THURSDAY, MAY 29th, 1941. A meeting of very special inter- est took place in St. Andrew‘s Pres- byterian Church, Maple on Wedne:- day, May 21. It was the occasion of the 25th anncal meeting of Section III of Toronto Presbyterial and the fiftieth anniversary or St. Andrew’s Women’s Missionary Society. Mrs. J. A. Agar, Sectional Viceâ€"President presided and Mrs. N. A. Malloy, pre- 'sidlent, of St. Andrew’s, welcomed the guests. At the morning ses- sion a most interesting address was given by Mrs. Hall, president of To- ronto Presbyterial and the soloist was Mrs. A. C. Robinson. In the afternoon Mrs. Dickson, recently re- turned from Formosa, thrilled! the audience with stories of her life m "that land. ,Mrs. Mchean of Bolton sang an appropriate solo. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Snider and ‘M‘arilyn spent the week-end in Kingâ€" ston and while there visitedl Edmm Crooks who is a patient in the King- ston General Hospital. Friends will be sorry to learn that lRoy Keffer had the misfortune to (fall and! break his arm on Friday. We hope for a speedy recovery. At the luncheon to which former memlbers had been invited Mrs. Mal- loy gave a history of the Society since its organization. Mrs. C. H. Bowman called on former members and visitors who spoke briefly, in- cluding Mrs. S. R. Robinson, Mrs. Davids-on and Mrs. J. B. McLean of Toronto, Mrs. James Cameron of Weston and‘ Mrs. A. McClure of King. A beautiful four-storey birth- day cake which had' been made and decorated by members of the So- ciety was the centre of attractior. 'Miss C. Malloy of Aurora placed the knife in the cake and Miss A. rWal’kington and Miss S. Robinson .“t the candles. These three ladies Wet: all members of the Society when it was organized fifty years ago. There are also two other charter members who were unable to be present, Mrs. Ness of Montreal and Mrs. Churchil of Thornton. At the close of the af- ternoon session Rev. Mr. Bowman dismissed the meeting with the beneâ€" diction. Miss Jean Matheson spent a few days at her home here last week and left on Friday night to spend some time with her brother Mr. John A. .Matheson at Cross-field, Al- berta. Miss Lelia Vand’er‘burgh of Toronto accompanied her on her trip. Anniversary services of the Unit- ed Church Sunday School will be held on Sunday, June Lst with ser- vice at 11 am. and 7.30 pm. D.S.T. The guest speaker will be Rev. E. R. McLean who is General Secre- tary of the Ontario Religious Edu- cation Council. The Salvation Army Boys Band from Dovercourt Rd. Cit- adel will be in attendance in the morning and in the evening the male choir of Judge Motts Bible Class, St. Clair Avenue United Church, will sing under direction of Dr. Flazh. ‘A cordial invitation is extended to everyone to come and enjoy these The Sunday morning church ser- Ivice at Hope United Chumh has been withdrawn to enable memlbers of the vgon‘g'regation to attend the annivers- any services at Maple. Miss Ruth McCrimmon spent Sun- dhy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Forrest. everyone to com‘ services with us. Miss Jean Robinson of Toronto spent Monday afternoon at her home here. Mr. and‘ Mrs. J. Manning are spending this week at the home of their son George at Aurora. Mr. A. E. Shlarpe, father of Mrs. A. E. Snider, left on Wednesday ev- ening on an extencï¬ed- trip to the .west coast and Alaska. Mr. James Wilson, Edgeley, RR. 1 Maple, who is in the R.C.A.F. Training School at St. ’Ilhomas, pass- ed his intermediate examinations last week very successfully. Out of a class of ninety R.C.A.F. students he secured the highest marks of any. This brings one of our local boys to the front. Congratulations Jim. LEND NOW that Freedom may live! BUY VICTORY BONDS ! Official Representative Yonge Street Richmond Sacrifices are demanded of all. You are only asked to lend your money â€" money that will provide the ships, planes, tanks and guns to fin- ish the job! Help finish it with your dollars! Maple Help Finish the Job ROY HERRINGTON The W.A. held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Harold Mortson, Richmond Hill last Wednesday evening. Albion: 25 were present, and a few visitors. which we are always pleased to have namely, Mrs. Neil, Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Agar of Richmond Hill, and Mrs. Alf. Bagg, Miss Gladys Smuh and Mrs. C. Stong off Edgeley. The topic of the evening was taken by .Mrs. G. Gee on the subject, “The Life of Charles Wiley.