1) new 3 Horse Collars 1 Pair Horse Blankets, good- Other 0de pieces of harness; PIGS AND HENS 9 Pig's armmd' 150 lbs. 1 Saw, bred Nov. 7th 30 Héns and Pullets HAY, GRAIN AND ROOTS A Quantity of Timothy Hay A Quantity .of Wheat and Oat Chan 60a60 Bushels‘ Fall Wheat 10 Ton M'ixed' Grain 250 Bus. Mangels TERMS:â€"â€"CASH SALE AT 1 RM. S.T. No Reserve A. S. FARMER, Auctioneer. Bay Mare, 10 years, H.D‘ Bay Mare, 10 years, HD‘ D3. “1214:, u.:.., «by -v Bay Gelding, G.P., age 9 CATTLE Cow, Jersey, fresh Cow, Jersey, due ‘March 20 Cow, Jersey, full flow Cow, Jersey, full flow Cow, part Jersey, cakf by s Cow, part Jersey, cakf by s Cow, part Jersey, dule Apri' Cow, part Jersey, due May Cow, rpart Jersey, due June Cow, white, dJue April 16 Heifer, Jersey, 1 year Heifer, 9 months Heifer, Jersey, 1 year Heifer, Jersey, 7 months Nanny Goat, mfl‘kin-g Sow, Yorkshire, with litter Holstein Cow, Holstein COW . LATE HERBERT STEPHENSON Lot 18, Concession 6, Markham Township 1 Mile North of Unionville Set Brass Mounted Bl‘ee'ching Harâ€" n-ess Set No-Buuckle Walsh: HameSs Set Long Tug Harness Set Light Single Harness Set High Topsv Bridle 5 Horse Collars Halter WIML LU Holstein Cow, due time of sale I Holstein Cow, bred Sept. 14th Holstein Heifer, bred" Sept. 14th Red! Cow, due April 5th / Holstein Cow, full flow Blue Cow, full flow Holybein- Cow, full flow Black Cow, due April 3‘)th Holstein Bull, 15 months old Holsbein' Heifer, not bred Ayrï¬h'ine Heifer, not bred’ Part Ayxshire Heifer, yearling HARNESS set Brass Mounted Harness, near- : 1y_new -- . ‘ 11,..- -_~ nan.» Set IMPLEMENTS Tractor, Case 12-20, good, completeâ€" ly overhauled Tractor Plow, Oliver 2â€"fur1‘ow Spring Tooth Drag; Harrows, Case. new Bindlel‘, M.-H., 7 ft. Mow-er, 5 ft._, M-Deerinrg, nearly new Manure Spreadler, Cooksfliutt, good Hay Tedoder, IM-Deering. new Land! Roller, M.H., 2 drums, good Seedl Drill, M.-H., 13 hoe Cultivator, M.-H., 13 tooth Scurfrfluer, M.-H. Disc, in-throw Fanning Mill & Bagger. Chatham Set Planï¬orm Scales, 2000 lbs. Set Stewart Clippers, g00d> Bag Trunk Root Pulper “Cutting Box Set Sleig'hvs Set Diamond Hari‘ows, 4 sec. Walking Plow, Fleury 13 Gravel Blox Plow. Wilkinson 3 Cream Separator. Melotte. 700 Lbs. Bain Wagon with box Low Wheel Wagon Storieboat Flat Hay Rack, new, 16 ft. TOvp Buggy Cutter TERMS:â€"CASH IMPLEMENTS 24-inch Threshing Machine, “Fav- oriteâ€, good as new Ford-son Tractor, Clutch-Pulley, complete Binder, McCormick-Deming, 6 ft. Dalï¬ï¬‚e Disc, Oliver, good Two Furrow Tractor Plow, Oliver No Reserve cud: Mower, McCormickâ€"Deming, 5 ft 8 in. bottom Cultivator, Srliff Tooth, complete rwith tongue & tractor hitch Set Spring Tooth Hal‘rows, good Drill, 13 hloe, M.â€"H. Wagon, Springs and Box Set Iron Trucks. good Hay Rack, 16 it, good Manure Spreader, M.-D. Steel Roller 1. Hay Ralke Drive Belt for Threshing Machine Cutting Box Farming Mill, Chatham, Bagger complete Set Scales, Fairbank, 400 lbs. cap. Set Stewart Clippers, good‘ AUCTION SALE Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain, FURNITURE, Etc. PAGE SIX Bmss Mouhmedr Harness, near- AUCTION .SALE 0f JERSEY CATTLE, Horses, Implements, Furniture, Etc. The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction at Lot 35, C011. 