Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Mar 1941, p. 4

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“OGQW®QQOWWWWMW“OW ‘ LITTLE BROTHERS Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill Friday, March 7th, 20%? MECHANIZED FARMING CONFERENCE Ford Tractor DON'T MISS THIS PRESENTATION OF THE LAT- PAGE FOUR EST IMPROVEMENTS IN MODERN FARMING Talking Motion Pictures â€" Lectures â€" Discussions FERGUSON SYSTEM and Wheel-less Implements FORD & MERCURY SALES & SERVICE RICHMOND HILL YOU ARE INVITED LUCKY DRAWS FEATURING THE TO ATTEND A '-M>i-s1s r-Dfiofhgy Hind of ‘the staff C41;_._th-e. Hospital for Sick Children Toxonto sperm la we’ejk’s holiday at her; home. ‘ ‘Thre- Heayc‘lfor‘di Young People’s Ulnion “ere guesis of the Newton‘- fbrook Y.P.U. at thcdr yreg'ulal‘ meat- ilmg‘ lastt week. About forty were in atitcm‘larcer. Reg. Hewitt, the‘ president, conducted} the meeting and Miss AJm Wells Iaslsfisvtedi in the deâ€" v‘oticmal warship gzervic'e. Rev. F- N. ‘Bovvers cf Wailliowdale gave a very I 'heLprul and inspiring adldrass on" “VCIZu‘isitian Citizenship”. A sociali hour followed with games ,and re-‘ fre-sibmenlbs. room. The 'boys and girlhs of the community tacre iruvited. The North York Branch [Red Cross Society will} meet on Friday, march 7th at 2.3-0 in the ,Parrsh Hall of St. J ohn’s Church for their business meeting. 9 Mrs. B. Wiggins l-aJSIt Friday. Mrs. Robert Prind‘er iSr. attended the funeral soflflh'ET bro-t'hei' Mr. Tur- ner'i-II'fEEQJ‘SQnitQ:l‘aSt'IFriday. - ' The annual “Irish: Supper” will \be held on Thursday, March 13th at 6:30 p.m. in! the New‘tmnlbrook Unit- ed Church School. Room rundea‘ the auspices of the Women’s Associa- tion, Keep this date op‘em and plan to come. Comparative figures released toâ€" day by Hon. Wiiliam- P. Mulock, K.C., M.‘P., Postmaster General, indicate how the flow of Military mails has riser.- to formldlaible. proportions dur- ing the past year, and lend emphasis to the needs for the publid’s full co- operation in proper addressing and packing so that the most expedi- tious deliver may be effected. During; the calendar .year of 1940 some 140,000 pounds of letters (apâ€" proximately 5,600,000 letters»), 596,- 000 pounds of newsprint, and 3,260,- 000 pounds of par-eels passed through the Base Post Office, Canada, adi- du'eS'S'Cdl to our soldiers abroad â€" a total weight of 1,998 tons! A large numlber amended the Y. P.U. Rallry cf Toronrto Centre; Presh ‘byrtery lasrt MtondIay even'mg in: Trini- ity United Church, TO'I‘Onfi/O. The Golden Rule Mission Band wilfl meet next Saturday, March 8 at 2.30 in the United Church S. S. The flood. of mail through the Base Post Office for overseas shows a continuous u‘p‘trem-d as figures for the last two weeks in January indJiâ€" in; 16,181 pounds. The following week, ending January 25th, approxiâ€" mately 1814520 letters, 21,560 par- cels; and 3'73 bags of newsrprint weighing 19,082 pounds, were sent overseas. cate. For the week ending January 18th, approximately 156,440 letters andI 24,559 parcels were despatched; and 307 bags of newsprint, weigh- The de-spat‘ch of Military mail from Canada overseas is but part of the duties of the Canadian Postal Corps, which, through its units in the United Kingdom, handles anoth- er formidable volume â€"â€" the letters and post cards mailedt through Field Post Offices, postage free, to Can- adian addresses. \by memlbers of the C.A.S.F. andI R.C.A.lF. FrOm August to November inclusive, this quantity increased monthly, and totalled over 26 tons. ““H.,M.S. Pdnlafore”, famous oper- edfita hy Cilllbwthmdl Sullivan will be presented in ,t‘he Elarl H‘aig Col- legiate Institute on Thursday, Friâ€" «Lay and Saturday evenings of this week at 8.15. This is well worth seeing. The Base Post Orffice too, reports volume increases in the mail it hanâ€" d‘les for Int/ervnme'nt camps, for ex- ample, 4,821 letters and 4,752 pounds