†It was very interesting to hear the story of such a great man right from his boyhood days and to hear just what part his mother, Suzanne .Wesley, played in his life. We were also favored with two lovely s-olosl by Miss Smith aocomipanied' by Mrs. Bagg. On Thursday evening quite :1 number from Victoria: Square gath- ered with the Gormley folk at the home of Mr. Roy Nelson, the ocea- sion being a shower f0r his second daughter (Helen) who was recently married. The many usefuh and! l‘ove- Xry gifts were a sign of a host of friends of this young couple. On Friday friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Marvin Sityrmo to shower Miss Myrtle Avison and‘ Mr. Harold Wellman, whose marriage will take place shortlly. About 70 were present and a large number of useful gifts were receivedl at 1he close of which they both in a few words thanked all’ for the gifts and extended an invitation to visit them. The best of Wishes are extended to these two couples from the com- munity. The Sunday School held their an- nual meeting on Monday evening- in connection with their summer anni- versary. It was decided to have special services on Sunday, June 15. with a picnic following, wheneVer the committee in charge thought best. There will be further notice Later. Miss Mabel Sanderson spent Fri- day anternoon with her friend 1\ rs Wainwright of Toronto. Next Tuesday evening the J.W.I. and‘ J.F.A. will meet at the usual hour in the Community Hall. The topic for the J.W.I. will be take] by Miss Malbel Sanderson on the Hand Book and\ Legislature. 'l‘lxe motto will be taken ‘by Mrs. Meek. The roll call, the funniest scrape I ever saw anyone in. The J.F..-\. have as their guest speaker Mr. Dnr. Faiiibarn‘ There will also (be an inâ€" teresting half hour held jointly for this particular month. Plan now to attend. Friends are sorry to hear that Rev. McCaus‘land is not able to be out and miss his presence and help- fulness at meetings. Richmond Hill United Church is to be congratulated on having the speaker they had Sunday evening. After hearing him one would wonder where this Christian Canada had gone to. He certainly brought home the fact that there is good‘ and bad in every race, and- these signs you see “No Jews allowed†are anything but Christian. Perhaps if we were chased from country to country we wouldn’t be any better. It isn’t what our nation does, it is what the in- dividual thinks and does that will make a Christian nation and the sooner we learn to read' our Bible instead of so much common litera- ture the sooner we will be Chris- tian. There was a good attendance at the Y.P.U. on Sunday evening. The meeting was in charge of Miss Irene Beatty. A reading was‘_given by Miss Ru'by Avison. Miss Marion Boston rendered} two solos. Rev. McKay gave a very interesting topic on “Life Amongst the Indians". Next Sunday evenï¬ng the meeting will be in charge of Miss Viola Avison. VICTORIA SQUARE Mr. and Mrs. William Nursey (nee Irene Smith) had tea with Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith and family on Mon- day evening. Give while you may. Subscribe to the Victory Loan. Richmond Hill, Ont. Miss Marion Scrivener visited friends in St. Thomas over the noli- day week-end. Mrs. James MacDonald, St. Mary's v‘isited over the holiday with her brothers and sisters, the Moodic [family and also attendedI the Rich- mond’ Hill Annual Spring Fair. There will. be a ten for the best decorated Richmond Hill during Loan drive. Mr. Ross Silcox returned home from the hospital last Friday am is making favoralble progress follow- ing an operation. Mr. F. McWilliams of Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lynett, Mrs. Hammell and 2 daughters, Marie andI Mar- garet, Mrs. R. O’Connor andl Dorothy Elaine, all of Toronto, were guests of Mrs. M. Lynett on the holid’ay. Mrs. Thosr Michell and Miss Mai-- ion Michell have returned home af- ter a delightful trip through Quebec and the Maritime provinces. Mrs. George Ch-adiwiok, Church St., was able to return home from the hospital this week and is progress- ing favorably from injuries received in a motor accident. “Kid†Hamilton of Toronto, thirty years ago a resident of this district and an employee of the Newton Tannery at Elg’in Mills, renewed old acquaintances in Richmond Hill on the 24th. The annual Spring Flower Show of the Richmond Hill Horticultural Society for which prize lists- have been issued will be held in the Unit- ed’ Church School room next Tuesâ€" d‘ay evening, June 3rd. Open to the pu'blic from 8 to 9.30 pm. Friends of Mrs. Frank Hogg will be sorry to learn of the sudden deatn of Miss Leonoré K. Battles of Dun- staIble, Massachusetts on May 17th. As a memlber of Mrs. Hogg’s fam- ily, Mrss Battles was 9.