This is rather an abrupt remark! However, at this time of the year it is a necessary admonition: Keep off the grass! Warm weather is here, lawns are being plant- ed, shrubs and plants are being carefully tended, and it is annoying when delivery boys, canvaSSers and others walk across gardens and lawns to save a few steps. They walk through flower beds and hedges quite deliberately when making deliveries or canvassing. It seems such a small matter to take such a short cut yet it means every- thing to the citizen who is trying to beautify his home and grounds. . .Delivery b0ys and canvassers are paid to make their calls and should be taught to respect public property. The speed and recklessness of many drivers on Yonge Street makes the crossing of this street at any time for anyone a very hazardous undertaking. It is particularly hazardous for elderly people and children., Why motor- ists should be allowed to tear along Yonge Street without any apparent thought for the safety or convenience of anyone else is a mystery to us. We cannot understand why a law abiding citizen who wishes to cross to the other side of the street should have to risk his life and leap like a jack rabbit to miss being killed by a mad motorist rushing nowhere. Surely We do not need to have a fatal- ity before we realize the extreme seriousness of the danger of Yonge Street traffic. Through towns and villages, with men, women and children crossing the street, and with cars parked along the curb, motorists must be compelled to drive slowly. The allowance of the speed limit is too fast in our opinion, but at present the speed limit is not observed by half the motorists. Parents, teachers and older persons generally should feel a responsibility to impress upon the youngsters the importance of beingr careful, especially now that the busy season is here. It is high time all of us paid more attention to the building up or the small town and less to making the over- grown city larger. Fhe little town or village is homeâ€" or should be. It needs our support and we are the people who must give it life and power if it is to have either. The big city cares nothing for us. It will if it can, pul! our dollars away, but that is the only use it has for us. The little town needs us and we need it. . .The future which lies in the cities is shopworn, smoked, dirty and unclean. The true future lies in the country and the little towns. Back them up and make them grow. When you buy goods or services other than through men who have their stake in your home town, you are tearing down,the foundation on which your town rests by just that much. The people of Canada are indeed among the fortun- ate and blessed of this world, for they can still go to their homes at night and find them intact; they can still talk and walk with their loved ones in safety and at night they can lay down to sleep in peace and comfort. No un- derground holes for them and their families; no ruined homes and no killed and maimed loved ones. . .If the tax~ payers of Canada know when they are well off they will pray that they can help win this war by giving twice as much money as they are now asked to pay â€" even then they will not have paid too much by any means. Agriculture as an industry is the backâ€"bone of our national life and needs every help and encouragement we ‘can give. The annual Fair is an institution in our Agri- ‘cultural life which leaders have urged Agricultural Soci-- eties to continue. So our government simply must keep the War Savâ€" ings effort going, and at top speed; continual revivals of interest and of effort will surely be required. The total incomes of Canadians, due to increased em- ployment and higher wages, will be up by hundreds of millions. How can the government, as it must do, get its share. of this increased income to support Canada’s war effort? One way is by taxation; the other is through the sale of War Savings Certificates. How much better for us to invest in a sound interest-bearing security than to be compelled to provide through taxation the money that must be raised! There was an easing up in the campaign for War Savings Stamps and Certificates while the claims of Can- adian War Services Fund were being presented to the pub- lic, but the need for continuous purchase of War Savings Certificates is, if anything, more urgent day by day. It is human nature, following a burst of enthusiasm for any cause, to slow down and fail to follow through to a trium- phant finish. Let’s extend a cordial welcome to our visitors on Sat- urday. Let’s attend the Fair in such numbers that the officers and directors will be encouraged in their work. The Twenty-fourth of May is Richmond Hill’s day, and citizens of town and district should make a special effort to attend the Fair this year. These are difficult days for organizations such as the Richmond Hill Agri- cultural