of parcePs were handled during the week ending January 18th, and 6,901 letters, and’ 7,487 pounds of parcels wene bandied. the week later. Pastel personnel were obliged to transfer their efforts from handling normal mail, to seeking to trace the addresses of incorrectly addressed letters or parcels, and‘ w repack and redirect imlprroperlyy packed parcels which had: come apart in transit. With the growing volume of Mili- tary n'aills, increased co-o'peration is urged from the puibl‘ic in correct addressing, and preparing of mails and" padking of paroles so that avoid- albfle d-elayls may be entirely elimin- alted. Even when the volume of Military mail was considerably smaller muoh loss of time was occasioned when Increased Mail Volume quuin'es Inexpaspd Coâ€"opleratflon iev SOLDIERS’ MAIL 20m of Sir Frederick G. Biath in’ Toronto. __ i ' '5. J. Moore of‘ToronIto visitevd’ N ewtonbrook A}: H. and M1 1178‘ fit-noral la: ud Mré, Halbert at- 'al last Tfuesday af- Fredea‘ick G. Bland:- THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAR. 12thâ€"Pub1ic auction sale of farm stock, imple- ments, etc., the property of Robert Carson, east half Lot 21, Con. 1, North York Township, 11/; miles east of Newtonlbrook. Terms cash. J. C. Saigeon‘, auctioneer. SATURDAY, MARJC’H 8th â€" Auction sale of carpenter’s tools and several other articles, the property of the estate of Frank Smith, Highway No. 7 at Edgeley. Terms cash. Furth- er particulars in next. week’s issue. J. C. Saigeon, auctioneer. MONDAY, MARCH 10th â€" Auction sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc., the property of Edward O’Dell, lot 14, con. 6, North York Twp., 2 miles north of Weston. Sale at 1 p.m. D.S.T. Terms cash. J. C. Saigeon, auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, MAR. 12 â€" Auction sale of Dairy Cattle, Farm Stock, Imgp‘vlementis, Hay, Grain, Household Furniture, etc., on Lot 7, Con. 10, Markham, 3/4 mile south of No. 7 highway, the property of David At- kinso-n‘ Sale at 12 noon sharp. No reserve, farm is SOle‘. Terms cash. Gordon Sellers, auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19 â€"â€" Auc- tion sale of farm ‘s‘tock, implements, gram and; furniture, the property of Arthur Storey, Lot 21, Corr. 3, King (Show’balll). Sale at one o’clock D.S.T. T-erms Cash. F. N. Smith, Auctioneer. THURSDAY, MAJROH 2‘0â€"Auction sale Farm Stock, Implements, Hay and Grain, the property of Mrs. L. Boston, Lot 29, Con. 4, Markham. Terms oash. A. S. Farmer, auc- tioneer. THURSDAY, MARCH-I 13â€"Auction sale of Holstein Cattle, Case Trac- tor, Threshing Machine “New Fav- orite”, Pigs, LmlpLe-ments, Hay, Grain, Roots, Eta, the property of Egbert Avis‘on, Lots 22 and: 23, Concession 4, Markham Township, south of Vic- toria Square. Terms cash. Sale sdnarts at 12 o’clock ST. A. S. Far- mer, auctioneer. WED., MAR. 26â€"Auction sale of the entire lot oxf'high clasis furni- ture, rugs, dishes,~ dJairy uvten-sil‘s, tools and numerous other articles, lot 30, con. 3, Pickering Twp., the property of Geo. TLDavidson. Sale at 1 pm. S;T. No' reserve. J;'H. Prentice, auctioneer. - . WEDNESDAY, MAR. 26 â€" Auction tiom sale of farm gboc‘k, implements, Uta, Ithe property of W. H. Burd‘em kin, Lot 21, Con]. 5,, N-ort'h York, 11% miles east of Elmevry. Terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. ST. A. ‘M. McEwen‘, auctioneer. THURS, MAR. 20â€"Extensive auc- tion sale of farm stogk, implements. hay, grain, roots, ebc., on lot 30, con. 3, Pickering Twp., Cherrywood‘, the property of Gelo. T. Davidson. Sale at 12.30. S.T. No reserve as farm is rented. J. H. Prentice, auc- tronieer. sa‘le of farm stock, impflements), etc. the property of El'more Harding, Yonge Street, south of Richmond Hli‘l‘l. No reserve as proprietor 'is givimg; up féi’ming/ "Tevms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. J. C-arT Saigéon, auc- THURSDAY, MARCH .13fthx â€" Auc- TUESDAY, MARCH 18thâ€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, hay, gflain, harness, milk cooler, etc., the property of Anthony Nigh, Lot 31, Com. 3, Markham Twp. Term-s cash. Sale starts at 1 p.m. S.T. