The Village Overseer will make the rounds of the Village during the early weeks of the month of May next. His passing at this time of year when an early summer has all the beauty and promise of God’s land, seems to symbolize the h0pe and strength he imparted to all about him. At the funeral service held on 'Monday afternoon from All Saints Church, the largest attendance ever witnessed here paid tribute. ‘ Please be ready with the re- quired amount when he calls. To Dr. Lockhart the medical pro- fession was a sacred trust and in the fulfilment of that trust he spar- ed himself nothing. Out of the rich- ness of his high ideals and frOm his great understanding heal-t, his in- fluence has become deeply rooted in the minds and hearts of the people. This influence is an institution, as it were, founded upon a roek which cannot be destroyed. The Doctor was born in Sydenham, near Kingston and received his degree at Queen’s University. In London, England he graduated from two hospitals an;r also took a special course in a hos- pital in Vienna, Austria. He was leader of the North York Conserva- tive Association for 25 years until a. few years ago; he was a Medical Health Officer for King- Township for many years; a member of the Masonic and Oddlfellow Orders, and he was a member and fonmer ward- en of All Saints’.Anglican Church at King. The Doetor was always an inspired and! loyal Britisher. The Union Jack draped the casket as one of his last requests. His love of nature and flowers afforded him many restful moments, as the beauty of the grounds surrounding his home give evidence. 7 The amount of tax is as fol- lows:â€" Dogs kept by the same individâ€" ual, one male dog . . .. $2.00 Each additional male dog $4.00 One female dog . . . . . . . . $5.00 Each additional female dog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.00 Richmond Hill, Apr. 24, 1941. A. J. HUME, Village Clerk. The Late Dr. George D. Lockhart I The life of a noble man, a greatl physician and a steadfast, sympa-j thetic friend came to a peacefuli close early Saturday afternoon in the person of the late Dr. George D. Lockhart of King. Forty-one. years of active service was concludâ€" ed but a few bluef days before h.s passing. Each one of those years was a witness to his patient, faithâ€" ful ministry to many hundreds of people. Not only did he heal sick bodies, he strengthened weary minds, comforted the cheerless and gave sound advice to those who soug‘i; direction. The Rector, Rev. E. W. G, Wor- rall, two former Rectors, Rev. Mr. McKittriclk and’ Rev. W. F. Wrixon, officiated. The honorary pallbear- ers were Dr. Frank Scott, Dr. Get A.“ hMuctox-ydh («only '64. fludtonomnlw-navlm andâ€. mustangme Men of 30, 40, 50 PIP. m. VIGOR. Salmon»)? Want normal pop. vlm. m. Mt)? THURSDAY, MAY 22nd, 1941. Cash Customers waiting For quick, satisfactory sales and rentals list Your property with us. KING CITY DISTRICT NEWS REAL ESTATE Phone 10, The Elevator This is the time of year to put in your Lowest Prices Adequate Supply Blue Coal mined by the largest coal Mining Co., D. L. & W. COAL Co. Buy your Seed Corn at the Elevator I. D. Ramer & Son DOGS R. C. NELLES Lansing Public Notice next winter supply of Blue Coal ic 'ra'bml ' chainin- Moore, Dr. C. R. Boulding', Dr. Wes- ley, Dr. Fred Rou-tley,-Dr. M. K. Dillane. The active pallbearers were Messrs. George Hately, Crawâ€" ford- Wells, R. Winter, W. J. Badger, J. 0. Little and J. E. Nesbitt of Newmarket. Among the out-ofâ€"town friends at the funeral on Monday were Mr. McKenzie of Woodbrid'ge, Mr. Elton Armstrong of Armitage, Ed‘gar Badger and mother of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lightfoot of Toron- to, Cecil Wells