8 o’clock in the Sunday School! of the Presby- terian Church. The service will be under the auspices of the choir and Young People’s Society. On Frid‘ay afternoon, March 7th, there will- be a showing of pictures» in Richmond: Hill of power farming with new Ford tractor with Fergu- son implements. See details in next week's Lifberal‘. Pro-f-essor Rofbin‘sonx of St. An- d‘re'w's College wil‘l' be the speaker at the Lions- Club meeting tonight. His su'bje-ct will.’ be “Yonge Street and! its Early History”. The Rexall Birthday Sale ends Saturday, February 22nd. Buy your Dru-g remedies now and save money. Scotchmler’s Drug Store. The Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Wrixon attended the marriage of Kenneth Dcughas Fi'dby and Audrey May Richards, at St. Clvemenfb’s Church, Toronto, on- Friday last. ARE YOU HAVING A FARM SALE? High School Notes Swim and Personal HOT SUPPER THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO r i Clothing for civilian air raid vic- ‘tirms forwardedJ January 16th, 1941, (on age Branch quota: 1 coat and Lhat, 23 dresses, 23 skirts, 7 slips, '23 pullover sweaters, 3 cloth Windl- ‘bl‘eakers, 7 pyjamas, 1'8 dressing gowns, 4 pr. mitts and gloves, 7 caps, 2 helmets. l The Patrol Leaders Conference at lThIom‘hill next Saturday will be well lattended. The adNance registration iis over 40 and! 1st Richmond Hill .Troop will have five present. Both ithe S,M. .a-nd A.S.M. will be present lat the dinner in the evening. The Conference will be held in the Unit- ed) Church Hall and will be under the guidance of Field! Secretary Edl- 'gar Jones. Commissioner Clarke Locke will taike charge in the ev- enijg. Refugee clothing shipped in Au- gust, new, made from clippings, etc., 112__ p'gepes _(vari_01;§). The fol'lo‘win‘g articles received at Branch store-room not yet checked- for shipment: 18 rpair socks, 33 hxandkerohi-efs, 1 pair pyjamas, 3 wash cloth-s, 3 scarves, 2 helmets, 2 pr. rifle mitts, 2 turtle n-eck tuck- ms. First shipment April 3rd, 1940: 744 pair socks, 253 pair pyjamas, 77 quilts, 5‘96 surgical towels, 4'56 khaki hand‘kerch‘ielfs, 384 pillow cases, 152 washcloths, 84 scarves, 22 sweaters, 10 pair kneecaps. 30 hlel- mets, 42 pair mitts, 6 pair wrist- latsti 39 new and used blankets don- ate . F'UREYâ€"In‘ loving memory of our dear uncle and‘ aunrt, the late Sergt.- Major William Furrey who dried‘ in 1936 and his wife Margaret Fufiey who died in 1939. In life loved and honored: In: d'eath remembered. Supplies f orrwardedJ to “Division Warehouse by King Township Branch: Mel>vyn Newton and Jack Simser were both confirmed in their rank as Patrol Leaders, and Jim Barker as a Second. Scout Frank Evisom was appointed Antian Second; of the Beaver Patrol. IN MEMORIAM WHITEâ€"In Loving memory of our dear Margardl: who pass-ed away two years ago, Feb. 2(1, 1939. A'vgay i_n theubeautirful hills 0er God, postage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1354.46 Cash balance carried forward 506.20 All members of the Troop are now working to obtain the Second Class Badge. It is necessary for 3 Scout to be of Second! OIass stand- ing before he‘ cam trv for Profici- engy Badges. EXPENDITURES Forwarded to Division Purchase of material ade Lynx 102%, Wollf 118, Beaver 111. The three felllordvs who passed the Ten‘derfoot Test l‘ast week were in- vested' as Tenderfeet on Felbruary 13th. These boys were Jack Taylor, Albert CLark and' John Bowen. No more boys were added to the strength of the Troop at the last meeting. By the valley of rerstt so fair, Sometime, some day, we know not when We will meet our loved one there. But God‘ has helped! so well To hear our heavy cross, We cannot Lord, Thy purp‘o'sve see, .But all is well that’s done by thee. â€"Sadfly md§sed by Mom. Dad, brothers Ernest, Billy and Horwil, Auntie Mae and Grandad' Giles. falvl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1728.95 From other organizations un- Balance forward“: from 1939 $ 382.37 Frprrg canvass in spring and (Bear Permit C’ . . . . . . . . . . Raised! by Branch in various .ways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Donations to Division from King Township and cred- ited to Branch . . . . . . . . . . For the month of February the Honour Patrol Pennant is in the keeping of the Wolf Patrol, P._L. Murray Bowes. The present standi- ing of the Patrol‘s is: Fox 1081/2, Lynx 102%, Wpllf.118, Beaver 111. Qu'ilting is carried on as usual ir. the Red‘ Cross Work Room on both Wednesday and Friday afternoons. The first shipment of knitted art- icles since the New Year went to headquarters during the past week. It consisted of 63‘ prs. of socks, 4 prs ‘seamen's sucks, 6 prs. rifle mitts, 10 prs. twoaway mitts, 1 pr. hallf mitts, 7 prs. whol‘e mitts, 12 hehnets, 2 sleeveless sweaters, 4 turtle-neck swe_aters, 10 scarfs. and! 3 gfghgns. Mrs. Jerry Smith is holding a sale of home-made marmalade, tea bis- cuits and cookies on- Saturday, Feb- ruary 22nd, all proceeds in aid of our Red Cross Branch. The Richmond Hill Red Cross Branch gratefully acknowledges the receipt of $32.89 from the ladies of St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, the net proceeds of a benefit euchre hel_d_v on February 13th. The complete proceeds of the Val- entine Tea held at the home of Mrs. Alexander on February 14 amounted to $26.95. KING TOWNSHIP RED CROSS SOCIETY STATEMENT RECEIPTS RED CROSS NOTES With The Scouts Mr. and Mrs. W. Woodcock IN MEMORIAM $5530.66 $2530.66 670.00 166.74 182.60 70.00 WO¢O®OMONNOOWW Listen to “The Shadow”â€"0FRB, Tues., 8.30 p.m.. OKGO, Tues, 9.00 p.m., CHIC, Than. 8.00 pm. W'EDNESDAY & THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 26 - 27 FRED ASTAIRE - PAULETTE GODDARD in “ Second Chorus ” “ River’s End ” -â€" ALSO â€"â€" CHARLES COBURN - HELEN BRODERICK i “ Captain is a Lady ” MONDAY & TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 - 2! BETTE DAVIS - HERBERT MARSHALL in FRIDAY & SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21 - 22 DENNIS MORGAN - GLORIA DIXON in PHONE 10 THE ELEVATOR RICHMOND HILL I. D. Ramer & Son TODAY. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 20 JOHN GARFIELD - BRENDA MARSHALL MARJORIE RAMBEAU in “ East of the River ” â€" AND â€" DICK POWELL - ELLEN DREW in “ Christmas in July ” “ Xmas Under Fire ” LAUREL AND HARDY “ Oliver the 8th ” “ The Letter ” â€"ALSOâ€" â€"â€"ALSOâ€" PAGE FIVE 3C9

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