SHEPPARD & GILL L U M B E R The property of William Glass, Lot 11, Con. 5, Vaughan, phone 7913 Maple. This horse is black and weighs about 1950 lbs. This horsle will stand in his own stable for ser- vice for the season from 6 pm. D.S.T. Terms to insure foal $1.00, service $10.00, payable on or before lst March 1942. Persons disposing of their mares before foaling time or not returning them regularly to horse will be charged whether in foal or not. Ail accidents at own- er"s risk. The property of R. B. Sutton, Lot 24, Con. 4, North York, or phone Maple 4612. This horse is dark grey with white mane and tail, is three years old and. weighs about 1700 lbs. He will stand at his own stable and for further information come in and see him. EATON HALL SAUTEUR (17267) Dated at; Richmond Hill in the County of York, this 12th day of May, 1941. All persons having claims against the estate of Andrew James Acey, late of the Township of York in the County of York, deceased, who died on or about the 14th day of April, 1941, are hereby notified to forward to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of June, 1941, full parti- culars of their claims against the said estate verified by affidavit. Af- ter the said date the Executor of the said' estate will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regardl only to claims of which he will then have notice, to the exclu- sion of all others, and! he will not be liable to any person of whOSe claim he shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Purebred Percheron Stallion ROBB DALE CARBERT (15692) In the Estate of ANDREW JAMES AJCEY, late of the Township of Yank: in the County of York, de- ceased. COMPANY THURSDAY, MAY 22nd, 1941. STOCK REGISTER Purebred Percheron Stallion Notice to Creditors RICHMOND HILL By his Solicitor, B. Bloomfield Jordan, 84 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Ontario Elwood Murray McLean, R. B. SUTTON. Owner JACOB ANDERSON Jacob Anderson, a native of King who is credited with designing the first walking plow complete with steel mould board, died Wednesday, May 7th at Aurora. Mr. Anderson was in his his 95th year. For 71 years he was an employee of the Fleury-Bissell firm. He wasactive in municipal life and an ardent. Me- thodist church and Sunday School worker. In fraternal circles he was affiliated with the Rising Sun lodge, A.F. & A.M., the I.0.0.F. and‘ the A.O.U.W., which later became the I.O.F. Surviving him are his WIdOW‘ the former Margaret Smith, and two sons, Rev. T. H. P. Anderson, of Oshawa, and F. A. D. Anderson, principal of Cobalt High School. Interment was in Aurora ceme- Intérment tery Friday wrï¬aheral services were held' Mon- dlay afternoon with intenment in Au- rora cemetery. MRS. R. A. EVANS Mrs. Robert A. Evans, a resident of the 3rd concession of King, died suddenly on Saturday, May 10th in her 73rd year. The former Annie Theressa Hunt, Mrs. Evans wag pre- deceased by her husband. Surviv- ing her are four children, Mrs. Mar- jory Flintoff, of Orillia; Mrs. Dor- othy Monkman of Newmarket; E1- gin, of Newmarket, and Arthur, of King. OBITUARY “BLOOD...TOIL... T ; RS and SWEAT " FIGHT. . .WORK .‘ . . PAY Mrs. J. J. Watson, of Woodbridge, descendant of some of Vaughan townvshvip’s early settlers, died Sat- urday, May 10th in a Toronto hos- pital. Her death followed an oper- ation she underwent shortly after be- ing stricken about two weeks ago. Funeral services were held‘ at A'l Saints Anglican Church King, on Monday, May 12th for George Al- bert Storey. Mr. Storey, who was 55 years old, died Saturday, May 10 after a prolonged illness. He had been employed 'by the C.N.R. at King for 13 years. Prior to that he “Ned! at Reddickvi-lle. He was a member of the Black Knights of A1~ landale. Surviving- him is a sisrter, Mrs. Fred Micks of Duntroon. In¢erment was in Innisiil came- tery. The Rev. E. W. G. Worrall officiated. KATE JEFFERIES A sisrtervof Mrs. Nellie McDonald of Maple, Kate Emily Jefferies died Friday, May 9th in Toronto. De- ceased was a daughter of the late Henry and Ellen Jefferies of Orillia. She is also survived by another sisâ€" ter, Edith, of Toronto. On Monday afternoon funeral ser- vices were held from her sister and brother-in-law’s (Mr. and) Mrs. Mil- ton McDonald) Maiple home with inâ€" terment in St. Andrew’s cemetery, Orillia. MRS. J. J. WATSON GEORGE STOREY We are spending billions. We are already heavily taxed. But most of these billions and those taxes are being spent in Canada. That money comes back to you. Keep it rolling. Keep putting it back into the war effort, so that it may be spent again and again. and again until Right prevails and the world is free. Great Britain has set us an example on a scale of heroic magniï¬cence history doesn’t record. Canada has the resources. Let us spare nothing. When our soldiers offer their lives, let us be willing to share our livelihood. The money is here. If we fail, we fall. Let us FIGHT! There can be no half wayâ€"n0 compromise. It is a war to WIN. Whatever you are called on to pay or to lend, it is little compared to the lives that our sons oï¬'er.. It is freedom we are ï¬ghting for, British freedom, the freedom of body and spirit that makes life worth living. Presently the Government of Canada will call for money. This is a war for existence. It is war to the death. It is a war to win or to lose. Money is the fourth arm of the service. There have been many and heavy calls upon Canada already. There will be more. Be prepared for sacriï¬ce. Let us face the truth and the truth will make us free. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO emméeelm The long awaited rain is here; And» watered all the flowers. And all the people gladly cheer, They’re thankful for the showers. It settled the drust on many road's, ‘ And: watered all the fields; It gave a drink to all the toads And) washed all car Windshields. By a Palgrave RS. pupil. Liberal Classified “Ads†bring re~ sults. Surviving are two sons, Leo. of Woodrbridge and Frank, of Hamilton. Also four grandâ€"children, Franks. now serving with the R.C.M.P. in Alberta; Leona and Deane, both 01 Hamilton, and John, of Woodbriage. A funeral service at the Wallace Street home on Monday afternoon was followed by interment ix. Hillâ€" crest cemetery. The Rev. C. W. Barrett of Woodlbridlge United! church officiated. Pallbearers were Bill Hollingshead, George Hollingsh-ead, Newton Watson, F‘loydl Farr, Gordon Wood and Morris Toole. A funéra] service. Street home on, M1 was followed by if} Mrs. Watson, the former Annie Wood, a native of the Elders Mills 9198., was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Woodg both of whom were also natives of Vaughan. Her husband, who died‘ about Iour years ago, was: for many years a Wood‘bridge Hydro commissloner, councillor, and hardware merchanr_ THE LONG AWAITED RAIN The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white net, with finger tip veil, and carried a bouquet of snapd'ragons and roses. She was attended by a sister, Reta. Best man was Allan Hillier of Osh- a/wa. Following a reception the couple left for a short wedding trip. They will reside at Woodibrid‘ge. HAYWARD-PILLSWORTH A very pretty wedding was 501â€" emnized at the Woodbrid-ge home of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Pillyworth on Sunday afternoon, May 11th, when their daughter, Vena Lillie, became the bride of Albert Hayward of Woodlbridge. The Rev. C. O. Smith of Oshawa; officiated}; music was played by Mrs. George 'I‘ranter, of Toronto, con-sin of the bride, and “I Love You Truly†was sung by Miss Beulah Jean T‘ranter. You can help win the war by buy- ing war savings stamps. H. N. Noble officiated. Miss Bertha Potter was bridesmaid‘ and Mr. Man- sell McTaggart was groomsman. They will reside at Richmond! Hill. McTAGGART-PO’I‘TER The wedding took place at the home of the bride’s parents at Mono Centre, of Martha Kath‘een Potter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Potter and Malcolm McTaggart, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.'Mc'1'uggart. Rev. WEDDING Seed Corn, Different Varietiei Fair Prices 82w Yerex’s Electrical ON ALL MAKES OF RADIOS BY CERTIFIED RADIO TECHNICIAN TUBES TESTED FREE FREE ESTIMATES RADIO LOANELD WHILE YOURS IS AWAY 26 Yonge St. Feeds for Farm Stock, Poultry ans} Hogs We will buy Wheat, Oats, Barley and Mixed Grain RICHMOND HILL, ONT. RADIO SERVICE THE MILL PAGE SEVEN Phones: Phone 242 139