Day 139 RICHMOND HILL PHONE 15 Helen Sinmson Lynett J. F. Lynch ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Bhone orders delivered any» where in North Yonge St. District BUY TIME TESTED CHICK, GROWING & LAYING MASH GLUTEN, OIL CAKE AND SOYA BEAN. MEAL? Alaska, Erban and Improved ? Banner Oats Have ’your seed grain cleaned ' beforethe rush. WE WILL BUY FEED OATS 2518 YONGE STREET (At St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145â€"6 ASK FOR READING ANTHRACITE If it’s red, it’s Reading RICHMOND HILL. ONT. Always Sure Gwod Value THE MILL JONES COAL Co. Men’s and Boys’ Wearâ€"Men’s. Boys’ and Children’s 5 Shoes and Rubbers Phone 218w PAGE SIX You are assured of good value for your money when you deal with us. We handle only stand- ard lines, and we stand behind what we sell. Phones: BUY HERE WITH CONFIDENCE : It pays to Evening 82w“Ads"- J. CRAIGIE Wanna-Pasture Big Factor \ In Milk Production Pasture is the keystone of econ- omical milk production and is the most important single factor in keep- ing up milk yield during the sum- mer months, says the Ontario Dept. of Agriculture. No labor is required in han'csting and little loss of nu- trients occurs through weathering, heating or moulding. I Any summer production program must be built around' pasture and ‘ the problems arising out of pasture production. Pasture has a sp‘eciall interth to cheese patrons as the best quality cheese is made from summer milk. It should' be remem- ei‘ed' that there is a two cent bonus on cheese offered) by the Onstario overnme'n't. ‘ Pasture yie’ld’s can be increased] by 'veedling highayielldling mixtures of grasses and legumes on: good soil hat has a high fertility level. Wherever possible pasture land :hiouM be located near the barn. wVaaLking cows long distances to and "mm the pasture field is not con- .‘ucive'ito hligh milk yields. In addi- ion to using much enengy, it {pre- iisposes the cows to udder indury' nds sore and] crammedI feet. ' Ls keystone in» keeping up economical milk yield in summer months, says Ont. Dept. of Agricul‘ture. Do not ovengraze or undergraze \asturefs. Oval-grazing reduces the iefld, increases injury from drought nd emourarges the growth . of veeds. Some grasses and. legumes ~re actually kï¬lled) by very lcl‘ose -'razing. To prevent this, adopt a ylstgetm of rotational pas-turmg". use Liberal Classified Richmond Hill Must Build Up Cows For War Time Effort Onut. Dept. of Agriculture outlines feeding mixtures for maximum production. As more production is heir-lg die-‘ mandedv of the present Ontario corw population to supply war-time needs it is necessary that they be ade- quately prepared for the job, Many cows freshen with a. reserve of en- ergy so small that they are not capable of maximum production. The Ontario Department of Agri- culture recommends that Where possible good quality roughage be fed) to the fresh-ening coma and that grain fee-ding be practised to build up their condï¬tion. Ten days: or two weeks before fresh-ening,,feed a mix- ture of two parts of oats, two parts of bran and one part of linseed‘ oil- meal. Continue this mixture. arfter fresh-ening' until all inflammation and- congestion have disappeared from the udder. Do not feed cottonseed meal or rye just previous to or immediately ad'ter freshenling as they are likely to cause constipation. Home-grown grains are reasonably satisfactory for conditioning al- though some protein supplement is necessary if the hay is of poor qual- ity or the cows are fed' largely on straw. The following grain mixtures are recommended to fit cows for lacta- tion: (1) cats 200 pounds; rb‘ar‘ley 100 pounds; (2) oats 200 pounds; buckwheat 100 pounds; (3) oats 300 pounds, barley 100 pounds and wheat 100 pounds; (4) oats 300 pounds, buckwheat 100 pounds and wheat 100 pounds. Any of the above mixtures can be improved by adding a small amount of linseed oilcmeal, bran or soylbean célméal. Feed the concentrate mix- tures at the lmate of two to six pounds per cow pei‘ day. depend-1mg on condition and the price and sup- ply le the feed materiale Minerals should be liberally fed previous to caflving and" throughout the lactation period. Many feeders mix two pounds of feedlimg bone meal and one pound of salt with each- 100 pounds of concentrates. [Commercial mineral mixtures should the fed as directed'by the manufac- turer. Ontario Rural Hockey League In- termediate semi-finalists in the first season of competition with the group, Kleiniburg’s hockey team play- ers and officials were banqueted at the Wiodlbrid'ge home 0‘? Mr. and‘ ers. Alvin Robb on Wednesday of last week. Nearly thirty persons sat down to the dinner provided jointly by Mr. RoBlb and his brother Mr. Leslie Robb. Players present were Bob Julian, Bill Breedon, Me-r- vin Kaiser, Jeff Harner, Gar Wood, Lvness Glass. A. Meadows, Alex. Shaw, Al. Boake. Bill Robb and Kel- vin Shore; while team officials pre- sent included Ross Card and Bert Docks. ’Ilharee players, T. Kibchemer, Following the dinner cards were nlayed and several dances were per- formed Iby Gwen Robb, daughter of the hosts. A pleasing feature was the presentation of a handsome bou- quet of carnatioms to Mrs. Robb, Kelvin Shore representing the team in rmaldng the presentation. S. Breedon ami Mel. Hoover, regu- lar members of the team. were un- able jgo "be pre_sent_for the digner. In 51 slhort business session, re- viewing- their successful season, the chub members discussed staging a supper and| dance in a local hall and outfitting team members with Wind- breakers. