Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Apr 1941, p. 5

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Masonic Hall Richmond Hill Monday, April 28 Talking PICTURES 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer and Ser- man. All’ cordially invited\ t9 worship with Confirmation Classes are being ar- ranged, those wishing- to be conâ€" firmed please see the Rector. Adults 25c. Apri]; 27th 2nd afteL'EaS‘te-r 10 armâ€"Sunday School. 11 armâ€"Morning Prayer and Ser- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. ,C. H. Bowman, Interim Moderator Sunday, Apl‘ilr 27th 10.30 a.m.â€"Sund‘ay School. 11.45 a.m.â€"M-orning Service. Preachâ€" er, Rev. Hirtle of Durham, Ont. ATTRACTIVE PROGRAMME WHICH WILL APPEAL T0 EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D. Pastor Sunday, April 27 9:45 a.m.-â€"-Sunday School. All De- partments. ‘ 11 a.m.â€"«Divine worship. Sermon subject, “The Soul's Pabhiovs”. 7 p.m.â€"Pulb1ic Service. One hour only. Choice musicall selections by the choir and inspiring congrega- tional singing. You and your family and friends cordially in» vibed. The pastor at both ser- vices. In aid of Empire Lod‘ge L,O.B.A. Wool Fundl will be held on Thurs- d'am, April 24th, 8.30 p.m. in the Orange Hall, Richmond Hill. Lunch, prizes. Adlmissi‘on 25c. Sponsored by Miss G. Le'ver, Mrs. S. McPher- son, Mrs. L. W. Zuefelt. Friends were sorry to hear of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis both taken to the General Hospital, Toronto on Thursâ€" day“ where Mrs. Denn-is passed away Sunday evening after a lengthy ill- ness. Mrs. Denn'is as a young girl attended 8.8. No. 6 where she made many friends. In Later years she manried Mr. S. MoNair and moved to Western Canada. At his death she returned to Victoria Square and Later married Mrr. Dennis. The fun- eral was held from the home of her sister, Mrs. A. Mormon, on Tuesday with interment in Victoria Square cemetery. sympathy is extended! to her huslband,'sisiters and relatives lecft to mourn their loss. ST. MARY'S CHURCH (Anglican) Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Tb 4 Markham Road Last Sunday evening the topic was very splend‘i‘d'l'y prepared] and given by Miss Rufby A-vistm, her subject being- “Love the Greatest Thing in the World.” The scripture was read by Mrs. M. Avis‘on. 'Dwo lovely solos by Miss Peggy McKay were an addâ€" edl delight to those present, also a True and. False contest on the Bible. Next Sunday evening the program is in change of MiSS Iren-e Beatty and the topic will be taken by our old friend, Mr. Eddy Hitchcock. 'Mr. and! Mrs. R'oss Middleton and baby spent the week-end“ with Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan and' friends. .Mrs. Harold LilJey of Vineland‘ and Mrs. Rat/Cl‘iffe called on their aunt Mrs. B. Sanderson last Thursday. There were 75 at church on Suin- day, a. fair attendance, at which the Sacrament of the Lords Supper was served‘ at the close of the regular service. Next Sunday we are t; have our St. George’s Day of Prayer. Everyone in the community is invit- ed‘ to attend. There is also a spe- cial item in the Sunday School next Sunday, a special collection to go to the Sick Children’s Hospital. 'Come and: :bring your friends and d'ona- tion'sl. THURSDAY, APRIL 24th, 1941. B.â€"-Jf we really want a New World, we must have new men and women: to make it. Victoria Square 8.30 RM. D.S.T. EUCHRE Children 15c. BUNDLES FOR BRITAIN The Rev. W. F. Wrixon announced on Sunday last that a BUNDILEIS FOR BRITAIN SERVICE will be held in St. ‘Mary’s' Church, RichmOnd Hill on‘ Sunday, May 4th at 11 a.m. when all members and friends are invited! to bring BUINDLES for Brit- ain’s Air Raid Viicti-ms. Such art- ixcles as Quilts, Blantkets, Sheets, Pillow Case‘s, Clofihing for Men, W0- men and Children: and any other article needed by these homeless people will be thankfully received. The choir Iboys will :be on hand to receive the Bundles fOr Britain and later in the service these will be blessed by the Rector. ’I‘he mem- bers of the W.A. have been making Quilts, and! these will be added to the other Etndles For Britain. The W.A. Headquarters at Toronto will be responsible for sending these and other gifts received from the whole Diocese to the most needy places in Britain. Even those unable to attend the service are invited to send in a Bundle for Britain. The Rec- tor will be glad to call for gifts from any unable to bring or send them to the service. Telephone 185. All articles must be new. LUCKY DRAW FOR CORD 0F HARDWOOD Ratcliffe and Frisfby ad'vised The Liberal this morning that they are donating one cont of body hard- wood, cut in foot lengths, to be given, away in 'a. lucky number d’rarw, the proceeds to go to the British War Victims Fund. Ticlkets will be On- sale soon by members of thne'Boy Ccouts and the Lions Clulb. The draw will be made after May 24th. ORANGE