9 O Wesley Clark, Richmond Hill, telephone 4704 3 9 § 2385 Dufferin Street, Toronta, KEnwood 6805, or WWW BEST "BY TEÃ©ï¬ FAIRBANK FEEDS Aiwaysg Sure Gwod Value 1937 Ford 2-ton Platform 32x6 Heavy Duty Truck Truck, motor and tires Tires . . . . . . . . $15.00 up very good . . . . . . $425.00 700x21 slightly used $10.00 WRECKJNG NOW â€" 1937 Ford 2-ton Truck PAGE SIX Men’s and Boys’ Wearâ€"Men’s. Boys’ and Children’s Shoes and Rubbers Phone 218w A COMPLETE LINE OF POULTRY, DAIRY AND HOG FEEDS AND CONCENTRATES " Phone 86 PARIS AUTO SUPPLY A THREE-PIECE EMCO BATHROOMâ€"Tub on Legs, Toilet and Wall Lavatory with all Trimmings can be purchased for as little as ........... (Soil and iron pipe and ï¬ttings extra) A DURO Pressure Water System will furnish an ample supply of water under pressure to all parts of you: home and farm. Without running water. sanitary conveniences and modem facilities. so essential to health and happi- ness, are not available to your family. The cost of EMCO Bathroom, Kitchen and Laundry ï¬xtures and fittings is very reasonable and can _be spread over a period of time under our Easy Payment Plan. EMCO products are modemly ï¬nished, 0! high quality. and will give years of satisfactory service. THE DURO SPECIAL PUMP, shown above. has a capacity of 250 gals. per hour. With 25 gal. Galvanized Tank and 25 or 60 cycle Motor. it costs only“: ...... ; ................................................................................. - Phone 92-R R. H. KANE HAMILTON RE CONDITIONED You are assured of good value for your money when you deal with us. We handle only stand- ard lines, and we stand behind what we sell. Runnimg Water is an Everyï¬av Necessity BUY HERE WITH CONFIDENCE FAIRBANK FEED CO. R J. CRAIGHE Richmond Hill, Ont. “TRY US FOR SERVICE†AUTO WRECKERS EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO.. LIMITED, LONDON, ONT‘ TORONTO SUDBURY WINNIPEG in Kitchen, Laundry, Bathroom and Barns GUARANTEED TIRES 32x6 Heavy Duty Truck Richmond Hill Fire Saturday, April 12 destroyed a large 40 year old’ bank barn, a driving s‘hved‘, ice house and other outbuildings 'on the farm of Samuel ‘Stanley near Downsview. Fifty-two persons were present at an enjoyable banquet which last week officially closed the Kleinburg Y.P.U. 1940-41 season of activities. The banquet, held on Thursday, April 17th, was served under the supervision of Miss Irene Devms, with Women’s AssociatiOn- members, their husbands, and Elders of the church present as guests of the Young People. Guest speaker for the affair was the Rev. Mr. Riveis of Bolton who gave an excellent talk. He was thanked by the toast- master, President W. Benstead. The Rev. C. J. Bailey, minister of the church, acted as chairman for an entertaining prOgram on. which were musical numbers by Miss Ola Egan, \Miss Alma Kerr, and Verne Dai’oe, with Miss Margaret Watson at the piano. Toast list speakers were as follows: To “The King", proposed by the president, responded to by Mr. N‘ewton- Watson who requested the singing of our National Anthem; to “The Young People", proposed by Mr. James De'vims, responded to by Miss Irene Devins'; to “The Church and its Membersâ€, proposed by Mr. Harold Wardllalw, respond-ed to by the Rev. Mr. Bailey. KLEINBURG & NASHVILLE INSTITUTE ELECT OFFICERS Mrs. C. J. Bailey presided“ when the Kleinburg and Nashville W0- merr’s Institute elected officers for the ensuing year. The meeting, held at the Kleinlburg Institute hall. was on April 16th. Those ele‘cted‘ were as follows: Honorary presi- dent, Mrs. D. MCD‘O‘nral-d‘; President, Mrs. H. Ward‘law; Vice-president, Mrs. E. Miller; Secretary-treasurer, ‘5. R. Cardl; Directors, Mrs. L. herry, Mrs. J. Coward; District director, Mrs. H. Ward‘l‘aw; Program committee, Mrs. W. Bensteaidl, Mrs. D. McDonald, Mrs. L. Miller, Miss I. Devinrs, Mrs. J. Thompson; Audi- tors, Mrs. A. Agar, Miss Laura Agar; Pianist, Mrs. H. Farr; Press reiporter, Mrs. R. Card; Flower committee, Mrs. O. D-evims, Miss M. Hambly; Hall representative, Mrs. J. Kellam,‘ Conveners of standing com- mittees, Mrs. D. McDonald, Mrs. L. Card. To open the session memlbens re- sponded» to a roll call with an item on- current events. 