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO 41 Cars Feed From the West For York County Vile have just been advised :by the Agricultural Representative, W. M. Cocklburn, that a total of 41 cars of feed grain have been brought in~ to the County under the Freight- free Pol-icy of the Dominion and Provincial Departments of Agricul- ture. This represents a total of 405 orders frcm various farmers in the County. The purchase of this grain was limitedl to bonlafide farmers who were engaged in agriculture as a means of livelihood and the policy was brought into eflfect to assist those who through unfavorable wea- ther conditions last year, were dis- appointed in securing their usual supply of feed) grain. Mr. Ooolcburn would like to issue a word: of warning to those farmers securing this grain that this grain is to be used] for feed! only and un- der no circumstances should it the used; for seed’, owing to the fact that in many cases there is quite a mix- ture of varieties which might or might not 'be suitable to our condi- tions and such mixtures cannot ‘be expected to ripen evenly. Some of the varieties of barley included: .in Western shipments, are entirely un- suited! for Ontario conditions, being weak in the straw and not as heavy yielding as the varieties recommend)- ecl for Ontario. Recently the Representative re- ports that he was asked to pass jud‘g‘ment on a sample of clover seed which a farmer was contemplating purchasing from his neighbor. A casual glance would lead! one to beâ€" lieve that this was a fairly good sample of seed] 'but an analysis indiâ€" cated! that there was a total of near- ly 1.600 noxious weed seeds per 02., including nearlly 1000 buckhorn or rib grass seeds and nearly 600 Wild carrot seeds. The total weed seed content was over 3000 per 02. Farm,- ers are advised to purchase clover and grass seeds especially, only on a Government grade, even though purchasing from your best neighlbor. Wleedl seede are very difficult to identify andl current prices are alto- gether too high for purchasing any- ,thing except No. 1 seed. One sample of clover seed] submitted to one of the cleaning plants contained; over 6000 weed seeds per oz. andl when the operator of the plant advised the farmer that he could not clean this seed up for him to meet gov- ernment requirements,‘ the grower took the seed home and! it is to be hoped that some unsuspecting neigh- rbor did not purchase this seedI as a ! soâ€"called bargain. Amazing Canadian product that does NOT claim to work three or fOur different ways. From the laboratories ofâ€" vigor ous, forward moving Canadaâ€"comes this new relief for nasal disorders. Thrusting aside all old, outworn ideas, researchers in Canada made a thorough study of the entire ques- tion of head colds, sinusitis and hay fever, affecting men and women of every age and circumstance, living and working under every kind of modern condition. As a result of their extensive research they devel- oped Canadian Nasal Spray, a tot- ally different and uniquely efficient remedy that works just ONE wayâ€" helps relieve head colds, sinus trouble and hay fever promptly. Canadian ‘Nasal Spray refills cost only 3’5c. and can be used in your own atom- izer â€"â€" or your druggist can supply you with the complete package, in- cluding Canadian Nasal Spray and a genuine DeVilbiss atomizer â€" both for one dollar. This new remedy is now obtainable in Canadian drug stores from the Maritimes» to British Columbia. ' A. E. Innes who has been agri- cultural representative in Ontario county for the past five years has been appointed representative in Peel county succeeding C. D. Gra- ham. Mr. Graham has been ap- pointed extension manager of the Holstein-Fries-ian Association with headquarters at Brantford. First man: You say you never quarrel with your wife?†Second man': Never; she goes her way and I ‘go hers.†“S'o Popppy has gone back to live with her husband?†“Yes; she couldfn’t bear to hear of him having such. a good time.