Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Apr 1941, p. 8

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BIG NEWS . . . for farmers! ,7 m" _vr-.t...-... of the “CPC” Civilian Protection Committee (15,000 strong). ‘ Above, Director Barnes, and William Fair of the Northern Electric Special Products Division, on the roof of the Company's building, test the Diaphone Horn, twentyâ€"five of which spaced a mile and three-quarters apart on roofs that have been selected, would adequately cover the metropolis. These horns can be heard over an area of four square miles, but to overcome normal sounds within offices, stores, factories, homes and public conveyances, etc., sites half that distance apart have been chOSen as a result of many tests. These horns being operated by compressed air, a reserve supply is avail- able to offset danger of power failure. ...u u. sunjluul From the laboratories of- vigor ans, forward moving Canadaâ€"comes this new relief for nasal disorders. Thrusting aside all old, outworn idEas, researchers in Canada made a fihorough study of the entire ques- tion of head colds, sinusitis and hay fever, affecting men and women of every age and circumstance, living and working under every kind of modern condition. As a result of their extensive research, they devel- oped Canadian Nasal Spray, 3 tot- ally different and vn'quely efficient remedy that works just ONE wayâ€" Irelps relieve head colds, sinus trouble and hay fever promptly. Canadian Nasal Spray refills cost only 356. and can be used in your own atom- ‘izer â€" or your druggist can supply you with the comrlete package, in- cluding Canadian Nasal Spray and a genuine DeVilbiss atomizer â€" both for one dollar. This new remedy is now obtainable in Canadian drug stores from the Maritimes to British Columbia. ONTREAL citizens were warned last weekend that the time has come for them “to prepare an air raid shelter" in every home, by Assistant Director Charles Barnes of the Montreal Police Department and organizer of the “CPC” Civilian Protection Committee (150410 grmncn MRS. J. F. BURR WON SATIN ' COMFORTER At the .euchre and dance under the auspices of the Buttonville W.I. held' at Uniomlille Tuesday night, the draw was made for the beautiful satin comforter, and the winner was Mrs. J. F. Burr, Richmond Hill. Amazing Canadian product that does NOT claim to work three or f0ur different ways. Air Raid Horn Heard in Montreal Order your Globe and Mail from your Dealer, Postmaster, or Rural Mail Courier . . . . 1004 Y.’ . Tradifional friend and spokesman for “we farmer in ifs news columns and on ifs edi- forial page. The Globe and Mail has faken Hfis fur’rher sfep +0 exfend "all-ouf" ediforial assisi’ance +0 Hue farming indusfry. Thaf H135 help is appreciafed is shown in fhe whole- hean‘ed endorsafion given by H. H. Hannam. presidenf of fhe Canadian Federafion of Agricuh‘ure. who says: ,7 .- --_-__ ....u wusluvumw nuv uluuu nnu mull upon tne excellent work which it has been doing recently in giving prominence and enerous space to news items of interest to farm people. Particularly are arm people grateful for the excellent editorials which you have carried from time to time, and which indicate a very real understanding of the economic position of the farmer, and the difficulties which he is up against. Your championing of his cause editorially is particularly encouraging. At the same timeâ€"since Agriculture is, and must be the basis of our economyâ€" {ou are performing a. valuable service to Canada as a whole. This is all he more necessary and beneficial, because Agriculture has not had a voice in the councils of the nation commensurate with its importance. May I add a personal word of appreciation for the fine effort which The Globe and Mail is making, and which will undoubtedly help to get I M break for the folks on the lan . Tho Editor. The Globe and Ital. Dear Sir Canadian Patent “Clicking” PAGE E16?!” wish to commend 3nd ungsagulato The G_lobe_ 9nd Mail_ upon mt nun-l: “mini. 14 L..