Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Mar 1941, p. 7

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THURSDAY, MARCH 6th, 1941. KLEINBURG The Y.P.U. met for their social evening on Monday, February 24th, at the home of Mrs. Devins‘. the business a “Spring”, was arranged: by Miss Masel Shaw. Miss Irene Devins took devotional part of the program. A poem “Sparrows” was read by Ruth Docks; a solo. “Robins”. was given After i short programme j S The Parsonage. Thoinhill. Ont}. suggests. Rut might it not be just Monday. March 31rd. 1941.las true to put it this way? The An elderly member of the Bi‘blelieal Irnt is ‘the putting forth of Class who is most regular in at- a man's hand to quiet his own pas- tcndancc and always anxious to d0 sith ard to push them aside. that all he WSSIHY can to Promote the ,the higher voices may speak to him work of the church handed the fol- ‘ and the. higher touches fall upon lowingrto the writer yesterday morn- him. It is: the making of an emirlti- ifimhurch Ne i l I I THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO IZJ'IL‘. I‘ll. of North Bay. Superin- tendent of Missions of Northern :(,n“...;1rio. wk: will Sjit’ak tc is in the n‘ctrfng. and in the evening show' of" n"r.iig (ountiy. cf new northw us hi.s Ulcred lli crn. turns. :C'(‘I‘.:C lush and hill counâ€" 1tiy. zrr' in cry (thr 'il (resting feaâ€" tures of Northeln Ontario. We wish to I-rn‘ll‘KIl you (f the feet that Dr. : C(chran‘e's coming is a result of ac- n= tion pictures by Shll‘ley MCTaggal‘ti and “Along ing: although it is not new, it is mess about his srul. that. the higher “fl”: uh“ l3" ll": lady‘s Of our W‘ Aibout March”, a reading was given by Miss Hambly. The remaining part of the evening was spent in playing crokinole. A lunch was enjoy-ed, served 'by Miss Irene Devinvs, after which the Presi- dent thanked Mrs. Devins and Irene for hospitality and asked the memâ€" bers to show their appreciation. WE'RE THINKING "ems LIKE A5 N0] A TALK ITH s MIGHT HELP M SHEPPARD & Gill I. U M S E R COMPANY RICHMOND HILL ‘ :I only .-‘ lI together can’t handle. And help i . of ‘ istand' that the game is full of knots ‘were out of luck. help me to find worth passing along, on the chance ifullness may Come in and fill it. i that some Of You may “0t haVe 399“ Perhaps some day the lower needs. Such as food and drink and com- it (before: ‘ «THE GAME GUYS pRAYER" panionship. may themselves become, Wailiv dignify thr-msrclives by becom- Dear Godzâ€"Helip me to be a sport _ I in this little game of life. I don’t irrg. the week interpreters and m n- isters of those very powers which ask for any easy place in the line- up; plav me anywhere You need me. ‘ they once shut out from the soul. lThcre will be no fasting days. no ask for the stuff to give. You one hundred per cent of what Lent. in Heaven. Not “because we shall have no bodies there. but he- I've got. If all the hard drives . iseem to come my way, I thank You cause our bodies there will be open ‘ to God‘. 