roof 1 Set Double Harness A Quantity of Water Piping 2 Stoves ° 1 Windmill and Pump, good 1 Light Wagon HAY, STRAW, MANURE AND GRAIN A Quantity of Hay A Stack of Wheat, Oat and At 1 pm. Standard Time HORSES 1 Black Horse 1 Gray Horse IMPLEMENTS 1 Truck Wagon 1 High Wagon 1 Potato Plough 1 Binder, M.-H., 6 ft. cut 1 Implement Shed, 14x20 1 Implement Shed, 20x30 1 Side Hill Plough 1 Walking Plough 2 Sets Harrows 1 Hoe Drill 1 Cultivator 1 Hay Track 1 Hay Fork Sling Ropes 1 Cutter 1 Milk Sleigh 1 Road Wagon 1 Churn 1 Set Scales, 600 lbs. capacity 1 Driving Shed, frame, shingle 3 pigs, about 175 lbs. 5 Pigs, about 100 lbs. TERMS :â€"CASH Barley Straw 2 Piles of Manure Approximately 50 Bus. Oats W. 0. Duncan, Clerk. No reserve as farm is rented Lot 39, Con. A, Twp. of Etobi- coke, 1 mile north of Thistleâ€" town and 1/2 mile west highway Sat’y, April 5th Jas. Churchill Estate FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, STRAW, MANURE, GRAIN, HAY, IMPLEMENT SHED The property of Mr. Phillip Dixon was suddenly stricken with a stroke at the But- tonville Red Cross Euchre Wedmes- day evening. Mr. Dixon was taken home in the ambulance and today is reported as seriously ill. Auction Sale THE ONLY NATIONAL APPEAL THIS YEAR FOR OUR MEN IN UNIFORM J. CARL SAIGEON, Auct. UNIONVILLE PAGE FOUR CHAIRMAN FOR ONTARIO â€" CONN SMYTHE, ESQ., TORONTO PIGS 1 Cultivator 1 Hay Fork 1 Cutter 1 Road Wagon Of course you help to buy airplanes, guns, ships, tanksâ€"BUT for the things that express to the soldier the afl'ection and thoughtfulness of the folks back home . . . he relies on you. The Government provides them with uniforms, rifles, ammunitionâ€" but for comfortsâ€"recreations and wholesome opportunity to make their precious moments of leisure a genuine boon . . . they rely on you, O For the things that are not given to a ï¬ghting man with his uniform : . . things that are not part of his military equipment . . . things of the spirit . . . Canada’s ï¬ghting sons, wherever they may be, rely on you. The Presbyterian Guild‘ m-et Mon- day evening at the home of MT. and Mrs. A. Rutherford. The scripture, ‘Johm, Chap. 16, was read by Mrs. ‘Bruce McDonald. The study book was taken- by Louise Matheson and Further study on the life of Dr. J. Goforth was under the leadership of Margaret Brownlee. Saturday is Moving day for Radio Stations on Your Dial The Y-P.U. met on Monday even-l of the amount 01 the tender musn - - ‘ - accompany the tender. mg in the SS. room. The meetingl For inspection apply to David T. °pened With a Sing Song- The sail"! Rumble, Executor, Box 241, Rich- ture was read by Doris Cock and mond‘ Hill. or to William Cook oz sentence prayers were given by Dor- gig-“101% 9132m§€d€1~ril 11335li-ym TOWEL? ea e L; l. e w s or gilgtxég:f‘ Eifftli‘naZ? $12: tendler not necessarily accepted. wood Manor gave an interesting talk and showed* pictures on England and Tenders Wanted Scotland. On Monday evening, Mar. (ï¬st the Young People are to have Tenders for the collection of Re- th-e pleasure of having Dr. and Mrs. ‘ fuse during 1941 will be received up Mullet to speak and show slides on | to March 29 next at the Clerk’s off- ‘their missionary work in West'lice, Richmond Hill, where informa- IChina. -tion as to the service nequired may On Mondav afternoon the members Ebe obtained. Have you had your’s changed If not call us. Yerex’ Electrical Phone 242 24 Yonge St. On Monday afternoon the members of the Lutheran Ladies’ Aid. neigh- bours and friends presented Mr. and Mrs. F. Glass with a lamp. Lunch 'was served and a social time spent. Phone early and avoid the rush Miss Ruth Rudd, Miss Marge, Cor- poral Murray and Mr. Patterson spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and- Mrs. G. Schuyler. ‘ ’Don’t fomref thp entertainment in Maple Concert Habb Weinves‘dax'. Arm-Ll- ’2rd at 8.30 mm. D.S.‘T. under the avspfres of St. Andrew’s Pres)- b‘yter‘an Church. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Shropshire, -Ivy and! Charlie in: the loss of their son and brother. Miss Louise Gale spent Sunday at her home here. Mrs. Can} Black of Kettlerby is spending several weeks at the home of her sister Mrs. C. Miller. Mr. George Scott of Unionville visited friends in the community over the week-end. MAPLE Sealed tenders for the following prcpcrty at Head‘fmd in the Townâ€" ship of Markham wild: be 'beceived by the undersngnedr up until Aiprill 2151;, 1941. The farm of the late 'Ilhom‘as ThonJm-n. being parts of Lots 18 and: 19 in the 3rd conces- sion of the Township of Markham, said; to contain approximately 1415 acres more or less. On the propâ€" erty are an 8-room-ed: house, good frame barn 45x80, implement s'hed '26x40 and stable and shed 20x50, good' well, never failing stream, well fenced. Immeduate possession. This property would make an ideal coun- try estate. Certified cheque for 10% of the amount of the tender must accompany the tender. For inspection apply to David T. Rumble, Executor, Box 241, Rich- mondl Hill, or to William Cook a Gibson, 912 Federal Bldg, Toronto, Adelaide 6807. The lowest or any tend'er not necessarily accepted. The lowest or any tender not ne- bessarily accepted. Richmond Hill, March 13, 1941. WELSH COLLIE lost, black body, brown head, answers to name “Lad- die". Pet. Reward. Mrs. Hele, E1- gin Mills P.O., phone Maple 491'11. G ROOrMElD HOI‘J‘SAE on Yonge St. at Elgin Mills. hydro, garden and garage if desired, immediate pos- session. N. Naugh‘ton, Elgin Millsv, phone Rich-mend Hill 127. MODERN six roomed‘ apartment, hot water heating, rent reasonable. Available May lst. Telephone 158. FOUND. BILAUK OOLLJE. Own-er 'may have same by proving property and paying for this advertisement. Robt. Beatty, phone Stouffvillle 21506. APARTMENT with modern conven- iences, electric range, hardwood floors. AppLy Liberal Office. THOMAS THOMSON PROPERTY FOR SALE BY TENDER LOST and FOUND TENDERS TO RENT A. J. HUME, Clerk. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO 'E‘DUCATI'ONAL. Matriculation. In- !diividual coaching in Latin, French, {Algebra 'Junior and Honour Matriâ€" culation. Nellie Na-ughton, B.A., Elgin ‘Mil'ls, telephone Richmond Hill 127. BIGâ€"4 APRIL OHJCKJS are safe in~ vestments. Bred‘ for vigor, fast growth they mature quickly and catch up virith some others bought earlier. Order now. Canad'ivn Ap- provalâ€"breerfers bloodttes‘beï¬rg'sk our agent for April prices, givkghhim your order, save time correslpomï¬ug. You can’t go wrong buying- Bigâ€"4 Chicks. Wesley Clark, Gormley, phone Rich- mond' Hill 4714. repair work. Wm. E. Francis/Col- borne St., Thornhlill, phone Thornhill. EXPERIENCED WELL DRIULER & upholsiering. cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. 7 ROOMED HOUSE, 18 Elizabeth St, for sale or rent, hot water heat- ed, large fire place, two halls, sun room. Possession February 1. Ap- ply 15 Centre St. 13., phone 38 Rich- mond Hill. ERIDAY, MARCH 28th â€" Auction sale of farm stock, implements, etc. the property of John Whevlanl, lot 12, con. 2, Markham, just north of No. 7 Highway. Terms cash. No re- serve as farm rented. A. S. Farm- er, auctioneer. SAT, APRIL 5thâ€"Aulction sale of farm stock, straw, implements, man- ure, hay, grain, implement shed, the property of James Churchill Estate, Lot 39, con. A, Township of Etobi- coke, one mile north of Thistletowm, half mile west of highway. Terms cash. No reserve as farm is rented. Sale at 1 pm. S.T. J. C. Saigeon, auctioneer. FRIDAY, MARJGH 28â€"‘Auction sale of farm stock, implements, grain and household effects, the property of Ivor Lewis, lot 28, rear con]. 