- L--- u-.. “H,” former Member of Parliameni’ for Grey-Bruceâ€"and one of Can- ada's besf informed aufhorifies on agriculfural problemsâ€"is now wrifing exclusive arficles based on her wide experience of rho posf and her observafions +oday for @w @1101”? am@ Mail Cnnfii-a; EBENEZER 1.3'0 p_m. S.T.â€"«Church School. 2.30 p.111. S.T.â€"“Easter Time and Difficult People." Unionvill-e Pastorâ€"«Rev. A. E. Owen 1030 a.m.â€"thurch School. 11.30 a.m.â€"“Foolish Tales and the Risen Christ". ‘ 7.30 primâ€"“Easter Time and' Diffi- will never regret it. Rev. A. J. Orr of Melville led‘ the service of song each night, and it was well done. The following choirs were with us: Melville, Cedar Grove, Stouffville, Ebenezer, Algincourt and Brown’s Corners. Central United choir and Brown’s Corners united for the concluding service. Miss Evelyn Hurr-ell and Miss Marion Warne as- sistedl at the song services with or- gan and piano and' the combination was enjoyed. Altogether it was a great week. The special week of preaching- con- ducted by Dr. Duncan MacLeod came to a fine climax on Sun-day. At the evening service the United Church was full to capacity. All the week the interest was growing and deepening our faith in God», and our love for mankind. Dr. MacLeod has left messages and impressions that will “stick”. Any congregation securing this venerable missioner will never regret it. 30 p.m.â€"â€""r;a cult People.” CE NTRAL UNITED CHURCH . HANNAM, President, Federation of Agriculture. UN IONVILLE Easter Greetings Photo M anneal Standard the tus ? “No, s-uh, boss," the darky an- swered, “not enough niggah.” Pine Grcve Euchre Clu'b Edgeley W. A. . . . . . . . . Linton School! No. 18 Ki ! proceeds from 4 euchr An old gentleman saw a small coloured: boy who was having some trouble in: getting away with the large piece of melon he was trying to eat. “Too much melon, isn't it, Rag; After the third failure the min- ister said, “Observing our brother’s propensities, let us pray." Once Steal- low. Death hath not conquered Life; Victorious is our risen Lord, And finished all His strife: From Calrvary‘ls mount of darkness, Lo! Starry lilies bloom; For ‘by the cross we conquer Andi fearless face the tomb. It is to this Festival of Joy and Triumph that we invite yOu and your friends to participate on Eas- ter Sunday. triumph. Joy that the Cross was not the end of Christ; that death was! vanquished and the problem of evil forever solved in the triumph of the Resurrection. The message of the Apostles as they went Out to evangelize the world) was “Jesus is risen.” We rejoice today, therefore, not in a crucified, but a Risen Christ, One who is indeed? our Saviour, King of Kings and) Lord of Lords. He who came willingly and died sacri- ficially, also Arcse Triumphantly! Ring, joyous bells of Easter, Come and share with us the newv mass and fullness of Life in Him and unite with us in the prayer that Jesus, the Risen Christ, may soon ‘be triumphant over all the world. Expressing the hope that at this glorious Eas‘tertid‘e your heart may be fill-ed with joy and the beauty of His presence, and that the peace of Easter may be yours in richest andi fullest measure, we are Yours sincerely, “The Parsonage Dwellers." ieacon who ‘I Love to :ad' pitched Again he â€"” but thi THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Easter is the festival triumph. Joy' that the not the end of Christ; was vanquished and the THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Eldridge A. Currey, B.A., B.D., Minister “May all Easter peace and joy be yours this day." Dear Friend‘s:â€" A clergyman gave out the hymn, Love to Steal Awhile Away." The acon who led the singing began: Love to Stealâ€"” but found he d' pitched the note too high. Again he began, “I Love to Steal ” but this time it was too low. me more he tried, “I Love to ea1â€"-” but again got the pitch too 9n War Victims Fund Acknowledgments hoolr No. 18 King :~ from 4 euchres . 