†Canadian Patent “Clicking†MRS. D. McCARTHY AMrs. Daniel McCarthy, mother of John, of Maple, and Frank and James of King, died Monday, April 7th- at the Toronto residence of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Hamxbly. Mrs. McCarthy, who was in her 7'O_th year, was the former Emily 0'- T‘eary. In addition to her children she is also survived by her husband. Funeral services on Thursday. April 10th were held in St. John‘s Church, Newmarket with interment in the chum}: c'emetery. T. H. CARBERRY Resident of Aurora for the past 40 years, Thomas Henry Carberry, who died at the residence of his daughter in ’I‘loi‘onxto, was buried: on Sunday afternoon, April 13th, fol- lowing service at his Aurora resi- dence. MR8}. T. R. White conducted both services. Interment was made in Newmarket Cemetery. Born in Peel county 68 years ago, Mr. Carberry had) farmed in Cale- d-on East for a number of years, later moving to Aurora where he was a traveller for a drug ï¬rm: and later a mail carrier. He was a mem- ber of the Orange Order and the Uni‘ed' Church. MARTIN W. SHAW Martin W. Shaw, 75 year old Kleinburg resident, died there on Wednesday, April 9th. Mr. Shaw was a native of Etobico-ke t0wnsh1p. A descendant of early York settlers, he was a son of the late Andrew Shaw and Frances Warden. Early years of his life were spent farm- ing in Etobicoke and North York townships andI he moved to Klein- burg about 30 years_ago. N Surviving him are his widow, the former Annie Churchill, two sons, James of Kleinlburg and Andrew of Cookstown; five daughters, Mrs. E. Shaw, Kleinburg'; Mrs. Norman Howard, Toronto: Mrs. Walter Llo-yd', Aurora; Mng Merle Shaw, Klein- burg and Miss Masel Shaw, Klein- burg; and one brother, Andrew of Thistletowm Funeral services from his late residence, conducted. bv the Rev. Mr. Bailey of Kleinvburg' United Church, were held on Friday, April 11 with interment in Pine Ridge cemetery. Pallbearers, all relatives. were Geo. W. Shaw, Geo. W. Bagg. Gordon Shaw, F. A. Bagg, Bruce Shaw and Robt.’ Stimson A well known and popular resi- dent of the area, Mrs. Russell Peel- ar, 27, of Emery, ddedl Friday, April limb in: a Toronto hospital. The former Jean McKay, Mrs. Peelar was married about 31/2 years ago. She was a native of the Humlberr Summit area and was 'a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elber- McKay. Her death followed a long period of failing health, and- came three days after her removal torhospital. Her activities in the community gave her a wide circle of friends. They included affiliation with the Burwick Women’s Institute, the Sunday School at Humber Summit and Emery and! the Humber Sum- mit Community Club. At the time of her death she was secretary of Vaughan Township Sunday School Association. Recently she was ap‘ pointed] Sunday School teacher a1 Emery._ A Surviving are her husband, her parents, one brother Ken, Humber Summit, and two sisters, Mrs. E1- wood Love, Toronto, and Eleanor of Humiber Summit. Funeral services were conducted! Monday afternoon by the Rev. C. W. Barrett of Woodfbridge United Church and' Ernest Root, of Humlber Summit Congregational Church. Pallbearers were Bert Peelar, Roy Peglar, Art Peelar, Bert McKay. Ted Payne and Wilbert Harrison. Inter- ment was- in Hil’flcres'b Cemetery, Wood‘bridige ‘gYORK EAuto Parts 6189 Yonge St. Stop 12, Zone 8-218 THURSDAY, APRIL 24th, 1941 OBITUA RY THOMPSON PRODUCTS PISTON PINS â€" KING PINS â€" VALVES SPRINGS AND GUIDES EXCHANGE REBUILT MOTORS WATER PUMP REPAIR KITS STARTERS, GENERATORS, CARBURETORS AND FUEL PUMPS EXCHANGE WILLARD AND NATIONAL BATTERIES Firestone Tires â€" also good used ones, all sizes Clutch Plates, Clutch Facings and Clutch Parts BEARINGS AND BEARINGS INSERTS COMPLETE IGNITION SERVICE Mufflers, Tail Pipes and Exhaust Pipes for every Car and Truck on road “IF IT’S FOR CAR OR TRUCKâ€"WE HAVE IT†We Deliver Anywhere MRS. ony Saves You Money R. PEELAR McNAIR-WALKER At Graven'hurst recently, Mar- garet Harriet Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Walker of King, became the ‘bride of Alvin Charles McNair, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Me Nair of Orillia. Rev. E. Pinningh ton officiated. Miss Stella C. Hill, of Nleeton, daughter of Mrs. Hill and the late Charles Hill, became the bride of Melvyn A. Gould o-f Kleimburg, son of John Gould and: the late Mrs. Gould, in a ceremony performed by the Rev. Mr. Bailey at Kleinlburg' United Church: on Ap_1ji1 9th._ Following a wedding trip to Cochrane the couple will resxde in Pickering. DARKER-SAINSBURY A wedding was| solemnized in St. John's Anglican Church, Weston, on Saturday evening, April 12th when Stella Mary SainsPoury, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sains'bury of Weston became the bride of George Darker, son of Mr. and Mrs. R'al h Darker of Woodbridge. The Rev. . E. Mmkey officiated; wedding m_n- sic was played by W. Grieves, and a solo was sung by J. W. Weir. The bride, given in marriage rby her father, was attended by Miss Annie Hunvter. Best man was Wil'l- iam Darker, brother of the groom, and ushers were Gilbert Harrison and Albert Rutherford. Following a reception at the home of the bride‘s parents, 32 Cross St, Weston, the couple left for a, weddâ€" ‘inlg' trip to Quebec. They will re- ls'ide in Woodlbridlge. $72,300 ESTATE LEFT BY FREDERICK BANTING An estate valued at; $72,300 was left by Major Sir Frederick G. Ban-t- ing, coâ€"discoverer of insulin, and a victim of a midL-Ferbruary air crash. Life insurance comprised $46,000. His residence in Toronto, a fishing lodlge on Georgian Bay, stocks, bonds and personal: effects make up the balanbe. WEDDINGS GOULD-HILL