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. FRIDAY, 14â€"«Auction sale of farm. stock, implements, furniture, grain, hay, etc, the property of James Maynard, Lot 20, Concession 6, Markham, 11/2 miles north of Un- ionville. Sale at 1 p.m. S.T. No re- serve, farm rented. J. H. Prentice, auctioneer. MONDAY, M‘AR. 17â€"â€"~Auotion sale of registered and accredited, blood tested) Holstein herd, farm» stock, implementh etc the property of J. R. Phillips, Lot 22, con. 5 Pickering, west, of Brooklin’ olnv N0. 7 Highway. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. S.T. No reserve as farm is sold J. H. Prentice, auctioneer. WED., MAR. 19â€"Extensive auction sale of farm stock) implements, tractor and‘ outfit, etc., Lot 26., Con. 6, Markham, Cashel, the property of N. Lotton. Sale at 12.30 o’clock S.T. Farm sold. Terms cash. J. H. Prentice, auctioneer. SAT., ‘ MAR. 212â€"«Auction sale of farm stock, iwrp‘lenmenrtg, furniture” hay, grain, ehc., lot 15, con. 8, Whit- church, 3 miles north of Ringwood‘. the property of J. L. Hollin‘ger. Sale at 1 p.m. S.T. No reserve, giving up farming. J. H. Prentice, auct. givimg‘ up 1 Sale at 1 p.m tionleer. TUESW MAR. 18â€"Important awe- tion sale of a‘ herd pf Guernsey Cattle, farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc., the property of W. J. Wilson, south of Pickering Village on the Base Line. Sale at 12.30 THURSDAY, MARCH 27â€"Auc’cion sale of farm stock, implements, and Sale Register lM-ANGELS any quantity up to 600 busvh‘ebs. Silver Stream Farms, tele- phone Richmond) Hill: 4815. ‘DOMINION PIANO and Bench !Walrnu.t, in! good: condition, cheap [Telephone Richmond Hill 26. JERSEY COW due ‘midldle of month. ‘Aipply WilliaJm Mitchel}, Bayview & fiSteelevs, .tele‘p'honve Thorn’hil-l 45r15. ! St, Toronto. TW‘O SPRINGERS due March 15th.; 1 aged: mare. Apply '0. P. He‘ise, Lot 29, fifth line Vaughan. FRESLH MILK COW. Francy Brothâ€" er-Su, Gormley, Lolt 80‘, Concession 4, Markham ’ro-oms, $2 000. EXCELLENT FARM, good build- ings, owner considering retiring. Box 151, Richmoncfl Hil‘l, telephone 229. HORSES from $50.00 up. Leechwood Flavmts, RR. No. 2, Gormle'y, 2% miles east of Thor'nhill, 1 mile south of No. 7 Highway. (Misses Evelime ansdI Violet Roch- ester 10f Kinmoum are visiting friends hera The Provincial Temperance Fed- eration Conference rwill be held this year in the Meta‘opol‘litan. United Church, London, 0m. on March 12th, 13th and 14th. BR‘ICK Misses Je-am Stephenson and Mar- garet MmMiilltan will represent New- tonbrolok United Chur'ch Sunday School next ,Fr‘id‘ay eveming at the Nomth York Temrprer'anlce Federation Oranto‘rica‘l Conltevsrt to be held at Wesley uhuvch, Vandorf. The World’s Day of Prayez‘ ser- vice was hugely ,2.t[ternde~d‘ lausvt Fri- day afternoon in» the United- Church. Members of the various churches in the .con‘mumty took part in the ser- vice. Mrs. A. W. Galbraith preslid- ed and Mrs. F. R'ae gave an in- spirational address. ‘ice SPECIAL NOTICEâ€"SAVE MONEY on Radios, Refrigerators, Ranges, Frigidaire Milk Coolers and DeLaval Milkers. We still have a quantity without the new 25% tax. “Act quickly". Trades aceepted. B. R. Leech, Toronto Radio _& Sports, Ltd., 241 Yonge St, Toronto. AYleSaHflRE 00W registered, fneSrh, Blue Cow due about a week; Grade Heifer, fresh, good millker. D. H. Letoseky, RR. 1 Maple, phlon-e Maple 731-4. 