Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Feb 1941, p. 8

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It was highly enrcouraging to the Young People of the United Church to see the keen interest evidenced by all who attendied the service conâ€" ducted by them on Sunday evening last. The interesting and inspiring message of the evening was deliv- ered by Mr. T. Pherril who had chosen as his Text, “What then can we Believe”. The ever lovely old selection “Living for Jesus” was rendered by Mrs. L. Hicks and Mr. Floyd Davies and was greatly en- joyed. The scripture was read by Miss Betty Bone and Miss Helen Burliton led in prayer. A Large crowd- attended the eu- chxre sponsored ‘by the Old Boys and Girls of Thornh‘ill on Tuesday even- ing last and many exciting rounds of the old: game were enjoyed by all. The prize winners were as fol- lows: Ladies. 151:, Mrs. T. Reidl; 2nd, Mrs. Watson; 3rd, Hazel Riddell; Gents, lst, Rdbt. Somm‘erville; 2nd. Billy Riddel'l‘; 3rd, Frank Harrison. The proceedsI will go to the British War Victim’s Fund. A very dlelightlful Valentine party was held at the home of Misses Ella and» Hazel Welsh on Friday evening lasd; in honour of Mr. Clayton Scotl. mow an Officer in the airforce. Af- ter a few exciting games of Court Whilst of which Mrs. Mizen, Aida Miz-en, Jolm Calhoun and Bobbie Caalhoun were winners. Clayton was On Thursday evening last a numâ€" ber of friends were entertained at a delighbful party held by Miss Norma Edrwardls. Mr. Arthur Mrrton- who has left his place in the bank to take up a position in Toronto has been replac- ed by Mr. Clarke Smith. The Ladies of Harmony Brid-ge 011111) of Thornhill enjoyed a delight- ful Saint Valentine Luncheon and bridge at the home of one of their memlbers, Mrs. J. Johnston, 110 Macpherson Ave., Toronto on the anniversary of her birthday. Mrs. A. Brill‘mger has returned to TiImfmins with her son Stewart wheer she will spend the next couple of weeks. 6189 Yonge St. Stop 12, Zone 8-218 THOMPSON PRODUCTS PISTON PINS â€" KING PINS â€" VALVES ' SPRINGS â€" GRILLS EXCHANGE REBUILT MOTORS EXCHANGE REBUILT GENERATORS & STARTERS EXCHANGE REBUILT CARBURETORS AND GAS PUMPS EXCHANGE REBUILT REAR END UNITS EXCHANGE REBUILT TRANSMISSIONS PISTON RINGS â€" FIVE DIFFERENT MAKES BRAKE LINING â€" 2.000 FEET IN STOCK “Tony Saves You Money” Thornhill District News Mufflers, Tail Pipes and Exhaust Pipes for every Car and Truck on road “IF IT’S FOR CAR 0R TRUCKâ€"WE HAVE IT” We Deliver Anywhere PAGE EIGHT asked to stand and the Superintend- ent of the Sunday School read a very fitting address in which the members of the church and Sunday School expressed their sincere ap- preciation to Clayton for the splenâ€" did. help given by him as a leader of the Young Peapl‘e, a teacher of the Sunday School and a member of the church for the past number of years. The address also contained the little phrase so well known to us all, for when anything went wrong it would altways be said “Clayton will fix it”. So as he goes to serve his country you can read- ily s-ee hJOW difficult it is going to be to proceed without him and how e-agerliy we will await his return to our midJst. :Miss Eileen Moore then presented Clayton with a green leather utility bag with his initials in gold: as a small token of affection from all his friends of the church. Miss Jean Brillinger andI Mr. Charles Rolls will attend the Supâ€" per Dance at the Royal York on Friday evening. A splendid attendance was on hand! at the meeting of the W0- men's Association of the United Chlumh held on Wednesday of last week at the home of Mrs. Bert Oke. Plans were made for catering at the Boy Scout’si Conference “go be uu‘c “u, “WW- V-..__,,, V, bend in the Thornhill Unitedl Church on Saturday. February 22nd. Plans Were also discussed for a St. Pat- rick’s: Tea and} home cooking sale to be held on Wednesday, March 19th. Watch for further notice. Miss Lucille Dean and? Mrs. Percy anud- are delegates who will attend the Ontario Horticultural Associa- tion Convention to be held on Feb- ruary 27th and 28th at the King Edward Hotel. Mr. Percy Bone, member of the Thormhill Horticul- tural Society will be a speaker at the dis-cu‘ssion group on anlnuia'hs. We are sorry to hear that Miss M. Kirby has been ill‘ for the past number of days and hope she will soon be back on duty. In the mean- time her position is being filled by Miss Mary Raymond. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO The students of Forms 3A and’ 38 of Earl Haig Collegiate were enter- tained by Miss Beth Spring at a delightful svleighimg party on Tues- day evening last. ’I‘wo sleighs were well1 loaded with happy y-oun‘g folk and the following teachers were in altt‘endiantce, Mr. McKay and Miss Nixon. Mrs. McKay and Miss Pearson were also guests. The dance and eulchre sponsored by the L.iO.L. in Lawrence Memorial Hall on Wednesday evening was a huge success in spite of the very 'bad weather. Young and old alike danced' to the strains of the famous music of Billy Hole and his Live- wires. Proceeds for British War Victims Fund. THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH A Friendly Place to Worship Sunday, February 23rd, 1941 Rev. Eldridge A. Currey, B.A., B.D., Minister 1‘0 a.m.