Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 May 1941, p. 8

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You can heLp win the war by buy- ilg‘ war savings stamps. We specialize in reâ€"roofing, Cedar or Asphalt, & we invite your enquiries. Estimates will be cheerfully given 1 without obligation. 'ALTERATIONS and: IN‘SFULA’I‘ING Guarantee<fl Workmanship Phone SW The We Deliver WITH TOOLS FROM BRATHWAITE’S Garden Spades . . . . . . . . 85c. to $1.35 ea. Garden Forks . . . . . . . . . . . . 85c. to $1.75 Garden Hoes, all sizes Taylor-Forbes Lawn Mowers Grass Catchers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95c. ea. 50 Ft. Corrugated Hose, couplings at- tached . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.95 Bulk Seeds â€"â€" Fertilizers, Etc. PAGE EIGHT F. Y. W. BRATHWAITE RE-ROOFIN G Groom Your Garden RATES OF PAY IN THE BANKS $1.30 per Day with Board, Lodging, Clothing, Medical and Dental care provided. EXTRA: (1) Rates varying from 25¢ to 75¢ per day for skilled tradesmen while employed. (2) Dependent Allowances in Cash. C. Riddell r ACTIVE / SERVICE Richmond Hill HARDWARE Th‘ornhill Reeve Trench reports receipt, of many complaints of dogs running at large in the Village. All dogs must be tied up after May lst according to the local by-law. DISTRICT MEETING Representatives of district clubs met at Markham last week when tournament dates for the season were set. Entry fee for all regular tournaments will be $5.00 per rink at all clubs. COMPLAINTS ABOUT DOGS There’s a place for YOU at the wheel of a roaring tank; behind a spitting Ack-Ack gun; astride an armo'ured motorcycle . . o and YOU are not the man to hang back. It’s YOUR fight: the weapons are being forged; the way prepared. The call is to ACTION from the minute you step into uniforln. You and your PALS are needed NOW. Canada and the Empire, your home, your loved ones, must be protected; get into the fight. Go to your nearest District Recruiting Office. Find out about these Units; how they work, what they do. See just where you’ll fit in. See where any particular skill you possess can best be utilized. Then join up for ACTION. The Canadian Active Army requires men for Artillery, Engineers, Signals, Armoured Cars, Tanks, Infantry, Transport and Supply, IVIedical, Ordnance and other branches of the Service. The Army is prepared to teach many trades, and to train you to efficiently handle Canada’s weapons of war. DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE CANADA Phone 18 Apply to nearest District Recruiting Office or any local Armoury During the past week Dr. M. J evening, 8 p.m., May 27f. Quigley, D.D.S. has ‘been attending prayers are needed, an the Dentists convention being- held presence will he apprecia at the Royal York Hotel. “Ye ask, and' receive not, be( The W.I. met on Thursday, May 35k fimlSS-nâ€"The Bama- 15th at the home of Mrs. Maud’. “Whererth Shall I come he? The president Mrs. R. Holmes pre‘ Lord, “d ’bOW myself bej sided and' the guest speaker for the high GOd? He hath sh‘OW afternoon was the district president. 0 many What is gOOd; ‘11 Mrs. Maynard, who chose as her suit- dOth the Lord reqmre 0f 13 ject, “Democracy”, and gave a very '00 d0 justly" and‘ to love inspiring message. Mrs. Brillmgcr, and to walk humbly With ’01 convenor of the sewing dept, re- â€"Mlcah 618- portedl several quilts almost mm- pleted and that a number of lay “Yes? said an Old’ man, l l l u ettes have already been shippnd. A some terrible d‘isappointment letter was read from Mrs. Vincent “me, but none stands Out Massey acknowledging parceis of one that came to me wher clothing sent through the Kiwanis a boy” Club, and expressing gratitude for “Ami What Was that?" the useful articles, V “I crawled“ under a tent 1 THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH circus, only to ’discover it w: A Friendly Place to Worship Rev. Eldridge A. Currey, B.A., B.D. minister PREPARING GROUN] 1'0,a.m,â€"«Sunday School. Lesson tepic, Fail. 303m directors met Broadening Christian Horizonsuipark this afternoon, prepa, Peter's Vision. Gold‘en Text, “And [ grounds for Saturday’s Fair vival meeting.~ Miss Margaret Martin visited with Miss Ruth Hicks on Sunday last. Miss Florence Richwood and Miss Beatrice Forsythe of Toronto were Wednesday evening visitors at; the home of Mr. and! Mrs. A. Henderson. week-end The Young People of Thornhill United Church have planned an in- teresting hike on Saturday, May 24. All members intending to go are re- quested to be at the church ready to leave at 3 o’clock. Mr. Donald Davidson of Kirkland Lake visited with his family last THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Thornhill News Items “Yes,” said an Old! man, “I’ve had some terrible d‘isappointments in my time, but none stands out like the one that, came to me when I was a boy." SERVICE OF INTERCESSION In the Presbyterian Church, Tuesdmv evening, 8 p.m., May 27th; You prayers are needed, and your presence will be appreciated. “Ye ask, and’ receive not, because ye ask amiss.”