5 King Township, on Aurora-Schom'berg highway, one mile west of Kettlehy. Sale at 1 pm. sharp E,S,T, Terms cash. F. N. Smith, auctioneer. TUES., APRIL 1â€"Auction sale of farm stock, 10-20 tractor, imple- ments, etc., the property of Alfred Reaman‘, W. half lot 10, concession 2, Vaughan, 2 miles west of Lang- staff. No reserve as farm is rent- ed. Terms cash. Sale at 12.30 S.T. J. H. Prentice, Auctioneer. HOUSES Raised and Moved. Phone Thornhill 73. t1 ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs M'OVNTDAY, MARCH 315i: â€" Auction sale of Farm Stock, Implements, h‘ay etc. the property of Emerson Thorpe 1'01: 9, rear con. 4, King. Tevms cash. Sale at 12.30 o’cloc‘ld S.‘T. C. E. WaLkington, Auct. WEID., APRIL 2ndâ€"Auction sale of grain combine harvester, tractors, implements, broodler houses, colony houses, poultry equipment, electric motor, tools and] furniture, the prop- erty of LumSnd'en Cummings, W. half Lot 10, Con. 6, Vaughan Township, 114 miles north of No. 7 Highrway, first road east of Wooderidg'e. Terms cash. No reserve as Mr. Cumlming'sv has sold his 300 acre farm. Sale at 1230 noon S.T. As this is a large sale it will start on time. J. C. Saigieon, auctioneer. FOR SALE OR RENT Take Notice T'hat The Council of the Corporation 0? the Township of Vaughan has con- structed, as ‘Local Improvement, the draining, grading and gravelling of the easterly part of Birch Avenue, in the Township of Vaughan, between the westerly limits of sub-lot ‘52 and Avenue Road, a length of 1746 feet at the cost of $814.01. The Corporation’s share of the cost is $160.25 and the owner’s share of the cost is $653.76. The cost of the work is to be paid' in five annual instalments and the special rate per foot frontage .04324 cenrts per year. A Court of Revision will be held‘ on the 7th day of April, 1941., at eleven o’cloclk a.m., Standard Time, at; [the Township Hall, Vellore for the purpose of hearing complaints against the proposed assessments or the accuracy of the frontage meaâ€" surements and any other camplaint which persons interested may desire to make and which by law is cog- nizable by the court. Dated at Maple this 24th day of March, 1941. Township of Vaughan Local Improvement Notice MISCELLANEOUS Sale Register J. ‘M. MOD'ONALD, Clerk, Vaughan Township COBBLER POTATOES, large 70c., medium 40c. bag. J. M. Galloway, Hagerman’s Corners, phone Agin- [court 51j4. ‘ERBAN SEED OATS. L. W. Sbeck- 30 TON ALFALFA HtAY. John A Cooper, Willowdale. ‘BRO‘ODER STOVE, $8; sewing ma- ‘chine, $5; incubator, (4150 egg) $10. ‘Mrs. Harvey, Bayview Ave., Thom- ‘hdll. Hey, Gormley, phone Stouffvdlle 2507. BALED STRAW. Alvin Robinson, 3rd con, Markham, south of No. 7 Highway. 5 OR 6 TONS good mixed‘ hay. Fredr ‘J. Dew, Gillis Farm, East of King ‘City. SEE-D BARJLEY, 21; 1 I.H.C. 111/2 H.P. gas engine. H. S. Fier- beller, R.R. 1 Maple, phone 571-13. INC, rising 4 years oldi, well broken; also general purpose mare, in foal. lApply Cline Burr, Buttonville, phone ’Agincourt 5‘8w2. ‘SE‘EID HARLEY, O.A.C. 21, Gov. Grade No. 1. Apply Gondon Bell, 'Woodlbridlg‘e R.R. 3, phone Wood‘- bridge 3-7rf23. in Richmond Hill, good garden. A good buy for' someone desiring a home in most desirable location. Ap- ply Box 40, Liberal Office, Richmond| BRINDvLE COW, 7 years, due to freshen March 22nd, high tester; 19 Yorkshire pigs, 7 weeks old. C. E. Walking’ton, King, phone King- 4213. SIX ROOM BRICK HOUSE, modern, SLIDING ‘C‘OUCIH and' mattress, $1; gramophone, excellent condï¬tion, $5»; pig manure pile, $5; young York- shire s‘ow, due Jan. 14, $30. Stop 14A, Yonvge and Morgan Ave., 1/2 mil-e east. Harry Orvis. VICTRO'LA, low style, douxble cab- inet; with number of records; stu'djo couch; dresser. Reasonable and in good condition. Phone 203 Richmond Hill CHESTNUT GELDINKG, 11 years old, 15150 lbs., $60, or will exchange for pigs; set of farm harneSS, $10100; Sitake truck body 6 x 9 with rack, $15; a quantity of Alaska seed oats 60c. per bus. Frank Kincaid, UniOn- ville. SEVERAL SAANEJN milzk goats, some fresh, also kids and yearling-s. 'E. G. McKean, John St, Thornhill, ‘phone 36-11. 1-0 PIGS, feeders; 3 sows and boar; one ideal incubator, 600 eggs, com- bination, sell or trade. Mrs. D. Koza‘k, Richmond Hill. No. 1 REG. ERIBAN OATS (sealed) Gen. 2 No. 44273, pnice 80c. per 'bus. Not sealed, price 65¢. per bus. J .M. ’I'hcirkle, R.R. 1 Weston, phone 62312. HORSES. 