3, Markham Township Near Gormley Station HORSES G.P., age 19 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27th HARNESS 1941, the following property belonging to SATURDAY, MARCH 1st The Property of the Estate of the HORSES CATTLE fres'h, full flow full flow, bred) Deâ€" JOHN J. LEES by side by side April 10 May 26 June 12 16 years years Sale at 1 o’clockâ€"‘ ALVIN S. FARMER, Auct. Day 139 ‘p-u 2 Feed Boxes A Numfber .of Barrels 1 Water Trough, steel 1 Colony House, good A Quantity of Sawdust 1 90â€"0211. Gasoline Barrel A Quantity of Wire Fencing A Quantity Satin Finish Hardwood Flooring 1 Cr05s-Cut Saw 1 Buck Saw 2 Hamï¬ Saws 1 Forty Foot Extension Ladder, good‘ 2 Democrat Tongues 1 2 Heavy Logging Chains 2 Saw Benches 1 Dog House 1 Scythe 2 Sets Ice Tongs Milk Pails, Strainer, Plunger, etc. A Quantity of Seed‘ Potatoes Forks, Shovels, Hoes and‘ other art- icles too numerous to mention FURNITURE 1 Piano, Dominion, Square, Black Walnut, an extra fine piece, antique 1 Kitchen Table and Six Chairs 1 Aladdin Lamp 1 Extension Table 1 Small Table 1 Kitchen Lounge 1 Churn 1 Couch 1 Butter Bowl and Print 1 One Gallon Ice Cream Freezer 2 Hanging Lamps 3 Coal Oil Lamps 1 Bedroom Suite, complete 1 Large Square Glass Curp‘b'oardl 1 Coal Oil Heater 1 Folding Clothes Horse A Numlber of Glass Jar-s, 1 & 2 qt. A Quantity of Dish-es 2 Lanterns 1 Mirror 1 Leather Rocking Chair 1 Kitchen Rockerl Child’s Rocker 1 Victrola and Records: 1 Black Hair Cloth Couch 1 Hall Rack ‘1 Large Chest of Drawers ll Steel Pull-out Couch Cream Separator, Magnet, good- P.H.‘ Root Pulper Iron Pet 1 Cyclone Seeder Sbone Boat 1 Stock Racik Pig Crate 1 Set Sleig-hs Hay Tedder, M.-H. Two Row Corn Cultivator Set Cultivator Discs Riding Flow, 1 furrow, M.-H. Team Disc Harrow, in-throw Drill Plow, doulble sides Potato Digger Front Walking Flows Sets Pllow Wheels Circle Whveel for Binnduer Tongue Barrel a‘nd‘ Sprayer Set Four Section Harrows, 2 draw Quantity seed Quantity Iron P01; 3 Pig Troughs Water Trough, 6 ft., galvanized 2 Scalding Barrels Grind Stone Circular Saw 49 gal. Gas; Drum 3 tan‘ gal. Gas Canls 100 ft. 1%†Pump Pipie with rods Draw Roqpe, 180 ft., near new 4 Sling Ropes Pig Crate Bro-other House 8x10 ft, good Goose Honse 4x6 ft. Dmr House 2 Buflfalio Rolbes Milk Pail‘ and‘ Strainers Copper Boiler, N0. 9 Line Shaft Slcrerw Jack Cistenn Pumip Iron. Vice, large Wonk Bench Gas Engine Numi‘ier Pulleys Numb-er .Sarws and! other Tools Extension Ladder, 30 ft. Forks, Shovels and other articles Quantity Rock Elm, Ma'pl-e and‘ Pin-3 Plank, new Turning Lathe, home-made Potatoes Rip Saw to use with engine FURNITURE Buffet, good Small Talbl‘e Dining Room Extension Table lKitohen Extension Table Coulch Davenport a Vihnlvnon. {‘lnnirc (Jean) Hannagan, Miss Evelyn, now of Toronto, and Mrs. Jackson, of Thistleoown. Funeral services on Tuesday af- ternoon were followed by interment in Sanctuary Park cemetery, Wesâ€" ton. Although there are no more ind‘urs- tries located in Georgetown a short- age of housing accommodation is re- ported there. Last year 15 new houses were 'built in the town. On Monday, February 10. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cairns of King City cuele- ibrated their 60th wedding annivers- ary. 8‘6 and 82 years old respectâ€" ively, Mr. and‘ Mrs. Cairns were (both born in King. They were marriedl in the village and retired to live there 13 years ago when they gave up farming. Mr. Cairns was a carpenâ€" ter in his earlier days. Tlhe couple have two children, James. wl“ “now operates the farm, anti Lena One of the few surviving guests who at- Plank, new Taming Lathe, home-made Potatoes Rip Saw to use with eng ‘bars Set -' Wagon Wheels Buffet, good Small Talbl‘e Dining Room Extension Table Kitchen Extension Table Coulch Davenport 6 Kitchen Chairs Rocking Chair, leather seat Doh-erty Organ, good! Ice Refrigerator, 100 libs. cap. . 