Anyone who hasn't already joined "the society and is desirous of doing so is urged to get touch with the president Mr. A. Thompson or Miss and packed four laye‘tes, which con- sisted of all required articles includ- ing (beautifully knittoil jackets. bon- nets, bootees, etc. Tliese will .be sent overseas through the Kiwanis Club. Three completed afg'hans were also sent; with this bale. Considerable work was done on a quilt which will ï¬le ready to be displayed at the next meeting. Last week an interesting campaign was waged by the Horticultural So- ciety which proved a huge success. Options offered with the yearly fee for this year are as follows: a flat of pansies, a flat of annuals, 5 tub- erous begonias, or 8 perennial roots. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wier of To- zronto were Monday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walker. Several guests were entertained at [dinner at the home of Mr. R. E. Dean and Evelyn on Saturday last. Miss Mangaret Wright of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. S. Davies on the week-end. The many friends of Clayton Scott will .be very pleased to know that he has arrived safely in England. The Y.P.U. are to be the guests of‘th'e Newmarket Y.P.U. on Mon- d’ay evening, May 5th. All members and adherents are urged to attend. Mr. and Mrs. S. Findlay and Mary mu visited with Mrs. Findlay's mother at Garden Hill on Sunday. WALTER BONE & SON YOU KNOW that Canada's War Effort requires a steady flow of moneyâ€"week by week, month by monthâ€"loaned from the savings of her people. If YOU HAVEN'J' pledged yourself If YOU HAVE pledged yourself â€"ACT NOW! Canada needs ALL you can save and lend. There are three ways to pledge: 1.. Ask y0ur employer to deduct a speci- ï¬ed sum from your salary or wages each pay day. 2. Authorize your bank to deduct it each month from your savings account. 3. Sign an “Honour Pledge" to buy Stamps or Certiï¬cates for a speciï¬ed amount at regular intervals. INCREASE YOUR REGULAR INVESTMENTS IN WIRE FENCING AND CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATES HAVE PAC: E EIGHT Frost Steel &- Wire Co. Products We Giadly Quote Prices Thornhill N ews items PLEDGE!) A_LL YOU CAN TO BUY Phone Maple 864 da needs ALL you There are three rto defluct a speci- salary or wages tank to deduct it Lt savings account. ' Pledge†to buy es for a speciï¬ed ntervals. â€"-keep up your pledge. See your invest- ment grow as the months go by. INCREASE the amount you have pro- mised to save and invest. And remem- ber that, in addition to your regular pledged amount, you can at any time buy extra war Savings Certiï¬cates from your local Bankâ€"Post Oï¬â€˜iceâ€"or you can send your money direct to the War Savings Committee in Ottawa. Publisbed by the War Savings Committee, Ottawa (1‘ “Prayerâ€, says St. Jerome, )S a groan.†Ah! Our groans are prayers as well. The very cry of distress is an involuntary appeal to that invisible Power whose aid the soul invokes.â€"aMme. Swetchine. “Hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leav- ing an example, that ye should follow His steps.â€â€"-â€"I Peter 2:21. 7 p.m.â€"~Evening Worship. Sermon topic, The Moral Grandeur of a Noble Life. 'Men's Choir. Service of Intercession Tuesday, May 6th at 8 p.m. in the Presbyterian Church S.S. room. “Prayerâ€, says St. Jerome, “is a groan.†Ah! Our groans are minister Sunday, May 4th, 1941 10 armyâ€"Sunday School. Lesson topic The Church Enlarging Its Fellowâ€" ship. Golden Text, “They there- fore that were scattered abroad went about preaching the Lord."â€" Acts 8:4. ‘ 11 a.m.â€"â€"Morning Worship. Sermon topic, Vision and Law. Lucille Dean. An option meeting of the Horti- cultural Society will be held on Mon- day, May 12th in Thorn-hill Public School at 8 p.m. A discussion and demonstration of roots will be given by Mr. Mars’bergen, gardener of Mr. George McCullough. Everyone is welcome to attend this meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell of Toronto have been spending some time with Mr. Campbell's mother at Thornhill. {ev THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH A Friendly Place to Worship Lev, Eldridge A. Currey, B.A., B.D 57W? The church site was the gift of George Garrow and the first build- ing was consecrated for divine wor- ship as a Methodist Episcopal church. The Rev, Thomas Argue was the presiding elder. The parsonag at that time was at Kinghorn on the 5th concession and is at present occupied by Mr. George Brown at King City United Church will cele- brate 70 years of active service on Sunday and Monday, May 4 and 5. In 1929 the original building was remodelled and today a very pleas- ing edifice occupies the church site. Rev. A. Halbert, now of Newton- brook, was then the pastor. Only one of the members present at the dedication service in 1871 is with us today. Mrs. Martha Winter is that person and there is no more active worker in the church now. The church is honoured in the one who will represent the original opening at this, the seventieth anniversary. King City United Church To 1‘ Observe Seventieth Anniversary: KING CITY ['NITED CHURCH AFTER 70 YEARS Have you tried our ma- chineless ana wireless per- manents. n5 weight on head. Also oil waves PRICES $2.00 to $10.00 Phone Thornhill 102 Grove Beauty Parlor THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Margaret Allison of Richmond Hill spent Sunday with Betty Bur- ton. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. Bone spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. C. Stong at Edgeley. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Reaman of Toronto spent Sunday with Miss M. and Mr. W. Reaman. Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker spent Sun- day with Mr. 