RICHMOND HILL PHONE [88 ASK FOR READING ANTHRACITE If it’s red, it’s Reading inane-G JONES COAL Co. {lave You teen Overlooked? Thousands of ï¬rms and individuals, in all parts of Canada, have respond- ed magniï¬cently to this Six-in-One Appeal. But there are other thousands equally ready to help. You may be one who has still to be heard from. LET’S MAKE IT A WHERLWIN HEM! This is an appeal to every Cana- dian who has been overlooked. We wish for every Canadian, at home, an opportunity to support our men in uniform. The Fund is now well on the way to its objective. That objective deï¬nitely can be reached, probably exceeded. For the sake of "The Boysâ€, let’s ï¬nish it with a bang that will raise resounding cheers from Coast to Coast! If you have not yet been called on by a War Services worker, and if you have not yet sent in your sub- scription, make up your mind NOW what you are going to do, and do it TO-DAY! rFill below and mail it cial Headquarters Cheque . U Enclosed is {Money Order for. . . . . . . . . . Postal note C] Please send me in duplicate oflicial pledge card providing for instalment payments, PAGE SIX undertake to complete and return, subscribing Name (Mr., Mrs., or Miss). . . . Street Address. . . . City, Town, Village or R.R... . . . . . . . Telephone (if you have one) . . .. How You Can Help Provincial Headquarters, Canadian War Services Fund. THE ONLY NATIONAL APPEAL FOR OUR MEN IN UNIFORM “The Boys Rely on the Folks Back Home’f ROOM mi, 200 BAY ST., TORONTO, ONT. --MA". THIS COUPON TODAY'~â€" iin the coupon to your. Provin- at the address Hon. H. C. Nixon, provincial sec- retary in the Heplburn Government celebrated his 50th birthday on April lst. Mr. Nixon first entered the Legislature in 1919 and immediately ibecame provincial secretary in the Drury government. He has been a member 0 since 1919 0f the house continuously all [Old the Every Dollar Does Its Job shown. If you know of some friends who have also been overlooked, get them to do the same. The form is self-explanatory; Simply check on the left in the appropriate place, and if you enclose a remittance, make it payable to Canadian War Services VFï¬nd. An ofï¬cial receipt will be sent you by return mail. A non-proï¬t corporation with let- ters patent from the Dominion Government is your guarantee that every dollar that you subscribe will be properly applied to provide com- fort, Cheer, recreation and needed personal services to our ï¬ghting forcesâ€"services not provided in any other way. Rememberâ€"all monies contributed to the Canadian War Services Fund will be divided in accordance with government-approved budgets, amongst the six organizations em- braced in this campaign“ .. .as my contribution to your Fund: sum of. U'ctu any n . The groom-to-be, Mr. Bruce Lambie, was present and expressed his appreciation and thanks in a few weli chosen words. Lunch was then served and all dispersed leaving their best wishes with the honored guests. You can heLp win the war by buy- ing war savings stamps. NASHVILLE which I THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO 7C Plan Harvest Help ForOntario Farmers Service club members and industrial wankers will be asked for “day a week†in haying andl harvest rush ï¬plan sponsored by C.S.T.A. The Canadian Society of Technical Agriculturist-s, Ontario Branch, has received full approval of the Ontario Department of Labor in a scheme where‘by city, town and village help would be available to farmers dur- ing the rush of seeding, haying and‘ harvest. This scheme will in the next week or so be placed before Service Clubs in the province as well as employers of labor not engaged in filling war-time contracts. The C.S.T.A. points out that On- tario farms must produce as never before to make good on Canadian' food commitments to Britain. It would! be nothing short of food saibo1 tage icf crops were to be left to spoil in the fields owing to a lack of farm lalbor. Many farmers are on the verge of curtailing production this year be- cause they fear that owing to labor shortage they will be unable to barâ€" vest their usual cr0p acreage with- out heavy spoilage. The C.S.T.A. feels that if these farmers knew there was more than a fair chance of harvest help being available in Farmers should not delay purchas- ing their seed grain requirements for this Spring, advises John D,. MacLeod, Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branch, Ont. Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto. ‘Mr. MaoLeod states that the purchase of over 3,000,000 bus. of Western feed grain by Ontario farmers as a result of the govern- ment’s free freight policy from Fort : William, 9. numlber of farmers have 'their own Ontarioâ€"produced grain that couldl be used for seed provid- ing it was cleaned and tested for germination. Discussing seed selection, Mr. Mac- Leod says it must be bright, plump, uniform and’ free of weed seed-s, small shrunken and diseased kernels and seeds of other varieties of field crops. He states a seven year test at the 0.A.C. indicated large plump oats gave an increase of 15 per cent over small plump seed and 33 per cent over shrunken seed. Barley showed an increase of 7 per cent when large plump seed was used over small plumlp seed and 30 per cent compared with shrunken seed. The C.S.T.A. points out that On- tario farms must produce as never before to make good on Canadian food commitments to Britain, It would! be nothing short of foodu s-wbo: tage if crqps were to be left to spoil- in the fields owing to a lack of farm lanOI‘. Many farmers are on the verge of curtailing production this year be- cause they fear that owing to labor shortage they will be unable to harâ€" vest their usual cr0p acreage with- out heavy spoilage. The C.S.T.A. feels that if these farmers knew there was more than a fair chance of harvest help being available in their nearest town they would make a special effort at seedling time, and that is why the C.‘S.T.A. members are going “all out†to organize help for the farmer before the needl a- rises Member-s wild ad'd'ress Service Clube amfl place before them the fact that while farm work is not smectacular, crop production is' an ever increasï¬ngly important cog in the British war machine andr that this ccg must not cease to function through lack of man power. The C.S.T.A. would have a Ser- vice C’lu:b committee, or any other responsible oomlmittee of men, regis- ter and organize in'to community groups any business, professional or industrial workers who have had: ex- perience in farm work and' who would volunteer one day’s service per week and a. proportion of their holidays, to work on the 'farm: at seeding, hay» ing or harvest, time in case of need. These volunteers would be organ- i‘zed‘ inlgroups of four or five. where possible, so that all could go out together in one car to work. It is hoped to organize these groups so that each wouldl go but on a differ- ent day per week and so spread the work. Wages would be paid by the farm- er accordlin-g to the worth of the man, and local wage scale. It is proposed to issue registra- tion cardls to business men and fac- tory workers willing to help. These cards would be sent to Alex. Mac- laren;, Dept. of Labor, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, who in turn would have them indexed] and sent to Agricultural Representatives in that particular volunteer’sl county. érease of $4,730 Requests for help would be sent by the farm-er to the Agricultural Representative vh‘o WOuId turn over the request to the small cemmunity committee having the names of all] men available and} the day of the week convenient for them to work. The C.S.T.A. is confident that ur- ban drwellers will aid the farmer when they are impressed with the bald†fact that “we cam’t fight if we canâ€; eatâ€, and that through co-op- eration and! organization Ontario’s crops this year can amt will be har- vested without llossl. ASSESSMENT HIGHER IN SIX PEEL AREAS Toronto Township Leads Equalization Revision With Boost of $639,332 Peel county equalization commit- tee 'brought in its annual report reâ€" cently with equalization figures for the 1942 assessment. The total equalized. assessment for the county for the coming year is $202906,44_1. Toronto township showed an in- crease in assessment; of $639,332, and Port C‘redit’s assessment was $85,- 016 higher. A decrease for the past year was noted} for Albion and] Gale- don townships and the village of Bolton. The report of the equalization committee ratedl new assessments as being: Albion, $1,462,853; Caledon, $2,023,974; Chimguacousy, $3,791,322; Toronto, $7,595,906; Toronto Gore, $821,441; Brampton, $3,533,073; Bolâ€" ton, $232,4156; Port Credit, $1,199,- 204; Streetsville, $255,212. .1 fl“ According to the report, three municipalities showing a decrease, Al'bion andJ Caledo: townships, and the village of Bolton, kept the 1941 equalization standard. Substantial increases were made in the equal- ized assessment of other municipaliâ€" ties; Chinguacousy, an increase of $5,890; Toronto township an increase of $639,332; Brampton, an increase of $43,010; Port Credit, an increase of $85,016; Toronto Gore, an in-‘ crease of $5,840; Streetsville, an in- Don’t Belay l‘éeeds Seed Grain Needs Farmers urged to contact Agricul- tural Representatives or Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branch, Ontario Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto. Small seed) does not supply sufâ€" ficient nourishment to the plant and results in shallow roots which are handicapped in- dry weather. Plants from these small kernels in many instances are the product of diseased plants and] may not have enough vi- talitfy to appear above the soil suf- face. Mr. MaoLeod points out that while the farmer has no control over the weather, he does have control Over the seed hie plants. There is an ample supply of good seed in On- tario this year for 1941 requirements. T'hose needing seed should contact their Agricultural Representative or write to the Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branch, Ont.. Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto, for information regarding sources of supply. The editor of a New York maga- zine ordered a story of a. specified length. When it arrived it was found to ‘be a thousand words too long. As the magazine was late go- ing to (press, the story had to be condensed to fit the allotted space. The last few paragraphs were cut d‘own to a single sentence, as fol- lows: “The cruelly treated young girl re~ covered her sense, her clothes, her freedlom, her virtue, and finally her bany from the river.†It is the man who has done noth- ing Who is sure nothing can be done. AUCTION SALE of 35- HEAD GRADE DAIRY COWS -35 1 Grade Holstein Cow, ‘5 years, fresh March 21 2 Grade Holstein Cow, 5 years, fresh time of sale 3 Grade Holstein Cow, 6 years, fresh March 30 4 Holstefn Cow. 8 years, fresh time of sale 5 Grade Holstein Cow, 4 years, fresh March 28 6 Grade Holstein Cow, 5 years, fresh time of sale 7 Grade Holstein Cow, ‘5 years, fresh time of sale 8 Grade Holstein Cow, 6 years, fresh March 25 9 Grade Holstein Cow, 5 years, fresh April 3 10 Grade Holstein Cow, 5 years, fresh time of sale 11 Young Red ard White Cow, freshi March 3-0 12 Young Red Cow, fresh April 3 12A Young Red and White Cow, fresh April 3 13 Aged Holstein Cow, due in June 14 Young Holstein and Jersey Cross Cow, 5 years, fresh time of sale 15 Grade Holstein Cow, 4 years, due in April 16 Grade Holstein Cow, 4 years, fresh time of sale 17 Grade Holstein Cow, 5 years, fresh time of sale 18 Grade Holstein Cow, 6 years, due May 10 19 Grade Holstein Cow, 5 years, fresh time of sale 20 Grade Holstein Cow, 4 years, due end of April 21 Grade Holstein Cow, 6 years, fresh time of sale 22 Guernsey and Durham Grade Cow, 5 years, fresh time of sale 23 Pure Bred Guernsey Cow, No. 24839, Verbena Lillia, 3 years, due May 4 24 Grade Jersey Cow, 5 years, due end of April 25 Black Jersey Cow, 6 years, fresh April 1 26 Brindle Cow, 6 years, fresh time of sale 27 Grade Jersey Cow, 6 years, due in May 28 Grade Jersey Cow, 5 years, bred February 10 29 Grade Jersey Cow, 5 years, fresh April 2 30 Jersey and Holstein Cow, 4 years, due June 5 31 Brindle Durham Cow, 8 years, due in May 32 Grade Holstein Cow. 6 years, due May 10 33 Grade Holstein Cow, 6 years, fresh time of sale 34 Grade Holstein Cow, 8 years, due early in May 35 Grade Holstein Cow, 5 years, due June 22 36 Pure Bred‘ Holstein Cow, 4 years, fresh March 27 All Cattle have one Clean Blood “Test; inspection. invited at any time SALE AT 1 PM. Standard 'I‘imq ‘Lll uuuun. cxcept SundZKyv.~ iii-“sfuéï¬inï¬'f, gélé "willf bé helrdl- undler cover. LOT 2, (ION. 7. MARKHAM TOWNSHIP, MILLIKEN P.O. Saturday, April 19th, 1941 FRESH and CLOSE SPRINGERS lel be sold by Public Auction on WILLIAM J. HONEY Cow, ‘5 Cow, 5 Cow, 6 3 years, Cow, 4 Cow, 5 Cow, ‘5 Cow, 6 Cow. 5 Cow, 4 5 Cow. 4 3 Cow, 5 y: Cow, 6 1 Cow, 5 y Cow, 4 3 Cow‘ 6 x The Property of THURSDAY, APRIL 10th, 1941. Auction Sale FURNITURE Wm.B. Snider Estate No. 7 Highway ll/z Miles East of Woodbridge Sat, April 12th 1 Star Oak Coal Heater 1 Three Burner Perfection Coal Oil Stovegnearly new 1 Sewing Machine, New Will- iams 1 Dining Room Suite, including Buffet, Table and 5 Chairs 1 Large Couch ‘ 1 Bed and Springs 1 Dresser 1 Washstand The above bedroom suite is dark oak, and all matched 1 White Enamel Bed with Springs 1 Dark Oak Iron Three Quarter Bed with Springs 1 Large Rocking Chair 10 Odd Chairs 1 Large Rocking Chair 1 Large Walnut Fall-leaf Table 1 Couch 1 Old Fashioned Bureau 2 Washstands ‘ 1 Rocking Chair Bed Couch Mattresses Bed and Springs Dresser Washstand Table Cupboard Parlor Rocker Bed and Springs 1 China Cabinet And many other articles too numerous to mention iâ€"Hâ€"uâ€"uâ€"uâ€"uâ€"uâ€"INHâ€"t TERMS: CASH Sale at 1 pm. No Reserve Arthur Lawrie, Clerk. J. CARL SAIGEON, Auct. Day 139 BUY TIME TESTED CHICK, GROWING & LAYING MASH GLUTEN, OIL CAKE AND SOYA BEAN MEAL Alaska, Erban and Improved Banner Oats Have your seed grain cleaned before the rush. WE WILL BUY FEED OATS e -â€" â€" NO RESERVE J. H. PRENTICE, Auctioneer. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Household Goods, Etc. The Property of THE MILL Phones: Evening 82w