140 VANCOUVER KLEIN BURG $84.50 $86.00 THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO 0nt.Gov.HogSuhsidy iln Effect on May 5th Will ‘be paid on hog carcasses grad- ing “A†and' “Bl†in approved plants, states Hon. P. M. Dewan, Ontario Minister of Agriculture. The Ontario Government hog su. - sidy of $1 per hog carcass grading “Aâ€. and 50 cents per hog carcass grading “Bl†will apply on all hogs slaughtered in approved plants on and after Monday, May 5th. This subsidy will apply on- hog carcasses graded in packing plants where a Dominion Government hoxg grader is in charge of grading operations, or in smaller plants which have ‘been approved by the Ontario Minister of Agriculture and for which a certifiâ€" cate of approval has been gl‘alftEd‘. These plants will have their own graders who have also been approv- ed by the Minister, but they will work in co-operation- with and under the direction and supervision of the Dominion hog graders. Grading will be done according to the standards as defined in Dominion hog grading regulations so there will be a uniâ€" formity in all grading operations. Hon. P. M. Dewan, Ontario Min- ister of Agriculture, in announcing the date when the subsidy comes in- to effect, cautions farmers applying for the subsidy to make sure that the purchasing plant has govern- ment recognition as outlined above. (What the farmer must do) To secure the subsidy the farmer must have his hogs identified so that the carcasses can be graded and a grading certificate issued in his name. In addition he must obtain from the drov-er, packing plant or shipper. this grading certificate signed by the grader, naming the grades of the carcasses marketed. The next step is to secure an ap- plication form from either his ship- per, packing plant or Agricultural Representative, and fill it out. He then attaches all grading statements he has received to the application form and mails both to the Hog Su'b- sidy Division, 0ntario Department of Agriculture, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Incomplete returns show that $846.50, donlated‘ by 169 contributors, has so far \been tu'rn‘edi in by canâ€" vavssers for the Woodlbrid'ge Canadâ€" ian War Services Fund drive. Re- rporting these figures, Roy Blake, campaign secretary†expressed conv- fxilden‘ce that tih-e $1,000 objective will be reached. Several teams, some covering local industries, have yet to report, he said. Mr. Blake pointed OUIt that the money received so far represents an average of more than $5 per contributor. At Gananoque 18 men charged with keeping slot machines, pin ball games and punch boards paid a total of $1,298 in fines and costs. From many parts of Ontario have been coming reports of similar convic- tions. ‘ “Burwi-ck†Institute in annual ses- sion: Relief, Mrs. W. 'Holilings'head', Mrs. T. McLean; Education, Mrs. G. M10Gillivray;. Historical Research, Mrs. L. Barlker; Agriculture, Miss A. McCallrum; Health, Mrs. William Lawrie; Canad‘ianization, Mrs. Leo Watson; Peaxc‘e, Mrs. A. E. Kearney; Home Economics, Mrs. J. H. Ker- siey; Visiting Com., Mrs. C. F. Lew- is, Mrs. D. Wi’lds, Miss J. Troyer, Mrs. G. Miller, Mrs. Harny Watts»; Social Com., Mrs. G. Farr, Mrs. Wm. Hollingishe-ad‘, Miss' A. McCallum, 'Mrs. George Stewart, Miss Gertrude Framkum, Mrs. Lorne Bag‘gs, Mrs. H. Fieldhouse, Miss H. Ella, Mrs. J. VVeatherill, Mrs. J. Kersey, Mrs. C. Johnson, Mrs. J. Watson, Mrs. A. McKinnon, Mrs. T. Mche‘an; Press Correspondent, Mrs. Clarence Gra- ham; Auditors, Mrs. A. E. Kearney, Mrs. Leo Watson. ROBB DALE CARBERT (15692) The property of William Gl‘asxs, Lo.t 11, Con. 5, Vaughan, phone 7913 Maple. This horse is black and- weighs about; 1950 lbs. This home will stand in his own s¢able for ser- vice for the season from 6 pm. D»S.T. Terms to insure foal $1.00, service $10.00, payable on or before lst March 1942. Persons disposing of their mares before foaling time or not returning them regularly to horse will be charged whether in foal or not. All accidents at own- er’s risk. The following comven‘ors and com- mjtteexs Awrerg