Soc1ety, and while war work occupies the major attention of our people, it is well to remember that it is important that worth-while projects like the Richmond Hill Fair need to be carried on. Next Saturday, May 24th, is Victoria Day, the anni- versary of the birth of the beloved Queen Victoria, and it is the date of Richmond Hill Fair. On this day thou- sands of visitors will ‘be with us to enjoy the Fair pro- gram and renew acquaintances with old friends. J. Eachem Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Covering Canada's Best Suburban District Subs‘cription $1.50 per year -â€" To the United States $2.00 Advertising Rates on Application. TELEPHONE 9 Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RIGHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING C0.. LTD PAGE TWO SUPPORT YOUR HOME TOWN THURSDAY, MAY 22nd, 1941. SAFETY OF OUR CHILDREN KEEP OFF THE GRASS “THE LIBERAL†DON’T LET DOWN PAYING IS EASY FAIR DAY OPMENT. Now that'he was re- sponsible for Supplies, Mr. Churchill did not forget his old] interest in tanks, and despite considerable op- position from. still-sceptical military people, one of his first tasks was to order many thousands of these land monsters. At the same time, in a memorandlumi, he urged the War Cabinet to “organize mechanical de- velopment upon the principle- some- one must stop the tiger." He reor- ganized the Ministry from top to bottom, threw out the “limpets†and substituted business men. The entry of the United States into the war posed new problems for the Minister of Munitions, for the U.S. could‘ not equip their vast arms ies of men with the arms and guns they needed. Britain would have to help equip these hordlestof men from the-New World‘, in addition to sup- plying her own huge army, now numbering millions; Thereupon Winston Churchill made a contract with the United) States to supply the entire 'American army with medium artillery. The original contract amounted! to $500,000,000 and Mr. Chumhill expressly declared that there shouldv be no profit on this contract â€" a significant gesture in view of present Anglo-American (no-operation. “WORK â€" OtR FIGHT.†In spring of 1918, Winsrton Chumhill came face to face with another crisis». Three and a half years of intense War had taken their toll; the nerves of Brit- ain’s mrunition workers were on edge. They went on strike! ‘Munition workers hadl been ex- empted from active service, but Winston Churchill toldl them tersely: "Back to work, or go to the Front.†They went back to work. But they didn’t forget the man who’d'r beaten them, and although Victory erased their grudge for a time, the Socialâ€" ists were to have their revenge at one of the bitterest elections that Much of the credit for their inâ€" troduction must go to Winston Chur- chill for he braved grave criticism by dabbling with: them. When the idea of “landships'†was broached to him in November 1914, he formed a Landships Committee of the Ad‘mir- alty to enquire into their ptos‘sibili- ties. They did â€"â€" nearly a year later, and by that time Winston Chur‘hill was again in London, this time to stay. But it was not until July 1917, after twenty months in exile, that Mr. Churchill enteredl Mr. Lloyd George’s “Win the Wart" Cabinet as Minister of Munitions. The overpowering effect of Tanks in the present war is well-known, but when the First Great War startâ€" ed, there were few wih-o did‘ not scoff at the notion of 19.1w battleships. The War Office htadl refused even to consider experimenting wiflh- tank; and pigeonhloled‘ plans and designs for a tank with the terse verdict scribbled on the envelope: “The Once, in the spring of 1916, he re- turned to Lond‘on and took part in the debate on the Naval Estimates in Parliament. Greeted again as. a hero, he uttered} some prophetic words on the submarine menace, warning the House ï¬ll/at the Get- man‘s would certainly embark on un- restricted sru‘bmarine warfare. TOOK A OHlAN'O‘E. Without con- sulting either the War Office or the Treasury, Winston Churdhiill underâ€" took the responsibility of ordering- experimental tanks. Writing later of this decision, he says: “Had the tanks proved wholly abortive, or nev- er been accepted, or never used in any way by the military authorities FORETOLD SUBMAlR’LNE MlEN- AICE. As a major in the Scots Guards, Winston Churchill spent some time in France, and although constantly in the thick of the front line fighting, the Churchill luak stayâ€" ed with him, and) he came out un- scathed. man ...I coulcl have offered no effective defence to the charge that I hall wasted public money on a matter which was not in any way my busiâ€" ness and in regard to which I had not received expert ad’vice in any responsible military quarter." When Mr. Churchill left the cabâ€" inet, following tfhe Gallipoli d’isas-ter, he persuaded Mr. Ballfour, his suc- cessor at the Admiralty, to carry-on with the experiments, and as a re- sult, tanks were introduced on the battlefields of France late in 1916, with demoralising effect on the enemy. URGED M’EC‘HLANIIO'AL DEVEL- THE LIFE OF WINSTON CHURCHILL THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO ’5 mad!" Mr. Churchill ever fought. ***Next week; The Irish Problem and “Mr. Churchill meets his Waferâ€" loo.