â€"The Biflnle. “Wherewith shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before the. high God? He hath sh‘0wed thee, 0 man, what is good; and what doth the Lord‘ require of thee, but to do justly, and1 to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? â€"Micah 6:8. PREPARING GROUNDS Fair Board directors met at the Park this afternoon, preparing t“? Peter opened his mouth and said, ‘Of a truth, I percieve that God is no respecter of persons."â€"â€"Acts 10:34. 11 a.m.â€"â€"Morning Worship. Sermfl'. topic, Wit's-Endl Praying. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Worship. Sermon Topic, “What”s Right With the World? The young people are in- vited to the Parsonage after the evening sewice for a period 0: happy comradeship; come and join us, for you will be welcome. I come ’before the myself before thn hath sh‘Owed thee, Next Monday will mark the last of these weekly columns until the summer holiday period is over, prob- ably around the middle of Septem- ber; right here we would' like to express our gratitude to all who have been so kind- as to offer helpful counsel and appreciation, and to thank our genial and generous editor and} the staff of this splendid and newsy little weekly which enters in- to so many homes and! does so much to bring cheer and news and‘ views of people and of places far and near. We appreciate our paper, and we appreciate the kindness of those who have so willingly given us s-p-ace. week by week, for the printing of our little bits of news, views, and what-have-y-ou, as the occasion arose. Sometimes it was a bit of a problem to know what to write about, and especially when there were other things we would rather be doing, but when the space was provided and kindly people expressed their appreâ€" ciation of the little bits-which had been written, what could' one do but ‘carry on’? So icarl‘y‘ on' we didâ€"â€" thanks to you! 4. Never make great demands upor others. 5. Listen patiently while others covmplainl, but never complain your- self. nerves. 7. See Life on its bright side. 8. Show everylbody that you trust them as long as~ you have no reason not to. 3. Never expect too much of your friends. 9. Do what you can ‘to show that you share the sorrows ancfl joys of others. The Parsonage, Thornhill, Ont., Monday, May 19, 1941. Good afternoon, friends! The other day, in browsing through a little book given us by a friend, we came across the following “ten rules of life”, which resulted from a compe- tition held‘ in Sweden and: adjudged, to be the best; they are worth bring- ing to your attention: 1. Forget unpleasant things as quickly as possible. 2. Learn the art of being pleasant to others, and don’t be sparing in kind‘ words. I 10. Never provide an occasion for an apology from yourSelf. Forgive- ness may be a kinvd‘ of I‘econcilia‘ tion, but it is humiliating. Thornhill United Church News We had a lovely service last night, and the comments were so favor- able and so numerous that it wi'l in all likelihood be repeated in the fall, when more than the fifty or.- so who were out last evening will be present to enjoy it. Especialle sweet and touching was the trio. comprising Misses Ruth and} Jeai Hicks and Mrs. Floyd Davies, sing- ing "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”. We do appreciate the wonderful support every member or the choir has given this past year; the faithful attendance, the loyalty. devotion and interest of all members of the choir and of‘their leader and organist has been exceptional and most gratifying. May we all go forward with equal andl perhaps even more enthusiasm when all Church activities start up again in the an- tumn; oh no, we are not stopping yet, nor even slowing down, but we do recognize the fact that summer is coming, and that once June is here, we cannot look for just the same attendance and! results, so we express our appreciation vbefore sum- mer arrives and before those who deserve credit get away and! fail to receive it. We have enjoyed some very happy hours together in our little church this past year, and we look forward to many more of an even more enjoyable and helpful na- ture in the year which will start when holidays are over. Once again, our congregation is happy, 10yal, friendly, and' sincere, and) we gladly invite and welcome all who care to come and worship with us. If you have a church to go to, then go; f you haven’t, come and‘ worship with us, and we will rbid you welcome and ask you to make yourself at home. We love God, we love His day, His Church, His Word, and’ not least His people, of which you are a part so We welcome all who choose and can find it convenient to come. There is an automdbile