â€"Sund<ay School. Lesson topic, Jesus Calls to Prayer. Golden Text, “Lord, teach us to pray.”â€" Luke 11:1. 211 a,m.â€"Mornin.g Worship. Sermon: topic, Jesus not a Legislator. 7 p.m.-â€"Evening Worship. Camille Light C.G.I.T. Service. Extra mu- sic. Sermon by Helen Burhton. Talk to the girls {by Marion Hal'f- yardl. This will be a very lbeau- tiful, hellprful service, and yOu are cordially invited to come and Wor- ship with us. Fbllprwship Pbr‘ibd Immediately following the evening service. We will be glad to have you remain with us and join in the fellowship of the occasion, or to drop in at your convenience. The subject to be dealt with will \be: What Do We Mean By The “King- dom of God"? Be ready to meet your War Sav- in‘gws Certificate can‘vasser any day now. They are all: out on- duty amid you may *be the next one they en- counv‘oer so be prepared to give to the utmost. The choir of the United’ Church held a party On Wednesday evening of this week when members attend- ed dressed as children During the evening snaps were taken by vari- ous members. A pleasant social time was enjoyed. Service of Inflarcess‘ion Tuesday, February 25th, at 8 p.m., in the United‘ Church S.S. room “Prayer pulls the rope below, and’ the great ‘bel'l rri-ngs above in the ears of God. Some scarcely stir the bell, for they pray so languidly; oth- ers give but an occasional pluck at the rope; but he who wins with hea- Ven is the man who grasps the rope bold‘ly and: pulls continuously, with all his mightyâ€"C. H. Spurgeon. “Days shoulti speak, and’ multitude of years should‘ teach wisdom.”â€" Job 32:7. The Rexth Birthday Sale ends Saturday, February 22nd. Buy your Druvg' remedies now and save money. Scotchmer‘s Drug Store. EUCHRE AND DANCE AT VICTORIA SQUARE The Junior Farmers will hold1 a euchre in the Community Hall, Vileâ€" toria Square, Friday evening, Fa};- ruary 2lsrt. Everyone condially in- vited. ‘ T EXTI L ES in Action! ZQWAR SAVINGS (ERIIFKMES WW/ $ 5.00 for $ 4.00 $10.00 for $ 8.00 $25.00 for $20.00 $50.00 for $40.00 $100.00 for $80.00 For Each $4.00 You Get Buck $5.00 War Savings Certificates are a direct obliga- tion of the Dominion of Canada, repayable in 7 1/; years. At the end of that time your invest- ment will have increased twenty-five per cent.. which represents interest at 3% compounded half-yearly. They may be redeemed at option of regis- tered owner, after six month: from date of issue at an established scale of values. The following table represents an average basis of saving. These figures are only illus- trative, as the amount of saving which is pos- sible will vary according to each individual'a lamin and other economic circumstances. Earnings Per Week Up to $20 $20 to $30 $30 to $40 Over $40 "THIS TIME we are ALL in the front line.”â€"H.M. THE KING. Savings Per Week 25¢ to $1.00 $1.25 to $2.00 $2.25 to $3.50 $3.75 to $9.25 Maturin Values of Annual Purchases S 15 to $ 65 S 80 to $130 $145 to $225 $245 to $600 ./ EVERY CANADIAN FAMILY Wffléaée am/ Published by The War Savings Committee, Ottawa FALL IN! The line is forming. Close the ranks. Answer His Majesty’s call. Every man, woman and child in Canada has a duty to perform. Some will fight. You, too, have a job to do. It may demand sacrifice. You are called on to help furnish the munitions needed to win the war . . . guns and tanks for the army . . . planes for the air force . . . ships for the navy and merchant marine. Guns and tanks and planes and ships cost money. You are not asked to giveâ€"you are only asked to LEND you money. This is some- thing you can do . . . something you must do. There is only one place to get the money Canada needs to win this warâ€"from the people of Canada. A large part will come from business firms and people with large incomes. They will pay high taxes and buy heavily of War Loan Bonds. But more money is needed . . . a great deal more. $10,000,000 21 month is expected from men, women and children who invest in War Savings Certificates. Work hard. Earn more. Save all you can and lend your savings to Canada. BUY WAR SAVINGS CERTI- FICATES. Budget to buy them regularly. Buy them every week . . . every month . . . as long as the war lasts. You will be forming a good habit . . . the saving habit . . . a habit that wiil bénefit you when victory is won. You will be doing a real job in helping to win the war. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20th, 1941. |O~W

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