†Some years ago, the Atlantic flyer, Stanley Hauser, fell into the sea His plane floated] andI he managed to keep alive, until rescued, for days by -â€" of all things â€"â€" catching fish Iby means of his comrpass‘ needle, bent into a hook. When a girl living in the North of Scotland was assaulted by a man, she managed to grab a fire ex- tinguisher andf squirtedJ the chemical contents in her atthélcer's face, caus- ing him to plunge away in anguish. And, pros‘aicalily enough, there it the case of an Englis ’ butcher who defeated an armed thief lby knock- ing him unconscious with\ a leg of mutton! A's near as I could figure it out, my dream came to me the same week that my friend was lying near. death! Eamon de Valera, Premier of Eire, has no love for the dictators, yet he resembles Hitler and‘ Stalin in one respect â€" he is a foreigner to the country which he leads. Born in New York 68 years ago, his father died. His mother remar- an .Ir‘sh schoolteacher who married a sculptor-musician. But that was in pTe-rationmg days. Tod-ay, he’dl probably let the thief take his money. HAVE DREAlMlS ANY MEANâ€" ING? Do you believe in dreams? I didn’t used! to, but now â€" we'll, let me tell you of a dream that happened to me not very long ago. This is using guile to kill. Bur, lives have been saved! 'by utilising familiar things in unfamiliar ways. .Itd'reamttha-t I was ingwhook- am] my old headmaster was; taking the class. Sitting with me was a per- sonal friend of mine. When I awoke two points about this dream struck me as peculiar. First, my old] headmasted had- 1been dead for some years; secondly, ny friend never attended any school where I was attending. The other day I heard from Eng- land that my friend, who is an An- Raidl Warden, Ihadl lbeen so rbadly hurt in an air raid‘ that his life had- been despaired of. Happily, he managed to pull through. De Valera was two years old when his father died. His mbotlrer remar- ried and young “Dev†was sent back to Oulde Ifeland to [be cared' for by his uncle. He was brought up to be a Catholic priest but became, in- stead, a teacher of mathematics and a revolutionary. RICHMOND HILL PHONE 188 This isn‘t the first time things of this kind have happened. During the last war, thermos 'bottles were used as bomlbs, and] a railway bridge in Canada was blown up by a bomb of this type, placed by a German plotter. The idea was, naturally, that a thermos bottle would never !be suspected, even if it were discov- ered. GERMAN PLOTS. In the recent wrecking of an hotel at Istanbul, when the British Ambassador to Bul- garia, George Rendvel, nearly 105* his life, it was revealedl that the bomb had been made to look like a radio andl placed in the baggage of the British party. He is said to eat, sleep and live for his ideal? of “a United I“eland," Ibut may yet see the day when he will be passionately grateful that 1he six counties of Ulster are not yet part of Eire. For some of Britain’s crack troops are stationed in Ulster, and if Hitler invades Eire, these British troops will be vitally necess- ary to save Irelandv â€" and‘ de Val- era. American origin saved his life when he was_ captured by the British after the Easter Week rebellion in Dublin in 1916. Most of the revolutionary leaders were executed, ‘but de Val- era’s life was sparedl because he was American-born. Personality Parade SAVED BY LEG O‘F MIUTTO‘N! LIFE SPARED BY BRITAIN. Hi5 ASK FOR READING ANTHRACITE If it’s red, it’s Reading JONES COAL C0. 6189 Yonge St. Stop 12, Zone 8-218 YORK Auto Parts Always Sure Good Value “T THOMPSON PRODUCTS PISTON PINS -â€" KING PINS â€" VALVES SPRINGS AND GUIDES EXCHANGE REBUILT MOTORS WATER PUMP REPAIR KITS STARTERS, GENERATORS, CARBURETORS AND FUEL PUMPS EXCHANGE WILLARD AND NATIONAL BATTERIES Men’s and Boys’ Wearâ€"Men's, Boys’ and Children’s Shoes and Rubbers Phone 218w WALTER BONE & SON Mufflers, Tail Pipes and Exhaust Pipes for every Car and Truck on road “IF IT’S FOR CAR 0R TRUCKâ€"WE HAVE IT†I We Deliver Anywhere Firestone Tires â€" also good used ones, all sizes Clutch Plates, Clutch Facings and Clutch Parts BEARINGS AND BEARINGS INSERTS COMPLETE IGNITION SERVICE WIRE FENCING AND CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION You are assured of good value for your money when you deal with us. We handle only stand- ard lines, and we stand behind what we sell. Frost Steel & Wire Co. Products We GladIy, Quote Prices ony Saves You Money †BUY HERE WITH CONFIDENCE R J. CRAIGIE Phone Maple 864 THURSDAY, MAY 22nd, 1941. Richmond Hill