Meeting in Elders school last week executive members of Eiders Mill's Old Boys and Athletic A§sociation decided: upon a 3-way split of $30 raised at the group‘s annual dance last January. $10.00 will be don- ated to Elders Red‘ Cross unit, $10 to the British War Victims Fund and $10 to the Canadian War Service‘s drive. Officers directing the group’s activities are Gordion Bell, president; Earl Risebrough, secretary; W. H. Kersey, treasurer. All persons having claims against the Estate of JOHN D. WILLIS, Late of the Township of King, in the County of York, Farmer, deceased, who died on the 20th day of June 1940, are notified to send‘ particw lars thereof to the undersigned on or before the 26th day Of April, L941, after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard oniv to those claims of which the only to those claims of which the undersigned shall then have received notice. wards. “Not for me,†he said, “not for me. I live eight miLes from town an’ with that hvérse I have to walk back two miles.†a horse. “I've got just the horse for you,†.said the dealer. “H-e's five years old, sound“ as a dollar and goes ten miles without stopping.†DATED this Slst day 1941. THURSDAY, APRIL 10th, 1941: SHEPPARD & GILL L U M B E R An Irish farmer was in search of Mag; g ggfw ©N OPPOSITE w. . ORANGE HOME « WE'LL FIGHT FOR RIUHT BOTH DAY AND NIGHT- - FORFARNEQS IS OUR, Yerex’s Electrical Notice to Creditors Beware of poor lubrica- tion and faulty motor fuel. Cut dovvn your repair bills by using Hall’s Service Station gas and oil. Administratrix, by her 1 William Cook & Gibson 912 Federal Building, 85 Richmond St. West, 26 OHRDSTIAN WILLIS ON ALL MAKES 0F RADIOS BY CERTIFIED RADIO TECHNICIAN TUBES TESTED FREE FREE ESTIMATES RADIO LOANED WHILE YOURS IS AWAY COMPANY “Be Ready With Reddy Power†RADIO SERVICE Irishlman threw his hands sky- Yonge St. RICHMOND HILL CHIEF DELIG’H)’ MM Phone of Solicitors: Toronto March 242 The Financial report for the coun- ty of Peel. as introduced to county council recently, revealed that the estimated levy for this year would be $138,553, which is $60,000 less than last year. Chairman of the fin- ance committee, W. A. Bates, reâ€" vealed however, that a large part of the $60,000 was composed of $48,â€" 000 which had been assessed for school purposes but which has been withdrawn from municipalities who have now adopted their high school areas. The net reduction is $12,616, of which the debenture levy i5'$11,- 007 and a balance of $1,608. For charity and welfare work $24,- 348 has been levied. Other levies are: General expenditures, $23,000; education, $5,285; debentures for construction and! maintenance of county roads, $33,660; a Special levy for Toronto township for debentures on the Dundas highway and which expires in 1943, is $1,961. Amount Is $60,000 Less Than Last Year, Council Hears PEEL COUNTY LEVY Scottish Rite Masons of Toronto have recently donatech $2,000 to the National War Services Fund! and $3,000 to the British War Victims Fund. The batter donation was given voluntarily by 1500 members of the Toronto Lodge of Perfection. $138,553 FOR 1941 Aher one week on Ihe farm, Mesa durdy, young volunlaers receive thin dixï¬ncï¬ve cresf upon applicaï¬on Po the Farm Service Force, Deparfmonf of Labour, Toronlo. ONTARIO INTER-DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE â€" 41 run, ywyyvcâ€"IpmA -u». 7-,7 To Be Devoted. Entirely to Soldiers:at Deaconys school, SIS on March 2lst. The committee, Mr. and A grant of S700 was made by Mrs. A. Stephensou, Mr. and M18. Peel county council recently to the’Arnol-(l Adair and Mr. and Mrs. Ed- t - t~ ‘ I'oar Fuller wish to expLeSs their Lorne sec 5 Raglment Sta loned m'thanlks to the people attending and Brampton‘ Depuw. Ree“? 0' B' the eta-operation gwen them. Haney of Port Credit explained that A turkey was donated by Mr. A. the money was devoted entirely to Stephenson, a combination silver the soldiers of the regiment and was cake plate am) pyrex plate by Mrs. used to supply coffee for their E. Fuller for a. lucky draw. An manoeuvres and a 1-0-cent allowance amount of $20.35 was collected from for travelling when they come from the dTaW, $23.00 was taken in- from distant points. the Euchre, a total of $43.35 being um: Hm game as, street car fare.†sém to the War Victims Fund. A grant of $700 was made by Peel county council recently to the Lorne Scots Regiment stationed in Brampton. Deputy Reeve C. B. Haney of Port Credit explained that the money was d‘evoted‘ entirely to the soldiers of the regiment and was used to supply coffee for their manoeuvres and a 1-0-cent allowance for travelling when they come from distant points. “It’s the same as street car fare,†he told: council. “Every bit of the money is use<fl for the rank and file; the officers don’t get anything out o it.’ In the SKIS more than 100,000 horses were engaged‘ drawing street cars up and down streets of Ameri- can cities. George Brown, an 11â€"year-old schoolboy. is doing his bit at Bond Head to help win the war. George has taken time out from his play and school work to iearn to knit. 'Since the beginning of the yan George has knit three sc’arves, two pairs of socks and two srweaters. He is the eldest son of Mr. and' Mrs. $5 the efrd'est son of Mr. and Charles Brown of Bond Head ’EEL COUNCIL GIVE§ THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO HORNE SCOTS $700 Farmers who have not registered their requirements for student assistance are urged stronglyjo do so without delay. Simply notify your Agricultural Representative or local High School Principal, or write: Farm Service Force, Department of Labour, Parliament Bldgs., Toronto. Euchre prizes Were donated by Mr. and Mrs. A. Adrair. Mrs. Norman Cairns and: Mr. Walter A'xtchison were awavdmedJ firsrt prizes. In England a man was recently fined 100 pounds; for call'mg an army officer a “quisling’â€. At a meeting in Kettleby last week Reeve T. MaelMurchy and W; J. Sisman presented an outline of King township’s campaign, for a war savings dmive. Rev. Father Francis McGoey and Haroldl Rose were ap- pcinted a: campaign chairman» and secretary regpectively. pays to use Liberal Classified ery successful euchre was held LLOYDTOWN LABOUR -â€" AGRICULTURE â€" EDUCATION â€" AND DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR, OTTAWA Up in the country north of She)- burne they really had some snow. 0n highway No. 24 through Redd- _ickv'.lle to Stayner it took two plows nine days to open ten miles of high- way with a plow starting at each end- of the stretch working toward each other. Always Sure Good Value Men’s and Boys’ Wear-Men’S. Boys’ and Children’s Shoes and Rubbers Phone 218w You are assured of good value for your money when you deal with us. We handle only stand‘ ard lines, and we stand behind what we sell. y u on- BUY HERE WITH CONFIDENCE R J. CRAIGIE PAGE SEVEN Richmond Hill