'the helps and not the hip. i- ;for the compliment. Help me to re- I member that You won't ever let any- i rances of spiritual communication ‘to our souls. ithing ccme my way that You and . A few weeks ago we had in this column the srtatemen-t of faith of the United Church of Canada as re- e'airdis. ‘God. Since then we have. a? our Fellowship Meetings, given con- 1me to take the bad breaks as part the game. Help me to under- iand knocks and trouble and make 'me thankful for them. Help me to get so that the harder they come and of the Holy Spirit. and have the better I like it. ‘lthough'i. in terms of their nature Amd. O God. help me to always andi significance for the life of the play on the square. No matter what individual and of all mankind. We the other playeis do. help me 10 suggested that these statements of come clean. Help are: to study the faith of the United Church he cut Book so that I'll klllO‘V the rules.,0ut and savul. Thorc follows. then. and to study and thirk a lot about , the stattircmt cf faith of the United the greatest. Player that. ever lived. ‘ Church of 'Canada as regards Jesu< and other great play-cars that are . Christ and the Holy Spiiit: itolvl about in the Book. If thtyi11;fi}Esys CHRIST fornd (UL that the best part of that We ‘l‘.t’ll€\'t‘ in Jesus Christ. tlu ‘game was helping other guys wholsm (f the Father. Who. for 11; men and (ur salyati‘n lucame man and We believe fret human it Cut tco. H(l’p me to be a regu- lar feller with the other players. Finally. 0 God. if fate seems to (chlt. animus: us. that He lived a per- ‘fidcraticn to the Person of Christ: upjercut nte with both hands and I'm laid on the shelf in sickness or old age or smnethirg. ht.le me to take that as part of the game. too. Help me not to whimlpe'r or squeal that the game was a frame-up or that I had a raw deal. the twill cf Grd ard‘ the service of man. We l‘tlitye that in Him Gel conics fugue to face with men; so that they learn that God loves them, seeks their good, bears their sorrows an: their sin, and claint’s their exclusive life. wholly devoted to; Why be a C» M. (Careless Motorist)? Why be sore at your car and have your car sore at you? Decide, to- day, to use Hall’s Service Station gas and oil regu- larly. Treat your motor right. “Be Ready With Reddy \Vhen in the falling dilsk I got the final hell. I ask for no lying complimentary stones. 'I’d‘ only like to know that You feel that I’ve been a good. game guy. (Author UnknOWn). The season of Lent is upon us, the time of meditation and fasting, of selfâ€"denial and‘ inner prepara- fai'th and‘ perfect obedience. We believe that in Jesus Christ God‘ acted to save men. taking. at Inealsureless cost, lman’s sin upon once God’s athc-irence of sin and His saving love in its height and depth and- power; and ,that the Cross is for all time the effectual means “on for the glorious 5‘9350“ Of EaSt' of recrrciling the world unto God. 911 and] the “'ONdel'flfl‘ Day Of Res’u‘r’ We believe that Jesus was raised relation; may this season of Lent Victoriovs over (March, and declared mean more to “S than any that has to be tle Son of ‘chl with power; gone before- May it mean more to and 'that He is alive fir-r evermore, 11-9 (because 01' its greater Sigmlfl' our Saviour arid our-Lord. cance when vie/Weldl in the light of so we acknowledge Jesus Chl‘i": the present world situation; out of' as the 50,, of God. Incarnate, the this season may we come into the g'miwr i-f the “rm-1,5,, Iligh-t and glory of the Easter dawn 1Hszng HOLY SPIRIT with souls resurrected and lives reâ€" 1 we believe in the Holy Spirit ‘by Power” EAL/i» is; g 5 77A TI @N OPPOSITE ORANGE HOME .4» z ’4 s 2 RICHMOND HILL, Ont. The World’s News Seen Through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An International Daily Newspaper is Truthfulâ€"Constructiveâ€"Unbiasedâ€"Free from Sensational- ismâ€"Editorials Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. The Christian Science Publishing Society ' One, Norway Street, Boston. Massachusetts Price $12.00 Yearly, or $1.00 a blonth. PWWWWV‘WW‘WV»‘Y g ‘ 5 Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, 52.60 a Year. Paris Auto-Supply AUTO WRECKERS FEBRUARY SPECIAL SALE 600 x 16 Tires, 30,000 mile type, reg. $15.05 .. $12.20 600 x 16 .Tires, 25,000 mile type, reg. $11.35 . . $10.00 Other sizes also reduced Tire Pumps, reg. 85c., now . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52c. Reliners all sizes (car) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70c. 20% reduction on Mufflers and Oil Pipes, Exhaust Pipes, Gaskets and Fan Belts Ford 1935-36 Radiator Grilles, reg. $12.00 1 gallon motor oil for your old battery vivedl. and with hearts and] hands yrhcm God is ever at} work in the land- voices dedicated to God and the [hearts and mimdls of men, inspirian cause Of His Kingdom 35 never be‘ every right desire and every effort fore! after truth and beauty. All people do not Observe Lem We believe that .the Spirit of God in exactly the same way; albstin- moves; mm rib. acknowledge their ence from ,food and drink, Either as sins and accept the divine forgiveâ€" to quantity or kind, is one way, anr.‘ Betas and gvraca ‘ self-denial of various forms is cer- we. believe than; the Spirit was vainly to be COWWMGA as a means present with power at the beginning of promoting one’s thinking along of the Church, enabling the disciples «the lines which the Lenten season to than “duress 10 what they had seen and heard', filling them with the (bmimg Kingdom, and sustainâ€" ing them in the sense of Christ’s continuing preEence in their midst. We believe that 'by the same Spirit the Church is continually guided] and empowered, and her ‘rmelmlbers fortified against tempta- u fear and! doubt, and built up PHONE 86 in faith and holiness unto salva- tion. ‘ Sb we acknowledge ‘the Holy Spirit as the Lord and Giver of Lidle, through whom the creative reâ€" deeming love of God is ever at work among men. You will please remember that at the (weekly Services of Intercession a devotional message bearing on Lent and the coming Easter sea- son. Liet rs tcgeth-er make these services occasions of great encour- agement and: blessing, not only by our regular attendance, .but by en- . . . $9.50 every week. We give .you this last minthie re- minder: The Choir Concert is to The held in the Church on Friday night of this week at 8.15. You will most thoroughly enjoy the programme or excellent quality which has been prepared. azidl the members of our own choir, as well as their visit- ing guests, will certainly appreciate Introductory Offer. 6 Issues 25 Cents. your presence With 'tlllem on this ‘ Name ____________________________________________________ occasion. I Address We also lbeg to remind you of """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 2s the special services of March 23rd! AMPLE COPY ON REQUEST S , v I e ‘N‘Nf’ffv,g;(,¢;é®4;l§~l\4\&, , This will be the day when we will have with us the Rev. J. C. Coch~ Himself; that the Cross reveals at: love of Ithe; brethren, and hope or? from now until Easter we will have. tering wholeheartedly and devoted“ 1y into every pant; at each service: MS. Since he; will be with us two weeks from Sunday. the mcirlbers (.f the Woman‘s Missionary Society will r-ot te hcldirr: Illeir regular .n-nthly n'eictirig this week. The cvmirg's lccse collection of