2 Wicker Chairs Iron Bed, Springs and Mattress» Washstand 2 Coleman Lamps F-eath-er Tick and Pillows Wring‘ver Coal Oil Hceate‘r Washing: Machine, Re<l Star Beatty Happy Thought Cook Stove, No. 9 4 Burner Oil Stove with Oven Oil Heater Qu‘elbec Heater Congoleum Rug- 9x12 ft. 2 Talpes'try Rugs, large Kitchen Cupboard Churn, Butter Bowl and Prints Atwater-Kvenrt Battery Radio, 5 tube Books, Pictures, Lamps, and other articles too numeq'ous to menâ€" 'tion Hay Fourk Fwonrkï¬ ' 1 Set Sling Ropes MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS GRAIN Oats, O.A.‘C. 144, good» for Mixeti Grain 81ch Jack tries located in Georgetown a s ‘Iron. Vice, large age of housing accommodation 1' Gas Engine ported there. Last year 15 houses were 'built in the town 1‘ Feeds, Concentrates and Tonics for Farm Stock Poultry tume‘ Buy Mashes bui‘lt up and improved for nearly ’ I twenty years Vegetable Seeds l Sent to Britain Ont. Women’s Institqu present 5000 packages of s‘eed‘xs to British W. I. for dnstribution. kxwo tihxouyand pounds (5,000 pack ages) {\f vegetable garden seede are being forwarded by the Federated iWo-men’s Institutes of Ontario afor <11..:=t1‘iIbL‘-tion in Great Britain [by the National Federation icf Women's In» vsti-tutes of Britain. The Ontario Wo- men’s Institute-s have also forward~ ed: a cheque for $3,100.00 to the On- tario Red CIICGSJ Society for th-e purâ€" chase of a Fieht Kitchen for the British H;~me Office Fire Brigade Division, statss Mrs. \V. B. Leath- erdal-e, Secretary-‘Tl'ea‘su'rer. British Women’s Tnlstitute garden plots will be «planted this spring with peas, beans; carrots and onionsl and the resultant maps from this» Canadian seed! should 'total' many toms. of fresh vegetables filledl with" ihealthâ€"givinxg vitamins for the val: ient defenders of Great Britain. Ac- cording to Mrs. Ernest Dulke, Port Clarling, President of the Federated] Women’s Institutes of Ontario, only Vegetable varieties suitable to the English clima’te have been chosen. The money has been raised through the Central War Charities Fund' of the OMario Federation. The mobile field kitchen being purchased in Great Britain with the funds of the Ontario W/omen’s Inâ€" stitutes is‘ built om a, four-hon chassig and has facilities for cooking full- course hot meals, cafeteria style. ‘Thresve field kitchens are urgently needed! in areas suffering from bombing attaclks and are a necessâ€" ity in Britainfs communal feeding plan“ on bombing fronts. MRS. M. EZARD On Friday, February 7 the-dleath occurred at Claireville of Mrs. Mark E‘zal‘vd. Mrs. Ezard, who was in her 68th year, was the former Hannah Eurphe'ma Smith. Predeceased [by her husband, she died at the home ofuher daughter, Mrs. Milton Hew- gl . " ‘ 7" ‘ r vur-.._1m.. Foll‘owing funeral services Monday afternoon at Cl‘aireville, Mrs. Ezard1 \Was buriedl in Nashville cemetery. MRS. W. BRODIE A native of the King area, Mrs. Army H. Brodie died in Tononrto on Sunday, February 9th in her 87th year. She had been ill for several weeks as a result of a fall down- stairs. For the past 35 years she had lived‘ in Toronto and was one of the oldest members of Simpson Ave. United! Church. Her husband, the late William Brodie, was an em- ployee of the customs department. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Alex Gunnv of Toronto; two sons, Walter, of Newmarket and Obcar of Toronâ€" to; six grandbhild‘ren and eight great grandchildren. Funeral services Tuesday were followed by interment .at Aurora. Percy Miller, father of Mrs. Geo. (Mavis) Jackson} of Thi-s‘tletown, passed- way in Toronto on Sunday, February 9th. Mr. Miller, a native of England resident in Canada for 32 years, was in his 56111» year. He was a member of the [board of man- agers of St. Davist Un-itedr ChuDCh since its inceptiOn and was active in the Sunday School there. A Maison, he was inspector at the airplane die- partment of Arrow-Hart and Hege- man company. Surviving are his widow, a son, Framk, and three daughters, Mrs‘. R. (Jean‘) Hannagan, Miss Evnelyn, both of Toronto, and Mrs. Jackson, of Thistlebown. Fuvnlera'i-héervioes on Tuesday af- ternoon were followed [by interment iru Sanctuary Park cemetery, Wesâ€" ton. tended! the wedding 60 years ago is Mrs. Caims’ brogher Tom, now in his 92nd year RICHMOND HILL, ONT. THE MILL OBITUA RY PERCY MILLER Phones: ‘e am no more indulg- Georgetown a shortâ€" acccvm‘mrodatio‘n is re- Last year 15 new THE LlBERAL. RLCHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Evening 82w Profitable information contained: in boyclkllet issued; ‘by Ont. Dept. of Agriculture. i The material obtai'ned» was the re- sult of work by the Provincial and’ {Federal Depts. of Agriculture, and *plotato .growens 'm Midsdlesex, South Simeoe, Yonk and' Ontario counties. ‘ ’Ilhe booklet states Ontal‘ino grows ‘ approximately 30 per cent of the po- tato acreage in ‘Canad'a and although the provinlce as a whole is not par- ticularly suited! fpor potato growing, the potato is found! on more farms than any other single crop. Results obtained! on experimental plots showed} five factors contributâ€" ing to success-s in- potato production. These were as follows: I Publish Pamphlet on Potato Growing The results of four years’ demon-l strati-on work with potatoes or; 57‘ Ontario farms is contained in an eight-page pamphlet prepared ‘by Dr. G. F. MloRc'srtVe, prof-ester of Field Huslbanldrryq O.A.,C., Guel‘ph, and N. M. Parks, Dominion Experimental Farm Service. This “booklet pu' lish- ed; by the Ont. Dept. of Agriculture may be obtainedI fpe-e of charge from Agnicultural Representatives m- by writing the Statistics and Pu’blicaâ€" ticrus Branch, Ornt. Daft. of Agri- culture, Toronto. IOerticfied seed of a suitable vari- ety. A plentiful 51mppr of plant flood] supplied through: crop rotation, the use of barnyard] manure, artifi- cia‘l fertilizers and green manure erupts. Early plianti-ng. Efficient spraying. Proper method‘s of har- vesting, gradainxg, packaging and lab- eltbimg. Th'is; lboo-klet will make interesting- a-nld profitable reading for every grower of potatoes. Dr. 0. D. Skelton, Under-Secreâ€" tary of State for External Affairs who died at the wheel of his auto~ mdbile in Ottawa on Jan. 28, was born in Orangeville. His father, Jeremiah Skel'bon was one of Or- angeville’s early school teachers. At an early age he went with his p-ar- enï¬s to live in Cornwall but later re- turned to attend Oran‘geville High School. All persons having claims againsti the Estate of LEVI GODDARD, late of the Township of Vaughan in‘ the County of York, Farmer, die- ceased, who diedl at the said Town- ship of