'and Mrs. W. Keffer. Bowler-s are now selling lucky number tickets on two beautiful Hudlson Bay blankets, valued' [at $7.50 each. The draw for the [two blankets will be made the opening bowling night. Tickets may be secured from Morley Hall, chwainman of the com- mittee. Get cash needed for war work by selling some unused article about the home or farm. If it’s useful, and you dlom’t need it, sell it through an “ad†in The Liberal. Monday evening we are having a Congregational Reunion to which all former members and friends are especially invited. Former pastors and local ministers will bring greet- ings. Supper will be served in the Sunday School Room and every op- portunity will be given for a bright fellowship with our friends. Dr. Wallace, who is an outstanding lecâ€" turer, will give a Travelogue through England, Scotland and" Wales, slides beautifully coloured, most of which are his own photography, places fa- miliar to you because of their prom- inence in the neWS of today. Some slides that depict London since the bombings will make the lecture of interest to many. It will be an en- joyable evening. Don't forget that you have a date at King United Church for the Seventieth Annivers- ary on Sunday and Monday, May 4 and 5 D.S.T. Mr. and Mrs. Wardlow and daugh- ter of Dixie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Oliver. ‘ Sympathy of Carrville is extended to Mrs. W. Bone on the death of her sister Mrs. Dennie of Victoria Square last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Reid and son Douglas of Oriole and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Dews and son Jimmie of To- ronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wark. LUCKY DRAW FOR BLANKETS M1'._and Mrs. A. Forest visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Clarke on Sunday. Sunday evening the Rev. Dr. Arch- er Wallace, Associate Editor of the United Sunday School Periodicals, will be the guest speaker. Special music will be provided by the Laskay choir. Mrs. Queenie Ward and Mrs. Blanche Proctor, former choir mem- bers, are assisting with special music in the morning. King. From this church has gOne many who have given fine leader- ship in Christian service in many professions, seven of them having entered the ministry of the church. The present pastor, Rev. Douglas Davis is now completing eleven years on this charge. We have two very active women’s organizations, Mrs. James Patton is the (president of the WJM.S. and Mrs. Aubrey Gordon is president of the W.A. In a small country church it is in- teresting to note the number of hon- ored members of the congregation who are in the Over 70 Club. There are twenty-six and of these twelve have passed their eightieth birthday. We pav special tribute to these at this time. At the Sunday morning service the Rev. Dr. John Coburn, President of the Toronto Conference of the Unit- c-d Church will be the guest speaker. An interesting feature of the church life is the leadership being given by the second and third gener- ations. John Dew J12, the superin- tendent of the Sunday School; Ross Folliott, President of the Young ‘Peo- pIe's Union and Miss Beth McDonald, the church organist, all are members succeeding their parents who are honored office bearers. CASH FOR \VAR WORK CA RRVILLE It was indeed something different and we hope that the Willing Work- ers ‘put on such another event short- ly. The entertainers were of high- est quality and everyone enjoyed their performance. The Willing Workers of Langstaff wish to thank the large number of people who attended their Hot Sup- per and Concert for their support and would ask that they keep in mind a Strawberry Festival, the date to be later announced. They also wish to thank Mr. Nor- man Laird and Mr. L10yd, entertain- ers and monologist, Mr. and Mrs. Kirkland, baritone and soprano, andI Mrs. Robt. Mac-Linden, dancer, all of Toronto, who generously donated their time and talent, the T. Eaton 00., the Robt. Simpson 00., the Heinz 00., the Canada Bread, the Dumart Everybody met everybody Hot Supper in Lawrence D Hall last week given by the Workers of Langstaff. FARM PRICES IN 1877 Mr. John H. Snider of Markham Township recently brought usv in some clippings from the old' daily Standard, published in Toronto in 1887. Market quotations in the issue of Fel‘orrary Tt-h of that year were: Potatoes $1.00 per bag; clover $1'1 per bush, eggs 20c. per dozen, butter 90 to 2>5c. per 115., geese 65c. to $1.00 each. oats 35c. per bus., wheat 81¢. per bus. The officers convey their thanks to all the members for their splendid support. The number who partook of the supper and the comments overheard were very complimentary to the‘lad- ies Co., the McVeetus‘ Creamery and Canada Packers, for donations to the supper. We Deliver F. Y. W. BRATHWAITE S.W.P. for outside work Semi-Lustre for Walls Enameloid for Furniture Marriot Floor Enamels Linex Varnish Ask to see the Style Guide. It will be _ a great help in your decorating problems. LAN GSTAF F SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS FOR LASTING SATISFACTION Contact the Collectors In Your Community Richmond Hill HARDWARE Memoria 53 Willing at the THURSDAY, MAY lst, 1941 “Guilty. suh, Ah thinks,†replied Rastus, “but Ah’d better be tried to make sho’ of it.†Although I am no longer in the picture, I trust that all my friends will continue to do all/they can for the children at the Home. Again thanking you. Be of good cheer, my failing friends, Though the day in darkness ends. However fierce the blows that shake it, This sturdy land of ours can take Our old friend Rastus was in trou- ble agam, and the judge asked him if he were guilty or not. I appreciate the help received from the 10cal churches and other organ- izations, for the many gifts received at the home and the countless kind- nesses shown at all times. I shall not forget the help of those who lent their cars and gave their time to take us to Church and other places. Mrs. Crockett Thanks Community I desire to use a little space in your valuable paper to reach many of my friends to say a Big Thank You for all the many kindnesses so many have shown me and my family during all the years. I have been Matron of the L.T.B. and Orange Home. On the eve of my departure I realize how many friends we have had, and how much you all have done to make the children happy, and my task a little lighter. Dear Mr. Editor Believe me to be, Yours sincerely, Lucy Crockett. Phone 18