elgctmfl Woodbridkge Brampton Win-the-War Committee has voted $5,000.00 to the War Ser- vices Campaign now in progress in Peel County. The objective for the entire county is twenty thousand dollars. It is most important to remember that all grading-certificates and ap- plications for subsidy must be for- warded to the Dept. of Agriculture at Toronto within sixty days of the time the certificates are issued. STOCK REGISTER Purebred Percheron Stallion Public Auction Sale Antique Furniture and other Household Goods SATURDAY, MAY 3rd [1 Old Fashioned Churn» 2 Large Feed Barrels Quantity of Lumber 6 Window Sash 2 Feather i1 Beam Scale, 200 lbs. cap !1 Kerosene Driving Lamp I1 Antique Yam Wind-er Quanrtity of Band Item Quantity Oif: H'gop Irony Quantity of Glass Pair of Work Trusses ‘2 9-f.oot Ladders ‘1 24-foot Plank, Pine, 2â€x10" ‘Several other articles too numerous to mention ‘No Réserve a.s Property is Remand; LTERMSâ€"CASH SALE at 12.45 S.'I‘. J. C. SAIGEON, Auctioneer, Phone Maple 11 and Mattress Single Bed with Spring â€" Mattress S’mall Bureau 1 Old Bureau Walnut Bureau, antique Washstanidr 1 Carpet Sweeper Singer Sewing Machine Desk Electric Lam'p Westinghouse Electric II‘On. Electric 24burner Hot Plate Electric Toaster Electric Heating PaJd’ Beatty Vacuum Cleaner, complete Brussels Rug, 9 x 16 ft. Albout 250 books, all by good authors 1 Dozen Stainless Dinner Knives 6 Community Plate Dessert Spoons A Quantity of Table Cloths and Table Napkins, linen: A Number of Feather, Pillows A Quantity of Sheets A Number of Quilts 1 Washing Machine 1 Copper B-oiler 1 Step Ladder 1 Ironing Board‘ 1 China Tea Set 1 Lawn Mower, with grass catcher 1 Medium Size Taylor Safe 1 Bake Tray andl Bake Board A Numfber of Fruit Jars, quarts and pints Quantity ‘of Cooking Utensils Quantity of Dishes 1 Brass Apple Butter Kettle with steri complete» 1 Pair Grass Clipipers 1 Rake 3 Bushel Boxes 20 ft. Flower Bevdl Wire HHHHDâ€"‘HHHHPâ€"‘lâ€"Hâ€"A No. 7 Highway an Edgseley, 1% miles west of Keele St. Frank Smith Estate Tudhope Electric Ranget‘te Oak Extension Table Set Dining Room Ohairs, Quarter Cut 031E Rocking Chairs Small Oak Table Cane Bottom Chairs Morris Chair, Oak Folding Table, antique Oak Sun Room Settee Arm Chair 3 Small Talbles Couch 1 Dresser 1IO~TuIbe Spaxrton‘ Cabinet Radio Largo Rolled‘ Top Desk Large Glass Cupboard Kitchen Stool, Oak Large Wood‘en Beds with Spring 6189 Yonge St. Stop 12, Zone 8-218 YORK Auto Parts ASK FOR HANDvBLILL per mile I STANDARD SllgEEPING CARS at fares appr0x1mately 15/gc. per m e . . _ _ _ Cost of accommodatlon 1n sleepmg cars addltlonal BAGGAGE CHECKED. Stopovers at all points enrou' Tickets, Sleeping Car Rese1§ations and Agent. “Tony Saves You Money CANADIAN NATIONAL THOMPSON PRODUCTS PISTON PINS â€" KING PINS â€" VALVES SPRINGS AND GUIDES EXCHANGE REBUILT MOTORS WATER PUMP REPAIR KITS STARTERS, GENERATORS, CARBURETORS AND FUEL PUMPS EXCHANGE WILLARD AND NATIONAL BATTERIES Firestone Tires â€" also good used ones, all sizes Clutch Plates, Clutch Facings and Clutch Parts Frnm all Stations in Eastern Canada GOING DAILY â€"â€" MAY 17 - 28, 1941, INCLUSIVE Return Limit â€" 45 days TICKETS GOOD IN Similar Excursions from WESTERN CANADA SPECIAL BARGAIN EXCURSIONS Mufflers, Tail Pipes and Exhaust Pipes for every Car and Truck on road “IF IT’S FOR CAR OR TRUCKâ€"WE HAVE IT†We Deliver Anywhere COACHES at fares approximately 11/3c. per mile TOURIST SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately 1%c. The _Prope{ty 51f BEARINGS AND BEARINGS INSERTS COMPLETE IGNITION SERVICE Feather Ticks D. Stopovers at all points enroute ns from Western to Eastern Canada During Same Period THURSDAY, MAY lst, 1941. Woouomncoom Yerex’s “Electrical ON ALL MAKES 0F RADIOS BY CERTIFIED RADIO TECHNICIAN TUBES TESTED FREE FREE ESTIMATES RADIO LOANED WHILE YOURS IS AWAY 26 ‘ Yonge St. Harold W. Mortson 11 CENT‘RE ST. WEST CHARLES GRAHAM MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT Farm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Beatty Farm Equipment Telephone Richmond H‘i11'93 RADIO SERVICE all information from any Successor to Phone 242 T-137