and' Mrs. Donald Brown of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Duncan of Todlmorden and Mrs. Holden of Toronto, Mr. ‘Chas. Malloy and sisters Mrs. J. M. Miller, Mrs. E. Glass and Miss Jean Cairns, all of Aurora, Mrs. Ireland! and daughter Mrs. C. Bad‘ger of Aurora. Teston Unitedv Church Strawberry Festival will be held June 24th. Laskay Anniversary will be held May 25. Dr. Walter Brown, preach- The bride, given away by her fath- er, was becomingly attired in pale blue silk jersey crepe, made with fitted bodice shirred‘ at the long waistline and three-quarter length Shirred sleeves. She wore natural blue flowers at the sweetheart neck- line and‘ a Marina blue heartâ€"shaped turban, beige accessories and twin silver fox furs, the gift of the groom. Mrs. Walter Rolling, as matron of honor, wore a rose ensemble with matching felt hat and navy blue ac- cessories and colorful corsage of sweet peas. The mid of honor was Miss Antoinette Lee, wearing pale blue crepe in French design, black straw hat with cerise trim, black accessories, and silver fox cape, and corsage of sweetheart roses. The guest of honor, Miss Norm-a Walker, niece of the bride, was prettin dressed in pale pink silk crepe, pale blue flannel cape and pink felt hat and blue and white accessot‘ies. She carried a nosegay of pink carnations and blue forget-me-nots. The groom was supported by Mr. Walter Roll- ing. The party motored) to Toronto for the wedding breakfast after which the bride and! groom left on a short trip. The couple will 1ch in Newmarket. The floral trilbutes came from many personal friends and associa- tions, with which the deceased was identified. The pupils of King City school formed a guard of honor at the church. The survivors are his wife, and three children, Douglas, Randolph and Louise of King. To the bereavâ€" ed family deep sympathy is expressâ€" Smith-Walker On Saturday afternoon, May 17th, the marriage of Margaret, eldest daughter of Mr. Arthur Walker and the late Mrs.‘Wa1ker of King, to Robert Everton Smith, son of the late Mr. Seth Smith and Mrs. Smith of Newmarket was solemnized‘ at United Church parsonage at King by the Rev. Douglas: Davis. King Women’s Institute paid Tem- peranceville W.I. a visit last week and report a very pleasant after- noon at the home of Mrs. Nelson Thompson. King W.I. heard the year’s financial report last week, re- ceipts $490.71, expenses $218.41, bal- ance $272.30. It was decided' to pur- sue a home nursing course during the coming year. Convenors of standing committees are as follows: Education, Miss E. Dennis; Health and Child Welfare, Miss Doris Pat- ton; Home Economics, Hilda Patton; Historical Research, Miss Burrows; Comrmunity Relief, Mrs. E. Campâ€" bell} Peace, Education and‘ Internaâ€" tional Relationship, Mrs. D. Raw}- ings; Canad‘ianizationv Miss M. Jarâ€" vis; Red) ‘Cross Committee, Mrs. Ross, Mrs. J. Monkman, Mrs. W. Wells; Pianist, Mrs. Rarwlings: Pro- gram, Mrs. R. Walker, Mrs. Walter Rolling. Cleaner Coal Richmond Hill Send a list of your Fair visitor to The Liberal. Dr. and Mrs‘ Bany Joan of the week with Wright. Miss Bes‘s'ie Patterson of the Do- .minion Civil Service, Ottawa, is vi“- iting her mother, Mrs. George Pat- terson, this week. Rev. David‘ Marshall of Whitby. formerly of Richmond Hill will be the preacher at the morning smvvice of Richmond Hill Presbyterian church Sunday morning at 11.45 am. D.S.T. Mrs. J. C. Young is visiting rela- tives in Galt this week. 