the 23rd 1will le trincd over ‘to the Treas- iurcr cf tlir \V'ciran’s Missionary Slo- ciety, and because the cause is needy ar'V {Ttscryineu we solicit your sup- pcrt |this regard. Further an- ). rnctniotits will he made next week rrd the week following. Wu“ \i-Culd like to think that our ,crngrcgaticn will grow, and we thirk it is. but have you asked a fritrc' cr 2. Visiting itlative. or ac- qraintamc to (cute with you latcâ€" ly. [fuss the word alrng. ard in that way you can render rcial assistance in ll’irgirg othtrs to come anil wor- st'p with us. “'9 would not want you to use the rrethod however of 'the little boy .who was resolved to ‘riiig Stll'((.'l'( clue to the place of “'(Irlllll with him. dead for alive! Tl". Siziday S(‘l‘-.’v0l was llaVllll': a '<-;in,2:icn for ntw scholars. SINCJy .Iihii‘nxy can'ic in a wee bll ir. littlt gill with him. “Why .Iiihnnvy.” tine teacher. “what. does this ll‘xlil‘ “Well. teacher. you said 121i? (f 1> “as to liinc‘ a I’ricni'l. >lr'! ~ ‘(. l l l l land this \‘as the (nly‘ one I Could . . . . ,c." .lchirry had. stolen. a. memâ€" ‘ltr firm the Qrakcr church! \Vie dc i<t wzrt anything like that, but “:1- do “Elk our church and its ser- fnitis ‘o >(l\0 \irl-l cur own people II‘C all newcomers and strangers in (ur midst who may choose to come am worship with us. To all we (on eixc assurance of a friendly \rtli:Cire. happy. bright and helpful services. ,good‘ singing, and a warm and friendly atmosphere. The same «guts ftr all young people in the community. If you have not been lat. airy cf our meetings then yOu ire not in any position to judge as to their .merit and the hlappiineas they give; we invite .you to come {rd be with us, and we are pretty sure that if you will come. but once, you will wlant to come again. i A few years ago, off the coast of New England}, a, liner w'as wreck- ed] on a reef. The Cloaslt Guard merit to the rescue under‘the cap- taincy of an old' seamlan but with some young man: on the crew. One pf the young men, seeing the ,situ- ation presented to him, turned a while face to the captain. f‘Sir!” .he said. “The 'wind is offshore; the tide is rimming out. Of course we can get the boat out, but what good! would; it do? (Against: the wind and 3the tide we cannot come back!" :Am-d all rthe Captain said i was: “launch the. boat! We have to go gout! We dornft have to come back!" h And: so, with this thought, we say lgoodlbye ‘till next week: “He. who x’nc-es not strive after something with eagerness, finds (Nerythinlg burdensome and tedious.” Sincerely, Your Minister. n ‘- r n (r l WOODBRIDGE TENNIS CLUB If y‘u enjoy the services. please ‘ Ono. late. Nagging a crying. protcsitinu?‘ PAGE SEVEN â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"w EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE 0f Carpenter’s Tools, 1 Turningr Lathe with cquipnrcnt for turning both wood and iron 1 Brooder House, 12x14 It. good as new 1 Broodcr House. 12x14 ft. good as new {:3 Broader Stoves and 3 Hovus com- plete 1 Incubator, 200 egg capacity 1 Incubator, 200 egg capacity A Number of Chicken Coops with windows in l 1-Horse Sleigh 1 Road Cart 1 \l'hcei‘oarrmv ‘l lleavy Hand Sleigh, good '1 Ford Coach Car. Model T, in first . class shape as it has only gone 20".) mil-cs since overhauled :A Number of Wooden Tubs l Scythe 1 Lawn Mower lA Number of Chains. heavy & light ‘A Quantity of Lumiber .A Quantity of Moulding A Number of Planks 2 Ladders jA Quantity of Oak Plank. 