EUCH‘RES The final Euchre in the second series held, by the Orange Lod'ges was heidsim Thursd‘ay evening, April 17th, ,n/nenr the grandJ prizes were won/0y Mrs. John Cook and Mr. V. BAgers- who each received $3.00 in ’War Stamps. Prize winners for the evening were, ladies, Mrs. W. Dead- m-an, Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. A. Patâ€" ton; ‘gentlemen, J. Warwick, A. Bur- gess, I. V. McCullough. ' A Euchre will be held- in the Lodge Roo-ms‘, Masonic Hall, on Thunsday, May 131:. A lucky prize will be giv- en. in addition to the regular prizes for the evening’s play. Everyone welcome. ‘ She possessed! a bright and! germ- erous ois>posuition and} her passing, along with that of her husbandi more than six years ago, removes the head of another of the older fam~ ilies of Kimghorn. The funer'al service took place on April 22nd, Rev. D. G. Davis offici- ating. Interment was in King Ceme- tery. When she was 18 she came from England to Vaughan Township and located at Teston. In 1895 she mar- m'ed‘ Bennett Richards and came to the present farm, where three chilâ€" dren were born, Jesse of King; A1- bert an-d Mazie at home. There are three grandchildren. Mrs. Richards was a member of ’Deston/ United Church for more than 50 years. LATE MRS. BENNETT RICHARDS Miss Isalbella Margaret Dick dried‘ at the home of her sister, Miss Maria Dick, Bolton, on Monday, April 14th. The late Mis-s Dick was born at Tormore seventy-five years ago, a daughter of Rdbert Dick and' his wife, Sarah Graham. Before her rem-oval to Bolton twenty years ago she had resided in that community of the township of Vaughan known as Burlington. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and the minister, Rev. J. C. Ross, had charge of the funeral servioe held on Wed- nesday, in Caven Church. She is survived by her sister, Miss Maria Isalbella, and) three brothers, Alex. G., W. R., and: J. A. Dick. Palll bearers at the funeral were Walter, James, Robert and’ William Robin- son, Norman MaC‘abe and James McAl‘listecr. After a prolonged illness Mrs. Bennett Richards of Kinghom pass.- ed away on Sunday at her home on Lot 4, Gen. 4, King Township, in her 73rd year. LATE LLOYD HOLLINGSHEAD The death of Mr. Lloyd] Holliingsâ€" head of Kettleby occurred! at Private Patients. Pavilion, Western Hospital on Sunday acfter an illness there of 5 weeks. He was the son of Isaac Hollingshead' andl Eveline Lloyd, pioneer farmers of “the district. De- ceased wasi'm the insurance business far 30 years and‘ a. tax collector for many years. He was unmarried and was predeceased by a sister and two brothers. The funeral took place on Wednesday from his nephew’s farm home, Oscar Heaoock, Rev. J. Galloâ€" way officiating. Interment was in Kettleby Cemetery. LATE MISS ISABELLA DICK OBITUARY .St. George’s Day was celebrated in fitting fashion by the students of the high school. Students a.s~ .sremlblell im the Gym at 9.10 where the opening exercises were read ‘by Principal Stwart. He followed this with a short speech describing the true significance of St. George’s Day and comparing it with tod‘ay’s conflict. The students followed with the singing of patriotic songs of the day. 1 The Annual Dance held last Thurs- day was small in comparison with dtances hede in other years, but with the exception: of the few who stayed till sunrise getting their cars out of the mud everyone seemed to be thoroughly enjoying themselves. Bofb Endean and Murvin- Charlton were awarded! the special prize for the sale of War Saving Stamps. Out of a total of $400 Bdb and Murvin soldl $200 worth of Stamps and were deserving of thi award. MAGICIAN DELIGHTS CHILDREN GUESTS OF LIONS CLUB Over two hundred youngsters of the district were guests of the Rich- mond Hill Lions Club at the Masonic Hall last Thursday evening. The feature attraction was Geordmain, the talented magician: who delighted the gathering with his feats of magic. Yards and yards of colored paper, eggs, and many other strange objects including the traditional live bunny were mysteriously pulled» fvom the hat by the entertainer, who re- ceived roundls of applause from the appreciative audience. R. Edmund‘s led in community singing and Walter White rendered several vocal num- bers, with Mrs. O. L. Wright as accompanist. - RICHVALE RED CROSS The Afternoon Tea and Display of work of RichNaLe Red' Cross Branch held on Monday afternoon, April 21, was well attended. The Branch‘has just conflgleted 5 layettes of 30 pieces each, 5 pimafore dresses with blouses for 8 year old girls, 5 gnay flannel suits with matching shirts for 8 year old :boys. The following searran’s articles were also on dis- play: .15 pr. seamlanl’ts stockings, 1'0 scarves, l4 pr. two-way mitts, 2 helmets, 3 turtle-neck sweaters. The above work has been done during March and April. The ladies of the United! Church serv-ed‘ sup'per on‘ Tuesday evening on behahf