- frequent visitor in Richmond Hill during the past few years. Morley B. Hall, for the past eleven years manager of the Dominion Store in Richmond Hill). left Tuesda" to take up his new duties as marâ€" ager of the Orillia Store. During his stay here Morley made many warm friends who regret his depar- ture and wish him every success in the future. Revs. Wellwood, Fol‘lett and Mrs. Gee attendecfl the Juibilee services of the West China Mission of the Unit- ed Church, held in Trinity United Church, Toronto, under the auspices of the Dominion Board of the W0- men‘s Missionary Society on Tues- d‘ay evening. A large congregation was in attendance, and a very inspir- ing program was presented. Miss Evelyn G. Folle’ot is in at- tendance at the Dominion Board an- nual meeting of W.M.S. of the Unit- ed Church of Canada, which is be- ing held in Emmanuel? College, To- ronto, this week. Miss Follett is the secretary of the Young Women’s organizations throughout; the Domin- ion, and is also registrar of the con- vention. The engagement is announced of Miss Wilha. Birch1 of Thornh‘ill to 'Mr. William Rumlblr‘e, son of/Mr. and Mrs. James Rumlble of Richmond Hill, the marriage to take place on June 2'lst. CARD 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Scott de- sire to thank their many friends for their expressions of sympathy and many acts of kindness in their re- cent bereavement. Mrs. S. Ireland and family wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their many kind} expressions of sympathy and.I floralJ trilbutes during their recent bereavement. PATTERSON LODGE DIVINE SERVICE Patterson Lodge A.F. & A.M., ‘Thornh-ill, announce that the Lodge will wttend’ divine service at: Lansing United! Church, Sunday, June 151: at 11 am. Masons of ï¬le district are invited to join in attending the ser- vice. IN MEMORIAM DENBYâ€"In loving memory of Charles Ernest Demby who died) May 3lst, 1941. - One year has passed: away, Since one we loved was called away; The shock was great, the pain severe, We little thought death was so neat Buy Victory Bonds‘ Social and Personal â€"Ever remembered 'by his wife and family. CARD 0F THANKS ENGAGEMENT THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO dollar prize building in the Victory The lucky tickets in the recent; Red‘ Cross draw on the fair grounds May 24th were numbers 392 and 890. Miss Helen Donaly won the hand-made tablecloth and Miss Betty Williams, 298 Huron Street, Toron- to, won the pieced quilt. Proceeds amounted to $6750. The $1.00 bill, rental for the Red Cross stand on the grounds, was returned to the Society to be raffled off in aid of the Red Cross. Twenty tickets a; five cents each were sold and the lucky ticket. was drawn by Mrs. W. Burns of Maple. NEWMARKET MILITARY CAMI‘ TEAM HERE FOR SOFTBALL OPENER The softball season officially opens tonight (Thursday) at the Richmond Hill Park with the first schedule game in the Simcoe County Softball League. The Military Cam,» team from N-e'wmarket will oppose the local nine. Manager Charlie Ryan Olf the locals has a good team lined up and is hopeful of again capturing the league honors. The teams in the league this year are: Barrie Collegians, Barrie Tannery“ Newm‘arket Military Camp, Aurora and- Richmond Hill, last year‘s cham- pions. The game starts tonight at 7.15. A small: charge will be made at the gate. Get behind the boys again and lbring home a winner for the second- year. YOUNG-BROWN The marriage was solemnized at the Presbyterian Manse, Brampton on Tuesday, May 27th of Mrs. Winnifred Brown of Brampton to Mr. Wilton Young of Richmond Hill, ReV. E. J. Miller officiating. Following a honeymoon trip through western Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Young will live in Richmond Hill. - M ANSBRIDGE-SIMS A very quiet bud; pretty wedding was solemnized in St. Mary’s Angliw can Church, Richmond Hill, on Sat- urday, May 24th, when Florence Mi: ‘ dred, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Sims became the bride of Mr. Edward! C. Manstbridge, son of Mrs. Man-shridge and the late Mr. F. Mandbridge. Rev. C. W. Follett and Rev. W. F. Wrixon officiateu. The couple were unattended. The bride wore powder :blue sheer with navy accessories and a corsage 0L sweet reels and lilryi-of-the-valley. The’ happy couple letft immediately after the ceremony for a short motor trip. On their return they will reside 1n Richmond1 Hill. OBITUARY STREET DANCE Will' be held] opposite Earl Haig Collegiate, Stop 7A Yonge Street, Wednesday, June 4th. at 8 pm. Spon- sor9d* by North York Canadian Wo- men's Service Force. Admisgion 25c. LATE W. D. SCOTT Willliam D. Scott, father of Reeve R. W. Scott of Vaughan Township passed away Friday, May 23rd, and the funeral was held from the fam- ily residence, south Yonge Street? Monday afternoon. The late “W. D31 Scott as he was popularly known‘ was in his 89th year, and had! been in failing health for some months.‘ Born at Beeehlburg‘, Ontario, near Pgmlbroke, the late Mr. Scott in his early life was engaged in the con- tracting business and he had railroad and bridge contracts from coast to coast. He was one of that srtm‘dy generation known as the “builders of Canada†and] he pioneered in rail- road building and lumbering. He was building a stretch of CPR. line west of Fort William at the time of the Northwest Rebellion, and he built stretches of line right across Canâ€" ada, from the Rookies- to the Mari- times. One of his contracts was the (building of the bridges on the C.N.R. ibetween Toronto and Parry Sound. RED CROSS NOTES He retired! from contracting and (bought his Vaughan Township farm in 1908. A man of sterling char- acter he was held: in highest esteem in the community, and he was al- ways ready to generous-1y support every worthâ€"while cause. The fun- eral service held at the family res!- denoe Monday afternoon was largely attended, and was conducted by Rev. S. S. Findlay, N. J. Smellie, Morgan Boyle, J. A. Monkman, A. G. Sav- age and A. E. Glass. E. B. Cook, former minrisrber uof Th'ornh‘ill United Church of which the late Mr. Scott was a devoted‘ memlber. Many beautiful floral tri- butes were evidence of the esteem of a wide circle of friends. The late Mr. Scott i9 survived by his one son, Reeve Robert W. Scott of Vaughan. His wife predeceased him nine years ago, and a daughter Lrene died“ in 1926. Interment took plac'e in Richmond Hill cemetery, the pallbearers being WEDDINGS TODAY, THURSDAY, MAY 29 _ LIONEL BARRYMORE - LEW AYRES - ELLEN DREW in “ Dr. Kildare’s Crisis †FRIDAY 8. SATURDAY, MAY 30 â€" 31 BING CROSBY - BOB IIOPE - DOROTHY LAMOUR in “ Road to Zanzibar †DURO Pressure Water System will do the same for you, if that problem be lack of running water and sanitary conveniences in your home. outside pumps and toilets belong to the past. In every home running water should be available at the turn of a faucet. Likewise, a modern Emco Bathroom is necessary for the health and happiness of your family. A modern will furnish the water and make it possible Emco Bathroom. SHOWS START AT 7.30 P.M. AND 9.30 PM. D.S.T. MON., TL'ES., WED., THURS, JUNE 2 - 3 - CHARLIE CHAPLIN â€" JACK OAKIE in “ The Great Dictator †Duro Water Supply Systems are styled for dependable life-long service. Thousands of satisï¬ed users prove their worth. They can be supplied for Gasoline Engine operation. Can be purchased under our Easy Payment Plan. The Duro Special System. capacity 250 gals. per hour, complete with 25 gal. Galvanized Tank and 25 or 60 cycle Motor costs only ................................. . For a. lovely bathroom, as illustrated, the EMCO Built-in Bath, Sh0wer, Toilet and Lavatory with trimmings costsmqply..‘..2 .. _.........a. v---- Vpiï¬Ã©ï¬‚and ï¬ning: extra) Other Complete Bathroom equipment as low as.... Duro Water Supply System R. H. KANE 24I London EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO.. Phome 92-R Yonge Street Richmond Hill PAGE FIVE Toronfo Vancouver $137.00 $84.50 $86.00 install an LIMITED Sudbury