'Mrs. J. Willson Harmon of Regina arrived in Richmond Hill on Monday to spend a few weeks with th9 Misses Mason at “Aspleyâ€. Mrs. Du Molin, Mr. Cornish, Mr. Harry Stark and Mr. Alex Stark of Totonto spent a pleasant afternoon on Tuesday with Miss A. Moylo and Mr. Harry Moyle. Anniversary Services at the Unit- ed Church next Sundlay morning and evening will include special music by the choir. ' This fine old' church will this year observe its sixty-ï¬rst anniversary. Mrs. J. N. McKilLop of Toronto was the guest speaker at the monthly meeting of the Evening Auxiliary of the Young Women of the United Church, which met at the home of Mus. Ira Ramer on Tuesday evening last. Mary Ellen Glass, Devoe Jernigan. Allan Hill, Mary Odelle Charles. Beverley Charles, Heather McAllis- ter, Eunice Sanders, Margaret Gould- ing, Patricia Devins, Shirley MylkS and Marion Little were among the pupils from this district taking part in a piano recital at the Willowdale Branch of the Toronto Conservatory of Music last Friday evening. On Tuesday evening last Miss Mildred Sims was presented at, her home with a talble lamp by the momlbers of the United Church choir. The- Liberal extends congratuh tions to Eric Wilson of Richmond Hill, who was a member of tin! graduating class at a Western Can- ada Air Training Centre last week when he received his “wings†and the rank of Serg.-01b5‘erver in the R.C.A.F. Sag-Observer Wilson is now stationed at Rivers, Manitoba! Rev. J. E. Todd, B.A., the popular pastor of St. Clair Avenue Unite'i Church, Toronto, will occupy the pulpit of the Richmond] Hill United Church at its sixtyâ€"first anniversary on Sunday morning next, May 2155171. Rev. Mr. Follett, who was pastor at St. Clair some years ago, will return to his old church for the morning service. In the evening he will in- terview a young Jewish refugee from Germany on “How Germany Treats the Jew.†Streets of Richmond Hill were treated to their annual application of dust-layer on Monday. The same product as was used! last year and which was very satisfactory was used‘ again this year. This treat- ment of Richmond Hill streets costs in the neighborhood- of $1000. Taking “Brotherhood†as' his sub- ject Rev. C. W. Follett delivered an inspiring sermon at Richmond: Hiii United‘ Church last Sunday morning when members of Richmond Lodge and visiting Masons attencziedl the ser- vice. MEALS MAY 24TH The Woman’s Association of the United Church is serving meals in the School Room on Saturday, May 24th. Hot Dinner to commence at 12 o'clock and: supper at 5 o‘clock. Price 40c. Come and! bring your friends. VETERANS Veterans of Vaughan and, Rich- mond‘ Hill Branch of the York 0011']- ty Veterans Association are asked to attend a meeting on Tuesday, June 3rd, at 8.30 p.m. in Richmond Hill Municipal Hall for the purpose. of closing the year’s [business and also the election of officers. All veterans are urged to attend this meeting at this important time. Wishing isn’t enoughâ€"aback it up with effort to win the war. Help the Victory Loan. MASONS ATTENDED Social and Personal THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND rIILL, ONTARIO ROADS OILED A. J. L. Wright and Parry Sound spent Mr. and Mrs. O. L. DIVINE SERVICE The Red Cross) Room will be closed for the afternoon on Friday, May 2’3rd, due to other activities in the village. The lucky number draw for the handsome tablecloth and: quilt, wm :be maie May 24th at 5 o'clock on the Fair Grounds at the location re- served by the locaL Red Cross. DANCE AT VELLORE Vellure Junior Ins¢itute and Jun- ior Farmers are holding a dance on Friday, May 30th in Vellore Hall. Max Boag’s Orchestra. Ernie Evans, floor manager. Admission 25c. plus tax. ACCEPTS CALL TO LOCAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Rev. S. W. Hirtle of Durham, On- tario has accepted a call to become the Minister of Richmond Hill, Thomhill and Aurora congregations. lst We were pleased this week to re- ceive an interesting letter from» Cpl. Gordon Armstrong, son of Mrs. Armstrong and the late James Arm- strong, former Richmond! Hill resiâ€" dents. “Gord’†is now with Car.