of the British War Vinc- tims Fund. It was well patronized Iby the citizens of the village as well as by visitors from the city and neighboring centres. The re- tums to date indicate that One hun- d'red dollars at least will be for- warded‘ to Jim.Hunuter of “The Tel|e~ gram". A Similar amount was sent to the same fumd' by this organiza- tion a few months ago. A large gathering of Young Peo- ple of the Toronto Centre Suburban Area of the United Church held their Spring Rally in the Richmond Hill United Church on Tuesday ev- ening and] heard a: most inspiring andl challenging message from Dr. Agnew, who recently returned from IClhentu, China, where he is on the staff of the Chemtu. University. A delightful social hour was much en- joyed .at the close of the service, and: an opportunity to meet the vis- itor from afar. Miss Patricia Smith was a del-e- gate at the three day convention in Tomnto where 300 Mormon youth gathered from Ontario and Quebec. A banquet and! :ball in Malioney‘s Art Gallery closed Saturday evenâ€" ing’s session. Mr. and Mrs. George Chadwisck, .C'hunch: Street, returned home this week after spending- the winter month's in Florida. Edfith E. Luessby. has just received her Certificate that she was suc- oessLt‘ul in passing her fourth year Bookkeeping _Accountancy examina- tion at Northern Vocational School, Toronto. A man makes his Living by grum~ blimg. Read. about it in “Personalâ€" ity Parade”, 2. weekly feature of The Liberal, appearing on page two. .Mr. and Mrs. W spending a couple their daughter Mrs in Chafiham. Is; ,your subscription to The Libâ€" eral due? Look at the Label, 1d .i‘f dlue your remittance will be very much‘ appTIeciated‘. High School Notes Social and Personal A SUCCESSFUL TEA THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO C. Salvage are of weeks ~ with Lionel Card'well AFTERNOON AUXILIARY UNITED CHURCH W.M.S. The regular monrthly meeting of the Afternoon Auxiliary of the W. M.S. will be held' 'in the School Room of the United! Church on Thursday, May 131 at 3 pm. “The Sungeon of the Skeena” being the story of the life and work of Rev. Horace C_. Wrinvch, MAD., D.D., of Hazelton, British Columbia, will the reviewed by Mrs. George Gee. A cordial» in- vitation is extended! rto all ladies of ‘the congregation. Hon. W. P. Mulock, Postmaster- General and Member for North York announced: from Ottawa this week flhat commencing May let all milk supplied to Newmal‘ket Military Training Camp will be purchased from North York dairies- purchasing n'llilk from North York farmers. Up until now the milk for this camp came from the Toronto supply depot. In addition 15 Overseas Boxes have been packed and‘ shipped by the Richmond Hill Red! Cross during the past week, at a total cost of $50.16, which cost includes $14.40 postage. Each box contained the following: condensed coffee, tea bags, sugar, evaporated milk, peanuts, chocolate bars, chewing gum, life-savers, strawberry jam, date and1 nut bread, raisins, razor blades and‘ a wash- cloth. Under the convenorshirp of Mrs. N. Chatterley, tickets are now on sale for the draw on a beautiful cutwork tablecloth. made and’ donated by ‘Mrs. N. Wellrwood, and a handsome handmade quilt, both‘ of which are being displayed1 through the cowrt- esy of the Dawies Dry Goods store. The draw will be made on the 24th of May, and the first lucky number drrawnv will receive the tablecloth, the second the quilt. Tickets are 10c. each or three for 25¢. Get yours now. The following. shipment to Red Cross headquarters was made dur- ing the past week: 14 srweaters, 17 pr. hwyoâ€"waly mitts, 10 rbblbed helmets, 6 pr. whole mitts, 2 pr. gloves, 6 scarves, 34 pr. socks. Don’t forget the sandwich demon- stration by the Purity Bread Co. to- mvomcrw afternoon at 3 p.m., Friday, Apnil 2‘5th‘, in the Red Cross rooms. Light refreshments will be served and a silver collection taken. RED CROSS NOTES LOCAL DAIRIES T0 SUPPLY NEWMARKET CAMP EUCHRE The last chhmlz of the season will ,be held M St. Mary’s R.C. Churc’h Parish Hall on Tuesday eventing, April 29th. Good. prizes. Ad'mlsâ€" sion 25c. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, APRIL 30 - MAY 1 JACK BENNY - MARY MARTIN - ROCHESTER in “ LOVE THY NEIGHBOR ” ALICE FAYE - JACK OAKIE - BETTY GRABLE JOHN PAYNE in “ TIN PAN ALLEY ” Thursday, Friday, Saturday, APRIL 24 - 25 - 26 SHOWS START AT 7.30 RM. AND 9.30 P.M. D.S.T. MONDAY & TUESDAY, APRIL 28 - 29 MARX BROS. in “ GO WEST ” Boys and girls are encouraged to ask questions in Canadian schools. They are not forced to accept false principles and theories withâ€" out challenge. This ‘is the freedom of d_er_nocracy CASH, FOR WAR WORK Get cash needed for war work by selling some unused article about the home or farm. If it’s useful. and you d)onr‘t need" it, sell it through an “ad” in The Liberal. PAGE FIVE

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