2 inches. ‘ :3 lllt‘llls and 4 inches ‘ l Largo Raising~ Jack ,1 Large Block and Tackle with 200 tact T x inch rope, good Largo Block and Tackle with 200 i 1 l . ‘ hit 3/4 lll('ll rope. good 1 Block and Tackle with 5’8 inch . rope. good i.-\ Lara Quantity of Ropes for pull- mgr up gilts Boxing Machines iA Nu‘r'mr of Commanders: ‘A Nunnln r «f Mallets ‘1 Pin Machine ‘A Number of Pike Poles :\ Niiirwr of l'ular I’olcs A Quantity of Elm Lumber A Quantity of 1/2 inch Bziswood Lum-‘ber. dressed 3 SlllkS l Swath Rake I Turn Lathe Wheel 3 Squirrel Cages 4 Large Feed Bins, good 1 Coal Oil Stove, New Perfection, 3 burner 1/2 Ton Hay 2 24-Ft. Ladlders 1 13 Ft. Ladder 1 Hacksaw 1 Tread Mortise Machine A Large Quantity of Bolts A Numlber of New Files, never used 1 Iron Vice 2 Wooden Vices 2 Large Work Benches, good 4 Tool Chests 18 Hand Saws 3 Spirit Levels 2 Large Jimmies A Number of Cant Hooks 1 Small Wire Stretcher Builder’s Equipment, Lumber, Brooder Houses, Lathe, Ford Car ‘ The Property of the FRANK SMITH ESTATE Highway No. 7 at Edgeley, Ontario 1% Miles West of Keele Street SATURDAY, MARCH 8th 1 Saw Filing Vice 1 Spraying Machine A Quantity of Leather Belting 2 Rip Saws for power machine 17 Angers from 1/2 inch to 3 inch. all good Glue Pots 5 Crosscut Saws 2 Sets Bits. complete 40 Bits. all sizes2 Ratchet Braces 1 Bruce 4 Framing Squares A Number of Bench Squares 40 Bench Chisels. all sizes, all gem! 0 Monkey Wrenches, all sizes 2 Nail Pullers 6 Hamimers 30 Packages of Wood Screws, all sizes 2 Compasses 2 Slash Clamlps 5 Calipers. all sizes 20 Bench Planes 6 Steel Brackets 20 Moulding“ and Becamg Planes 2 \Vooden Hand Clamps l2 Cold Chisels and Punches l Shoo Coibibling Outfit. complete r) a 3 Axes A1 Slick Chisels 0 Corner Chisels 2 3-inch Chisels 4 2-Inch Chisels 4 Broad; Axes A Number of New Wagon Wheel Spokes A Number of New Buggy Wheel Spokes A Nlnmlwr of Wooden Patterns 1 Shaving.r Horse 2 Hand Axes A Number of New Adz Handle-s 1 Large Iron Box Stove, good l Desk 1 Emery Stone 1 Larc'c Grindstone l Buggy Lamp 1 Coffee Grinder 2 Chalk Lines and Chalk A Quantity of Hoop Iron l Buch Saw 1 Bracket Saw 1 Cradle l Plate Plough 1 Frame equipped for Saw or Emery Stone A Numlicr of Wooden Pulleys A Quantity of Glass 5 Adch 1 Spinning Wheel A Number of Bee Skips 1 Set of Heavy Wagon Wheel Rim new 1 Croquet Set A Number of Kegs 2 Wooden Wheelbarrow Wheels 1 New Axe Han-die different 3 Emery Wlieel Stones, sizes There will also be offeredl for sale 800 books; all are written by first class authors A Quantity of Paint, Oil and Tm:- pentine and many other articles too numerous to mention All the tools are in first class con- dition AS THIS IS A VERY LARGE SALE IT WILL COMMENCE ON TIME No Reserve as everything must be sold in order to close the Estate. TERMS:â€"CASH J. Carl Saigeon, Sale at 12.30 s.T. Auctioneer, phone Maple 121 AUCTION SALE Registered Holstein Cattle Farm Stock, Implements and Furniture THE PROPERTY OF MRS. L. BOSTON Lot 29, Con. 4, Markham Township THURSDAY, MARCH 20TH HORSES 1 Bay Mare, H.D. 1 Bay Horse, H.D. 1 Bay Mare REGISTERED CATTLE PRESENT 3-ACT PLAY HJAZEL ABBEKERK ALCARTRA, The British War Victims Fund will Pedigree No. 302626, fresh time of sale receive a substantial sum as a re- E‘C‘H‘O PATTI COLANTHA! Pedl' sult of the very successful two per- gree No. 312995, fresh time of sale formances of Woodbrldige Tennis , , Club’s play “One Mad) Night,“ in- the KEYES WAYNE COLANTHA, Orange