115.90 of joy and $ 21.00 10.00 “Please, teach-er,” he called out, proud of his knowledlge, “Collie flower!” Freddie Bartholomew was born in London, son of a government clenk. He came to America with his aunt. Miss Myilicent Bartholomew. Freddie has not lived! with his par- ents since he was four. He was then taken under the care of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred- evick Robert Bartholomew. In 1929 his aunt, Miss Myllice-nt Bartholo- mew, took him in‘ charge. Freddie’s mother came to America in 19316 to institute a suit for his custody. A series of legal actions followed’ right up until 1939. Freddie remains! with his aunt. His parents are not di- vorced. “Yes,” the teacher explained; “quite a numb-er of plants and' flow- ers have the prefix ‘dog’. For in~ stance, the dog-rose and dog-violet are well known. Can any of you name another?” Notwithstanding the heavy down- pour of rain lasdz Saturday after- noon the Mission Band held their regular meeting with the president, Reta Hurd in the chair. Norm-a- Walterhouse read! the minutes of the last meeting. An Easter devotional was conducted by the leader and) af- ter a story, th0 reeitatmns Were given by Verna Mills and Douglas! Hurd. A short practise was held: for the Easter meeting after which the memlbers played: games. There was Silence, then a happy look illuminated the face of a boy at the back of the class. The G. R. Gould‘ing MemoriaE School at Newtonbrook held} a “Par- enty’ Night” recently with an at- tendance of over 400. The seven rooms had a very interesting- d‘ish play of the pupils’ work and‘ the teachers are to ‘be congratulated! on the success of the evening. A very splendid progra‘m was presented. Refreshments were served. On Tuesday and! Wednesday ev- enings of this week the school presented its second annual' Oper- etta entitled] “The Golden Whistle", also a play by the senior pupils in Principal R. Lang’s room. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carson mov- ed to their home at El‘gin Mills lasrt week. We are sorry to lose them from our midst. Mrs. A. H. Halbert attended: To- ronto Confei'ence Branch W.M.S. in Deer Park UnitedI Church last week. The Women’sv Association met last Thursday afternoon at the home of Miss Edna Street. Mrs. A. W. Gal- lbrai’oh conducted an» Easter devo‘ 'tional worship service and Mrs. F. ‘Foreman led in prayer. Arrange- ments were made for an Empire Tea to be held Wednesday, April 30th when the neighboring Women’s Associations: will be guests. During the afternoon a quilt was complet- Mrs. A. W. Stephen-son and Mrs. W. T. Wells attended a W.A. Presi- dents' Conference in Yonge Street Uniteffi Church, Toronto, last Friday afternoon. The Sacrament of the Lord"s Sup~ per will be observed in the United Church -on April 20th at 11 am. with reception of new members. At the evening service on \April‘ 20th Thorn-hill United- Church choir wild present the Easter Cantata “Dark- ness andl Dawn" with Mr. John Ar- nott of Toronto as- soloist. The 17th annual Good‘ Friday Un- ion Service will be heldl on April 11th at 11 a.m. in Newtonbrook United Church with Rev. A. H. Hal- bert presidring. Special music (by Westminster Presbyterian Church choir under the leadership of Mr. A. S. Ackerman. Mrs George Adam.