1/2 hxp .miotor installed) $270.00; FrigJ idaire Milk Cooler. $280.00; W-e-srb- inghouse Refrigerator $214; Frig- idxaire Refrigeratdns $149; Electric R‘anxges $99.00 & um; RJadfios $18.95; Was/hers $77.50. HIGHEST SWAPS ACCEPTED cm Live stock etc. Write for catalogue B. R. Leech, TORON- TO RADIO & SPORTS, 241 Yonge During the absence of Campbell Line, Esquire, on active mili- tary service, his practice of law will be continued on his behalf by Lucas & Lawson, Barristers and Solicitors, 1009 Lumsden Building, Toronto, Telephone Elgin 6217â€"Branch office, Har- ris Shoe Store, Woodbridge, Tuesdays, 2.30 to 8.30 p.m. DE LAVAJL MILKEiRS dlou. units The annual Good Fridlay service will- be held in Newmombrook United Church at 11 am. April 1‘112h. The Newtonbro-ok United Chrurch choir inrtund holding a concert the latter part of March. 1 The death‘of M'r. Aflmttmmurred last week. The funeral was 'h'e‘ld Ilast Thursday afternoon from his home on Yonge St. I. X “We shall- not fail or falter: we‘ shall not weaken or tire. Neither the sudden ,,shock .of. battle nor the long dréwn out trials of vigilancel and exertion ‘will weal; uls'EOWfi. Give. us the toels- and we will'finish the- job.”â€"Winston Churchill.- MI'S. F. .Forelman of Toronto vis- ited friends here last week. poultry, etc. th-é pro‘péi‘t'y 9f ,John. White, loty'18 and 19,‘ cop. 3 Mai~kâ€" hxa‘m, at H-eadifbrdL "Salé at 1 p.m. S.T. Terms caSTi. IA. S. Farm-er, THIS IS THE DAY OF‘ Al)VERTlSING-â€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Fiw lives or less. 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents tor each subsequent :nsertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents sew: line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. NEWTONBROOK 01169-1 H‘OU‘SE, Queensville, seven small ‘barn, 1/2 acre lot, Apply Box 91, Liberal Off- NOTICE FOR SALE THURSDAY, MARCH 6th, 1941. s‘hIa-pe, good~ buildings. Apply Chas Graham, Richmond> Hill; 8 ROOuM'ED BRICK HOUSE, double FIFTY ACRE FARM, in. 'excel‘lentt ganage, h-enr house. T. Reid, Down-s- vie.w P.O., phone Maple 961. APARTMENT with modern conven- iences, electric range, hardwood floors. Apply Liberal Office. FOR SALE OR RE‘NT, 100 acre farm, near Richmond Hill, good". band, rimming Sitar-earn, fine building's modernly equipped. Aprply The Lib- eral Office, Richmond HiLl. BOARD AND RJOIOM {by gentleman in Richmond! Hibl. Alppr Box 54 The Liberal Orffi‘ce. DEAD HORSES & CATTLE want- ed. For free pick-up phone RICH- MLAIP'LE 2937. We pay phone charges. GO‘RDIO‘N YOUNG LIMITâ€" ED, Toronto, phone ND. 3636. ' MOND HILL 7 0R KING 2414 OR. HOUSES Raised and Moved. Phone Thornhill 73. '11 ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering. cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. SEED GRAIN CLEANED, 5c. bus. at your own barn. We have a Seed Grain. Cleaning Mill that we send di- rectly to your own barn to cflean your Seed Grain; You save the cost of bagging and hauling by having it cleaned at home. Gleam early to save sufficient Seed for your own use, or for sale if you have a. sur- plus. Give us your order now. Carm- ing Factory, Woodbridge. 7 ROOMlED HOUSE, 18 Elizabeth St., for sale or rent, hot wager heat- ed, lange fire place, two 3115, sun room. Possession February 1. Ap- ply 15 Centre St. E., phone 38 Rich- mond Hill. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) FOR SALE OR RENT FOUND, in Richmond Hill, a sum of money. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for ‘this advertisement. Apply at The LibeLal Office. FARMERS ATTENTION The richest source of vitamin E necessary for heabthy breeding. Get Rex Wheat Germ Oil advertised in farm papers. Enquire at the Ele- vator for this valuable remedty. I. D Ramer & Son, phone 10. Used Cars 1939 MERCURY TOWN SEDAN - White Wall Tires and Heater. Small Mileage. 1939 FORD v-s TUDOR T Small mile’age. Excellent comdiltlon,“ 1931 BUICK' SEDAN.jâ€"”_A' nice par 1930 FORD TUDOR â€" Th0ngth reconditidned.‘ ‘ ' Little Brothér's l938WFORD 'V-8 TUDOR â€" Large Trunk;- 'Heatefl. Very Nide. FORD AND’MERCURY SALES AND” SERVICE RICHMOND HILL PHON] MISCELLANEOUS " $195.00 $925.00 WANTED $725.00 $165.00 $585.00 TO RENT FOUND PHONE 174

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