story about. a man who eagerly desired to buy a number of accessories and ‘gadgets' for his car. The only way he could raise the money was to sell the car itself and then buy the ‘extras'. So that is what he did. Reminds us of the story of the man who was buy- ing a new car and) wanted to make sure he got a really good one, but fell in love with the twin-horn on a certain car to such an extent tha‘ he bought the car on the basis of the fine-sounding horn! That is just what the wild waves of life are tell- ing us: that we are in danger of 6. Master your moods and your THURSDAY, MAY 22nd, 1941. And now for the humour: A fazm- er visited his son’s college. Watch- ing students in a chemistry class, he was told that they were looking for a universal solvent. “What's that?" asked the farmer. “A liquid that will dissolve any- thing,” he was told. And now for the ‘thought for the week’: “There is nothing the body suffers that the soul may not profit by.”â€"«M-eredith. And, in the wordlsr of Scripture, we invite you to remember to take part in a service of worship this coming Sunday, and every Sunday; your holiday will be the sweeter. “Come now, let us reason together, saith the Lord. . .Therefore also now, saith the Lord, turn ye even unto Me with all your return- ing and’ rest ye shall be saved; in quietness and con-fitience shall be your is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve. . .and the apostles gathered' themselves unto Jesus; and He saith unto them, Come ye yourselves apart. . .and resl: awhile...And’ Jesus, as His custom was, went into the synagogue on the Sabbath dlay. . .I was glad! when they said| unto me, let us go into the House of the Lord...0 taste and see that the Lord is good'; blessed so till next week, and our final umn for the season, goodbye: “That’s a fine idea,” agreed the farmer, “but when you find‘ it, what are you going to keep it in?” allowing the accessories, the ‘g'adg~ ets’ and the ‘loud’ noises’ of life to usurp the place of life itself. ’Nufi said. ‘ Well, a joke, a thought for the week, an invitation to come and wor; ship with us, or to at least worship somewhere, before you go a-holiday- ing, or after you 'get th-ere’, and W. W. Reid, of Wooderidge, an active member of N. Clarke Wallace L.O.L. No. 28 since 1896, Tecxived‘ his past master’s jewel when repre- sentatives of 25 neighboring lodges and other visitors, totalling more than 200 persons, attended the Wood- ‘brid‘ge lodlge’s third annual open night on Thursday of last week Mr. Reid, now in his 82nd year, was Master of the lodge as far back as 1902. When he received the jewel from the hands of G. Chellevw, past Grand Master of Ontario West, three generations of his descendants were on hand to witness the cere- mony. They were his daughter, Mrs. Lulu Willis, past Mistress of Woodbridgve’s L.O.B.A.; his grand- daughter, Mrs. Joseph Weatherill, also an officer in the local ladies’ lodge. and a great granddaughter, Josephine Weather-ill. The evening opened with a variety entertainment presented by Miss Dorothy Evans, Humiber Summit tap dancer; Miss Jacqueline Jordan, Humber Summit, who entertained with acrobatics; the Cooper sisters of Mount Dennis, singers and‘ danc- ers; Miss" Jean Read, Mount Dennis tap dancer, and William Neal and J. Hines, Mount Dennis instrument- alists. Following lunch-eon, the Rev. J. H. Kidd, past master, rector of Christ Church, Woodbridge, spoke on the life history of the late N. Clarke Wallace, founder of the Woodlbridge lodge. Other speeches were deliv- ered by the Rev. W. L. L. Lawrence, past grand master of Ontario West, minister of Windermere United Church, Swansea, and the Editor of “’Protestant Action” Leslie H. Saun- ders, also a past grand master of Ontario West. Chairman was Wor- shipful Master Ken Love Later, dancing was enjoy-ed to music pro- vided by the Little Concession or- chestra. IS the Lord." Ken Love. W.M.; Geo. Pidge‘on, secretary; Wm. A. Hamilton, Thos. Rowntree and Edward Hollingshead was the committee in charge of the successful affair. Be with you next week, and' §o, till then, goodibye; PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the As- sessment Roll for the Township of Vaughan will be held; in the Town- ship Hall, Vellore, on MONDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1941 at 11 o’clock a.m. S.T. to hear and’ adjudicate upon any complaints against the Assessment Roll of the Municipality of the Town- ship of Vaughan for the said year 1941. All parties Interested are re- quested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. J. M. MCDONALD. Clerk of the said? Municipality. Maple, May 22, 1941. ASSESSMENT ROLL COURT OF REVISION the man that trusteth in the REID IS HONORED DURING OPEN NIGHT Municipality of Vaughan COUNTY OF YORK Sincerely, Your Minister C01

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