- ada’s active service forces in Eng- land. Of the weather in England Gord says “I think the fellow who said ‘Oh to be in England, now that Spring is here’ mst have 'been an umbrella salesman.†The «biggest Ibuglbear of the troops he says Is tobacco and sweets. The tobacco in England is “lousy†and Canadian cigarettes are very welcome. Sweets are scarce and' expensive and: when received in Canadian boxes are much appreciated. ' WIN BLANKETS Monday night the draw was made for the two blankets raffledi by the bowling clulb. Bruce Chxamney drew the lucky numbers and the winners of the beautiful Hudson Bay blankets were Mrs. L. H. Clement and Mrs. A. G. Savage. ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Elizabeth» Roll'mson wish-es to ncunce the engagement of her only daughter Mary Ellen to Mr. Elwood Murray McLean, only son of Mr. and‘ Mrs. Murray McLean, Bayview Ave., the marriage to take place June 2 at 7.30 pm. in Langstaff Baptist Church. There will be thrills galore a: the Wrestling Show at the Arena, Sat- urday night at 9 pm. D.S.T. The card) includes several high class per- formers. BIRTH BAKERâ€"Mr. and Mrs. William J. E. Baker (nee Margaret Lilly) oi ‘Concordl announce the birth of a daughter on Wednesday, May 215t (Sharon Margaret). RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, May 2151211 10.30 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11.45 a.m. D.S.T.â€"Mornlng Service Rev. Davidl Marshall, Whitby. EMPIRE DAY SERVICES 8 a.m.â€"â€"Holy Communion. 10 armâ€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"â€"M0rning Prayer and Ser- RED CROSS NOTES mon.‘ 7 p.m.â€"â€"Evening Prayer and Ser- rmon. Services and: sermons appropriate to the Holiday. All welcome. Confirmation Class Friday at 8 pm. (Anglican) RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. 4 Markham Road Sunday, May 25th Ascension RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D. Pastor Sunday, May- 25th- Sixtiyvfirst Anniversary of present church edifice, and one hundred and thirty-sixth of founding of church. 9.45 a.m.â€"Sunday School. All De- partments. 1‘1 aimâ€"Public Worship. Guest speaker, Rev. J. E. Tod‘d, B.A., of St. Clair Ave. United Church, Toronto. 7 p.m.â€"“The Plight of the Jews in Germanyâ€. The pastor will intro- duce and interview a young ref- ugee Jew who is only a few years out of Germany. Mr. Klaus Goldschlag‘ is one of our brilliant students at Toronto University. and will tell at first hand what Naziism means in Germany. Special musical features at all ser- vices. A hearty welcome to you and your friends. “GORD†ARMSTRONG WRITES FROM ENGLAND will take up his duties here July ST. MARY’S CHURCH WRESTLING SHOW \VEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, MAY 28 - 29 LIONEL HARRYMORL‘ - LEW AYRES - ROBERT YOUNG in “ I}... V:lr]nun’n nm:a:a †Sat’y, May 24 DON’T MISS THE FAIR THIS YEAR! Richmond Hill F. S. TYNDALL, Pres. MONDAY 6; TUESDAY, MAY 26 - 27 BRENDA JOYCE - GEO. MURPHY - MISCHA AUER in “ Public Deb N0. 1 †Horse Show, Heavy and Light Horses. Saddle and Hurdle Events BIG WRESTLING SHOW IN THE ARENA AT NIGHT SHOWS START AT 7.30 P.M. AND 9.30 P.M. D.S.T. Military Display by Queen’s York Rangers FRIDAY 8; SATURDAY, MAY 23 - 24 ROBERT TAYLOR - RUTH HUSSEY in “ Flight Command †Midway, Ladies’ Softball Many Attractions â€"â€" ALSO â€"â€" RALPH BYRD - LORNA GRAY in “ Drums of the Desert ’ TODAY, THURSDAY, MAY 22 PAUL ML'NI - GENE TIERNEY in " Hudson’s Bay †Commencing at 9 pm. Dr. Kildare’s Crisis F. R. PERKINS, Sec. PAGE FIVE