- son, organist. Order of service:â€" Organ Prelude, selected; Call to wor- ship; hym'n No. 98, “Beneath the Cross of Jesus”; Responsive Read- ing, Hymnary, No. 764, Rev. M. C. Tait, B.A.; Prayer, Rev. F. N. Blow-es, B.A.; Anthem, “O Saviour of the Worl-dx", by Sir John Goss; Scrip- ture (New Testament), Luke 23:33- 49, Mr. Alex McLean; Offering, for Sick Children’s Hospital; Offertory Prayer, Rev. G. S. Smith, PIh.D.; solo, “There is a green hill far away” :by Gounod, Mr. William Stephens; hymn No. 117, “Hail thou once d'e- spised Jesus;” Sermon, Rev. M. C. MacDonald, B.A., Toronto; Prayer, Rev. E. A. Currey, B.A.; Anthem, “Just as I am)” by Ernest Bowles; hymn No. 86, “When '1 survey the Wvondlrous Cross”; benediction, Rev. Frank Rae, M.A.; National Anthem; Organ, selected. Easter services will be held at 11 am. and 7 pm. in Newtonbrook United Church next Sunday con- dncted by the pastor. Special an- thems by the choir. A cordial wel- come to all. At the evening ser- vice beautifully colored’ lantern slides will be shown on Easter, em- ‘bitled “The Splendid], Conquest." There will be bright Easter hymns and a song service will precede the evening service. ' Newtonbrook Miss Marion Ruth Hancey, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hancey of Alliston was married to Mr. Cecil Omer Paddisonr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Paddison, also of AllistOn, at Trinity Church on Saturday even- ing. The rector, Rev. J. H. Col- clough, conducted the ceremony. Mrs. Norma Tucker was matron of honor and Mr. R. W. Tucker Was groomsmvan. The happy couple will reside in AlliSIton. men. 7 p.m.â€"Evenin~g Prayer and Ser- mon. Good Friday, 11 a.m.â€"â€"Litany and Sermon. J. H. Colclough, Rector Easter Services, April 13 8 a.m.â€"J-Ioly Communion. 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"J{oly Comlmuriion and Ser- THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH A Friendly Place to Worship Rev. Eldrid'g‘e A. Currey, B.A., B.D. minister Easter Sunday, April 13, 1941 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"Morning' Worship. Sermon Topic, The Ignorance of Calvary. Service of Reception into Mem- ’bership. Easter hymns and- an)- thems, flowers and decorations. “Thanks be unto God who giveth us the victory!” 7 p.m.â€"Evening Worship. Cantata, “Darkness and Dawn". THINITY CHURCH. THORNHILL For Spring We Deliver Bamboo Brume Rakes . . . . . . . . 14 tooth Steel Rakes . . . . . . . . . . Garden Fork or Spade . . . . . . . Good Mixture Lawn Grass, lb. Garden Seeds, 3 pkgs. . . . . . . . “PIANO TYPE Automatic Tuning” pm flaw ofl (MW! 5W F. Y. W. BRATHWAITE BUY NOW AND SAVE Less Allowance Yonge Street o 6 Wave Bands 0 Automatic Bass Booster 0 12" Dynamic Speaker 0 Beam Power Tube o Built-in Aerial o 8 Tubes with 10-Tube Performance Thornhill District News AT THIS NEW Yerex Electric St ore New 1941 DE FOREST Wired for Phonograph Connections for Your Present Radio $16995 Convenient Terms Regular Price Poultry Supplies of all kinds 3m Jam, and [’alu'ngt. Radio’s Latest Convenience Feature THURSDAY, APRIL 10th, 1941. Richmond Hill HARDWARE We do hope you will be with us for this Final Fellowship Period of the present season, whether you are members and adherents of the Unit- ed Church or not. We cordially in- vite and will warmly welcome any~ one and everyone who can be with us. We know you will thoroughly enjoy and» appreciate what we have in store and‘ do hope that many of you will be able to fellowship with us at this time. FINAL FELLOWSHIP PERIOD OF THE SEASON H'OLY WEEK SERVICES In the United‘ Church SaS. room, Tuesday evening, 8 p.m. Speak- er, Rev. Mr. Davis, B.A., of King. In Newtonbroo'k United Church on Good. Friday morning at 11 o’clock for all congregations'of all come munions between Thornhill and the City Limits. Speaker, Rev. M. MacDonald of Toronto. Willow- dlale Presbyterian Church Choir. In the Anglican Church», also on Good Friday. Rev. Mr. Colclough in charge. “God is not the God! of the dead, but of the living.” Matthew 22:32. A wedding was performed at Woodlbridge by the Rev. G. G. La- mont on Saturday, April 5th when Marion Jean, daughter of Mr. H. J. Cooke and the late Mrs. Cooke of Cooksville became the bride of Ser- geant Ed'gar S. Allen, R.C.A.F., son of Mr. and; Mrs. Harry E. Allen, Wavrkworrth. AND YOUR RADIO $124.92 Richmond Hill ALLEN-COOKE Phone 18 29c. 69c. 98c. 49c. 10c.

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