1 grey team rising 4 and 5 years; C'lyd'e gelding rising 7 yrs. J. G. Glassco, 7th con. Vaughan, phone Maple 69r12. DARK GREY PERJC’HERON GELD- Hill. SEED GRAIN, clovers and) grasses. A good supply on hand of most vari- eties. Get our prices on what you require. Maple Semi Mill, house phrone Maple 84. ' ISIE‘EJD OATKSâ€"JEvl'ban, Reg. No. 1, 3rd Gen., Germination 97%. Van- guard, Reg. No. 1, 4th Gen., Germ- ination 100%. 90c. per bus. in sealed bags. Don Head Farmers Ltd., Rich- mond Hill, Ont. Tel. Maple 55W. SEED GRAIN, Erbaan Oats, reg. 1, 3rd gen., 9-0c. bus.; Vanguard Oats, grade 1, 760. (bus;; Nabarfb Barley, reg. 2, 3rd] gem, $1.15 lbus.; Noabanb and) Velvet Barley, grade 1, 95¢. bus. Bags includled. Clank Young, Milli- ken, plhmue Agincoumt 4W11. HORSES, Percheron type. Good brood‘ mare, in foal, has foaled every year for six years; yearling colt, will make fine gel-ding; six-year-old mare, black, about 1500 lbs. A. Courtney Proctor, phone Unionville 33. 1/2 hp mlotor installed $270.00; FrigJ idaire; Milk Geolerr $280.00; Westt- imghous‘e Refrigerator $214; Frig- idraire Refrigerators $149; Electric Ranges $99.00 & qu; Radio-s $18.95; Washers $77.50. HIGHEST SWAPS ACCEPTED on live stock etc. Write for catalogue B. R. LeechY TORON- TO RADIO & SPORTS, 241 Yonge St, Toronrto. ' DE LAVAEL MILKECRS dlou. units THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cent: fox-reach subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. ' 1F CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. FOR SALE THURSDAY. MARCH 27th, 1941. 'I‘O FARMERSâ€"A good] supply of No. 1 seed oats and O.A.C. No. 21 and‘ Velvet barley. Also grassy clo- ver and! Timothy see-dis. I. D. Ramb- er & Son, phone 10. BALED O-AT & WHEAT STRAW, also second cutting alrfahfa, \baled. Percy Cober, phone Stouffvillel 7313. ABOUT THIRTY TOIN cow manure. Apply Mathews, Mill St., Richmond Hill 12 H‘O’RSEXS, yearlings up; also Hol- stein, Ayrshire and) Jersey cowvs, reasonably priced. Leechwood Farm, RR. 2 Gormle'y, 2% miles east of Thornhill, 1 mile south» of No. 7 Highway. SETTING HIENS. Apply E. Willett, Langstaff, Stop 21, Yonge St. phone 73. FARM HAND, experienced, single. Hydro, milking machine, good‘ wages. C. E. Walkimgton, King, phone King 42r3. 'CASRIPEN'I'ER. Apply Thornhill, FARMS AND VILLAGE PROP- ERTY for sale or exchange for city properties. R. H. Kane, Richmond Hill, phone 92-R. DALRY FARMER wants position, fully experienced, R.O'.P., tractor, all farm implements, take charge if ne- cessary, separate house. State wages and full particulars. Apply Box 10, Liberal Office. SINGLE MAN for farm work, middle age man for teamster, no milking, good wages to right man, year round position. Apply Box 78, The Lib- eral Office. GIRL for general housework in city home, all modern conveniences, one used to children preferred. Wages $20.00 per month. Apply C. J. Dut- ton, 376 Armadale Ave., Toronto, phone‘JUnction 9169. SMALL BROWN DO‘G part terrier, year oldLY (taiI not cropped) answers to name “Paddyâ€. Reward. Phone Richmond) Hill 1021'13. STEuADY MAN for farm work; no milking; state experience and: wages expected. Start at once, goocl hours. Apply Box 21442, Liberal Office. HOUSEKEEPER, immediately, pro- testant for farm near Aurora. On-e adult, good home, no outside work. Apply Box 63 The Liberal Office. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) Used Cars 1940 FORD CONVERTIBLE CLUB COUPE. Heater. Small Mileage. Like new. 1937 FORD V-B CONVERTIBLE COUPE. Healer. A smart car. 1935 FORD V-8 2 TON TRUCKâ€" 158†wheelibase, good! body, excel- lent condition throwghout. 1937 FORD TUDOR WITH TRUNK USED FORDSON TRACTOR, good condition. Little Brothers FORD AND MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174 Very Nice. 1934 CHEV. MASTER SEDAN WANTED $575.00 STRAYED $975.00 $515.00 $5 75.00 $375.00 $150.00