Hall last Thursday and Fri- f‘i‘lllglrevg NO- 312997: mllkm‘g: day, February 20th and.215t. First “ 0 I dramatic venture of the organizaâ€" KEYES. WAYNE JOSEPHINE: tion, the, play was witnessed; ,by Pedigree No. 364276, Ibred Au- large crowds on both evenings. A $11“ 4th fast moving three-act mystery farce, H‘EIFER 0f KEYES WAYNE COL‘ it is set in a haunted house housing 4 lunatics and is enacted by the fol- lowing players listed in order of ap- H‘E‘IlFER lpearance: Don Cutter, 8. young play< ’wright, Mr. Jack Powlesland; Wing, his Chinese valet, Mr. Lorne Carr; Priscilla, who knits, Miss Betty Wallace; Lady MacBethi, a victim of Shakespeare, Mrs. J. Powlesland; John Alden, who hunts Indians, Mr. Norman Jackman; Mr. Hyde, a fer- ocious villain, Mr. LyneSs Glass; Dr. Bunn, who is in charge, Mr. Bert Shore; Lucille Marcy, a damsel in. Idistress, Miss Norma Ostramder; Mrs. Kluck, the housekeeper, Miss Bessie Nattress; Gertrude Finch, Don’s fiancee. Miss Ruth Wallace; Mrs. T. A. Finch. her mother, Miss Gertrude Frankum: Depression, their coloured maid, Miss Audrey Ring; Artemus Burke. a lawver. Mr. Ross Cameron; Danny Stillotto, wanted for murder. Mr. Urias Springer. The play was directed by Miss Avis Poole and music between acts was played by Mrs. A. E. Kearney and Miss Jean Lawrie. Chairman was Mr. Wilfred R. Scott. who joined with other prominent local War Savâ€"' ,ings campaign cemmitteemen to speak for the- campaign. while ush- lering and check room duties were 'undertaken by scouts of the Ist V;}Vood’bridge troop under Harry Al-‘ en. ANTHA. not August 26th of EOHIO PATTI COL- ANTHA, not registered; suppos- ed to freshen in May PIETJE ECHO COLAN'THA. Pedi- gree No. 312998, in full flow WHITE HEIFER, not registered, bred October 15th v THREE HEIIFERS, eligible to reg- ister. of above herd 1 B‘UlLL, 7 months, eligible to reg- ister 1 Part Jersey, bred July 6th PIGS 1 Sow. bred December 23rd 11 Shoats registered, bred‘ HARNESS 1 Set Back Band Harness 1 Set Breechin-g Harness .1 Set Single Harness <1 Heavy Breast Strap 3 Horse Collars 1 Pair Horse Blankets GRAIN Quantity of Mixed Grain Quantity of Oats Quantity of Wheat 5 Ft. Ensilage TERMS:~~CASH IMPLEMENTS 1 Disc Drill 1 Plow, No. 21 Fleur-y, 1 set wheels 1 M.-H. Cultivator, 13 tooth, spring tooth, nearly new Corn Binder Stiff Tooth Cultivator Corn Cultivator Roller Hay Tedder ‘ Horse Rake Set Harrows, 4 section Top Buggy , Set Sloop Sleighs, good Cutter, good; with extra seat Flat Rack Hay Rack, 14 ft., good Mower, Deering, 6 ft. cut Grain Binder, M.-H., 6 ft. Ford Truck Rack Fleury Scuffler, new Set Farm Scales, 2000 lbs. Root Pulper Barn Pails Heavy Wagon, good Set Iron Trucks Magnet Cream Separator Crosscut Saw Mil-k Pails, Strainer and Plunger 1 Axe 1 Set Electric Clippers 2 Large Iron Kettles 1 Grind Stone Forks, Chains and other articles FURNITURE Coal Oil Stove, 4 burner, Florence Automatic and oven complete Coal Oil Stove. 3 burner. wickless Coal Oil Heater Oak Bed. springs and mattress Metal Churn, Daisy Odd Chairs 1 Box Stove lVashstand 1 Butter Print Churn Frame 6 Good Chairs lamps l Cider Keg 1 Universal Bread Mixer 1 Large Glass C’aplboard A Number of Glass Jars. 1 & 2 01:. Also Jam Jars. Bake Pans, Stone Crockr Sale at 1 pm. ST. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lOHHQDOâ€"Jlâ€"‘HH A. S. FARMER, Auctioneer. Phon e Stouffville 6312 \VALTER CRAIG and JAMES SMITH, Clerks.

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