Vaughan on the 14th day of March, 1940, are required to send details of the same verified 'by affiâ€" dravit to the undersigned Solicitors for the Administratrix, on or before the 24th day of February, 1941, af- ter which date the Estate will be driSItri‘bwted' among the persons en- titletl thereto, having regard only to those claims of which the under- sig‘ned' shall then have received notice. DATED this 1st day of February, 1941. Prices as follows: FINE SALT, 10-0 l‘bs. lCOARSE SALT, 100 Lbs. . {IODIZED SALT, 100 lbs. . 'BLOCK§, each . . . . . . . . . . . BLOCKS, IODIZED, each . At Maple Freight Sheds FIRST CLASS BREAD FLOUR ALSO MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR CAFETERIA LAYING MASH, O.A.C. Formula MILKM‘AK‘ER O.A.C. Formula BRAN . . . . . . . SHORTS . . . . . MIDDLIN GS . 1 Car load of Pine Slabs and Edgings cut 1 foot lengths, at reasonable price I Solicit Your Continued Patronage My Mottoâ€"Courtesy, Service and a Fair Deal to All Notice to Creditors Car load of Peeled Cedar fence posts at 20-25-30 cents each WILLIAM 0010K & GIBSON '85 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Solicitors for the Adiministratrix NUT AND STOVE COAL No. 1 ANTHRACITE COAL ORDERS PHONE MAPLE 19W â€" Also â€" CAR MILL FEED . E. SMITH Priced as follows: SALT $1.35 per cwt. $1.20 per cwt. $1.35 per cwt. 65c. 80c‘ 85c 40c ‘county for 1941. Mr. O’Flywm was reeve of Shelburne in 1921-22 and from 1935 to 194-1. In 1926 he was Ithe Liberal candidate in: Duffel-in- lSlmcoe opposing Hon. Earl Rowe. T. J. 0*’F1ynn, reeve of Shelburnxe was elected warden ofHDufferin About 75 About 20 100 Bushel‘s Wheat 3‘00 Bushels Barley 6-00 Bushels Oats A Quantity of Hay HARNESS 2 Sets Heavy Harness CHATTELS:â€"CASH The farm is composed of 93 acres more or less and the land’ is a. clay loam and is in a good state of cultivation. The farm is all workable and is situated in a good locality. On the farm is a large mud brick frame covered drwel‘ing, 9 rooms and attic with. cellar under all. There is also a furnace. There are two 'barns, one on a foundation and one log ham; implement shed, garage and stone hen pen, milk house, brooder house and woodshed. There is plenty of water as there is a drilledl well, also a cistern. TERMS OF SALE OF FARM :â€"1â€"10 per cent on day of sale and balance in 30 days or a certain amount can be carried) on a mortgage which will be made known on <£ay of sale. A. L. Whitmoxje, HORSES Bay Mare, 7 years 0M, H.D. Black Mare, 5 years old, H.D. Gray Mare, Percheron, rising 4 yeâ€"ars‘, H.D. Bay Horse, 10 years old], HORSES 1 Bay Mare, 5 years; old, H.D. 1 Bay Gelding, 5 years old) H.D Weight 3200, matched team 1 Bay Mare, 12 years old, H.D 1 Black Mare, 12 years old, H 1 Bay Gelding, H.D. 1 Percheron Gelding, 10 years CATTLE Holstein Cow, milking, bred! Aug. Holstein Cow, full flow, bra! Holstein Cow, fun flow, bredr Holstein Cow, due to calf April 22 Holstein Cow, bred Dec. 4 Holstein Cow, full flow, bred Holstein Cow, full flow, bred Jan. 14th Holstein Cow, full flow, bled Jan let Holstein Heifer, 'bred October Holstein Bull, 2 years old POULTRY )out 75 Pure Bred Rock Pullets Jout 20 Pure Bretfl Rock Roosters GRAIN AND HAY LEVI GODDARD ESTATE ' Lot 12, Concession 5, Vaughan Township 11/2 miles north of No. Highway, north Farm Property, Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain and Furniture .The Valuable Property of Deerve Gang Plough, Cocks-hutt Gang- Plough, Cockshutt Walking Plough, No. 3 I.X.L. Wil- kinson‘ Sod‘ Plough, Cookshutt Walking Plough, Dick Democrat Wagon Hovse Rake, M.-H. Cultivator, 12 tooth, Frost & Wood‘ Cultivator, 13 tooth,. M.â€"H. Floyd Perkins, PUBLIC AUCTION SALE Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain and Furniture The Valuable Property of GEORGE BAKER West 7/2 Lot 13, C011. 2, Vaughan Township 2 miles north of N0. 7 Highway THURSDAY, MARCH 6th,'1941 weight 1750 Black Gelding Roan Gelding ago Hol‘ste‘in Co cemlber 3‘0 Holstein Co‘ uary 16 Holstein CO‘ Holstein Holstein Holstein Holstein uary 23 Holstein Cow, milking, bred Oct. 2 Holstein Co-w, milking, bred Sept 23rd I u of Edgeley WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1941 M‘.â€"H. Binder, 7 ft. cut, good‘ M.-H. Mower, oil bath, 6 ft. cut cut Platform Spring Wagon, Trench Riding Plough, smg‘I-e‘ furrow, John new M.â€"H. Seed Drill, 1‘0 hoe A Mower. Frost & Womfl, 5 ft. cut, good Manure Spreader, International, good Horse Rake, Deering Sehf Rake Reaper, McCormick Deering‘, good Mower, McCormick D'eerimg, 6 ft. No Reserve as Mr. Baker has PUBLIC AUCTION SALE of IMPLEMENTS Cow, full flow, bred De- 0 \‘V ow, ow, ow, CATTLE Sale to commence at 12.30 noon sharp, S.T‘ v, fresh, ca‘f v, fresh, calf v, fresh, calf fer, freslh>ene< full flow. bred’ Jan- full flow. bred Janâ€" CII'é rk Clerk TERMS:â€"â€"CASH DESCRIPTION OF FARM THURSDAY, FEBRUARY on, 11.1) years old, side side side wks‘. H} ‘A Quantity of Furniture J. Carl Saigeon, l l l 1 1 1 1 2 1 Forks, ris 11/2 H.P. Gas Engine Roo't Pulper Steel Wheelbarrow Stone Boat 1 Drag Saw Circular Saw 1 Ladder Hay Fork 1 Crosscut Saw Disc Harrow Sling Cables Ford Car, Model T, gem! running condition Shovels and other articles too numerous to mention FURNITURE IMPLEMENTS Binder, M.-H., 6 ï¬t. out Mower, Frost & Wood, 5 ft. out Manure Spread-er, John Deere 3-Drum Rol'lver Cultivator 2 Scufflers VValkin-g Ploughs Gang Plough Cutting Box with Blow-er Chatham Fanning Mill Wagon and Rack Sleigh - 1 Bob Sleigh Light Wagon 2 Sets H‘arrows Drill Hoe 1 Horse Rake Grain Grinder 1 Bell; 6-H.P. Gas Engine, Fainbank Mor- 2518 YONGE STREET (At St. Clements) MOhawk 3000 ilton . Hay Tedder, M.-H. . Di-src, Inthrow _ Three Section Harrow L Low Wagon, good L Heavy Wagon 3 Hay Racks, 16 ft, goal l Self Oilinug Toronto Windmill, 40 foot tower l 2-way Water Pump, McDougall, nearly new 1 2-way Water Pump 1 Set Scales, 16.00- lJbs. cap., Wilson 1 Fanning Mill, Wilson 1 Fanning; Mill 1 Root Pulper, good 1 Long Sleigh 1 Set Pow'er Clipipersl, Stewart 1 45â€"Ga-1. Feed Furnace 1 Set Binder Trucks 1 ZOO-Gal. Gas Drum 1 45â€"Ga1. Gas Drum 2 ZS-Gal. Drums 2 Water Pumps 2 Sets Doubletrees 1 Hog’s Headl 1 Wheelbarrow, good‘ A Quantity of Inch Pipe A Quantity of 2 Inch Pipe A Quantity of 1/2 Inch CaIbLe, Forks. Picks, Shovels and other art- icles too numerous to mention' HARNESS 1 Set Breechin-g' Harness, g00d 1 Set Plough Harness A Number of Collarsv HAY AND GRAIN Approximately 8 tons Timothy Hay AppgqximgatehL'I tons Glover and ‘ ‘ Timothy Hay 500 Bus. American Banner, cleaned for seed , 300 Bus Cultivator, 19 tooth, Patterson: Cultivator, ’ tooth, Peter Ham- FURNITURE 3-Pi‘ece BedToom Suite Kitchen Cabinet, good: New Home Sewing Machine Ta‘ble Washstand Couches Washing Machine rented one of his farms J. Carl Saigeon, Sale at 12.30 S.T. Auctioneer, Maple, phone 11 Auctioneer, Maple, phone 11 Seedv Barley, O.A.C 20th, 1941-